"Compliance Now" Hours of Service |
Android & CalAmp 4230 |
1.0.1905.190710 |
GEO001 |
Download |
Download |
Geosavi ELD |
1-800-261-4361 |
support@geosavi.com |
https://geosavi.com |
333 N Wilmot Rd Suite 340, Tucson, AZ 85711 |
Data Transfer
The Compliance Now provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. Selecting the Data Transfer button from the Main HOS Main Screen will display the list of supported data transfer options which are via Bluetooth, Email and USB. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the Compliance Now to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
* Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
* Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file transferred is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The device's default email application will then be opened before sending the email to which the data will be transferred.
* Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password.
The Compliance Now ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the Compliance Now ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
? Power Malfunction
? Engine Synchronization Malfunction
? Timing Malfunction
? Position Malfunction
? Data Recording Malfunction
? Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event.
Certifying Statement of FMCSA Regulation Testing
The Compliance Now ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The Compliance Now ELD was installed on various types and sizes of Android phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the VBUS with Geometris & Calamp4230 connected devices. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser.
"All-In-One" ELD by HOS247 |
FLT4 |
4.1 and up |
247HOS |
Download |
Download |
HOS247 LLC |
415-839-9977 |
hello@hos247.com |
www.hos247.com |
203 Flamingo Rd Unit 507, Mill Valley, CA 94941 |
"All-In-One" ELD by HOS247 is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item and then press “Send Logs” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, press “Email Logs”, enter an email provided by an authorized safety official and press “Send“ button. |
"All-In-One" ELD by HOS247 monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The "All-In-One" ELD by HOS247 Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on the "All-In-One" ELD by HOS247 during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD. |
"All-In-One" ELD by HOS247 meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. HOS247 ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
"Prime8" ELD by Gorilla Safety |
GS0001 |
3.3.5 And Above |
GS0001 |
Download |
Download |
Gorilla Fleet Safety, LLC |
844-636-1360 |
info@gorillasafety.com |
http://www.gorillasafety.com |
22327 Gosling Rd, Spring, TX 77379 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Data transfer is easily done from the mobile device by clicking on the "Email Logs and DVIR" button in the inspection screen.
1. Tap the Inspection icon.
2. Tap the "BEGIN NEW INSPECTION" icon
3. Tap the "Email Logs and DVIR" button
4. Enter email address and send
There are no known malfunctions.
If a malfunction, as outlined in the ruling, occurs while using the ELD, a message appears to the driver and that malfunction will be recorded. |
The product has been thoroughly tested by both internal and external, third party, testers. Each requirement of the ELD has been either met or exceeded.
The process of review and testing included the full review of the ruling, testing procedures and debugging of any blocker found in the software package. It further included the retesting by additional quality assurance professionals. Ultimately, the programing and hardware operate as intended and are in compliance. |
Contractors E Logs - FJ2500 |
FJ2500LA |
4.6.2 |
FJ2500 |
Download |
Download |
EquipmentShare |
(573) 310-7902 |
t3support@equipmentshare.com |
https://www.equipmentshare.com/t3 |
5710 Bull Run Dr, Columbia, MO 65201 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The certified method of transferring data is via email and wireless web services. A driver will select “Inspections” from the bottom menu. There will be an option that says “Send Logs and Recap”. Select “Send Logs and Recap” and enter the email that the data will be transferred to. A driver may also send data directly to the FMCSA by tapping the option that reads "Send ELD Output File". If an internet connection cannot be established the driver can select “Inspect Logs and Recap” and pass the device to the safety official who can then view the current and last 7 days logs. Supported Data Transfer Methods: Email and Web Service |
1. POWER: There is a power issue with the hardware. It is possible the device is not connected.
2. ENGINE SYNCHRONIZATION: The mobile device has lost connectivity to the vehicle device for over 30 minutes.
3. TIMING: There is a discrepancy in timing between the devices and the vehicle.
4. POSITIONING: The GPS connection has been lost for 60 minutes or more.
5. DATA RECORDING: The device can no longer record or retain required events or retrieve recorded logs that are not kept remotely by the motor carrier.
6. DATA TRANSFER: The operation of the data transfer mechanism(s) is not confirmed. The device has remained in an unconfirmed data transfer mode for three consecutive monitoring checks. |
Under penalties of perjury, I, Tomas, hereby certify on behalf of EquipmentShare that ELD model FJ2500LA and version 4.6.2 has been sufficiently tested to meet the functional requirements included in the technical specifications in the Appendix to subpart B of part 395, title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, under the conditions in which the ELD would be used.
A copy of the testing performed on this device type can be found on internal Equipmentshare Drives under the Embedded Testing team. |
Contractors E Logs - MC5 |
MC5 |
4.6.2 |
Download |
Download |
EquipmentShare |
(573) 310-7902 |
t3support@equipmentshare.com |
https://www.equipmentshare.com/t3 |
5710 Bull Run Dr, Columbia, MO 65201 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The certified method of transferring data is via email and wireless web services. A driver will select “Inspections” from the bottom menu. There will be an option that says “Send Logs and Recap”. Select “Send Logs and Recap” and enter the email that the data will be transferred to. A driver may also send data directly to the FMCSA by tapping the option that reads "Send ELD Output File". If an internet connection cannot be established the driver can select “Inspect Logs and Recap” and pass the device to the safety official who can then view the current and last 7 days logs. Supported Data Transfer Methods: Email and Web Service |
1. POWER: There is a power issue with the hardware. It is possible the device is not connected.
2. ENGINE SYNCHRONIZATION: The mobile device has lost connectivity to the vehicle device for over 30 minutes.
3. TIMING: There is a discrepancy in timing between the devices and the vehicle.
4. POSITIONING: The GPS connection has been lost for 60 minutes or more.
5. DATA RECORDING: The device can no longer record or retain required events or retrieve recorded logs that are not kept remotely by the motor carrier.
6. DATA TRANSFER: The operation of the data transfer mechanism(s) is not confirmed. The device has remained in an unconfirmed data transfer mode for three consecutive monitoring checks. |
Under penalties of perjury, I, Tomas Solano, hereby certify on behalf of EquipmentShare that ELD model FJ2500LA and version 4.6.2 has been sufficiently tested to meet the functional requirements included in the technical specifications in the Appendix to subpart B of part 395, title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, under the conditions in which the ELD would be used. A copy of the testing performed on this device type can be found on internal Equipmentshare Drives under the Embedded Testing team. |
Contractors E Logs - MCX1M1 |
MCX1M1-A |
4.6.2 |
MCX1M1 |
Download |
Download |
EquipmentShare |
(573) 310-7902 |
t3support@equipmentshare.com |
https://www.equipmentshare.com/t3 |
5710 Bull Run Dr, Columbia, MO 65201 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The certified method of transferring data is via email and wireless web services. A driver will select “Inspections” from the bottom menu. There will be an option that says “Send Logs and Recap”. Select “Send Logs and Recap” and enter the email that the data will be transferred to.
A driver may also send data directly to the FMCSA by tapping the option that reads "Send ELD Output File".
If an internet connection cannot be established the driver can select “Inspect Logs and Recap” and pass the device to the safety official who can then view the current and last 7 days logs.
Supported Data Transfer Methods: Email and Web Service |
1. POWER: There is a power issue with the hardware. It is possible the device is not connected.
2. ENGINE SYNCHRONIZATION: The mobile device has lost connectivity to the vehicle device for over 30 minutes.
3. TIMING: There is a discrepancy in timing between the devices and the vehicle.
4. POSITIONING: The GPS connection has been lost for 60 minutes or more.
5. DATA RECORDING: The device can no longer record or retain required events or retrieve recorded logs that are not kept remotely by the motor carrier.
6. DATA TRANSFER: The operation of the data transfer mechanism(s) is not confirmed. The device has remained in an unconfirmed data transfer mode for three consecutive monitoring checks. |
Under penalties of perjury, I, Tomas Solano, hereby certify on behalf of EquipmentShare that ELD model MCX1M1-A and version 4.6.2 has been sufficiently tested to meet the functional requirements included in the technical specifications in the Appendix to subpart B of part 395, title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, under the conditions in which the ELD would be used.
A copy of the testing performed on this device type can be found on internal Equipmentshare Drives under the Embedded Testing team. |
2.81.05 and later |
NEX285 |
Download |
Download |
3129717689 |
info@eldnex.com |
http:// |
1603 Capitol Avenue, Suite 413, 3488 , Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The ELDNEX system simplifies telematics data transfer, allowing drivers to choose between
email or web services. To initiate the transfer, the driver can simply click the "Send" button after
adding the officer code in the dedicated section within the DOT Inspection Mode menu. |
With the objective of ensuring adherence to regulations, identifying malfunctions, and capturing
instances of data inconsistencies, the ELDNEX system utilizes specific codes for the
classification of compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events, including:
■ Pfor "Power compliance" malfunction,
■ Efor "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
■ Tfor "Timing compliance" malfunction,
■ Lfor "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
■ Rfor "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
■ Sfor "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
■ Ofor "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
■ 1for "Power data diagnostic" event,
■ 2for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
■ 3for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
■ 4for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
■ 5for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event,
■ 6for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events.
The ELDNEX Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records comprehensively log all malfunctions
that occurred during the relevant time period and convey information about active malfunctions
to every ELD user. |
Rigorous testing, in accordance with both internal protocols and the FMCSA's Test Plan and
Procedures, confirms the ELDNEX's compliance with the stipulated requirements for ELD
solutions detailed in 49 CFR Part 395, Subpart B, Appendix A. |
LorryTM ELD |
87A042620007 |
187110520 |
87-001 |
Download |
Download |
Lorry Time |
5512353272 |
lorrytimeapp@gmail.com |
https://lorrytm.info |
8018 Farmingdale Dr, Darien, IL 60561 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
To begin the DOT inspection tap the menu icon on the top left and select the DOT Inspection. To let office inspect your logs tap Begin Inspection. Logs for current and last seven days will appear on the screen. Hand the offices your mobile device. If the office asks for the output file tap Transfer Data. Select Web Service or Email transfer method. A DOT offices will provide the Output File Comment, enter it in the text box. Tap Send. If it was unsuccessful, you will receive the following message: "ELD File Sending Failed. Use a different Transfer Data method or try again." |
LorryTM ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the LorryTM ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions: ! Power Malfunction ! Engine Synchronization Malfunction ! Timing Malfunction ! Position Malfunction ! Data Recording Malfunction ! Data Transfer Malfunction Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event. |
LorryTM ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. LorryTM ELD was installed on various types and sizes of Android phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the VBUS with Geometris & Calamp4230 connected devices. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
NEW 003 |
1.3.0 or Higher |
NEW003 |
Download |
Download |
8314008888 |
info@new-eld-world.com |
http://www.neweldworld.com/ |
1549 Stoney Ln, APT B, Philadelphia, PA 19115 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
NEW ELD WORLD is a platform that built for records, stores and transfers ELD data via telematics method: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send ELD data via Wireless Web services user must go to the "INSPECTION" section from the menu and click the "SEND ELD OUTPUT FILE TO DOT" button. In order to send ELD data via e-mail, user must go to the "INSPECTION" section from the menu, after go to the "EMAIL LOGS" section and enter the e-mail address provided by authorized safety official and click the "SEND LOGS" button. |
NEW ELD WORLD is capable of monitoring ELD functionalities and detecting malfunctions. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
“Power compliance” malfunction,
“Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction,
“Timing compliance” malfunction,
“Positioning compliance” malfunction,
“Data recording compliance” malfunction,
“Data transfer compliance” malfunction,
“Other” ELD detected malfunction.
Malfunction occurrences are displayed on the top of the screen in the notification area of the mobile app.
NEW ELD WORLD malfunctions are stored and can withdraw when data needed for further analysis.
If any mulfunction occurs, driver will be notified with a popup describing information about the mulfunction and recomendations how driver should try to resolve or fix it. |
NEW ELD WORLD followed all the FMCSA procedures. NEW ELD WORLD has installed on various types of Android and iOS phones, tablets. Testing proccess has done through the J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the VBUS with Geometris & Calamp4230 connected devices. We certify the ELD has been tested and fully passed with all the FMCSA ELD Mandate Compliance. |
NEW 004 |
1.3.0 or Higher |
NEW004 |
Download |
Download |
8314008888 |
info@new-eld-world.com |
http://www.neweldworld.com/ |
1549 Stoney Ln, APT B, Philadelphia, PA 19115 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
NEW ELD WORLD is a platform that built for records, stores and transfers ELD data via telematics method: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send ELD data via Wireless Web services user must go to the "INSPECTION" section from the menu and click the "SEND ELD OUTPUT FILE TO DOT" button. In order to send ELD data via e-mail, user must go to the "INSPECTION" section from the menu, after go to the "EMAIL LOGS" section and enter the e-mail address provided by authorized safety official and click the "SEND LOGS" button. |
NEW ELD WORLD is capable of monitoring ELD functionalities and detecting malfunctions. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
“Power compliance” malfunction,
“Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction,
“Timing compliance” malfunction,
“Positioning compliance” malfunction,
“Data recording compliance” malfunction,
“Data transfer compliance” malfunction,
“Other” ELD detected malfunction.
Malfunction occurrences are displayed on the top of the screen in the notification area of the mobile app.
NEW ELD WORLD malfunctions are stored and can withdraw when data needed for further analysis.
If any mulfunction occurs, driver will be notified with a popup describing information about the mulfunction and recomendations how driver should try to resolve or fix it. |
NEW ELD WORLD followed all the FMCSA procedures. NEW ELD WORLD has installed on various types of Android and iOS phones, tablets. Testing proccess has done through the J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the VBUS with Geometris & Calamp4230 connected devices. We certify the ELD has been tested and fully passed with all the FMCSA ELD Mandate Compliance. |
ARN752 |
4.4.7 and higher |
CZGS10 |
Download |
Download |
TT ELD Inc |
8339070707 |
support@tteld.com |
https://tteld.com |
3864 CENTER RD STE A12, Brunswick OH 44212 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
TT ELD platform build for recording, storing and transferring the ELD data via telematics method of transferring. In order to transfer data, user should use Web services and Email. Transferring data to authorized safety official with web service takes two steps, first go to “INSPECTION” from menu bar and then press “SEND ELD OUTPUT FILE TO DOT”. In order, send the ELD data with Email, Driver should go to “INSPECTION” from menu bar and press “EMAIL LOGS”, enter email address provided by authorized safety official then press “SEND LOGS”. |
The TT ELD hardware capable of monitoring its compliance with technical requirement and detects malfunctions and keeps records of its malfunction. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. All TT ELD malfunctions are stored and can withdraw when data needed for further analysis. If any malfunction occurs - driver will be notified with a popup describing information about the malfunction. |
TT ELD platform is tested in various types of iPad devices and the team of TT ELD goes through all processes and steps of the ELD Test Plan and Procedures provided by FMCSA. We certify the ELD has been tested and fully passed with all the FMCSA ELD Mandate Compliance. |
Verizon Connect WorkPlan & HOS ELD (Android & iOS) - Formerly Telogis WorkPlan & HOS |
Calamp LMU 3640 Series |
Workplan 4/HOS 3 |
TC3640 |
Download |
Download |
Verizon Connect |
+1 (949) 389 5500 |
support@verizonconnect.com |
https://www.verizonconnect.com |
20 Enterprise, Ste 100, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 |
Verizon Connect ELD uses an electronic data transfer method to deliver driver logs. The driver can send the logs via email or web services to FMCSA from the application. Below are the step by step instructions:
o Click Actions from main HOS screen
o Select Inspector Mode
o Select the transfer icon at the top of the screen
o Select either Email to FMCSA or Upload to FMCSA
o Note: Driver will have to enter their password to leave Inspector Mode |
Verizon Connect ELD supports the following malfunctions:
▪ Power Compliance Malfunction – There has been a hardware issue or possible tampering with the installed unit. The recorded engine on and off events do not match between the mobile device and the vehicle unit.
▪ Engine Synchronization Compliance Malfunction – The mobile device has lost connectivity to the vehicle ECM for more than 30 minutes in a 24 hour period. During this time, the data on engine power status, vehicle motion status, miles driven and engine hours were not accessible.
▪ Timing Compliance Malfunction – There was a discrepancy of more than 5 minutes between the vehicle hardware and the mobile device, or between the mobile device and a network sourced timestamp.
▪ Positioning Compliance Malfunction – The GPS signal has been lost and the mobile device has not been able to retrieve a valid location for more than 60 minutes in a 24 hour period.
▪ Data Recording Compliance Malfunction – The mobile device is unable to properly record required data due to not enough storage space on the device. The mobile device can no longer record new events and events that have not been uploaded might be lost.
▪ Data Transfer Compliance Malfunction – The automatic data transfer check (that is performed once every 24 hours) has failed more than 3 times consecutively. |
This statement is to certify that the Verizon Connect ELD application and the hardware unit (TC3640) combined offering is in compliance with the U.S. Department of Transportation (“DOT”) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (“FMCSA”) Electronic Logging Device (“ELD”) for Hours-Of-Service (“HOS”) Requirements (“FMCSA ELD Requirements”), 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B. The Verizon Telogis ELD offering has gone through extensive testing using the distributed testing procedures as outlined by the FMCSA , along with additional field/drive testing. Using this offering, customers are able to to record, transmit and store all hours of service information according to the functional requirements as detailed in the FMCSA regulations noted above. |
!A1 - Ez-smart ELD by Ezlogz |
Ezlogz DApp 1 |
IOS2.4.17/GP2.1.57up |
Download |
Download |
Ezlogz Inc |
(800)670-7807 |
support@ezlogz.com |
https://ezlogz.com |
201 NE Park Plaza dr, suite 148, Vancouver, WA 98684 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The Ezlogz !A1 ELD on Blockchain Device offers the fallowing data transfer options: Email, Officer inspection mode, Bluetooth, and Web Services (Output file).
On Logbook screen of ELD driver always see's the eld icon, if any mulfunction occurs - driver will be notified with a popup describing information about the mulfunction and recomendations how driver should try to resolve/fix it and eld icon will become red.
Same time information about malfunction save into user history and will be displayed in inspection display/print data, eld data file.
If any mulfunctions currently active - eld icon will be red and clicking on it will show current mulfunctions infromation.
Also each eld client will recieve a printout, describing possible mulfunctions, how to detect them and steps to resolve them.
If need any additional information - please provide more specific question, as nowhere in eld mandate/ELD Test Plan and Procedures specified what exactly should be pointed in this field(explanation, examples)
Currently implemented malfunctions:
-Power data diagnostic events - if ELD is not powered and fully functional within one minute of the vehicle’s engine receiving power
-Power compliance malfunctions - if ELD is not powered for an aggregated in-motion driving time of 30 minutes or more over a 24-hour period across all driver profiles
-Engine synchronization data diagnostic events - if no data comes from vehicle ecu's within five seconds of the need
-Engine synchronization compliance malfunctions - if no data comes from vehicle ecu's for more than 30 minutes during a 24-hour period aggregated across all driver profiles.
-Timing compliance malfunction - if ELD can no longer meet the underlying compliance requirement to record Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
-Positioning compliance malfunction - if ELD fails to acquire a valid position measurement within 5 miles of the commercial motor vehicle moving and 60 minutes has passed(gps failure)
-Data recording compliance malfunction - occurs when an ELD can no longer record or retain required events or retrieve recorded logs that are not kept remotely by the motor carrier(memory limit, save failure)
-Missing required data elements data diagnostic event - if any required data field is missing at the time of its recording(validation failure)
-Data transfer data diagnostic event - if when the operation of the data transfer mechanism(s) is not confirmed(file generation failure, transfer failure)
-Data transfer compliance malfunction - if ELD stays in the unconfirmed data transfer mode following the next three consecutive monitoring checks(file generation failure, transfer failure)
-Unidentified driving records data diagnostic event - If ELD record driving event with no driver logged in for more than 30 minutes of driving time for an unidentified driver is recorded within a 24-hour period |
The Ezlogz techs fallowed all the FMCSA step by step procedures and came back with a positive (P) pass result.
IOSIX techs fallowed all the FMCSA step by step procedures and came back with a positive (P) pass result. |
!A1 ELD by HOS247 |
A1 |
2.2 and up |
1A1ELD |
Download |
Download |
HOS247 LLC |
415-839-9977 |
hello@hos247.com |
www.hos247.com |
203 Flamingo Rd Unit 507, Mill Valley, CA 94941 |
!A1 ELD by HOS247 is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item and then press “Send Logs” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, press “Email Logs”, enter an email provided by an authorized safety official and press “Send“ button. |
!A1 ELD by HOS247 monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The !A1 ELD by HOS247 Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on !A1 ELD by HOS247 during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD. |
!A1 ELD by HOS247 meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. !A1 ELD by HOS247 was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
" DataTrack247 ELD" |
DT247-BT-ELD |
3.0.6 |
WLI001 |
Download |
Download |
Tamir Alima |
7183952239 |
sales@datatrack247.com |
http://datatrack247.com |
138-48 Jewel Ave, Flushing/NY/11367 |
There is a one page document describing how the officer can enter “officer mode” by clicking on the icon on the top right “officer icon” present on all screens. Once in “officer mode” the Daily Header and Full Day ELD Record defined by the FMCSA are displayed. On the bottom of the page there is a button marked “send report.” Clicking this button brings up the window to email the report to any email address entered. It also features an option to submit the data to the FMCSA web services endpoint. This will utilize the SOAP protocol, per the FMCSA documentation, to transmit the ELD data file and the output file comment entered by the inspecting officer. |
Each malfunction has been coded following the "Standard Coding for Required Compliance Malfunction and Data Diagnostic Event Detection" definitions regarding "Malfunction/Diagnostic Code", "Malfunction Description" and "Data Diagnostic Event."
Power Compliance monitoring assures that the ELD will become fully functional within one minute of the engine on event and remain on as long as the vehicle's engine stays powered.
Engine Synchronization monitoring determines our connection to the ECM. This alerts the driver if there is a loss of connectivity to the ECM.
For Timing Compliance Monitoring, we periodically check UTC time via the internet.
For Positioning Compliance the ELD records the location, and uses the last valid position measurement and includes the latitude and longitude coordinates and distance traveled in miles, since the last valid position measurement. We also measure the elapsed time during periods when the ELD does not require a valid position measurement within 5 miles. If the time exceeds 60 minutes in a 24 hour period, it is marked as a positioning compliance malfunction.
An ELD monitors its storage capacity and integrity and detects data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events or retrieve recorded logs that are not otherwise catalogued remotely by the motor carrier. The ELD monitors the completeness of the ELD event record information in relation to the required data elements for each event type and records a missing data elements data diagnostics event for the driver if any required field is missing at the time of recording.
We check to make sure that our data transfer mechanism works properly at least once every 7 days.
All Data Diagnostic events are handled similarly according to the mandate.
I certify that the product meet the FMCSA specifications |
"All in one" Ez-Simple ELD by Ezlogz |
EZ101 |
iOS.2.4.4/GP2.1.45UP |
Download |
Download |
Ezlogz Inc |
(800)670-7807 |
support@ezlogz.com |
https://ezlogz.com |
201 NE Park Plaza dr, suite 148, Vancouver, WA 98684 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The Ezlogz Device uses email, officer inspection mode, Bluetooth, and web services (Output file). |
On Logbook screen of ELD driver always see's the eld icon, if any mulfunction occurs - driver will be notified with a popup describing information about the mulfunction and recomendations how driver should try to resolve/fix it and eld icon will become red.
Same time information about malfunction save into user history and will be displayed in inspection display/print data, eld data file.
If any mulfunctions currently active - eld icon will be red and clicking on it will show current mulfunctions infromation.
Also each eld client will recieve a printout, describing possible mulfunctions, how to detect them and steps to resolve them.
If need any additional information - please provide more specific question, as nowhere in eld mandate/ELD Test Plan and Procedures specified what exactly should be pointed in this field(explanation, examples)
Currently implemented malfunctions:
-Power data diagnostic events - if ELD is not powered and fully functional within one minute of the vehicle’s engine receiving power
-Power compliance malfunctions - if ELD is not powered for an aggregated in-motion driving time of 30 minutes or more over a 24-hour period across all driver profiles
-Engine synchronization data diagnostic events - if no data comes from vehicle ecu's within five seconds of the need
-Engine synchronization compliance malfunctions - if no data comes from vehicle ecu's for more than 30 minutes during a 24-hour period aggregated across all driver profiles.
-Timing compliance malfunction - if ELD can no longer meet the underlying compliance requirement to record Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
-Positioning compliance malfunction - if ELD fails to acquire a valid position measurement within 5 miles of the commercial motor vehicle moving and 60 minutes has passed(gps failure)
-Data recording compliance malfunction - occurs when an ELD can no longer record or retain required events or retrieve recorded logs that are not kept remotely by the motor carrier(memory limit, save failure)
-Missing required data elements data diagnostic event - if any required data field is missing at the time of its recording(validation failure)
-Data transfer data diagnostic event - if when the operation of the data transfer mechanism(s) is not confirmed(file generation failure, transfer failure)
-Data transfer compliance malfunction - if ELD stays in the unconfirmed data transfer mode following the next three consecutive monitoring checks(file generation failure, transfer failure)
-Unidentified driving records data diagnostic event - If ELD record driving event with no driver logged in for more than 30 minutes of driving time for an unidentified driver is recorded within a 24-hour period |
The Ezlogz techs fallowed all the FMCSA step by step procedures and came back with a positive (P) pass result. |
"HOS Reporter PLUS" |
XEL-003 |
215 or Higher |
XEL003 |
Download |
Download |
HOS-Reporter |
844-567-3191 |
sales@hos-reporter.com |
http://www.hos-reporter.com |
4740 Von Karman Ste #120, Newport Beach, CA 92660 |
Local (USB, Bluetooth)
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
To submit the Output File to an authorized safety official, the driver selects the “Export ELD Data File” from the Logbook screen. The driver, then, will select one of the following methods:
- FMCSA web service: This option securely communicates to FMCSA's end-point ad obtains submission ID.
- ELD Email Interface: This option transfer an encrypted email to FMCSA email address
Low battery, network disconnection, low internal memory space, ECM data transfer failure, location sensor failure. In addition, the following malfunctions are detected (and appropriate records created) by the XEL003:
- Power data diagnostic (diagnostic - 1)
- Engine synchronization data diagnostic (diagnostic - 2)
- Missing required data elements (diagnostic - 3)
- Data transfer (diagnostic - 4)
- Unidentified driving records data diagnostic (diagnostic - 5)
- Other ELD diagnostics (diagnostic - 6
- Power compliance (malfunction - P)
- Engine synchronization compliance (malfunction - E)
- Timing compliance (malfunction - T)
- Positioning compliance (malfunction - L)
- Data recording compliance (malfunction - R)
- Data transfer compliance (malfunction - S)
- Other ELD malfunctions (malfunction - O)
The "HOS Reporter PLUS" (XEL003) was tested on a diverse range of CMVs from different manufacturers and models as well drivers with different experience and backgrounds. Tests were also performed on different environments (indoor, outdoor, inside and outside CMVs). Procedures and areas of examinations were followed according to the “ELD Test Plan and Procedures” version 1.0 document released by FMCSA on April 25th 2016. The Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) was used and fully verified to ensure ELD compliance. Corrective actions and regression tests were made on all Failed test results. |
"Journey 8" and "Journey 8R" |
iGBL J8R | |
IGBW61 |
Download |
Download |
iGlobal LLC |
734-585-7878 |
info@igloballlc.com |
www.igloballlc.com |
315 NE 14th Street, Ocala FL 34470 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The Journey 8 R supports Wireless Web Service and Email transmission of the ELD Output file for Data Transmission.
To create an output file for Transmission, the user will need to press the ELD Transmission button that is located on the Menu Bar on the Top of all screens on the ELD. When this button is pressed, the user will be have the ability to enter an output file comment and chose Wireless Web Transmission or Email Transmission. Once the Transmission type is pressed a request is generated on the ELD to generate an output file and then to send to the selected transfer mechanism. The user will also have the ability to display their Daily Header and Event list to an authorized safety office by accessing the Elog tile, selecting review logs and then choosing Daily header or Event List. From the review logs screen the user and authorized safety official will also be able to view the drivers daily log graph.
The summary of malfunctions is as follows: Power Compliance Malfunction - Created when there is a aggregated In-Motion Driving time understatement of 30 minutes or more Engine Synchronization Compliance Malfunction - Created when connectivity to the ECM data sources is lost for more than 30 minutes in a 24 hour period.
Timing Compliance Malfunction - Created when ELD time exceeded a 10 minute deviation from the Coordinated Universal Time Positioning Compliance Malfunction - Created when ELD fails to acquire a valid position measurement within 5 miles of the trucks movement and has elapsed a cumulative 60 minutes in a 24-hour period
Data Recording Compliance Malfunction – Created when ELD is no longer able to record/retain events or retrieve recorded logs. Data Transfer Compliance Malfunction - Created when ELD has stayed in an unconfirmed data transfer mode for three consecutive monitoring checks.
Other ELD Malfunction - Created when ELD has failed to Synch logs
The software used in the Journey 8 tablet is the same software we already put through rigorous testing before we registered the EDGE MDT, but the hardware is different. I certify that both the hardware and software have been sufficiently tested and meet all known requirements of the ELD Mandate. New testing was completed with the tablet to ensure every test case passed. |
#1 ELD by HOS247 |
FLT3 |
2.5 and up |
247ELD |
Download |
Download |
HOS247 LLC |
415-839-9977 |
hello@hos247.com |
www.hos247.com |
203 Flamingo Rd Unit 507, Mill Valley, CA 94941 |
#1 ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item and then press “Send Logs” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, press “Email Logs”, enter an email provided by an authorized safety official and press “Send“ button.
#1 ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The #1 ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on #1 ELD during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD.
#1 ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. #1 ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0.
.ELD-Discounts |
LMU4230K |
2.2 |
VB0G12 |
Download |
Download |
iConnect Inc. |
844-539-8255 |
sales@eldsmartphone.com |
www.iConnectamc.com |
4455 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy, Dallas, Texas 75244 |
1. To your logs, select "Send/Print Logs" then choose the desired option and follow the prompts to perform the desired task.
2. Transfer options include email, bluetooth, & usb.
3. Select the method for sharing the logs
4. Select to Send/Transfer Logs |
Power compliance malfunction
There has been a hardware issue or possible tampering with the unit that is installed in your vehicle. The recorded engine on and off events do not match between the mobile device and the vehicle unit. Possibly the CMV has been operated with the hardware unit unplugged.
Engine synchronization compliance malfunction
The mobile device has lost connectivity to the vehicle unit for more than 30 minutes during a 24-hour period. During this time the data on engine power status, vehicle motion status, miles driven, and engine hours could no longer be accessed.
Timing compliance malfunction
There was a discrepancy of more than 5 minutes, either between the mobile device's time and the hardware unit’s time, or, between the ECM’s time and the hardware unit’s time.
Positioning compliance malfunction
The GPS connection has been lost and the mobile device has not been able to retrieve a valid location for more than 60 minutes within a 24-hour period. Check your GPS aerial.
Data recording compliance malfunction
The mobile device is unable to properly record required data, because there is not enough storage space available on the device. The mobile device can no longer record new events and you might lose events that have not been uploaded yet.
Data transfer compliance malfunction
The automatic data transfer check that is done once within each 24-hour period has failed more than 3 times. This means that you might have issues if you try to transfer your data. |
I certify the ELD has been tested to fully compile with FMCSA ELD Mandate Compliance. |
.ELDSmartPhone |
LMU4230J |
2.2 |
VB0G11 |
Download |
Download |
iConnect Inc. |
844-539-8255 |
sales@eldsmartphone.com |
www.iConnectamc.com |
4455 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy, Dallas, Texas 75244 |
1. To your logs, select "Send/Print Logs" then choose the desired option and follow the prompts to perform the desired task.
2. Transfer options include email, bluetooth, & usb.
3. Select the method for sharing the logs
4. Select to Send/Transfer Logs |
Power compliance malfunction
There has been a hardware issue or possible tampering with the unit that is installed in your vehicle. The recorded engine on and off events do not match between the mobile device and the vehicle unit. Possibly the CMV has been operated with the hardware unit unplugged.
Engine synchronization compliance malfunction
The mobile device has lost connectivity to the vehicle unit for more than 30 minutes during a 24-hour period. During this time the data on engine power status, vehicle motion status, miles driven, and engine hours could no longer be accessed.
Timing compliance malfunction
There was a discrepancy of more than 5 minutes, either between the mobile device's time and the hardware unit’s time, or, between the ECM’s time and the hardware unit’s time.
Positioning compliance malfunction
The GPS connection has been lost and the mobile device has not been able to retrieve a valid location for more than 60 minutes within a 24-hour period. Check your GPS aerial.
Data recording compliance malfunction
The mobile device is unable to properly record required data, because there is not enough storage space available on the device. The mobile device can no longer record new events and you might lose events that have not been uploaded yet.
Data transfer compliance malfunction
The automatic data transfer check that is done once within each 24-hour period has failed more than 3 times. This means that you might have issues if you try to transfer your data. |
I certify the ELD has been tested to fully compile with FMCSA ELD Mandate Compliance. |
.eTracELD |
LMU4230H |
2.2 |
VB0G10 |
Download |
Download |
iConnect Inc. |
844-539-8255 |
sales@eldsmartphone.com |
www.iConnectamc.com |
4455 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy, Dallas, Texas 75244 |
1. To your logs, select "Send/Print Logs" then choose the desired option and follow the prompts to perform the desired task.
2. Transfer options include email, bluetooth, & usb.
3. Select the method for sharing the logs
4. Select to Send/Transfer Logs |
Power compliance malfunction
There has been a hardware issue or possible tampering with the unit that is installed in your vehicle. The recorded engine on and off events do not match between the mobile device and the vehicle unit. Possibly the CMV has been operated with the hardware unit unplugged.
Engine synchronization compliance malfunction
The mobile device has lost connectivity to the vehicle unit for more than 30 minutes during a 24-hour period. During this time the data on engine power status, vehicle motion status, miles driven, and engine hours could no longer be accessed.
Timing compliance malfunction
There was a discrepancy of more than 5 minutes, either between the mobile device's time and the hardware unit’s time, or, between the ECM’s time and the hardware unit’s time.
Positioning compliance malfunction
The GPS connection has been lost and the mobile device has not been able to retrieve a valid location for more than 60 minutes within a 24-hour period. Check your GPS aerial.
Data recording compliance malfunction
The mobile device is unable to properly record required data, because there is not enough storage space available on the device. The mobile device can no longer record new events and you might lose events that have not been uploaded yet.
Data transfer compliance malfunction
The automatic data transfer check that is done once within each 24-hour period has failed more than 3 times. This means that you might have issues if you try to transfer your data. |
I certify the ELD has been tested to fully compile with FMCSA ELD Mandate Compliance. |
.NoFeeELD |
LMU4230L |
2.2 |
VB0G13 |
Download |
Download |
iConnect Inc. |
844-539-8255 |
sales@eldsmartphone.com |
www.iConnectamc.com |
4455 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy, Dallas, Texas 75244 |
1. To your logs, select "Send/Print Logs" then choose the desired option and follow the prompts to perform the desired task.
2. Transfer options include email, bluetooth, & usb.
3. Select the method for sharing the logs
4. Select to Send/Transfer Logs |
Power compliance malfunction
There has been a hardware issue or possible tampering with the unit that is installed in your vehicle. The recorded engine on and off events do not match between the mobile device and the vehicle unit. Possibly the CMV has been operated with the hardware unit unplugged.
Engine synchronization compliance malfunction
The mobile device has lost connectivity to the vehicle unit for more than 30 minutes during a 24-hour period. During this time the data on engine power status, vehicle motion status, miles driven, and engine hours could no longer be accessed.
Timing compliance malfunction
There was a discrepancy of more than 5 minutes, either between the mobile device's time and the hardware unit’s time, or, between the ECM’s time and the hardware unit’s time.
Positioning compliance malfunction
The GPS connection has been lost and the mobile device has not been able to retrieve a valid location for more than 60 minutes within a 24-hour period. Check your GPS aerial.
Data recording compliance malfunction
The mobile device is unable to properly record required data, because there is not enough storage space available on the device. The mobile device can no longer record new events and you might lose events that have not been uploaded yet.
Data transfer compliance malfunction
The automatic data transfer check that is done once within each 24-hour period has failed more than 3 times. This means that you might have issues if you try to transfer your data. |
I certify the ELD has been tested to fully compile with FMCSA ELD Mandate Compliance. |
1 S EW ELD |
2.21.02 and above |
SEW929 |
Download |
Download |
7148337835 |
support@1s-eastwest-eld.com |
8354 Princeton Glendale Rd, Ste 119, West Chester Township, OH 45069 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
1 S EW ELD, or Electronic Logging Device, is a tool that offers a comprehensive overview of a driver's records during a roadside inspection. Not only does it provide this information within the app, but it also facilitates the transfer of telematics data through email or web services. The DOT Inspection mode allows the driver to choose the method that works best for them. To transfer ELD records through Web services, the driver needs to access the "DOT Inspection" menu and select the "Send Logs" option. Then, they should choose Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and click the "SEND" button. Similarly, to transfer ELD records via Email, the driver should follow the same steps but select Email as the Data Transfer Type before clicking the "SEND" button. |
The 1 S EW ELD system ensures compliance with technical requirements, identifies malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and maintains records of such occurrences. Compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events are classified with specific codes, including P for "Power compliance" malfunction, E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction, T for "Timing compliance" malfunction, L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction, R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction, S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction, O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions, 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event, 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event, 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event, 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event, 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event, and 6
for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events. The 1 S EW ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records document all malfunctions that occurred during the relevant time period. Active malfunctions are communicated to all drivers who may use the ELD. |
1 S EW ELD has been thoroughly tested to ensure compliance with all the functional requirements outlined in Title 49, Part 395 of Section 4.9.1, Appendix A, Subpart B. 1 S EW ELD can confidently certify that our ELD product adheres to all the necessary ELD regulations. |
1.0 TruxBox ELD |
TTB-100 |
3.0.1 and higher |
Download |
Download |
TruxTrax Inc. |
1-877-515-5885 |
sales@truxtrax.com |
https://www.truxtrax.com |
800 Chemin Saint-José, La Prairie, QC, J5R 6W9 |
Telematic (Web Service)
The TraxTrax mobile application includes a ROADSIDE INSPECTION mode feature inside of the driver’s electronic logbook menu. Upon selecting the ROADSIDE INSPECTION mode the driver may select a time period of the current day + 7 previous days OR the current day + 14 previous days.
The ROADSIDE INSPECTION is intended for HOS compliance for a roadside inspection and can:
• Show a visual display summary of the electronic logbook and all events of the ELD Records of Duty Status information
• Electronically transfer data of the electronic logbook and all events of the ELD Records of Duty Status information via email
• Electronically transfer data of the electronic logbook and all events of the ELD Records of Duty Status information via web services
• Save a PDF of the electronic logbook and all events of the ELD Records of Duty Status information which will allow the user to print these records
The visual display summary, the electronic data transfer via email and web services and the PDF function for printing include the TruxTrax ELD authentication value when connected to the ELD. The electronic data transfer via email includes the TruxTrax ELD authentication value and is formatted as described in section and encrypted using the Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions as described in RFC 5751. This is contingent of the reception of the RFC 5321 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to be provided by the FMCSA. The electronic data transfer via web services includes the TruxTrax ELD authentication value and is set to convert an WSDL to XML format using SOAP. This is contingent of the reception of the FMCSA schema for upload and WSDL file instructions for upload using SOAP, as well as the Rules of Behavior, Interface Control Document (ICD), and the ELD Web Services Development Handbook.
The TruxTrax mobile application must be installed on an authorized mobile device (personal or fleet owned) and connected via Bluetooth/BLE to the TRUXBOX ELD which must be plugged in to the vehicles diagnostic port.
TruxTrax provides the ELD Malfunction sheet for drivers included in the Truxbox ELD user manual, which they can present to a DOT officer during an inspection in case of an ELD malfunction.
Data Diagnostics
An ELD must have the capability to monitor its compliance with the technical requirements. It must detect and record events related to malfunctions and data inconsistencies. (Subpart B, section 4.6)
Data Diagnostic Events: These events are when an ELD indicates there is a data inconsistency. The driver must follow the recommendations by the ELD provider to resolve the inconsistency, if it occurs. [Section 49 CFR 395.34(c)]
Power data diagnostic code 1
An ELD must monitor the Data it receives from the engine ECM or alternative sources, and data record history to identify instances when it may not have complied with the power requirements
? ELD not fully functional within one minute of the engine turning on
? Wiring or power source fault
Drivers must check that their logs are correct by reviewing them on the mobile application. Then, they can resolve the diagnostic event by turning of the Truck engine and restarting. The driver must notify the carrier and TruxTrax by following the “hard malfunction” process if these events become a regular occurrence.
Engine synchronization diagnostic code 2
An ELD is required to establish a link to the engine ECM, and must record an engine synchronization data diagnostics event, when it no longer can acquire values for the ELD parameters required for records within five seconds.
•Wiring or connection fault
Drivers must notify the carrier as soon as possible and arrange for the ECM link to be restored. Once the ECM link is restored, drivers must thoroughly review their logs and edit, as necessary, to ensure they are correct.
Then, they can resolve the diagnostic event by turning of the Truck engine and restarting. The driver must notify the carrier and TruxTrax by following the “hard malfunction” process if these events become a regular occurrence.
Missing required data elements data diagnostic code 3
An ELD must monitor the completeness of the ELD event record information in relation to the required data elements for each event type, and must record a missing data element and data diagnostics event for the driver, if any required field is missing at the time of recording.
• Temporary or permanent loss of GPS
• Intermittent or disconnected link to the vehicle ECM
Drivers can resolve this data diagnostic by manually entering the missing data associated with their records along with an explanation. The driver must notify the carrier and TruxTrax by following the “hard malfunction” process if these events become a regular occurrence.
Data transfer data diagnostic code 4
An ELD must implement in-service monitoring functions to verify that the data transfer mechanism(s) are continuing to function properly. An ELD must verify this functionality at least once every seven days.
• ELD fails to communicate records to EROAD Depot for seven continuous days
Unless driving in an area with known cellular coverage issues, drivers should notify their carrier immediately. This fault auto-resolves, if the device begins to communicate successfully again. The driver must notify the carrier and TruxTrax by following the “hard malfunction” process if these events become a regular occurrence.
Unidentified driving records data diagnostic code 5
If more than 30 minutes of driving in a 24-hour period shows unidentified driver on the ELD, the ELD must detect and record an unidentified driving record data diagnostic event, and the data diagnostic indicator must be turned on for all drivers logged in to that ELD for the current 24-hour period and the following seven days.
• More than 30 minutes combined vehicle use without a logged-in driver
Drivers must review the unidentified journeys recorded on the ELD and accept any periods of drive time recorded, while they were driving and not logged in to the ELD system.
Malfunctions management
Malfunction events are when the ELD detects technical compliance issues. The driver must: (1) notify the motor carrier within 24 hours, (2) reconstruct the record of duty status for the current 24 hours and the last seven days on graph -grid paper logs that comply with Section 49 CFR 395.8. Keep paper logs until the ELD is serviced and brought back into compliance. [Section 395.34(a)]
Power compliance code P
An ELD must monitor the data it receives from the engine ECM or alternative sources, and data record history to identify instances when it might not have complied with the power requirements.
• More than 30 minutes of driving time lost in a 24-hour period
Drivers should review and correct their logs, and notify their carrier of the fault. Once the fault has been corrected, the malfunction is cleared by explaining the fault and resolution in the ELogbook notes section.
Engine synchronization code E
An ELD must set an engine synchronization compliance malfunction, if connectivity to any of the required data sources is lost for more than 30 minutes during a 24-hour period aggregated across all driver profiles.
• More than 30 minutes without ECM engine synchronization over a 24-hour period
Drivers must notify their carrier as soon as possible and arrange for the ECM link to be restored. Once the ECM link is restored, drivers must thoroughly review their logs and edit, as necessary, to ensure they are correct. Then, they can resolve the diagnostic event by turning of the Truck engine and restarting. The driver must notify the carrier and TruxTrax by following the “hard malfunction” process if these events become a regular occurrence.
Timing compliance code T
The ELD must periodically cross-check its time with an external UTC source, and must record a timing compliance malfunction when it can no longer meet the underlying timing requirement of less than 10 minutes’ time deviation.
• Vehicle has been out of service for sufficient time that the internal clock is no longer accurate, and the ELD has not yet synchronised its time
Once the internal clock has been corrected, drivers are prompted to review their logs before resolving the malfunction. Then, they can resolve the diagnostic event by turning of the Truck engine and restarting. The driver must notify the carrier and TruxTrax by following the “hard malfunction” process if these events become a regular occurrence.
Positioning compliance cone L
An ELD must monitor elapsed time during periods when the ELD fails to acquire a valid position measurement within five miles of the CMV’s movement. When such elapsed time exceeds a cumulative 60 minutes over a 24-hour period, the ELD must set and record a positioning compliance malfunction.
• More than 60 minutes without a valid GPS fix in a 24-hour period
This malfunction might appear during a temporary loss of a valid GPS fix, but it auto-resolves once GPS is restored. The driver must notify the carrier and TruxTrax by following the “hard malfunction” process if these events become a regular occurrence.
Data recording compliance R
An ELD must monitor its storage capacity and integrity and must detect a data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events, or retrieve recorded logs that are not otherwise cataloged remotely by the motor carrier.
• Hardware fault
The driver must notify the carrier and TruxTrax by following the “hard malfunction” process.
Data Transfer compliance code S
After an ELD records a data transfer data diagnostic event, the ELD must increase the frequency of the monitoring function to check at least once every 24-hour period. If the ELD stays in the unconfirmed data transfer mode following the next three consecutive monitoring checks, the ELD must detect a data transfer compliance malfunction.
•Failure to communicate for three days following a data transfer data diagnostic event
Unless driving in an area with known cellular coverage issues, the driver must notify the carrier and TruxTrax by following the “hard malfunction” process if these events become a regular occurrence. This fault auto-resolves, when the device begins to communicate successfully.
TruxTrax “Truxbox” ELD Certifying statement
TruxTrax Inc. (“TruxTrax”) is the manufacturer of the Truxbox ELD device and the TruxTrax web platform which, along with a connected Android device and the TruxTrax mobile application, comprises of an hours of service solution via Electronic Logbook and Electronic Logging Device (ELD) as described in the “Truxbox ELD user manual”.
Subject to the terms set out in this certificate, TruxTrax certifies that the design of the Truxbox ELD has been tested to meet the FMCSA requirements of § 395.15 of title 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 395 under the conditions that it will be used, as intended and described in the “Truxbox ELD user manual”. TruxTrax inc. certifies that the Truxbox ELD is compliant with the FMCSA technical specifications as set forth in § 395.15 of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. It is the Carrier’s responsibility to ensure that drivers are adequately informed and trained regarding the proper operation of the Truxbox ELD device.
The above certification is subject to and conditional upon the proper installation, configuration and use of the Truxbox ELD device in accordance with all applicable documentation. Failure to do so may result in inconsistencies in the ELD device performance. This certificate is not a substitute for, nor does it relieve an operator of its responsibilities under applicable law.
This certificate is not intended to give rise to any enforceable agreement with or any undertaking to any person or persons whatsoever.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing:
(a) TruxTrax disclaims all representations, warranties and conditions, express or implied, including without limitation any representations, warranties and conditions of merchantability, merchantable quality, durability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, title, quiet enjoyment or quiet possession and those arising by statute or in law, or from a course of dealing or usage of trade; and (b) in no event will TruxTrax inc. be liable or otherwise responsible for any loss or damages of any kind whatsoever,
(b) Including without limitation special, incidental, indirect or consequential losses or damages, loss of revenue or profits, loss of data, business information or loss of use thereof, failure to realize expected profits or savings, loss of capital, loss of business opportunities lost goodwill or any other commercial or economic loss or damage of any kind.
The foregoing exclusions and disclaimers above will apply irrespective of the nature of the cause of action, including breach of contract, tort, negligence, negligent misrepresentation, strict liability, product liability or any other legal or equitable theory
This certificate is solely for the information of end users who have purchased or subscribed to the “Truxbox ELD” solution from TruxTrax inc. to facilitate their compliance with § 395.15 of 49 CFR Part 395 and is not to be used, circulated, quoted, relied upon or otherwise referred to by any other person, in any other manner for any other purpose.
TruxTrax Inc.
5580 Boulevard Thimens,
Saint-Laurent, QC
H4R 2K9
1701 NCX ELD |
NCX1701 |
2.3.1 |
RFS6T7 |
Download |
Download |
National Carrier Exchange |
213 232 8687 |
support@NationalCarrierExchange.com |
https://www.NationalCarrierExchange.com |
5757 W Century Blvd, Suite 700-1, Los Angeles, CA 90045 |
1. In the "My Log" page of the mobile application, select the "Transfer Logs" button.
2. Select the dates for the Logs you wish to transfer by tapping the date boxes.
3. To transfer by Email, tap the "Email" section. The Email will be automatically entered in the email field and your logs will be ready to be emailed. Tap the green transfer button to complete the transfer.
4. If the inspector asks to use Web Services, they will provide a routing code. After you enter the routing code, the last 8 days of your logs will be transferred to the FMCSA, where the inspector can review them. |
Hardware Function Displays:
Connection (Green Status Light)
Cellular Network (Yellow Status Light)
Bluetooth Connection (Blue Status Light)
GNSS Position Fix (Red Status Light)
Unauthorized Movement (Audio Alert)
Each status indicator will show a live display of the monitored state of that portion of the ELD. The Software Application running on the Driver's Mobile Device will provide additional data in the event of any malfunctions, such as Compliance Malfunctions and Data Diagnostic Event Detections.
Specifically, these are the errors described in TABLE 4 (Page 89), using the provided coding system for Malfunctions and Diagnostic Events:
P: Power Compliance malfunction
E: Engine Synchronization Compliance malfunction
T: Timing Compliance malfunction
L: Positioning Compliance malfunction
R: Data Recording Compliance malfunction
S: Data Transfer Compliance malfunction
O: Other ELD-Detected malfunction
1: Power Data Diagnostic event
2: Engine Synchronization Data Diagnostic event
3: Missing Required Data Elements Data Diagnostic event
4: Data Transfer Data Diagnostic event
5: Unidentified Driving Records Data Diagnostic event
6: Other ELD-Identified Diagnostic event |
Throughout the development process, we have tested this model of device in a different makes and models of trucks, under a wide variety of use conditions and have corrected all bugs and errors that such testing has revealed through a continuous, iterative development process. At this point, we consider the device's hardware and software ready to release for use by the Trucking Industry. We hereby certify that this device is compliant to meet the requirements imposed by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's Electronic Logging Device Mandate of December 2015, and any subsequent updates and amendments that have been released to date. |
1ELD |
CTG4 |
2.H |
Download |
Download |
Cartrack USA |
4245008601 |
aziz.asad@cartrack.us |
https://www.cartrack.us/ |
12100 Wilshire Blvd, 1550, Los Angeles |
Telematic (Web Service)
Following are available
OPTIONS Currently Available
Data Transfer During Roadside Safety Inspections
Driver can enter roadside inspection mode on the tablet and either Email or display the data to the officer during the inspection. Driver can show current 24 hours and past 7 days to the inspecting officer. This will be in a traditional log based view as per current paper based log book inspections.
Driver can email RODS in a PDF format or data file in a CSV format to the Inspection officer.
The CSV file has:
(1) a header segment, which specifies current or non-varying elements of an ELD file; and
(2) variable length comma-delimited segments for the drivers, vehicles, ELD events, ELD malfunction and data diagnostics records, ELD login and logout activity, and unidentified driver records.
Future state, Web Service and Bluetooth data transfer protocols to be defined these will both be available.
The 1ELD application has the ability to send RODS via Web services and SOAP based on configurations.
ELD Malfunction events are logged based on Accelerometer and GPS movement and comparison to actual data received from ECM.
Connectivity issues are logged in real time based on communication between ECM and ELD.
GPS and ELD.
Server and ELD.
Driver ELD app and ELD.
Database Required fields and ELD.
The following Malfunctions are all logged by the ELD
Power Compliance Malfunctions
Engine Synchronization Malfunctions
Timing Compliance Malfunctions
Position Compliance Malfunctions
Data Recording Malfunctions
Missing Required Data Malfunctions
The company certifies based on the following testing procedure that the 1ELD device is compliant and passed the FMCSA Test plan and Procedures Requirements.
We used a third party Quality assurance and Testing Team.
Devices were beta tested in customers for field testing.
Detailed user testing and regression testing procedures.
For Hardware and Application:
Test Case Preparation
Automated Script Identification and Modification
Manual and Automated Testing
Usability Testing
Performance Testing
Security and Compliance Testing
Device Testing
QA and testing of all modules excluding
ELD-FUNC-4.10.2-1 |
24HOS ELD / Android |
PT30 |
1.0.01 |
024HOS |
Download |
Download |
13853424411 |
safety24hos@gmail.com |
http://24hoseld.com |
3957 1000 East, Millcreek, UT, 84124 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
To transfer your ELD records to authorized Safety Officials, you need to open the "DOT Inspect" menu (Click on the "DOT Inspect" button it the Additional Menu on your device).
The DOT Inspection menu provides summaries of all the collected data about the driver, truck, and trip. You may also use this menu to transfer the data to FMCSA during the DOT inspection, certify your logs, or view unidentified records.
Click on the “Start Inspection” button and check if your logs are ready to be transferred to the Safety Officials. If everything is OK, click the “Transfer Data” to Roadside Inspector button and choose the method of sending your logs:
- Send it to the Personal Email (provided by the inspector);
- Send it to the FMCSA Email;
- Send it to Web Services (FMCSA).
If you select “Personal Email”, you need to enter the recipient's address and add a comment. If you select “Web Services (FMCSA)” or “Email to FMCSA” you need to add a comment. The reporting period will vary depending on the rules of the country in which you operate. |
If there are any malfunctions or data diagnostic issues detected, the M/D
icon at the top of the app screen will change its color from green to red. In case of a malfunction, the red "M" letter will indicate a Malfunction, and if there is a Data Diagnostic, the red "D" letter will indicate data error.
Malfunctions and Data Diagnostic can also be displayed in the Logs menu as Malfunction event or Data Diagnostic event.
As of the Malfunctions you can notice such types of issues:
-Engine Synchronization
-Positioning compliance
-Data recording compliance
-Unregistered odometer change
-Timing compliance
-Power compliance
As of the Data Diagnostics problem you can notice such types of issue:
-Engine synchronization
-Missing data elements
-Unidentified driving records
-Data transfer
-Power data diagnostic
To learn more about the problem you are facing, tap the M/D icon at the top of the app screen and check the details. |
The 24HOS ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The application was installed on various models of Android and iOS operated mobile devices. The testing was performed using a simulator as well as actual motor vehicles. |
24HOS ELD / iOS |
PT30 |
1.01.01 |
024HOS |
Download |
Download |
13853424411 |
safety24hos@gmail.com |
http://24hoseld.com |
3957 1000 East, Millcreek, UT, 84124 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
To transfer your ELD records to authorized Safety Officials, you need to open the "DOT Inspect" menu (Click on the "DOT Inspect" Button on your device).
Click on the “Start Inspection” button and check if your logs are ready to be transferred to the Safety Officials. If everything is OK, click the “Transfer Data” to Roadside Inspector button and choose the method of sending your logs:
- Send it to the Personal Email (provided by the inspector);
- Send it to the FMCSA Email;
- Send it to Web Services (FMCSA).
If you select “Personal Email”, you need to enter the recipient's address and add a comment. If you select “Web Services (FMCSA)” or “Email to FMCSA” you need to add a comment. The reporting period will vary depending on the rules of the country in which you operate. |
If there are any malfunctions or data diagnostic issues detected, the M/D
icon at the top of the app screen will change its color from green to red. In case of a malfunction, the red "M" letter will indicate a Malfunction, and if there is a Data Diagnostic, the red "D" letter will indicate data error.
Malfunctions and Data Diagnostic can also be displayed in the Logs menu as Malfunction event or Data Diagnostic event.
As of the Malfunctions you can notice such types of issues:
-Engine Synchronization
-Positioning compliance
-Data recording compliance
-Unregistered odometer change
-Timing compliance
-Power compliance
As of the Data Diagnostics problem you can notice such types of issue:
-Engine synchronization
-Missing data elements
-Unidentified driving records
-Data transfer
-Power data diagnostic
To learn more about the problem you are facing, tap the M/D icon at the top of the app screen and check the details. |
The 24HOS ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The application was installed on various models of Android and iOS operated mobile devices. The testing was performed using a simulator as well as actual motor vehicles. |
24LYD |
2.24.6 or higher |
2RS188 |
Download |
Download |
24Rally LLC |
940-500-8043 |
info@24Rally.com |
http://www.24Rally.com |
2591 Dallas Pkwy, Ste 300, Frisco, TX 75034 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Through the 24RALLY ELD system, telematics data transfer is facilitated using either email or web services. The driver can perform the transfer by accessing the DOT Inspection Mode menu and clicking the "Send" button. Furthermore, a separate DOT Inspection Mode button is available for the driver to display the logs report to a DOT officer on their mobile device. |
With the goal of maintaining compliance, detecting malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and documenting such occurrences, the 24RALLY ELD system employs specific codes to classify compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events, such as:
■ P for "Power compliance" malfunction,
■ E "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
■ T for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
■ L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
■ R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
■ S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
■ O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
■ 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event,
■ 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
■ 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
■ 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
■ 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event,
■ 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events.
The 24RALLY ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records record all malfunctions that occurred during the relevant time period and relay active malfunctions to all ELD users. |
The FMCSA´s testing procedures require thorough testing of 24RALLY ELD to verify compliance as an electronic logging system, which has been completed. The system is able to confirm that it meets the requirements of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, including the accurate logging and transmission of hours of service data. |
2BRO002 |
54.34.14 |
Download |
Download |
3052994024 |
info@2broitsolutions.com |
https://2broitsolutions.com/ |
17058 SW 137TH PL Miami FL 33177, 9009 N LOOP E FWY SUIT 235, Houston, TX 77029 |
Local (USB, Bluetooth)
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The driver selects the “Export ELD Data File” from the Logbook screen to submit the Output File to an authorized safety official. The driver, then, will choose one of the following methods:
-Email Transfer: An email will be preformatted with the AES file attached. The destination email address will be provided during this registration process.
-Webservice: After selecting this option, the driver should tap on the “FMCSA” labeled image, add a comment, and tap the “Export” button. The FMCSA web services will return a message with the Submission ID number, Status, and Message about the transfer.
-USB Transfer: The ELD will wait for the driver or safety official to connect the external storage device and automatically enter Mass Storage mode. After the external storage device is detected, the driver will be prompted to re-authenticate before the transfer of the output data file is started.
-Bluetooth Transfer: After selecting this option, the authorized safety official will pair and verify the PIN with the driver. Once the Bluetooth devices are paired, the safety official’s technology equipment will transfer the output file to the FMCSA website using Web services. |
Low battery, network disconnection, low internal memory space, ECM data transfer failure, location
sensor failure. In addition, the following malfunctions are detected (and appropriate records created) by
the P3TS ELD:
- Power data diagnostic (diagnostic - 1)
- Engine synchronization data diagnostic (diagnostic - 2)
- Missing required data elements (diagnostic - 3)
- Data transfer (diagnostic - 4)
- Unidentified driving records data diagnostic (diagnostic - 5)
- Other ELD diagnostics (diagnostic - 6
- Power compliance (malfunction - P)
- Engine synchronization compliance (malfunction - E)
- Timing compliance (malfunction - T)
- Positioning compliance (malfunction - L)
- Data recording compliance (malfunction - R)
- Data transfer compliance (malfunction - S)
- Other ELD malfunctions (malfunction - O) |
The 2BRO ELD (2BRO002) was tested on various CMVs from manufacturers, models, and drivers with different experiences and backgrounds. Tests were also performed on different
environments (indoor, outdoor, inside, and outside CMVs). Procedures and areas of examinations were
followed according to the “ELD Test Plan and Procedures” version 1.0 document released by FMCSA on
April 25, 2016. The Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) was used and verified to ensure ELD
compliance. Corrective actions and regression tests were performed on all failed test results. |
305 ELD |
305002 |
789.108 |
2BR305 |
Download |
Download |
3052994024 |
info@2broitsolutions.com |
https://2broitsolutions.com/ |
17058 SW 137TH PL Miami FL 33177, 9009 N LOOP E FWY SUIT 235, Houston, TX 77029 |
Local (USB, Bluetooth)
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The driver selects the “Export ELD Data File” from the Logbook screen to submit the Output File to an authorized safety official. The driver, then, will select one of the following methods:
-Email Transfer: An email will be preformatted with the AES file attached. The destination email address will be provided during this registration process.
-Webservice: After selecting this option, the driver should tap on the “FMCSA” labeled image, add a comment, and tap the “Export” button. The FMCSA web services will return a message with the Submission ID number, Status, and Message about the transfer.
-USB Transfer: The ELD will wait for the driver or safety official to connect the external storage device and automatically enter Mass Storage mode. After the external storage device is detected, the driver will be prompted to re-authenticate before the transfer of the output data file is started.
-Bluetooth Transfer: After selecting this option, the authorized safety official will pair and verify the PIN with the driver. Once the Bluetooth devices are paired, the safety official’s technology equipment will transfer the output file to the FMCSA website using Web services. |
Low battery, network disconnection, low internal memory space, ECM data transfer failure, location
sensor failure. In addition, the following malfunctions are detected (and appropriate records created) by
the P3TS ELD:
- Power data diagnostic (diagnostic - 1)
- Engine synchronization data diagnostic (diagnostic - 2)
- Missing required data elements (diagnostic - 3)
- Data transfer (diagnostic - 4)
- Unidentified driving records data diagnostic (diagnostic - 5)
- Other ELD diagnostics (diagnostic - 6
- Power compliance (malfunction - P)
- Engine synchronization compliance (malfunction - E)
- Timing compliance (malfunction - T)
- Positioning compliance (malfunction - L)
- Data recording compliance (malfunction - R)
- Data transfer compliance (malfunction - S)
- Other ELD malfunctions (malfunction - O) |
The 305 ELD (305002) was tested on a diverse range of CMVs from different manufacturers and models
as well drivers with different experience and backgrounds. Tests were also performed on different
environments (indoor, outdoor, inside and outside CMVs). Procedures and areas of examinations were
followed according to the “ELD Test Plan and Procedures” version 1.0 document released by FMCSA on
April 25 th 2016. The Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) was used and fully verified to ensure ELD
compliance. Corrective actions and regression tests were made on all Failed test results. |
3MD 100 Pacific Track iOS |
2120.211122.1 |
3MD100 |
Download |
Download |
3MD Solutions, LLC |
708-698-1000 |
support@3mdsolutions.com |
https://www.truckinghub.com |
6475 Joliet Road, Countryside, IL 60525 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The 3MD ELD provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email and USB. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the 3MD ELD to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver. Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth. Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file transferred is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The device's default email application will then be opened before sending the email to which the data will be transferred. Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password. |
The 3MD ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the 3MD ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the iOS notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions: Power Malfunction Engine Synchronization Malfunction Timing Malfunction Position Malfunction Data Recording Malfunction Data Transfer Malfunction Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event. |
The 3MD ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The 3MD ELD was installed on various types and sizes of iOS phones and iPad tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the Geometris, Digi WVA, CalAmp 4230, Pacific Track and IOSiX engine connected devices. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
3MD 100 Pacific Track Android |
3.2.2267.240630 |
3MD100 |
Download |
Download |
3MD Solutions, LLC |
708-698-1000 |
support@3mdsolutions.com |
https://www.truckinghub.com |
6475 Joliet Road, Countryside, IL 60525 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The 3MD ELD provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email and USB. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the 3MD ELD to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file transferred is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The device's default email application will then be opened before sending the email to which the data will be transferred.
Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password. |
The 3MD ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the 3MD ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
Power Malfunction
Engine Synchronization Malfunction
Timing Malfunction
Position Malfunction
Data Recording Malfunction
Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event. |
The 3MD ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The 3MD ELD was installed on various types and sizes of Android phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the Geometris, Digi WVA, CalAmp 4230, Pacific Track and IOSiX engine connected devices. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
3MD 100 Geometris iOS |
2120.211122.1 |
3MD100 |
Download |
Download |
3MD Solutions, LLC |
708-698-1000 |
support@3mdsolutions.com |
https://www.truckinghub.com |
6475 Joliet Road, Countryside, IL 60525 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The 3MD ELD provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email and USB. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the 3MD ELD to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver. Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth. Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file transferred is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The device's default email application will then be opened before sending the email to which the data will be transferred. Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for it. |
The 3MD ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the 3MD ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the iOS notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions: Power Malfunction Engine Synchronization Malfunction Timing Malfunction Position Malfunction Data Recording Malfunction Data Transfer Malfunction Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event. |
The 3MD ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The 3MD ELD was installed on various types and sizes of iOS phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the Geometris, Digi WVA, CalAmp 4230, Pacific Track and IOSiX engine connected devices. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
3MD 100 Geometris Android |
3.2.2267.240630 |
3MD100 |
Download |
Download |
3MD Solutions, LLC |
708-698-1000 |
support@3mdsolutions.com |
https://www.truckinghub.com |
6475 Joliet Road, Countryside, IL 60525 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The 3MD ELD provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email and USB. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the 3MD ELD to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver. Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth. Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file transferred is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The device's default email application will then be opened before sending the email to which the data will be transferred. Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for it |
The 3MD ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the 3MD ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions: Power Malfunction Engine Synchronization Malfunction Timing Malfunction Position Malfunction Data Recording Malfunction Data Transfer Malfunction Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event. |
The 3MD ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The 3MD ELD was installed on various types and sizes of Android phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the Geometris, Digi WVA, CalAmp 4230, Pacific Track and IOSiX engine connected devices. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
Android & Pacific Track PT40 |
3.2.2267.240630 |
3MD100 |
Download |
Download |
3MD Solutions, LLC |
708-698-1000 |
support@3mdsolutions.com |
https://www.truckinghub.com |
6475 Joliet Road, Countryside, IL 60525 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The 3MD ELD provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email and USB. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the 3MD ELD to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file transferred is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The device's default email application will then be opened before sending the email to which the data will be transferred.
Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password. |
The 3MD ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the 3MD ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
Power Malfunction
Engine Synchronization Malfunction
Timing Malfunction
Position Malfunction
Data Recording Malfunction
Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event. |
The 3MD ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The 3MD ELD was installed on various types and sizes of Android phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the Geometris, Digi WVA, CalAmp 4230, Pacific Track and IOSiX engine connected devices. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
3RS |
2.0 or higher |
3RS266 |
Download |
Download |
415-481-0418 |
support@3pltek.com |
http://www.3pltek.com |
Local (Bluetooth)
Telematic (Email)
3PL TEK ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer
methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a
driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web
Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button.
3PL TEK ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions
and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event
detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and
data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The 3PL TEK ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on 3PL TEK ELD during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD. |
3PL TEK ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part
395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. 3PL TEK ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA
regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging
Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
48 ELD |
4RS |
2.0 or higher |
4RS123 |
Download |
Download |
48 ELD |
3127688014 |
admin@48eld.com |
http://www.48eld.com |
34737 Pyle Center Rd , Frankford/DE/19945 |
48 ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods:
Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a driver
must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web Service as
the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Email as
the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. |
48 ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and
data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection.
Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data
diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization
compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance”
malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance”
malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine
synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic”
event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic”
event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The 48 ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event
Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on 48 ELD during the time period for which
this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD. |
48 ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of
title 49, Code of Federal Regulations.48 ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by
completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test
Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
5001 MW ELD |
3.15 or higher |
MW5001 |
Download |
Download |
Mobile Warrior LLC |
888-474-9284 |
customercare@mobilewarrior.com |
http://www.mobilewarrior.com/corporate/ |
226 Marmalade Trail, Dawsonville, GA 30534 |
From the Report Tab choose the ELD DOT Telemetry Report option and then choose to either send the Data Transfer File via the Wireless Web directly to the FMCSA Web Service account or to transfer the the file into an Email. Once the Email is displayed with the attached file, input the send to email required by the DOT and send it. |
Power compliance P : If recorded event sequence find a possibility of in motion time then this ELD record will have a P set. A period of time of more then 30 minutes in the last 24 hours when a power on might have occurred. Field is set true.
Time compliance T : If the data incoming from box indicates that the time is not consistent with the mobile device adjusted to the time zone of the driver. This field is set true if these are out of sync by 10 minutes.
Engine sync compliance E : monitoring the data set of the last 24 hour of a period of time of more then 30 when the ELD was active and no j bus data is provided. This field is set true
Position Location compliance L : must record a failure to track the current location for 60 minutes within 5 miles of the last known location. This will show last know location and time of recording it.
Data Recording compliance R :This field is set true if the application is currently unable to create records or sync those records to the server.
Monitoring record of unidentified drivers: If the vehicle has a 30 minute period in the last 7 days with unidentified driver time. This alert can be cleared if that time drops to 15 minutes. This field is true. |
We modeled our testing using the FMCSA testing requirements along with our own internal testing and quality control procedures. |
7RS |
2.24.15 and higher |
7RS223 |
Download |
Download |
5179404499 |
info@7dayslogs.com |
https://www.7dayslogs.com |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The data transfer method supported by 7 DAYS LOGS ELD is telematics. RODS can be sent via wireless web services or email during roadside inspections using the mobile app's DOT Inspection Mode. Drivers can also display RODS to the officer directly on their mobile devices. |
Pursuant to section 4.6, Appendix A, 7 DAYS LOGS ELD software continually self-monitors for diagnostic events and malfunctions. Any issues the software detects are logged and visually indicated to the driver per |
7 DAYS LOGS ELD system has undergone all the necessary tests to prove compliance with FMCSA regulations. The product met every item listed in the FMCSA's Requirements Traceability Matrix and has proven efficient and compliant on the road. |
888 ELD |
2.16-2 or higher |
8RS262 |
Download |
Download |
+19293206290 |
888eld@gmail.com |
http://www.888eld.com |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
888 ELD, or Electronic Logging Device, is a tool that offers a comprehensive overview of a driver's records during a roadside inspection. Not only does it provide this information within the app, but it also facilitates the transfer of telematics data through email or web services. The DOT Inspection mode allows the driver to choose the method that works best for them. To transfer ELD records through Web services, the driver needs to access the "DOT Inspection" menu and select the "Send Logs" option. Then, they should choose Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and click the "SEND" button. Similarly, to transfer ELD records via Email, the driver should follow the same steps but select Email as the Data Transfer Type before clicking the "SEND" button. |
The 888 ELD system ensures compliance with technical requirements, identifies malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and maintains records of such occurrences. Compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events are classified with specific codes, including P for "Power compliance" malfunction, E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction, T for "Timing compliance" malfunction, L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction, R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction, S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction, O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions, 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event, 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event, 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event, 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event, 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event, and 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events. The 888 ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records document all malfunctions that occurred during the relevant time period. Active malfunctions are communicated to all drivers who may use the ELD. |
888 ELD has been thoroughly tested to ensure compliance with all the functional requirements outlined in Title 49, Part 395 of Section 4.9.1, Appendix A, Subpart B. 888 ELD can confidently certify that our ELD product adheres to all the necessary ELD regulations. |
1810 |
v1.0.0 |
Download |
Download |
Air Automotive Tracking Inc. |
18556924756 |
info@aatracking.com |
http://www.aatracking.com |
Suite #1092 - 1820 Avenue M, Brooklyn/NY/11230 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
As of now, there are only 2 options for ELD data transfer.
1. The driver can disclose data through an FMCSA's recommended ELD web service(https://eldws.fmcsa.dot.gov) using the public key-private key certificate to the FMCSA's safety official.
2. The driver can transfer the CSV ELD file through the FMSCA's recommended AES-256 encrypted email transfer to the fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov |
Power/ Initialization Malfunction - On power-up Device make established connections with network and in-vehicle hardware and run through start-up procedure to make sure all services are running. If one aspect fails to initialize then this is logged and alerted to the driver and system administrator.
Position Recording Malfunction - If Void GPS information is being received excessively then this event is logged and alerted to Driver and System administrator.
Communication with Vehicle Malfunction - If vehicle data is not being obtained the driver is alerted along with the system administrator.
Communication with Network Malfunction - If there is no network communication available or established, then malfunction is logged and data is stored. The driver is notified.
Data Transfer Malfunction - With each message sent a confirmation must be returned that it was received in its entirety with Checksum calculation. At that point, the message can be cleared from the buffer. If data is not able to transfer properly this malfunction is alerted to the driver and system Administrator. |
Testing of the AAT ELD was certified through successful testing and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The AAT HOS solution complies with FMCSA regulations.
The AAT ELD solution was installed on various types and sizes of Android phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a CAN-BUS simulator ( J1939) and actual vehicles with AAT AXON hardware.
The test procedures were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application.
2.21 and above |
ABC281 |
Download |
Download |
2244251620 |
support@abceld.com |
http://abceld.com |
6 VILLA VERDE DR APT 320, Buffalo Grove IL 60089 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The ABC ELD system allows for telematics data transfer, which can be accomplished via email
or web services. To transfer logs, the driver can navigate to the DOT Inspection Mode menu
section and select the "Send" button. Furthermore, a dedicated DOT Inspection Mode button
enables the driver to display the logs report on their mobile device for a DOT officer. |
By ensuring technical requirements are met, identifying malfunctions and data inconsistencies,
and maintaining records of such events, the ABC ELD system establishes compliance.
Compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events are designated with specific codes such as:
○ P for "Power compliance" malfunction,
○ E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
○ T for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
○ L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
○ R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
○ S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
○ O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
○ 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event,
○ 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
○ 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
○ 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
○ 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event,
○ 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events.
The ABC ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records keep a record of all malfunctions that
occurred during the relevant time frame, and all drivers who use the ELD are notified of any
active malfunctions. |
The ABC ELD has undergone comprehensive testing in accordance with the FMCSA's testing
procedures to ensure compliance as an electronic logging system. The system asserts that it
complies with the requirements of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, which includes the appropriate
logging and transmission of hours of service data. |
AccuGPS |
OBD-Smart-19 |
1.1 |
ACCU19 |
Download |
Download |
AccuGPS |
3153080068 |
info@accugps.com |
https://accugps.com |
5727 E Seneca Turnpike, Jamesville/NY/13078 |
Open the accuGPS ELD app, go to “Logs” from the bottom navigation bar. Tap on the share icon on the top right of the screen will bring up a pop-up window. Choose to use “Email” or “Web Service” to submit the report. |
accuGPS ELD is capable of monitoring ELD functionalities and detecting malfunctions.
Malfunction occurrences are displayed on the top of the screen in the notification area of the mobile apps. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions: ● Power Malfunction ● Engine Synchronization Malfunction ● Timing Malfunction ● Position Malfunction ● Data Recording Malfunction ● Data Transfer Malfunction
Tapping the malfunction notifications will bring up the detailed window, and malfunctions can be reviewed or cleared.
I here certify that accuGPS ELD software and hardware have been tested according to FMCSA ELD regulations and have met the requirements defined by FMCSA.
accuGPS ELD was tested following the FMCSA ELD Test procedure and guidelines. accuGPS apps were installed on iOS and Android phones, and accuGPS OBD-Smart hardware was installed on multiple testing vehicles, including passenger cars from the US and foreign countries, as well as heavy-duty vehicles running J1939 protocols. Data collections were verified from accuGPS cloud-based platform and accuGPS ELD mobile apps. |
2.17.4 and higher |
ACT282 |
Download |
Download |
(224)998-3789 |
office@actioneld.com |
http://www.actioneld.com |
P.O. Box 95824, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
ACTION ELD choice of data transfer method is telematics, web services and email. The
application provides a DOT inspection function for drivers to transfer logs to officers or produce an in-app report for the officer to review on their mobile device's screen. |
ACTION ELD software monitors the system for any malfunctions and diagnostic events listed in
section 4.6.1: power malfunctions, engine synchronization malfunctions, timing malfunctions,
position malfunctions, data recording malfunctions, and data transfer malfunctions. All
malfunction and diagnostic events are adequately recorded and visually cued for the operator. |
Test Plan and Procedures provided by the FMCSA have been applied to ACTION ELD to ensure
the ELD functionality necessary for compliance. ACTION ELD certifies the compliance with the
ELD mandate. |
ADA ELD (Android) |
PT30 |
1.0.01 |
ADA101 |
Download |
Download |
262-381-3911 |
info@adaeld.com |
https:/www.adaeld.com |
11 Sommerset Ln, Lincolnshire, IL 60069 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
To transfer your ELD records to authorized Safety Officials, you need to open the "DOT Inspect" menu (Click on the "DOT Inspect" icon at the top bar of the Application on your device).
The DOT Inspection menu offers comprehensive summaries of all collected data
pertaining to a driver, truck, and trip. This menu serves multiple purposes, including
transferring data to the FMCSA during DOT inspections, certifying logs, and reviewing
unidentified records.
To begin the inspection process, click the "Start Inspection" button to ensure that your
logs are prepared for transfer to safety officials. If everything checks out, proceed to click
the "Transfer Data to Roadside Inspector" button and select your preferred method of
sending logs:
• Send it to the personal email provided by the inspector.
• Send it to the FMCSA email.
• Send it to the Web Services (FMCSA).
If you choose "personal email," you'll need to input the recipient's address and include a comment. For "Web Services (FMCSA)" or "Email to FMCSA," a comment is also required.
Keep in mind that the reporting period may vary depending on the regulations of the
country in which you operate. |
If the ELD detects any malfunctions or data discrepancies, the color of the M/D icon
at the top of the app screen will change from green to red. A red M letter will signify
a malfunction, while a red D letter will indicate a data inconsistency
Engine Synchronization — no connection to the Engine Control Module (ECM). Contact the motor carrier and arrange for the ECM link to be restored. Check and correct the logs if needed, and restart the engine after that.
Positioning Compliance — no valid GPS signal. Can be fixed automatically by restoring the GPS signal.
Data Recording Compliance — device's storage is full. Delete some unnecessary files from your smartphone or tablet to provide at least 5 MB of free space.
Unregistered Odometer Change — odometer readings changed when a vehicle was not moving.
Recheck the odometer data in the app or contact the motor carrier.
Timing compliance — ELD provides an incorrect timeframe for the events. Contact the motor carrier or the ADA ELD Support Team.
Power compliance — occur when an ELD is not powered for an aggregated in-motion driving time of 30 minutes or more over a 24-hour period across all driver profiles. Can be fixed automatically when aggregated in-motion driving time will be less than 30 minutes in 24-hour period
Data diagnostic events:
Engine synchronization — ECM to ELD connection is lost. Contact the motor carrier and arrange for the ECM link to be restored.
Missing data elements — a temporary or permanent loss of the GPS/Internet connection or the ECM disconnection. Reconnect and reload the ELD device.
Unidentified driving records — unidentified driving lasts more than 30 minutes. Manage
unidentified events until their duration drops to 15 minutes or less during a 24-hour period.
Data transfer — driving data cannot be transferred to the FMCSA server. Contact the motor carrier or the ADA ELD Support Team.
Power data diagnostic — The Engine was started while the device was off, and the ELD took more than 60 seconds to power up after turning the engine on. Can be fixed automatically once ELD is turned on or contact the motor carrier
To learn more about the problem you are facing, tap the M/D icon at the top of the app screen and check the details. |
Our team has finalized and verified the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures for the ADA ELD Android Application. We are pleased to inform you that our application complies with all the technical requirements of Part 395 of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Appendix B. Our team accomplished this by installing the application on various models of Android-operated mobile devices and testing it on both simulators and actual vehicles. |
PT30 |
1.01.01 |
ADA101 |
Download |
Download |
262-381-3911 |
info@adaeld.com |
https:/www.adaeld.com |
11 Sommerset Ln, Lincolnshire, IL 60069 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
To transfer your ELD records to authorized Safety Officials, you need to open the "DOT Inspect" menu (Click on the "DOT Inspect" icon at the bottom bar of the Application on your device).
The DOT Inspection menu offers comprehensive summaries of all collected data
pertaining to a driver, truck, and trip. This menu serves multiple purposes, including
transferring data to the FMCSA during DOT inspections, certifying logs, and reviewing
unidentified records.
To begin the inspection process, click the "Start Inspection" button to ensure that your
logs are prepared for transfer to safety officials. If everything checks out, proceed to click
the "Transfer Data to Roadside Inspector" button and select your preferred method of
sending logs:
• Send it to the personal email provided by the inspector.
• Send it to the FMCSA email.
• Send it to the Web Services (FMCSA).
If you choose "personal email," you'll need to input the recipient's address and include a comment. For "Web Services (FMCSA)" or "Email to FMCSA," a comment is also required.
Keep in mind that the reporting period may vary depending on the regulations of the
country in which you operate. |
If the ELD detects any malfunctions or data discrepancies, the color of the M/D icon
at the top of the app screen will change from green to red. A red M letter will signify
a malfunction, while a red D letter will indicate a data inconsistency
Engine Synchronization — no connection to the Engine Control Module (ECM). Contact the motor carrier and arrange for the ECM link to be restored. Check and correct the logs if needed, and restart the engine after that.
Positioning Compliance — no valid GPS signal. Can be fixed automatically by restoring the GPS signal.
Data Recording Compliance — device's storage is full. Delete some unnecessary files from your smartphone or tablet to provide at least 5 MB of free space.
Unregistered Odometer Change — odometer readings changed when a vehicle was not moving.
Recheck the odometer data in the app or contact the motor carrier.
Timing compliance — ELD provides an incorrect timeframe for the events. Contact the motor carrier or the ADA ELD Support Team.
Power compliance — occur when an ELD is not powered for an aggregated in-motion driving time of 30 minutes or more over a 24-hour period across all driver profiles. Can be fixed automatically when aggregated in-motion driving time will be less than 30 minutes in 24-hour period
Data diagnostic events:
Engine synchronization — ECM to ELD connection is lost. Contact the motor carrier and arrange for the ECM link to be restored.
Missing data elements — a temporary or permanent loss of the GPS/Internet connection or the ECM disconnection. Reconnect and reload the ELD device.
Unidentified driving records — unidentified driving lasts more than 30 minutes. Manage
unidentified events until their duration drops to 15 minutes or less during a 24-hour period.
Data transfer — driving data cannot be transferred to the FMCSA server. Contact the motor carrier or the ADA ELD Support Team.
Power data diagnostic — The Engine was started while the device was off, and the ELD took more than 60 seconds to power up after turning the engine on. Can be fixed automatically once ELD is turned on or contact the motor carrier
To learn more about the problem you are facing, tap the M/D icon at the top of the app screen and check the details. |
Our team has finalized and verified the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures for the ADA ELD iOS Application. We are pleased to inform you that our application complies with all the technical requirements of Part 395 of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Appendix B. Our team accomplished this by installing the application on various models of iOS-operated mobile devices and testing it on both simulators and actual vehicles. |
AK100 |
2.23.10 and later |
ARS128 |
Download |
Download |
Advantage Knights Inc |
847 201 6100 |
info@advantageknights.com |
https://advantageknights.com/home/ |
847 S Randall Rd #137, Elgin IL 60123 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
When conducting roadside inspections, the ADVANTAGE KNIGHTS ELD proves to be an invaluable asset for drivers as it offers a thorough summary of their records. Retrieving this data is a breeze within the application, and the ELD streamlines the transmission of telematics data through email or web services. Commencing the transfer procedure is simple for drivers, who can easily navigate to the DOT Mode menu and select the "Send" option. Furthermore, a designated DOT Mode button guarantees that drivers can effortlessly display the log report on their mobile device when presenting it to a DOT officer.
The ADVANTAGE KNIGHTS ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records document all malfunctions that occurred during the relevant time period and notify all ELD users about active malfunctions.
In order to ensure compliance, detect malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and document such occurrences, the ADVANTAGE KNIGHTS ELD system utilizes specific codes to classify compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events. These codes include:
"P" for "Power compliance" malfunction,
"E" for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
"T" for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
"L" for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
"R" for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
"S" for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
"O" for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
"1" for "Power data diagnostic" event,
"2" for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
"3" for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
"4" for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
"5" for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event,
"6" for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events. |
Extensive testing of the ADVANTAGE KNIGHTS ELD product has been conducted, and it has satisfactorily fulfilled all the criteria specified in the FMCSA's Requirements Traceability Matrix. The effectiveness and adherence to regulations have been validated through pilot testing in real-world usage scenarios. The ADVANTAGE KNIGHTS ELD product confirms its compliance with the requirements of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, guaranteeing accurate logging and transmission of hours of service data. |
Advaya ELD |
ADV001 |
V1.0 and above |
Download |
Download |
Advaya Fleet Inc |
5108470887 |
aditya@advayafleet.com |
http://www.advayafleet.com |
223 W 5th St, Ripon CA 95366 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
We support the telematics transfer methods specified by the FMCSA: (1) wireless web services and (2) email. We also support an in-app visual display for cases where the driver does not have an internet connection. The visual display includes a record of the current 24-hour period and the previous 7 consecutive days of the driver’s logs, as required in section 4.10 of the mandate. We await the FMCSA supplied information on the final PKI details for wireless web services and email data transfer. For a driver to transfer their log information to a DOT officer, they will tap the “DOT inspection mode” option from the mobile app’s left menu, and tap “Begin Inspection” for a visual inspection or “Send Logs” in order to transfer log information via email or web services. |
Advaya's ELD system self-monitors for all appropriate malfunctions as specified in Appendix A section 4.6. Also as required in section 4.6, when a malfunction is detected, it is reported in ELD data file(s) and visually indicated on the ELD system as required by
Our software continuously monitors our ELD system for compliance with the data requirements of the mandate. It supports detection of all malfunctions and diagnostic events specified by the ELD mandate including: Power, Engine Synchronization, Timing, Positioning, Data Recording, Data Transfer, Required Data Elements, and Unidentified driving, as required in section 4.6 of the mandate. |
Our product and engineering teams reviewed the ELD Mandate as well as the example FMCSA Requirements Traceability Matrix from the ELD Compliance Test document and verified that the Advaya ELD met each item listed. In addition, we pilot tested our ELD with numerous fleets to ensure that the same accuracy and compliance is reflected in real world usage. |
2.0 or higher |
ARS243 |
Download |
Download |
3475066317 |
adxfleeteld@gmail.com |
http:// |
ADX FLEET ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer
methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a
driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web
Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records via
Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select
Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. |
ADX FLEET ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects
malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic
event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction
and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine
synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning
compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer
compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic”
event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements
data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records
data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The ADX FLEET ELD
Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on ADX
FLEET ELD during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are
indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD. |
ADX FLEET ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part
395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. ADX FLEET ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA
regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging
Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
2.26.0 or above |
ARS251 |
Download |
Download |
2672506414 |
info@afsworldeld.com |
http://afsworldeld.com |
2820 Welsh rd Unit B, Philadelphia, PA 19152 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Through the AFS WORLD ELD system, telematics data transfer is facilitated using either email or web services. The driver can perform the transfer by accessing the DOT Inspection Mode menu and clicking the "Send" button. Furthermore, a separate DOT Inspection Mode button is available for the driver to display the logs report to a DOT officer on their mobile device.
With the goal of maintaining compliance, detecting malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and documenting such occurrences, the AFS WORLD ELD system employs specific codes to classify compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events, such as:
■ P for "Power compliance" malfunction,
■ E "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
■ T for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
■ L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
■ R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
■ S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
■ O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
■ 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event,
■ 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
■ 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
■ 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
■ 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event,
■ 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events.
The AFS WORLD ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records record all malfunctions that occurred during the relevant time period and relay active malfunctions to all ELD users. |
The FMCSA´s testing procedures require thorough testing of AFS WORLD ELD to verify compliance as an electronic logging system, which has been completed. The system is able to confirm that it meets the requirements of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, including the accurate logging and transmission of hours of service data.
1.0.0 higher |
Download |
Download |
2672506414 |
info@afsworldeld.com |
http://afsworldeld.com |
2820 Welsh rd Unit B, Philadelphia, PA 19152 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
AFS WORLD ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics
transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via
Web services, a driver must press the “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press the
“Transfer Logs” button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type, and press the
“Transfer Logs” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press the
“DOT Inspection” menu item, then press the “Transfer Logs” button, select Email as the
Data Transfer Type, and press the “Transfer Data” button. |
AFS WORLD ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects
malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data
diagnostic event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required
compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance”
malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing
compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording
compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD
detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data
diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data
transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6
- “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The AFS WORLD ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic
Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on AFS WORLD ELD during the
time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers
who may use that ELD. |
AFS WORLD ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of
Part 395 of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. AFS WORLD ELD was tested to comply
with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the
Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
iOS + Geometris |
3.0 and newer |
Download |
Download |
Eld Pro Solutions |
7085105600 |
info@eldprosolutions.com |
http://eldprosolutions.com |
30 N Gould St, Sheridan WY 82801 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
AI ELD solution supports telematics transfer methods: wireless web services and email. We also support an integrated display solution in case when driver does not have an internet connection. In order to transfer log information to a DOT officer, a driver mast open the "DOT Inspection" option from the mobile app’s menu and tap "Start Review" for visual inspection, tap "Data Transfer" to send the Output File to DOT Officer via the FMCSA web service, or "Email Logs" in order to transfer the log information via email. Enter any remark supplied by the DOT officer and finish the process by tapping "Submit". |
AI ELD system self-monitors its compliance with the technical requirements as specified in Appendix A, section 4.6, for the detectable malfunctions and data inconsistencies. It can detect all malfunctions and diagnostic events, including power, engine synchronization, timing, positioning, data recording, data transfer, required data elements, and unidentified driving. Also, in addition to monitoring, all detected malfunctions are reported in ELD data file(s) and visually indicated on the ELD as required by |
AI ELD certifies that it complies to the ELD Compliance Test Plan and Procedures provided by FMCSA. AI ELD Quality Assurance team tested each required test step and verified that AI ELD meets all the requirements from the ELD Rule. |
Android + Geometris |
3.0 and newer |
Download |
Download |
Eld Pro Solutions |
7085105600 |
info@eldprosolutions.com |
http://eldprosolutions.com |
30 N Gould St, Sheridan WY 82801 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
AI ELD solution supports telematics transfer methods: wireless web services and email. We also support an integrated display solution in case when driver does not have an internet connection. In order to transfer log information to a DOT officer, a driver mast open the "DOT Inspection" option from the mobile app’s menu and tap "Start Review" for visual inspection, tap "Data Transfer" to send the Output File to DOT Officer via the FMCSA web service, or "Email Logs" in order to transfer the log information via email. Enter any remark supplied by the DOT officer and finish the process by tapping "Submit". |
AI ELD system self-monitors its compliance with the technical requirements as specified in Appendix A, section 4.6, for the detectable malfunctions and data inconsistencies. It can detect all malfunctions and diagnostic events, including power, engine synchronization, timing, positioning, data recording, data transfer, required data elements, and unidentified driving. Also, in addition to monitoring, all detected malfunctions are reported in ELD data file(s) and visually indicated on the ELD as required by |
AI ELD certifies that it complies to the ELD Compliance Test Plan and Procedures provided by FMCSA. AI ELD Quality Assurance team tested each required test step and verified that AI ELD meets all the requirements from the ELD Rule. |
BLE 4.1 |
3.9.6 or Higher |
WLI001 |
Download |
Download |
AikSphere Technologies Inc |
(905) 495-9559 |
info@aiks.ca |
https://aiks.ca |
7015 Tranmere Dr Unit#7, MISSISSAUGA, ON |
When entering an inspection scenario, the driver follows the instructions provided on his printed one page manual which instructs the driver to press the "Officer Button" located on the top right of the DriverLog apps' home screen display. This will launch the Officer View.
The officer view features a "Send" button and an Add comment button, which allows the officer to enter his identifier and send out the ELD data file through web services or email (both options are available).
Following the guidance of the ELD section of the Federal Register...section "4.10.1. Data Transfer Mechanisms," we allow the officer to use both e-mail or Web Services to transfer the driver's data to the official FMCSA ELD e-mail address or the the FMCSA's Web Service repository. Currently the e-mail is formatted exactly to section " Wireless Data Transfer Through Email" specifications stated in the Federal Register. Web Services will utilize the SOAP protocol, per the FMCSA documentation, to transmit the ELD data file and the output file comment entered by the inspecting officer. |
Each malfunction has been coded following the "Standard Coding for Required Compliance Malfunction and Data Diagnostic Event Detection" definitions regarding "Malfunction/Diagnostic Code", "Malfunction Description" and "Data Diagnostic Event."
Power Compliance monitoring assures that the ELD will become fully functional within one minute of the engine on event and remain on as long as the vehicle's engine stays powered.
Engine Synchronization monitoring determines our connection to the ECM. This alerts the driver if there is a loss of connectivity to the ECM.
For Timing Compliance Monitoring, we periodically check UTC time via the internet.
For Positioning Compliance the ELD records the location, and uses the last valid position measurement and includes the latitude and longitude coordinates and distance traveled in miles, since the last valid position measurement. We also measure the elapsed time during periods when the ELD does not require a valid position measurement within 5 miles. If the time exceeds 60 minutes in a 24 hour period, it is marked as a positioning compliance malfunction.
An ELD monitors its storage capacity and integrity and detects data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events or retrieve recorded logs that are not otherwise catalogued remotely by the motor carrier. The ELD monitors the completeness of the ELD event record information in relation to the required data elements for each event type and records a missing data elements data diagnostics event for the driver if any required field is missing at the time of recording.
We check to make sure that our data transfer mechanism works properly at least once every 7 days.
All Data Diagnostic events are handled similarly according to the mandate. |
We certify that our ELD application and related hardware have been tested to meet the FMCSA's test procedures. |
3.9.6 or Higher |
WLI001 |
Download |
Download |
AikSphere Technologies Inc |
(905) 495-9559 |
info@aiks.ca |
https://aiks.ca |
7015 Tranmere Dr Unit#7, MISSISSAUGA, ON |
When entering an inspection scenario, the driver follows the instructions provided on his printed one page manual which instructs the driver to press the "Officer Button" located on the top right of the DriverLog apps' home screen display. This will launch the Officer View.
The officer view features a "Send" button and an Add comment button, which allows the officer to enter his identifier and send out the ELD data file through web services or email (both options are available).
Following the guidance of the ELD section of the Federal Register...section "4.10.1. Data Transfer Mechanisms," we allow the officer to use both e-mail or Web Services to transfer the driver's data to the official FMCSA ELD e-mail address or the the FMCSA's Web Service repository. Currently the e-mail is formatted exactly to section " Wireless Data Transfer Through Email" specifications stated in the Federal Register. Web Services will utilize the SOAP protocol, per the FMCSA documentation, to transmit the ELD data file and the output file comment entered by the inspecting officer. |
Each malfunction has been coded following the "Standard Coding for Required Compliance Malfunction and Data Diagnostic Event Detection" definitions regarding "Malfunction/Diagnostic Code", "Malfunction Description" and "Data Diagnostic Event."
Power Compliance monitoring assures that the ELD will become fully functional within one minute of the engine on event and remain on as long as the vehicle's engine stays powered.
Engine Synchronization monitoring determines our connection to the ECM. This alerts the driver if there is a loss of connectivity to the ECM.
For Timing Compliance Monitoring, we periodically check UTC time via the internet.
For Positioning Compliance the ELD records the location, and uses the last valid position measurement and includes the latitude and longitude coordinates and distance traveled in miles, since the last valid position measurement. We also measure the elapsed time during periods when the ELD does not require a valid position measurement within 5 miles. If the time exceeds 60 minutes in a 24 hour period, it is marked as a positioning compliance malfunction.
An ELD monitors its storage capacity and integrity and detects data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events or retrieve recorded logs that are not otherwise catalogued remotely by the motor carrier. The ELD monitors the completeness of the ELD event record information in relation to the required data elements for each event type and records a missing data elements data diagnostics event for the driver if any required field is missing at the time of recording.
We check to make sure that our data transfer mechanism works properly at least once every 7 days.
All Data Diagnostic events are handled similarly according to the mandate. |
We certify that our ELD application and related hardware have been tested to meet the FMCSA's test procedures. |
Air ELD |
iOS & Xirgo 6300 Series |
Version 1+ |
Download |
Download |
Aireld Technologies |
+18186599796 |
info@aireld.com |
www.aireld.com |
600 N Broad Street Suite 5 # 812 , Middletown, DE 19709 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
AirELD uses an electronic data transfer method to deliver driver logs. The driver has an option to send the logs to FMCSA via email or web services from the application. Below are the step by step instructions: 1. Navigate to the Inspections Sections from the Navigation bar at bottom of the AirELD Mobile application. Here driver has the option to print view and send logs to FMCSA. 2. To send to FMCSA, Click on "DOT Inspection". 3. A new screen appears and the driver is presented with 2 options: i. Email logs to FMCSA ii. Send via Webservice. The driver can add the routing code in the Comment field and hit the "SEND" button.
AirELD Logbook checks for following malfunctions: 1. Power Compliance Malfunction – This is the responsibility of the Motor Carrier and Driver to ensure that the Tablet with the Logbook Application has sufficient power to be used. 2. Engine Synchronization Compliance Malfunction – The app periodically checks that it has connectivity to the vehicle ECM. If connectivity is lost for more than 30 minutes in a 24 hour period, malfunction is detected and appropriate event is recorded and presented to driver for correction. 3. Timing Compliance Malfunction – App checks the local time of device with AirELD server time and if there is a discrepancy of more than 5 minutes. 4. Positioning Compliance Malfunction – The GPS signal has been lost and the mobile device has not been able to retrieve a valid location for more than 60 minutes in a 24 hour period. 5. Data Recording Compliance Malfunction – The mobile device is unable to properly record the required data due to not enough storage space on the device. The mobile device can no longer record new events and events that have not been uploaded might be lost. 6. Data Transfer Compliance Malfunction – The automatic data transfer check (that is performed once every 24 hours) has failed. Malfunctions once detected are recorded and presented to driver for verification and driver has option to clear malfunctions.
After extensive testing of the AirELD App and Device on vehicles of different make and models, we certify that the AirELD functions as per FMCSA guidelines. Our ELD App runs on Apple iOS Phones and iPads and has been tested extensively for compatibility across various models. The admin panel is available on our web application and can be accessed via a web browser. The AirELD is tested against various test cases in real-time for accuracy and durability.
AirELD |
Android & Xirgo 6300 Series |
Version 1+ |
Download |
Download |
Aireld Technologies |
+18186599796 |
info@aireld.com |
www.aireld.com |
600 N Broad Street Suite 5 # 812 , Middletown, DE 19709 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
AirELD uses an electronic data transfer method to deliver driver logs. The driver has an option to send the logs to FMCSA via email or web services from the application. Below are the step by step instructions: 1. Navigate to the Inspections Sections from the Navigation bar at bottom of the AirELD Mobile application. Here driver has the option to print view and send logs to FMCSA. 2. To send to FMCSA, Click on "DOT Inspection". 3. A new screen appears and the driver is presented with 2 options: i. Email logs to FMCSA ii. Send via Webservice. The driver can add the routing code in the Comment field and hit the "SEND" button. |
AirELD Logbook checks for following malfunctions: 1. Power Compliance Malfunction – This is the responsibility of the Motor Carrier and Driver to ensure that the Tablet with the Logbook Application has sufficient power to be used. 2. Engine Synchronization Compliance Malfunction – The app periodically checks that it has connectivity to the vehicle ECM. If connectivity is lost for more than 30 minutes in a 24 hour period, malfunction is detected and appropriate event is recorded and presented to driver for correction. 3. Timing Compliance Malfunction – App checks the local time of device with AirELD server time and if there is a discrepancy of more than 5 minutes. 4. Positioning Compliance Malfunction – The GPS signal has been lost and the mobile device has not been able to retrieve a valid location for more than 60 minutes in a 24 hour period. 5. Data Recording Compliance Malfunction – The mobile device is unable to properly record the required data due to not enough storage space on the device. The mobile device can no longer record new events and events that have not been uploaded might be lost. 6. Data Transfer Compliance Malfunction – The automatic data transfer check (that is performed once every 24 hours) has failed. Malfunctions once detected are recorded and presented to driver for verification and driver has option to clear malfunctions. |
After extensive testing of the AirELD App and Device on vehicles of different make and models, we certify that the AirELD functions as per FMCSA guidelines. Our ELD App runs on Android Phones and Tablets and has been tested extensively for compatibility across various models. The admin panel is available on our web application and can be accessed via a web browser. The AirELD is tested against various test cases in real-time for accuracy and durability. |
AirELD |
iOS & PT30 |
Version 1+ |
Download |
Download |
Aireld Technologies |
+18186599796 |
info@aireld.com |
www.aireld.com |
600 N Broad Street Suite 5 # 812 , Middletown, DE 19709 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
AirELD uses an electronic data transfer method to deliver driver logs. The driver has an option to send the logs to FMCSA via email or web services from the application. Below are the step by step instructions: 1. Navigate to the Inspections Sections from the Navigation bar at bottom of the AirELD Mobile application. Here driver has the option to print view and send logs to FMCSA. 2. To send to FMCSA, Click on "DOT Inspection". 3. A new screen appears and the driver is presented with 2 options: i. Email logs to FMCSA ii. Send via Webservice. The driver can add the routing code in the Comment field and hit the "SEND" button. |
AirELD Logbook checks for following malfunctions: 1. Power Compliance Malfunction – This is the responsibility of the Motor Carrier and Driver to ensure that the Tablet with the Logbook Application has sufficient power to be used. 2. Engine Synchronization Compliance Malfunction – The app periodically checks that it has connectivity to the vehicle ECM. If connectivity is lost for more than 30 minutes in a 24 hour period, malfunction is detected and appropriate event is recorded and presented to driver for correction. 3. Timing Compliance Malfunction – App checks the local time of device with AirELD server time and if there is a discrepancy of more than 5 minutes. 4. Positioning Compliance Malfunction – The GPS signal has been lost and the mobile device has not been able to retrieve a valid location for more than 60 minutes in a 24 hour period. 5. Data Recording Compliance Malfunction – The mobile device is unable to properly record the required data due to not enough storage space on the device. The mobile device can no longer record new events and events that have not been uploaded might be lost. 6. Data Transfer Compliance Malfunction – The automatic data transfer check (that is performed once every 24 hours) has failed. Malfunctions once detected are recorded and presented to driver for verification and driver has option to clear malfunctions. |
After extensive testing of the AirELD App and Device on vehicles of different make and models, we certify that the AirELD functions as per FMCSA guidelines. Our ELD App runs on Apple iOS Phones and iPads and has been tested extensively for compatibility across various models. The admin panel is available on our web application and can be accessed via a web browser. The AirELD is tested against various test cases in real-time for accuracy and durability. |
AirELD |
Android & PT30 |
Version 1+ |
Download |
Download |
Aireld Technologies |
+18186599796 |
info@aireld.com |
www.aireld.com |
600 N Broad Street Suite 5 # 812 , Middletown, DE 19709 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
AirELD uses an electronic data transfer method to deliver driver logs. The driver has an option to send the logs to FMCSA via email or web services from the application. Below are the step by step instructions: 1. Navigate to the Inspections Sections from the Navigation bar at bottom of the AirELD Mobile application. Here driver has the option to print view and send logs to FMCSA. 2. To send to FMCSA, Click on "DOT Inspection". 3. A new screen appears and the driver is presented with 2 options: i. Email logs to FMCSA ii. Send via Webservice. The driver can add the routing code in the Comment field and hit the "SEND" button. |
AirELD Logbook checks for following malfunctions: 1. Power Compliance Malfunction – This is the responsibility of the Motor Carrier and Driver to ensure that the Tablet with the Logbook Application has sufficient power to be used. 2. Engine Synchronization Compliance Malfunction – The app periodically checks that it has connectivity to the vehicle ECM. If connectivity is lost for more than 30 minutes in a 24 hour period, malfunction is detected and appropriate event is recorded and presented to driver for correction. 3. Timing Compliance Malfunction – App checks the local time of device with AirELD server time and if there is a discrepancy of more than 5 minutes. 4. Positioning Compliance Malfunction – The GPS signal has been lost and the mobile device has not been able to retrieve a valid location for more than 60 minutes in a 24 hour period. 5. Data Recording Compliance Malfunction – The mobile device is unable to properly record the required data due to not enough storage space on the device. The mobile device can no longer record new events and events that have not been uploaded might be lost. 6. Data Transfer Compliance Malfunction – The automatic data transfer check (that is performed once every 24 hours) has failed. Malfunctions once detected are recorded and presented to driver for verification and driver has option to clear malfunctions. |
After extensive testing of the AirELD App and Device on vehicles of different make and models, we certify that the AirELD functions as per FMCSA guidelines. Our ELD App runs on Apple iOS Phones and iPads and has been tested extensively for compatibility across various models. The admin panel is available on our web application and can be accessed via a web browser. The AirELD is tested against various test cases in real-time for accuracy and durability. |
AirELD |
Android & IOSIX |
Version 1.0.11+ |
Download |
Download |
Aireld Technologies |
+18186599796 |
info@aireld.com |
www.aireld.com |
600 N Broad Street Suite 5 # 812 , Middletown, DE 19709 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
AirELD uses an electronic data transfer method to deliver driver logs. The driver has an option to send the logs to FMCSA via email or web services from the application. Below are the step by step instructions: 1. Navigate to the Inspections Sections from the Navigation bar at bottom of the AirELD Mobile application. Here driver has the option to print view and send logs to FMCSA. 2. To send to FMCSA, Click on "DOT Inspection". 3. A new screen appears and the driver is presented with 2 options: i. Email logs to FMCSA ii. Send via Webservice. The driver can add the routing code in the Comment field and hit the "SEND" button. |
AirELD Logbook checks for following malfunctions: 1. Power Compliance Malfunction – This is the responsibility of the Motor Carrier and Driver to ensure that the Tablet with the Logbook Application has sufficient power to be used. 2. Engine Synchronization Compliance Malfunction – The app periodically checks that it has connectivity to the vehicle ECM. If connectivity is lost for more than 30 minutes in a 24 hour period, malfunction is detected and appropriate event is recorded and presented to driver for correction. 3. Timing Compliance Malfunction – App checks the local time of device with AirELD server time and if there is a discrepancy of more than 5 minutes. 4. Positioning Compliance Malfunction – The GPS signal has been lost and the mobile device has not been able to retrieve a valid location for more than 60 minutes in a 24 hour period. 5. Data Recording Compliance Malfunction – The mobile device is unable to properly record the required data due to not enough storage space on the device. The mobile device can no longer record new events and events that have not been uploaded might be lost. 6. Data Transfer Compliance Malfunction – The automatic data transfer check (that is performed once every 24 hours) has failed. Malfunctions once detected are recorded and presented to driver for verification and driver has option to clear malfunctions. |
After extensive testing of the AirELD App and Device on vehicles of different make and models, we certify that the AirELD functions as per FMCSA guidelines. Our ELD App runs on Apple iOS Phones and iPads and has been tested extensively for compatibility across various models. The admin panel is available on our web application and can be accessed via a web browser. The AirELD is tested against various test cases in real-time for accuracy and durability. |
AirELD |
Version 1.0.11+ |
Download |
Download |
Aireld Technologies |
+18186599796 |
info@aireld.com |
www.aireld.com |
600 N Broad Street Suite 5 # 812 , Middletown, DE 19709 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
AirELD uses an electronic data transfer method to deliver driver logs. The driver has an option to send the logs to FMCSA via email or web services from the application. Below are the step by step instructions: 1. Navigate to the Inspections Sections from the Navigation bar at bottom of the AirELD Mobile application. Here driver has the option to print view and send logs to FMCSA. 2. To send to FMCSA, Click on "DOT Inspection". 3. A new screen appears and the driver is presented with 2 options: i. Email logs to FMCSA ii. Send via Webservice. The driver can add the routing code in the Comment field and hit the "SEND" button. |
AirELD Logbook checks for following malfunctions: 1. Power Compliance Malfunction – This is the responsibility of the Motor Carrier and Driver to ensure that the Tablet with the Logbook Application has sufficient power to be used. 2. Engine Synchronization Compliance Malfunction – The app periodically checks that it has connectivity to the vehicle ECM. If connectivity is lost for more than 30 minutes in a 24 hour period, malfunction is detected and appropriate event is recorded and presented to driver for correction. 3. Timing Compliance Malfunction – App checks the local time of device with AirELD server time and if there is a discrepancy of more than 5 minutes. 4. Positioning Compliance Malfunction – The GPS signal has been lost and the mobile device has not been able to retrieve a valid location for more than 60 minutes in a 24 hour period. 5. Data Recording Compliance Malfunction – The mobile device is unable to properly record the required data due to not enough storage space on the device. The mobile device can no longer record new events and events that have not been uploaded might be lost. 6. Data Transfer Compliance Malfunction – The automatic data transfer check (that is performed once every 24 hours) has failed. Malfunctions once detected are recorded and presented to driver for verification and driver has option to clear malfunctions. |
After extensive testing of the AirELD App and Device on vehicles of different make and models, we certify that the AirELD functions as per FMCSA guidelines. Our ELD App runs on Apple iOS Phones and iPads and has been tested extensively for compatibility across various models. The admin panel is available on our web application and can be accessed via a web browser. The AirELD is tested against various test cases in real-time for accuracy and durability. |
AKAL100 |
v and higher |
FF66EE |
Download |
Download |
RoadReady Solutions (formerly GeoSpace Labs) |
877.4.GEOWIZ |
david@geowiz.biz |
https://www.geospacelabs.com |
5302 South Florida Ave #207, Lakeland, FL 33813 |
Local (Bluetooth)
Telematic (Web Service)
AKAL ELD supports wireless Web services and email (Option 1) for its compliant data transfer mechanism. For a driver to transmit this information to an authorized safety official they will:
1. Tap the tools button in the upper right corner of the mobile ELD device.
2. Tap the send logs button in the lower right of the popup.
3. NOTE: Driver may check the 'copy me on this email' option to also receive a copy of the log transfer |
1. Check that Bluetooth is enabled on the phone and that the modem device is available for pairing
2. Inspect the physical model for its error state. There are 2 primary states
3. A rapidly blinking light indicates that the modem was unable to pair with the mobile device
4. A steady dull light means the modem was entered an error state and is not attempting to pair with any device
5. In either scenario hold the small button on the bottom left of the modem device front panel for 5 seconds to reset the device and to clear its error state
The primary default code is the inability of the mobile device to connect to the engine modem. This is indicated by the red bar along the top of the device. For troubleshooting instructions see above section “Setting Up The AKAL Plug In”
FMCSA Error Codes
Malfunction/Diagnostic Code Description
P “Power compliance” malfunction
E “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction
T “Timing compliance” malfunction
L “Positioning compliance” malfunction
R “Data recording compliance” malfunction
S “Data transfer compliance” malfunction
O “Other” ELD detected malfunction AKAL Equivalent Codes
Code Description Shown on Mobile Device
P “The plug in device is not powered on.”
E “The plug in device is not able to synchronize”
T “The plug in timing is not working correctly”
L “System is not able to determine positioning”
R “System is not able to record data”
S “System is not able to transfer data”
O “An unidentified error has occurred”
Malfunction/Diagnostic Code
Data Diagnostic Event
1 “Power data diagnostic” event
2 “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event
3 “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event
4 “Data transfer data diagnostic” event
5 “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event
6 “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event AKAL Equivalent Codes
Code Process Run, Description
1 “AKAL will attempt to reset the plug in”
2 “AKAL will attempt to reset the plug in”
3 “You are missing data xxx from the ELD logs”
4 “Attempting to reconnect..”
5 “Unidentified driving records found”
6 “A general system diagnostic is in process..”
The FMCSA ELD Requirements document and usage case scenario document were followed step by step to validate each function in the requirements with our ELD device. Several updates to the software were made and the testing procedure was repeated until all scenarios passed. Software version 2.0 contains the code base tested against the FMCA requirements. |
Alert Gps Inc. ELD |
Alert ELD |
1.0.28 and above |
Download |
Download |
Alert Gps Inc |
312-722-6661 |
info@alertgpsinc.com |
https://alertgpsinc.com/ |
2720 W.Chicago Ave, Chicago |
To submit the Output File to an authorized safety official, the driver selects the “Export ELD Data File” from the Logbook screen. The driver, then, will select one of the following methods:
- Email Transfer: An email will be preformatted with the .AES file attached to it. The destination email address will the one provided during this registration process
- USB Transfer: The ELD will wait for the driver or safety official to connect the external storage device and will automatically enter Mass Storage mode. After the external storage device is detected, the driver will be prompted to re-authenticate before the transfer of the output data file is started
- Bluetooth Transfer: After selecting this option, the authorized safety official will pair and verify PIN with the driver. Once the Bluetooth devices are paired, the safety official’s technology equipment will transfer the output file to the FMCSA website using Web services. |
Low battery, network disconnection, low internal memory space, ECM data transfer failure, location sensor failure.
The Apollo ELD was tested on a diverse range of CMVs from different manufacturers and models as well drivers with different experience and backgrounds. Tests were also performed on different environments (indoor, outdoor, inside and outside CMVs). Procedures and areas of examinations were followed according to the “ELD Test Plan and Procedures” version 1.0 document released by FMCSA on April 25th 2016. The Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) was used and fully verified to ensure ELD compliance. Corrective actions and regression tests were made on all Failed test results. |
Alfa ELD (Android) |
PT30 |
1.0.01 or higher |
ALFA01 |
Download |
Download |
Alfa ELD |
+14694452757 |
Alfaelog@gmail.com |
https://alfaeld.com/ |
1910 Pacific Ave, Suite 2000 PMB 2017, Dallas, TX 75201 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The DOT inspect tab has a summary of all your collected data, it will also show you the graph and the full data regarding truck readings: engine hours, odometer, etc.
You may also use this tab to transfer your data to FMCSA during the DOT inspection.
Click Start Inspection; Transfer Data to Safety Official
Select one of the 3 options (Web Services, Email to FMCSA or Personal email)
Enter comment and click Send
* If you have selected the Personal email - you would need to enter the recipient's email account, select the file type (PDF or CSV) and (if pdf) - country. |
We have the MD icon on the application upper left corner, which is normally painted green. Once the malfunction issue is detected, the color of “M” on the MD icon will be changed to Red. When a data diagnostic event happens, the color of “D” would be Red.
Malfunctions also appear in logs as malfunction events. A driver can click on the red icon or such event in logs to see which exact error has been detected. We have a guide published for our users for further steps.
The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions: Power Malfunction, Engine Synchronization Malfunction, Timing Malfunction, GPS signal Malfunction, Data Recording Malfunction, and Data Transfer Malfunction |
I confirm that the testing of our Android application in conjunction with the PT30 has been performed and the application has passed all the tests and proved to be working as required. |
Alfa ELD (iOS) |
PT30 |
1.01.01 or higher |
ALFA01 |
Download |
Download |
Alfa ELD |
+14694452757 |
Alfaelog@gmail.com |
https://alfaeld.com/ |
1910 Pacific Ave, Suite 2000 PMB 2017, Dallas, TX 75201 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The DOT inspect tab has a summary of all your collected data, it will also show you the graph and the full data regarding truck readings: engine hours, odometer, etc.
You may also use this tab to transfer your data to FMCSA during the DOT inspection.
Click Start Inspection; Transfer Data to Safety Official
Select one of the 3 options (Web Services, Email to FMCSA, or Personal email)
Enter a comment and click Send
* If you have selected the Personal email - you would need to enter the recipient's email account, select the file type (PDF or CSV), and (if pdf) - country. |
We have the MD icon on the application upper left corner, which is normally painted green. Once the malfunction issue is detected, the color of “M” on the MD icon will be changed to Red. When a data diagnostic event happens, the color of “D” would be Red.
Malfunctions also appear in logs as malfunction events. A driver can click on the red icon or such event in logs to see which exact error has been detected. We have a guide published for our users for further steps.
The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions: Power Malfunction, Engine Synchronization Malfunction, Timing Malfunction, GPS signal Malfunction, Data Recording Malfunction, and Data Transfer Malfunction |
I confirm that the testing of our iOS application in conjunction with the PT30 has been performed and the application has passed all the tests and proved to be working as required. |
2.3.15 or higher |
ARS136 |
Download |
Download |
All The Way Transport |
916 560-9906 |
allthewayt175@gmail.com |
http://www.allthewayeld.com |
5244 New Britton Cir, Antelope/CA/95843 |
Local (Bluetooth)
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
ALL THE WAY ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics
transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web
services, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD
records via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs”
button, select Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. |
ALL THE WAY ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects
malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic
event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction
and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine
synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning
compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer
compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic”
event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements
data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The ALL THE WAY ELD
Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on ALL
THE WAY ELD during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are
indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD. |
ALL THE WAY ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. ALL THE WAY ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
AllwaysTrack ELD |
2.0 and above |
Download |
Download |
Gorilla Fleet Safety, LLC |
844-636-1360 |
info@gorillasafety.com |
http://www.gorillasafety.com |
22327 Gosling Rd, Spring, TX 77379 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
This ELD uses the web services and email method of transmission.
Driver, from the "Dashboard" page of their ELD, will tap on "Roadside Inspection," then "Send Logs." Once they tap send logs, any annotation or note requested by the inspecting officer can be entered by the driver prior to sending. |
The malfunctions supported are:
Power Compliance Malfunction
Engine Synchronization Malfunction
Timing Compliance Malfunction
Positioning Compliance Malfunction
Data Recording Malfunction
Data Transfer Malfunction
Each of these malfunctions appears prominently for the user to understand the issue. When the user is presented with this, he is able to rectify the situation, contact the manufacturer or use paper logs, as provided as part of the instruction guide, to remain compliant.
The malfunctions and malfunction codes can be found in the instruction guide with the required details in order for the driver to understand what he needs to do next. |
The product has been thoroughly tested by both internal and external, third party, testers. Each requirement of the ELD has been either met or exceeded. The process of review and testing included the full review of the ruling, testing procedures and debugging of any blocker found in the software package. It further included the retesting by additional quality assurance professionals. Ultimately, the programing and hardware operate as intended and are in compliance. |
AllyELD |
2.0 or higher |
ARS226 |
Download |
Download |
AllyELD |
770-359-9966 |
ally@allyeld.com |
http://allyeld.com |
330 Fox Meadow DR, Covington/GA/30016 |
AllyEld is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods:
Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a driver
must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web Service as
the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a
driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Email as
the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button.
AllyEld monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and
data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection.
Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data
diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization
compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance”
malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance”
malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The AllyEld Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on AllyEld during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD. |
AllyEld meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of
title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. AllyEld was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by
completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test
Plan and Procedures Version 2.0.
AEL092 |
2.94.34 and up |
ALB296 |
Download |
Download |
Alpha ELD Solutions INC |
+1(778)204-0786 |
alphaeldsolutions@gmail.com |
http://alphaeldsolutions.com |
Calgary, Calgary/Alberta/30722 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Through the utilization of an electronic data transfer method, the ALPHA e-LOGBOOK system
ensures the efficient transfer of driver logs. If necessary, drivers have the option to utilize the
mobile app for sending logs via email or web services. Initiating the transfer process involves
navigating to the DOT Mode menu section and clicking the "Send" button. Additionally, a
designated DOT Mode button is at their disposal for conveniently showcasing the logs report on
their mobile device when presenting it to a DOT officer. |
The ALPHA e-LOGBOOK integrates an advanced self-monitoring system, aligning with section
4.6 of the ELD mandate, to proactively identify malfunctions and diagnostic events. Issues
encompassing power, engine synchronization, timing, positioning, data recording, data transfer,
and others are promptly detected and visually conveyed to the driver. The system utilizes
specific codes like P for "Power compliance" malfunction, E for "Engine synchronization
compliance" malfunction, T for "Timing compliance" malfunction, L for "Positioning compliance"
malfunction, R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction, S for "Data transfer compliance"
malfunction, O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions, 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event, 2 for
"Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event, 3 for "Missing required data elements data
diagnostic" event, 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event, 5 for "Unidentified driving records
data diagnostic" event, and 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events to precisely
categorize compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events. |
ALPHA e-LOGBOOK prioritizes data integrity and regulatory compliance through a thorough
testing methodology. The system undergoes exhaustive testing against the FMCSA's RTM,
guaranteeing meticulous fulfillment of all specified requirements. Intensive testing confirms the
system's effectiveness in operational settings. Consequently, ALPHA e-LOGBOOK meets the
demands of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, ensuring accurate and secure hours-of-service data
logging and transmission. |
ALS-E100 | or high |
ALS100 |
Download |
Download |
Arethos |
7789294567 |
mail@arethos.com |
http://www.arethos.com |
5331 Chetwynd Ave, Richmond , BC, Richmond/BC/V6Y1X9 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
ELD data transfer to FMCSA is carried out using two methods which are Telematics (Web Services and Email). Web service is our primary method of transferring data to FMCSA.
The data transmitted to FMCSA will have ELD’s certificate, ELD Identifier, and Registration ID. Both request will be submitted using the Mobile App running on any mobile devices supported by Android and iOS platform. Once the request is submitting to our server than the web service and email will be triggered to transfer the required files to FMSCA.
Malfunctions events related to power, data synchronization, missing data, timing, positioning, data recording, data transfer, and unidentified driver records. The ELD output file will identify these data malfunction events and their status with predefined standard codes for compliance as mention in table 4 of Federal Register/ Vol. 80, no 241.
Most recorded malfunction is “data transfer compliance”, where no signal is detected from SIM. Truck data recorded as offline in device memory and transferred later, when signal is available.
We have tested and verified all cases, which are mentioned in document Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures with date 10/17/2016 and Version 2.0 from FMCSA web site. We have certified our ELD product/software complying with FMCSA rules and regulations.
ALS-E100 |
3.12.17 or higher |
ALS100 |
Download |
Download |
Arethos |
7789294567 |
mail@arethos.com |
http://www.arethos.com |
5331 Chetwynd Ave, Richmond , BC, Richmond/BC/V6Y1X9 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
ELD data transfer to FMCSA is carried out using two methods which are Telematics (Web Services and Email). Web service is our primary method of transferring data to FMCSA. The data transmitted to FMCSA will have ELD’s certificate, ELD Identifier, and Registration ID. Both request will be submitted using the Mobile App running on any mobile devices supported by Android and iOS platform. Once the request is submitting to our server than the web service and email will be triggered to transfer the required files to FMSCA. |
Malfunctions events related to power, data synchronization, missing data, timing, positioning, data recording, data transfer, and unidentified driver records. The ELD output file will identify these data malfunction events and their status with predefined standard codes for compliance as mention in table 4 of Federal Register/ Vol. 80, no 241. Most recorded malfunction is “data transfer compliance”, where no signal is detected from SIM. Truck data recorded as offline in device memory and transferred later, when signal is available. |
We have tested and verified all cases, which are mentioned in document Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures with date 10/17/2016 and Version 2.0 from FMCSA web site. We have certified our ELD product/software complying with FMCSA rules and regulations. |
2.0 or higher |
ARS197 |
Download |
Download |
330 391-6879 |
allianzeld@gmail.com |
www.allianzeld.com |
1100 North Glebe Rd Suite 1010, Arlington, VA 22201 |
ALZ TRACKING ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button.
ALZ TRACKING ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The ALZ TRACKING ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on ALZ TRACKING ELD during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD. |
ALZ TRACKING ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. ALZ TRACKING ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
2.23-7 and later |
ARS106 |
Download |
Download |
Am logs INC |
2604437153 |
amlogsinc@gmail.com |
https://www.amlogsinc.com/ |
2056 Louisiana St, Gary, IN, 46407, 2056 Louisiana St, Gary, IN, 46407 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The AM Logs ELD system allows for telematics data transfer, which can be accomplished via email or web services. To transfer logs, the driver can navigate to the DOT Inspection Mode menu section and select the "Send" button. Furthermore, a dedicated DOT Inspection Mode button enables the driver to display the logs report on their mobile device for a DOT officer. |
By ensuring technical requirements are met, identifying malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and maintaining records of such events, the AM Logs ELD system establishes compliance. Compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events are designated with specific codes such as:
P for "Power compliance" malfunction,
E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
T for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
1 for "Power data diagnostic" event,
2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event,
6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events.
The AM Logs ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records keep a record of all malfunctions that occurred during the relevant time frame, and all drivers who use the ELD are notified of any active malfunctions. |
AM Logs ELD has undergone comprehensive testing in accordance with the FMCSA's testing procedures to ensure compliance as an electronic logging system. The system asserts that it complies with the requirements of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, which includes the appropriate logging and transmission of hours of service data. |
AM-PM1 |
2.23-3 or up |
APM981 |
Download |
Download |
3073871156 |
info@ampmeld.com |
http://ampmeld.com |
30 N Gould St Ste R Sheridan, WY 82801, Sheridan, WY 82801 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Driver logs are transferred through the ELD system using an electronic data transfer method. If required, drivers can use the mobile app to send their logs via email or web services. To initiate the transfer process, drivers can navigate to the DOT Mode menu section and choose the "Send" button. Moreover, a dedicated DOT Mode button allows drivers to conveniently display the logs report on their mobile device when presenting it to a DOT officer. |
To guarantee compliance with technical requirements, detect malfunctions and data
inconsistencies, and record such events, the AM PM ELD system is in place. The Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records of the AM PM ELD document all malfunctions that occurred
during the relevant period, and all drivers using the ELD are informed of active malfunctions.
The following codes are used to classify compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events: P for "Power compliance" malfunction, E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction, T for "Timing compliance" malfunction, L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction, R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction, S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction, O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions, 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event, 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event, 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event, 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event, 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event, and 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events. |
FMCSA's testing procedures included extensive testing of the AM PM ELD as an electronic logging system to ensure compliance, which has been successfully completed. The system adheres to the requirements of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, which necessitates the accurate logging and transmission of hours of service data. |
Amazon Relay ELD |
PT-1 |
1.33.2 or higher |
AMZN01 |
Download |
Download |
Amazon |
1-888-280-4331 |
relay-eld@amazon.com |
http:// |
207 Boren Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98108 |
Amazon Relay ELD supports transferring of driver RODS data via Web Services and Email. To transfer driver data to FMCSA 1) scroll to the bottom of the main Relay ELD screen and tap “Roadside inspection”, 2) on the Roadside Inspection screen tap ”Send logs”, 3) tap ”Web Services” or “Email” and add a comment as directed by the law enforcement officer and tap “Submit”. You will receive a success or error message within 30 seconds. Relay ELD is used to support certain Amazon services and is not available for public distribution. |
Amazon Relay ELD monitors and alerts drivers to ELD malfunctions. An ELD malfunction is indicated by a visual indicator “M” in the header of ELD screens with a magenta-colored background. When a malfunction is indicated, a driver must reconstruct paper records of duty status (RODS) for the current 24-hour period and the previous 7 days and continue to use paper RODS until the ELD malfunction has cleared. A driver must notify the carrier within 24 hours of the malfunction. These malfunctions are automatically captured in the ELD database. Amazon Relay ELD monitors and alerts for the following six types of malfunction codes/descriptions. 1) P/Power compliance, 2) E/Engine synchronization compliance, 3) T/Timing compliance, 4) L/Positioning compliance, 5) R/Data recording compliance, and 6) S/Data transfer compliance. Relay ELD is used to support certain Amazon services and is not available for public distribution. |
The Amazon Relay ELD product and engineering teams developed and used compliance test plans incorporating the FMCSA provided Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures and ELD mandated requirements defined in part 395 Subpart B. We incorporated FMCSA test processes from the recommended test document, validated functional compliance through pilot testing the ELD with drivers operating over the road, and had a 3rd party evaluate the product for compliance with ELD regulations. This testing has demonstrated that the Amazon Relay ELD product is compliant with applicable regulations. We have instituted product development and technical support processes to ensure continued and on-going compliance with ELD regulations. Relay ELD is used to support certain Amazon services and is not available for public distribution. |
Amber ELD (Android) |
PT30 |
1.0.01 |
Download |
Download |
Amber ELD |
+15058195676 |
safety.ambereld@gmail.com |
http://ambereld.com |
5 Bisbee Ct, Santa Fe / NM / 87508 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
To transfer your ELD records to authorized Safety Officials, you need to open the "DOT Inspect" menu (Click on the "DOT Inspect" button it the Additional Menu of the Application on your device).
The DOT Inspection menu provides summaries of all the collected data about the driver, truck, and trip. You may also use this menu to transfer the data to FMCSA during the DOT inspection, certify your logs, or view unidentified records.
Click on the “Start Inspection” button and check if your logs are ready to be transferred to the Safety Officials. If everything is OK, click the “Transfer Data” to Roadside Inspector button and choose the method of sending your logs:
- Send it to the Personal Email (provided by the inspector);
- Send it to the FMCSA Email;
- Send it to Web Services (FMCSA).
If you select “Personal Email”, you need to enter the recipient's address and add a comment. If you select “Web Services (FMCSA)” or “Email to FMCSA” you need to add a comment. The reporting period will vary depending on the rules of the country in which you operate. |
If there are any malfunctions or data diagnostic issues detected, the M/D
icon at the top of the app screen will change its color from green to red. In case of a malfunction, the red "M" letter will indicate a Malfunction, and if there is a Data Diagnostic, the red "D" letter will indicate data error.
Malfunctions and Data Diagnostic can also be displayed in the Logs menu as Malfunction event or Data Diagnostic event.
As of the Malfunctions you can notice such types of issues:
-Engine Synchronization
-Positioning compliance
-Data recording compliance
-Unregistered odometer change
-Timing compliance
-Power compliance
As of the Data Diagnostics problem you can notice such types of issue:
-Engine synchronization
-Missing data elements
-Unidentified driving records
-Data transfer
-Power data diagnostic
To learn more about the problem you are facing, tap the M/D icon at the top of the app screen and check the details. |
We can confirm that the application operates in accordance with the FMCSA guidelines as a consequence of the extensive testing that has been conducted by the team of QA engineers of the Android application. |
Amber ELD (iOS) |
PT30 |
1.01.01 |
Download |
Download |
Amber ELD |
+15058195676 |
safety.ambereld@gmail.com |
http://ambereld.com |
5 Bisbee Ct, Santa Fe / NM / 87508 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
To transfer your ELD records to authorized Safety Officials, you need to open the "DOT Inspect" menu (Click on the "DOT Inspect" Button on your device).
Click on the “Start Inspection” button and check if your logs are ready to be transferred to the Safety Officials. If everything is OK, click the “Transfer Data” to Roadside Inspector button and choose the method of sending your logs:
- Send it to the Personal Email (provided by the inspector);
- Send it to the FMCSA Email;
- Send it to Web Services (FMCSA).
If you select “Personal Email”, you need to enter the recipient's address and add a comment. If you select “Web Services (FMCSA)” or “Email to FMCSA” you need to add a comment. The reporting period will vary depending on the rules of the country in which you operate. |
If there are any malfunctions or data diagnostic issues detected, the M/D
icon at the top of the app screen will change its color from green to red. In case of a malfunction, the red "M" letter will indicate a Malfunction, and if there is a Data Diagnostic, the red "D" letter will indicate data error.
Malfunctions and Data Diagnostic can also be displayed in the Logs menu as Malfunction event or Data Diagnostic event.
As of the Malfunctions you can notice such types of issues:
-Engine Synchronization
-Positioning compliance
-Data recording compliance
-Unregistered odometer change
-Timing compliance
-Power compliance
As of the Data Diagnostics problem you can notice such types of issue:
-Engine synchronization
-Missing data elements
-Unidentified driving records
-Data transfer
-Power data diagnostic
To learn more about the problem you are facing, tap the M/D icon at the top of the app screen and check the details. |
We can confirm that the application operates in accordance with the FMCSA guidelines as a consequence of the extensive testing that has been conducted by the team of QA engineers of the iOS application. |
2.0 or higher |
ARS191 |
Download |
Download |
9735124265 |
americaneld1@gmail.com |
www.amercianeld.com |
1012 Lighthouse Ct, Cedar Hill/TX/75104 |
AMERICAN SOIL ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. |
AMERICAN SOIL ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The AMERICAN SOIL ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on AMERICAN SOIL ELD during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD. |
AMERICAN SOIL ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. AMERICAN SOIL ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
Apollo Mini IOS-1020 |
2.198 |
Download |
Download |
RAM Tracking |
8552656645 |
ELDSupport@ramtracking.com |
https://www.ramtracking.com/ |
104 North Main Street, Suite 400B, Gainesville, Florida, 32601 |
Local (USB, Bluetooth)
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
To submit the Output File to an authorized safety official, the driver selects the “Export ELD
Data File” from the Logbook screen. The driver, then, will select one of the following methods:
- Email Transfer: An email will be preformatted with the .AES file attached to it. The
destination email address will be the one provided during this registration process.
- USB Transfer: The ELD will wait for the driver or safety official to connect the external
storage device and automatically enter Mass Storage mode. After the external storage device is
detected, the driver will be prompted to re-authenticate before the transfer of the output data
file is started.
- Bluetooth Transfer: After selecting this option, the authorized safety official will pair and
verify the PIN with the driver. Once the Bluetooth devices are paired, the safety official’s
technology equipment will transfer the output file to the FMCSA website using Web services. |
Low battery, network disconnection, low internal memory space, ECM data transfer failure,
location sensor failure.
- Power data diagnostic (diagnostic - 1)
- Engine synchronization data diagnostic (diagnostic - 2)
- Missing required data elements (diagnostic - 3)
- Data transfer (diagnostic - 4)
- Unidentified driving records data diagnostic (diagnostic - 5)
- Other ELD diagnostics (diagnostic - 6
- Power compliance (malfunction - P)
- Engine synchronization compliance (malfunction - E)
- Timing compliance (malfunction - T)
- Positioning compliance (malfunction - L)
- Data recording compliance (malfunction - R)
- Data transfer compliance (malfunction - S)
- Other ELD malfunctions (malfunction - O) |
The AMS ELD was tested on a diverse range of CMVs from different manufacturers and
models, as well as drivers with different experiences and backgrounds. Tests were also
performed on different environments (indoor, outdoor, inside and outside CMVs). Procedures
and areas of examinations were followed according to the “ELD Test Plan and Procedures”
version 1.0 document released by FMCSA on April 25th 2016. The Requirement Traceability
Matrix (RTM) was used and verified to ensure ELD compliance. Corrective actions and
regression tests were performed on all failed test results. |
2.0 or higher |
ARS157 |
Download |
Download |
Viktor Bright |
7739643462 |
anytimedrive2020@gmail.com |
http://anytimedrive.net |
14544 Club Circle Dr, Oak Forest/IL/60452 |
ANYTIME DRIVE is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button.
ANYTIME DRIVE monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The ANYTIME DRIVE Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on ANYTIME DRIVE during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD. |
ANYTIME DRIVE meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. ANYTIME DRIVE was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0.
Apex ELD |
3.14.0 and higher |
Download |
Download |
Apex ELD Inc |
(214) 977 8732 |
support@apexeld.us |
https://apexeld.us |
2505 Victor Ave, Glenview/Illinois/60025 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Apex ELD possesses the ability to create and dispatch ELD records using two telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email.
When opting for Web services to send ELD records, the driver is required to navigate to the "DOT Inspection" menu, click on the "Send Logs" button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type, and then finalize the process by clicking the "SEND" button.
Alternatively, for Email transmission of ELD records, the driver should follow the same steps, but this time, opt for Email as the Data Transfer Type before clicking the "SEND" button. |
The Apex ELD system is designed to autonomously monitor its operations, identifying possible malfunctions in various aspects such as power-related issues, engine synchronization, timing discrepancies, positioning inaccuracies, challenges in data recording, obstacles in data transfer, crucial data elements, and occurrences of unrecognized driving, all in accordance with regulatory standards. |
In accordance with the ELD Compliance Test Plan and Procedures furnished by the FMCSA to ELD providers, Apex ELD underwent methodical testing. Throughout this evaluation, test personnel diligently performed all specified tests as outlined in the provided test steps, ensuring the observed results matched the predetermined expectations. |
Apex Ultima |
Android & IOS |
1.0 |
AELD01 |
Download |
Download |
Apex ELD Inc |
888-975-3330 |
info@apexeld.com |
https://apexeld.com |
5924 Hoot Owl Lane, Flowery Branch, GA 30542 |
Local (USB, Bluetooth)
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Apex Ultima ELD supports data transfer for the current 24-hour period and the previous 7 consecutive days through both local and telematic options.
Transfer via Email:
Navigate to Roadside Inspection from the left menu.
On the Roadside Inspection screen, click Email.
A comment box will open.
Enter a comment and click Send Logs.
A success message will confirm the transfer.
Transfer via Web Services:
Go to Roadside Inspection from the left menu.
Click Transfer on the Roadside Inspection screen.
Enter a comment in the comment box.
Click Send Logs.
A success message will confirm the transfer.
Local Transfer using USB2:
Connect the USB2 to the ELD device.
Select Roadside Inspection from the left menu.
Click Transfer on the Roadside Inspection screen.
Enter a comment in the comment box.
Click Send Logs.
A success message will confirm the transfer.
Local Transfer using Bluetooth:
Connect the ELD to a Bluetooth device.
Go to Roadside Inspection in the left menu.
Click Transfer on the Roadside Inspection screen.
Enter a comment in the comment box.
Click Send Logs.
A success message will confirm the transfer. |
Apex Ultima ELD continuously monitors and records the following malfunctions when detected or cleared:
Power Malfunction
Engine Synchronization Malfunction
Timing Malfunction
Position Malfunction
Data Recording Malfunction
Data Transfer Malfunction
Other Malfunctions
When a malfunction is detected, the "M" indicator is displayed. Tapping on the "M" will open a dialog showing a list of the detected malfunctions, along with a 'Clear' button. Pressing the 'Clear' button will remove the detected malfunction from the list.
Our team at Apex Ultima has adhered to FMCSA requirements and successfully executed the FMCSA ELD Test Plan. End-to-end testing for both the Android and web applications was completed with success. Apex Ultima ELD is fully compliant with all requirements set forth in 49 CFR Parts 385, 386, 390, and 395 by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). |
Apollo ELD (at.eDash) |
Apollo |
AN 5.25.002/IOS 4.05 |
Download |
Download |
Apollo ELD |
305-971-6777 |
eldinfo@apolloeld.com |
http://www.apolloeld.com |
3401 NW 82 Ave Doral FL, Miami FL 33155 |
Local (USB, Bluetooth)
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The driver selects the “Export ELD Data File” from the Logbook screen to submit the Output File to an authorized safety official. The driver, then, will select one of the following methods:
- Webservice: After selecting this option, the driver should tap on the 'FMCSA' labeled image, add a comment, and tap on the 'Export' button. The FMCSA web services will return a message with the Submission ID number, Status, and Message about the transfer.
- USB Transfer: The ELD will wait for the driver or safety official to connect the external storage device and automatically enter Mass Storage mode. After the external storage device is detected, the driver will be prompted to re-authenticate before the transfer of the output data file is started.
- Bluetooth Transfer: After selecting this option, the authorized safety official will pair and verify the PIN with the driver. Once the Bluetooth devices are paired, the safety official’s technology equipment will transfer the output file to the FMCSA website using Web services.
- Email Transfer: An email will be preformatted with the .AES file attached to it. The destination email address will be the one provided during this registration process. |
Low battery, network disconnection, low internal memory space, ECM data transfer failure, location sensor failure. In addition, the following malfunctions are detected (and appropriate records created):
- Power data diagnostic (diagnostic - 1)
- Engine synchronization data diagnostic (diagnostic - 2)
- Missing required data elements (diagnostic - 3)
- Data transfer (diagnostic - 4)
- Unidentified driving records data diagnostic (diagnostic - 5)
- Other ELD diagnostics (diagnostic - 6
- Power compliance (malfunction - P)
- Engine synchronization compliance (malfunction - E)
- Timing compliance (malfunction - T)
- Positioning compliance (malfunction - L)
- Data recording compliance (malfunction - R)
- Data transfer compliance (malfunction - S)
- Other ELD malfunctions (malfunction - O)
The Apollo ELD was tested on a diverse range of CMVs from different manufacturers and models as well drivers with different experience and backgrounds. Tests were also performed on different environments (indoor, outdoor, inside and outside CMVs). Procedures and areas of examinations were followed according to the “ELD Test Plan and Procedures” version 1.0 document released by FMCSA on April 25th 2016. The Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) was used and fully verified to ensure ELD compliance. Corrective actions and regression tests were made on all Failed test results. |
2.0 or higher |
ARS184 |
Download |
Download |
7089860003 |
info@arrowhos.com |
http:// |
ARROW ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. |
ARROW ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions
and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event
detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and
data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization
compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance”
malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The ARROW ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on ARROW ELD during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD. |
ARROW ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part
395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. ARROW ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA
regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging
Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
AS4P |
2.80.12 |
ASP885 |
Download |
Download |
7188692922 |
asapeld24@gmail.com |
Asapeld.com |
1610 43rd st APT #D2, Brooklyn, NY 11204 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The ASAP ELD system simplifies telematics data transfer, allowing drivers to choose between email or web services. To initiate the transfer, the driver can simply click the "Send" button after adding the officer code in the dedicated section within the DOT Inspection Mode menu. |
With the objective of ensuring adherence to regulations, identifying malfunctions, and capturing instances of data inconsistencies, the ASAP ELD system utilizes specific codes for the classification of compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events, including:
■ P for "Power compliance" malfunction,
■ E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
■ T for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
■ L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
■ R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
■ S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
■ O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
■ 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event,
■ 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
■ 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
■ 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
■ 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event,
■ 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events.
The ASAP ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records comprehensively log all malfunctions that occurred during the relevant time period and convey information about active malfunctions to every ELD user. |
Rigorous testing, in accordance with both internal protocols and the FMCSA's Test Plan and Procedures, confirms the ASAP ELD's compliance with the stipulated requirements for ELD solutions detailed in 49 CFR Part 395, Subpart B, Appendix A. |
Ashavi Global |
ASHT01 |
1.0 |
Download |
Download |
Ashavi Global |
18006761244 |
cs@ashaviglobal.com |
http://www.ashaviglobal.com |
139 Devon Road Unit 3, Brampton/ Ontario/ L6T 5L8 |
1. Transfer via email to FMCSA’s ELD email address. NOTE: Email transfers will only be used to transfer ELD data via FMCSA’s ELD email address, not directly to a roadside inspector.
2. Using the S/MIME standard, the email will be encrypted using at a minimum the AES-256 algorithm and FMCSA ELD public key. The message will be signed using the manufacturer’s private key.
3. Once transmitted to FMCSA:
o Email will be decrypted.
o Signature will be validated using the manufacturer’s public key.
o ELD file will be validated.
4. A reply is sent to “From” address indicating success or providing a list of errors.
Step-by-step instructions for a driver
1. Driver need to click on request log on Home Screen
2. Driver will entre Fax number or Email address provided by roadside inspector.
3. Once driver click on send logs, the logs will be sent to fax or email provided within 5 minutes.
Transferring data via Bluetooth
The driver’s/motor carrier’s ELD will have to use the safety official’s internet connection to transfer data. The internet connection between the ELD and the safety official will be limited and can only be used for the purpose of transferring the ELD data via the web service. During Bluetooth data transfer, the driver/motor carrier will make the ELD discoverable. Once the ELD detects the safety official’s laptop, the safety official will provide the driver/motor carrier with a Bluetooth code to enter into the ELD and confirm Bluetooth connectivity between the safety official’s laptop and the ELD. Once the connection between the safety official’s laptop and the ELD has been confirmed, the safety official will provide the driver/motor carrier with the safety official’s unique code, and the driver/motor carrier will transfer the ELD data to web services for the safety official to retrieve.
Transferring data via web service
The authorized safety official will give the driver a routing code to assist the official in locating the data once transmitted, and the driver will initiate a web transfer to an FMCSA server to be retrieved by the safety official’s software.
Transferring data via usb 2.0
An authorized safety official will have to provide a secure USB device to allow the driver to electronically transfer data from the ELD to the official. The driver will return the USB device to the safety official, who will transfer the data to a computing device.
• Power compliance malfunction: In this instance an ELD is not powered for “an aggregated in-motion driving time of 30 minutes or more” during a 24-hour period across all drivers.
• Engine synchronization compliance malfunction: This failure occurs when ECM connectivity to any required data source such as engine power status, miles driven, engine hour, etc., is lost for more than 30 minutes during a 24-hour period aggregated across all drivers.
• Time compliance malfunction: An ELD that is unable to meet the “underlying compliance requirement to record Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), where ELD time must be synchronized with UTC, not to exceed an absolute deviation of 10 minutes at any time.”
• Positioning compliance malfunction: This occurs when the ELD is unable to obtain a valid position measurement within five miles of the truck moving and during a 60 minute period.
• Data recording compliance malfunction: This happens when the ELD can’t record or retain events or can’t retrieve recorded logs that aren’t kept remotely.
• Data transfer compliance malfunction: This failure occurs if the operation of the data transfer mechanism is in the unconfirmed data transfer mode during three consecutive monitoring checks
If the driver notices a malfunction, he or she must provide written notice of the malfunction to the carrier within 24 hours. They also must reconstruct the record of duty status (RODS) for the current 24-hour period and the previous 7 consecutive days, and record the data on graph-grid paper logs. The driver must continue to prepare RODS until the ELD is back in compliance.
This is to certify that the design of the Ashavi Global Hours of Service driver logs application has been sufficiently tested to meet the requirement stated in section 49 CFR 395.15 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations as prescribed by the United States Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Act. The sevice may be used to record, transmit, and store all hours of service information required by the Department of Transportation insection 49 CFR 395.15. |
ASMebook |
AGE001 |
1.12 |
Download |
Download |
Auto Security & Monitoring Inc |
626-454-3278 |
info@asmgps.com |
www.asmgps.com |
9322 Klingerman Street,Suite A, South El Monte, CA 91733 |
ASM ELD can transfer ELD record data by Email. When an ELD user is ready to require a record, an identical user name and password are needed to log-in by APP, after authorized by ASM control server, ELD user can email driving log record day by day with driver’s info, vehicle ID and motor carrier info etc. in RFC 5322 internet message format.
We retain 3-year vehicle ELD record data on ASM data center server, driver need download iPhone ASMBook APP, login with username and password,
select transfer data date, click email button in the APP, input Receiver email address and ELD registration ID +”:”+ASMGPS in Subject field, and input some comment in Email, ELD record data file will be attached automatically.
ASM ELD can transfer data via ASM Soap encoded Web Service in WSDL1.1 file too. ASM ELD web service reference address is: http://www.asmgps.com/eldwebservice, there is a method LOGRECORDLIST that will transfer compliant CSV format file data after authorization.
Power Compliance Malfunction
Engine Status Compliance Malfunction
Positioning Compliance Malfunction
Timing Compliance Malfunction
Data Recording Compliance Malfunction
Data Transfer Compliance Malfunction
Auto Security & Monitoring Inc. certifies based on ELD Compliance Test Procedure:
For on-vehicle device, we assign more than 10 users, after 30-day, we compare driving route synthesized from data base with drivers’ records, including location, date time, vehicle speed,engine status etc. info to ensure all geographic data, timing are correct.
For monitoring software, it must display necessary info and chart, test all features including read, save, restore, test user will finish both handwriting and electrical log records, after 30 days, we compare paper log records and electrical chart, and ensure all display info are correct..
AssetWorks ELD |
MDT7 |
v2.2 or higher |
ELD001 |
Download |
Download |
AssetWorks |
403.705.3880 |
eld.support@assetworks.com |
https://www.assetworks.com/fss/ |
10, 2175 - 29th St NE, Calgary, Alberta |
Driver or Official will use the Options button on the driver overview screen
Driver or Official will use the Roadside Inspection button on the drop down
This button will navigate the user to a Logs Grid page
The Logs Grid page will contain a button labeled "Data File Transfer”
The Officer will tap on the button and be instructed to choose email or wireless webservices and enter the instructions or code to send the data file to the FMCSA |
Power P
Device lost power during driving events for a total of 30 min or more over a 24-hour period
Engine synchronization E
Device lost connection to the ECM (or other data source) for a total of more than 30 min during a 24-hour period
Timing T
Device is not able to synchronize to UTC
Positioning L
Device is not able to acquire a valid position measurement within 5 mi of vehicle movement for a total of more than 60 min over a 24 hour period.
Data recording R
Device is no longer able to record or retain required event data or retrieve locally-stored recorded logs
Data transfer S
Device continues to fail checks of the roadside transfer mechanism for three days following a Data Transfer Diagnostic Event
Other ELD detected O
The eFleetSuite application has stopped working or is not responding as expected |
AssetWorks ELD certifies based on our completion of the testing procedures provided by the FMCSA in the Electronic Logging Device Test Plan and Procedures document version 2.0 dated 10/17/2016 that ME4230 and MDT7 complies with all Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) specifications as found in 49 CFR Part 395 for Electronic Logging Devices, Subpart B.Devices, Subpart B. |
AssetWorks Ranger ELD |
Ranger4 |
3.24 or higher |
ELD002 |
Download |
Download |
AssetWorks |
403.705.3880 |
eld.support@assetworks.com |
https://www.assetworks.com/fss/ |
10, 2175 - 29th St NE, Calgary, Alberta |
Driver or Official will use the Driver Options button on the Other screen
Driver or Official will use the Roadside Inspection button on the the next screen
This button will navigate the user to a Logs Grid page
The Logs Grid page will contain a button labeled "Data File Transfer”
The Officer will tap on the button and be instructed to choose email or wireless webservices and enter the instructions or code to send the data file to the FMCSA |
Power P
Device lost power during driving events for a total of 30 min or more over a 24-hour period
Engine synchronization E
Device lost connection to the ECM (or other data source) for a total of more than 30 min during a 24-hour period
Timing T
Device is not able to synchronize to UTC
Positioning L
Device is not able to acquire a valid position measurement within 5 mi of vehicle movement for a total of more than 60 min over a 24 hour period.
Data recording R
Device is no longer able to record or retain required event data or retrieve locally-stored recorded logs
Data transfer S
Device continues to fail checks of the roadside transfer mechanism for three days following a Data Transfer Diagnostic Event
Other ELD detected O
The ELD application has stopped working or is not responding as expected |
AssetWorks Ranger ELD certifies based on our completion of the testing procedures provided by the FMCSA in the Electronic Logging Device Test Plan and Procedures document version 2.0 dated 10/17/2016 that Ranger complies with all Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) specifications as found in 49 CFR Part 395 for Electronic Logging Devices, Subpart B.Devices, Subpart B. |
2.23.06 and Later |
ARS143 |
Download |
Download |
Assia Trak HOS |
1-833-353-7767 |
Info@assiatrakhos.com |
http://assiatrakhos.com |
PO Box 2156, Sun City, CA 92336 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
When conducting roadside inspections, the ASSIATRAK ELD proves to be an invaluable asset for drivers as it offers a thorough summary of their records. Retrieving this data is a breeze within the application, and the ELD streamlines the transmission of telematics data through email or web services. Commencing the transfer procedure is simple for drivers, who can easily navigate to the DOT Mode menu and select the "Send" option. Furthermore, a designated DOT Mode button guarantees that drivers can effortlessly display the log report on their mobile device when presenting it to a DOT officer. |
The ASSIATRAK ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records document all malfunctions that occurred during the relevant time period and notify all ELD users about active malfunctions.
In order to ensure compliance, detect malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and document such occurrences, the ASSIATRAK ELD system utilizes specific codes to classify compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events. These codes include:
"P" for "Power compliance" malfunction,
"E" for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
"T" for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
"L" for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
"R" for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
"S" for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
"O" for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
"1" for "Power data diagnostic" event,
"2" for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
"3" for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
"4" for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
"5" for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event,
"6" for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events. |
Extensive testing of the ASSIATRAK ELD product has been conducted, and it has satisfactorily fulfilled all the criteria specified in the FMCSA's Requirements Traceability Matrix. The effectiveness and adherence to regulations have been validated through pilot testing in real-world usage scenarios. The ASSIATRAK ELD product confirms its compliance with the requirements of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, guaranteeing accurate logging and transmission of hours of service data. |
Astus ELD |
Astus & iOS |
1.0.2106.210505.1 |
AELD01 |
Download |
Download |
Astus/ETL Electronique |
1-866-702-7887 |
support@astus.com |
https://astus.com |
2396 de la province, Longueuil, Qc, J4G1G1 |
Astus ELD provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside
Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email, and web service. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables Astus ELD to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
• Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
• Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The email is then automatically sent to the FMCSA email address specified in the ELD Provider Registration website: fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov
• Transfer via Web Service - this option enables the user to transfer files to FMCSA via Web Services. The Web Service data transfer follows the following standards: WSDL, SOAP, XML. |
Astus ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by Astus ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android & iOS notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
• Power Malfunction
• Engine Synchronization Malfunction
• Timing Malfunction
• Position Malfunction
• Data Recording Malfunction
• Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event. |
Astus ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. Astus ELD was installed on various types and sizes of Android & iOS phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the Astus TAG engine connected device. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
Astus ELD |
Astus & Android |
1.0.2106.210505.1 |
AELD01 |
Download |
Download |
Astus/ETL Electronique |
1-866-702-7887 |
support@astus.com |
https://astus.com |
2396 de la province, Longueuil, Qc, J4G1G1 |
Astus ELD provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email, USB, and web service. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables Astus ELD to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
• Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
• Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The email is then automatically sent to the FMCSA email address specified in the ELD Provider Registration website: fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov
• Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password.
• Transfer via Web Service - this option enables the user to transfer files to FMCSA via Web Services. The Web Service data transfer follows the following standards: WSDL, SOAP, XML.
Astus ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by Astus ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android & iOS notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
• Power Malfunction
• Engine Synchronization Malfunction
• Timing Malfunction
• Position Malfunction
• Data Recording Malfunction
• Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event. |
Astus ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. Astus ELD was installed on various types and sizes of Android & iOS phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the Astus TAG engine connected device. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
Astus ELD |
iOS & Astus |
1.0.2106.210505.1 |
AELD01 |
Download |
Download |
Astus/ETL Electronique |
1-866-702-7887 |
support@astus.com |
https://astus.com |
2396 de la province, Longueuil, Qc, J4G1G1 |
Astus ELD provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside
Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email, and web service. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables Astus ELD to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
• Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
• Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The email is then automatically sent to the FMCSA email address specified in the ELD Provider Registration website: fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov
• Transfer via Web Service - this option enables the user to transfer files to FMCSA via Web Services. The Web Service data transfer follows the following standards: WSDL, SOAP, XML. |
Astus ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by Astus ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android & iOS notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
• Power Malfunction
• Engine Synchronization Malfunction
• Timing Malfunction
• Position Malfunction
• Data Recording Malfunction
• Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event. |
Astus ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. Astus ELD was installed on various types and sizes of Android & iOS phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the Astus TAG engine connected device. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
AT&T Fleet Complete |
FTxW-P |
34.8 or higher |
FCBR20 |
Download |
Download |
BigRoad Inc |
1-888-305-8777 |
support@bigroad.com |
www.bigroad.com |
180 Columbia St. W., Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3L3 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Data transfer is supported via telematics types, specifically web services and email.
Step by step instructions:
1. Tap Inspect Logs
2. Select 7 days (US)
3. Tap Send to FMCSA
4. Select either "Via web services" or "Via email"
5. Tap Send
6. Fill in the provided output file comment
7. Tap Send |
Supported Malfunctions include:
Engine Synchronization Malfunction - indicated when the ELD is unable to sense required engine and vehicle information such as odometer, hours, VIN, road speed, engine on/off
Timing Compliance Malfunction - indicated when the ELDs clock diverges by more than 10 minutes from the external, reliable source (GPS Time)
Positioning Compliance Malfunction - indicated when the ELD is continually unable to determine an accurate location and >5 miles of driving have elapsed
Data Recording Malfunction - indicated when the ELD is unable to store data
Power Compliance Malfunction - indicated when the ELD is unable to power on with sufficient time during vehicle use
Data Transfer Malfunction - indicated when the ELD has been unable to transfer required information to FMCSA servers for an extended period of time |
The Fleet Complete BigRoad ELD has been tested in accordance with BigRoad testing procedures to be compliant with FMSCA regulation 49 CFR part 395, subpart B, appendix A; describing the functional requirements for ELD solutions. |
AT&T Fleet Complete ELD |
MGS700 (GNX6) / MGS800 |
34.5 or higher |
FCBR20 |
Download |
Download |
BigRoad Inc |
1-888-305-8777 |
support@bigroad.com |
www.bigroad.com |
180 Columbia St. W., Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3L3 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Data transfer is supported via telematics types, specifically web services and email.
Step by step instructions:
1) Tap Inspect Logs
2) Select 7 days (US)
3) Tap Send to FMCSA
4) Select either "Via web services" or "Via email"
5) Tap Send
6) Fill in the provided output file comment
7) Tap Send |
Supported Malfunctions include:
Engine Synchronization Malfunction - indicated when the ELD is unable to sense required engine and vehicle information such as odometer, hours, VIN, road speed, engine on/off
Timing Compliance Malfunction - indicated when the ELDs clock diverges by more than 10 minutes from the external, reliable source (GPS Time)
Positioning Compliance Malfunction - indicated when the ELD is continually unable to determine an accurate location and >5 miles of driving have elapsed
Data Recording Malfunction - indicated when the ELD is unable to store data
Power Compliance Malfunction - indicated when the ELD is unable to power on with sufficient time during vehicle use
Data Transfer Malfunction - indicated when the ELD has been unable to transfer required information to FMCSA servers for an extended period of time |
The AT&T Fleet Complete ELD has been tested in accordance with BigRoad testing procedures to be compliant with FMSCA regulation 49 CFR part 395, subpart B, appendix A; describing the functional requirements for ELD solutions. |
AT&T Fleet Complete ELD |
FT1 / FT2 / FT3 |
34.5 or higher |
FCBR20 |
Download |
Download |
BigRoad Inc |
1-888-305-8777 |
support@bigroad.com |
www.bigroad.com |
180 Columbia St. W., Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3L3 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Data transfer is supported via telematics types, specifically web services and email.
Step by step instructions:
1) Tap Inspect Logs
2) Select 7 days (US)
3) Tap Send to FMCSA
4) Select either "Via web services" or "Via email"
5) Tap Send
6) Fill in the provided output file comment
7) Tap Send |
Supported Malfunctions include:
Engine Synchronization Malfunction - indicated when the ELD is unable to sense required engine and vehicle information such as odometer, hours, VIN, road speed, engine on/off
Timing Compliance Malfunction - indicated when the ELDs clock diverges by more than 10 minutes from the external, reliable source (GPS Time)
Positioning Compliance Malfunction - indicated when the ELD is continually unable to determine an accurate location and >5 miles of driving have elapsed
Data Recording Malfunction - indicated when the ELD is unable to store data
Power Compliance Malfunction - indicated when the ELD is unable to power on with sufficient time during vehicle use
Data Transfer Malfunction - indicated when the ELD has been unable to transfer required information to FMCSA servers for an extended period of time |
The AT&T Fleet Complete ELD has been tested in accordance with BigRoad testing procedures to be compliant with FMSCA regulation 49 CFR part 395, subpart B, appendix A; describing the functional requirements for ELD solutions. |
Atina ELD |
BA9500 |
1.0.0 or later |
Download |
Download |
2295181022 |
info@atinatechnologies.com |
http://www.atinatechnologies.com |
2111 W LINCOLN HWY, Merrillville/Indiana/46410 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
To send logs from the main menu in the AtinaELD Mobile app, select Send logs and press the button Send output file. There are two options: 1. Send email - transfer files through FMCSA email. The ELD output file transferred is encrypted with AES-256 (AES cipher with a 256-bit key length) 2. Send with web services - transfer files with FMCSA’s public web services. If the roadside official tells you to enter an output file comment, enter text into the Comment field. |
When a malfunction or data diagnostic event is detected or cleared by the ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunctions and data diagnostic events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the app/ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. The malfunction codes are: Malfunction/Diagnostic Code Malfunction Description: • P “Power compliance” malfunction - The ELD missed 30 minutes or more of driving time due to not being powered across all driver profiles, including the unidentified driver profile • E “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction - The ELD was unable to communicate with the vehicle for more than 30 minutes during a 24-hour period across all driver profiles, including the unidentified driver profile • T “Timing compliance” malfunction - The ELD detected that its clock was inaccurate by 10 minutes or more • L “Positioning compliance” malfunction - If ELD detects a problem acquiring a valid position measurement, a position malfunction is logged. The driver will also be prompted to make a manual location entry at the time of a duty status change if the ELD has not been able to acquire an accurate position measurement. The ELD will also log a position malfunction if the cumulative time between valid position measurements (within 5 miles) exceeds 60 minutes over a 24-hour period. • R “Data recording compliance” malfunction - The ELD ran out of available storage space for events. An ELD must monitor its storage capacity and integrity and must detect a data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events or retrieve recorded logs that are not otherwise cataloged remotely by the motor carrier. • S “Data transfer compliance” malfunction – If ELD detects an issue with the data transfer mechanism or is unable to verify functionality within seven days, it will attempt to verify functionality every 24 hours for 72 hours. If it is unable to successfully verify data transfer through web services and email, a data transfer malfunction is logged. • O “Other” ELD detected malfunction - If ELD detects some other malfunction such as a hardware/software error, malfunction, or crash, it will log the event as Other Malfunction Malfunction/Diagnostic Code Data Diagnostic Event • 1 “Power data diagnostic” event - The ELD was not fully powered in under one minute, in which case, the ELD must record a power data diagnostics event for the corresponding driver(s), or under the unidentified driver profile if no drivers were authenticated at the time of detection. • 2 “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event - Needed vehicle information was not able to be read within 5 seconds of needing the data from the vehicle’s data bus • 3 “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event - Required fields for an event were not entered. If a new ELD event must be recorded at an instance when the ELD had failed to acquire a valid position measurement within the most recent elapsed 5 miles of driving, but the ELD has not yet set a positioning compliance malfunction, the ELD must record the character “X” in both the latitude and longitude fields, unless location is entered manually by the driver, in which case it must log the character “M” instead. If the ELD event is due to a change in duty status for the driver, the ELD must prompt the driver to enter location manually. If the driver does not enter the location information and the vehicle is in motion, the ELD must record a missing required data element • 4 “Data transfer data diagnostic” event - Tests to ensure the ELD is able to transfer logs during roadside safety inspections failed. This can also be triggered if there is an error while sending data from the app to the website, such as an incomplete upload, validation check error, or similar issue. If the monitoring mechanism fails to confirm proper in-service operation of the data transfer mechanism(s), an ELD must record a data transfer data diagnostic event and enter an unconfirmed data transfer mode • 5 “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event - The vehicle has drive time that is not associated with a driver. If more than 30 minutes of driving in a 24-hour period show unidentified driver on the ELD, the ELD must detect and record an unidentified driving records data diagnostic event and the data diagnostic indicator must be turned on for all drivers logged in to that ELD for the current 24-hour period and the following 7 days. An unidentified driving records data diagnostic event can be cleared by the ELD when driving time logged under the unidentified driver profile for the current 24-hour period and the previous 7 consecutive days drops to 15 minutes or less.
We declare that all FMCSA Regulation Testing Case were fulfilled and successfully passed. |
2.15 and above |
AGR529 |
Download |
Download |
AutogriELD |
+1 (331) 345-49-99 |
autogrield@gmail.com |
http://autogri.online |
2840 Gypsum Cir, Naperville IL 60564, Naperville/IL/60564 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
AUTOGRI ELD, or Electronic Logging Device, is a tool that offers a comprehensive overview of
a driver's records during a roadside inspection. Not only does it provide this information within
the app, but it also facilitates the transfer of telematics data through email or web services. The
DOT Inspection mode allows the driver to choose the method that works best for them. To
transfer ELD records through Web services, the driver needs to access the "DOT Inspection"
menu and select the "Send Logs" option. Then, they should choose Web Service as the Data
Transfer Type and click the "SEND" button. Similarly, to transfer ELD records via Email, the
driver should follow the same steps but select Email as the Data Transfer Type before clicking
the "SEND" button.
The AUTOGRI ELD system ensures compliance with technical requirements, identifies
malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and maintains records of such occurrences. Compliance
malfunctions and diagnostic events are classified with specific codes, including P for "Power
compliance" malfunction, E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction, T for "Timing
compliance" malfunction, L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction, R for "Data recording
compliance" malfunction, S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction, O for "Other"
ELD-detected malfunctions, 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event, 2 for "Engine synchronization
data diagnostic" event, 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event, 4 for "Data
transfer data diagnostic" event, 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event, and 6
for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events. The AUTOGRI ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic
Event Records document all malfunctions that occurred during the relevant time period. Active
malfunctions are communicated to all drivers who may use the ELD. |
AUTOGRI ELD has been thoroughly tested to ensure compliance with all the functional
requirements outlined in Title 49, Part 395 of Section 4.9.1, Appendix A, Subpart B. AUTOGRI
ELD can confidently certify that our ELD product adheres to all the necessary ELD regulations. |
Automile |
2.6.7 or higher |
Download |
Download |
415-749-9270 |
marketing@automile.com |
https://automile.com/ |
291 Alma Street, 291, Alma Street, Palo Alto, CA - 94301 |
Data transfer is supported by means of a document exported in pdf format, and then e-mailed to any required email addresses.
Here are the step by step instruction for email data transfer that needs to be followed from the Automile App:
STEP 1: Tap on 'HOS' from left navigation menu in the app and tap on top right 3-dot icon
STEP 2: Select the day to show log
STEP 3: Tap on 'Export HOS log' or 'Show logs to Officer'
STEP 4: Enter appropriate email address to send the log data or show the HOS log from the app itself
STEP 5: You can either show an individual day HOS log or historic log
HOS logs can also be accessed in json format through a RESTful API from our Web Services.
Here are step-by-step instruction for wireless web services capabilities:
STEP 1: Driver enters the routing code provided by safety official into the app
STEP 2: Driver initiates a web transfer via the app
STEP 3: Automile will upload the data to an FMCSA server to be retrieved by the safety official
Guidelines set forth in §395.22 – Motor carrier responsibilities – In general.
(h) A motor carrier must ensure that its drivers possess onboard a commercial motor vehicle on ELD
information packet containing the following items:
(3) An instruction sheet for the driver describing ELD malfunction reporting requirements and recordkeeping
procedures during ELD malfunctions
How does the driver know if the ELD is malfunctioning?
The lights are turned on when the device is plugged showing that it is powered.
• The ELD device malfunctions if the device is unplugged or incorrectly plugged-in to the vehicle OBD-II
• In the event of the device being unplugged from the vehicle OBD-II port, a ‘device-disconnect’ notification
or alert will be sent to the motor carrier via the Automile app.
What does the driver need to do if the ELD is malfunctioning?
• Keep a paper log for that day until ELD is repaired or replaced. In the event of an inspection, display the
logs of previous 15 days from the Automile app.
• Note the malfunction and provide written notice to your motor carrier within 24 hours.
What does the fleet need to do if the ELD is malfunctioning?
• The motor carrier will be notified of the malfunction via the Automile app. Immediately contact Automile
support at +1-(415)-749-9270 or support@automile.com to troubleshoot the issue.
• The motor carrier must take actions to correct the malfunctions within 8 days of discovery of the
condition (whether it was reported by the driver or identified on their own)
• Automile will send a new device in the event of a malfunction where the device is the issue and cannot be
corrected immediately
• If a motor carrier needs a time extension, they must notify the FMCSA Division Administrator for the state
of motor carrier’s principal place of business within5 days after a driver notifies the motor carrier
according to the guidelines set forth in §395.34(2)
Malfunction Summary Table below (The PDF of malfunction summary that includes table has also been sent via email)
Power compliance
Cause - When the ELD has more than 30 minutes of driving time lost in a 24-hour period.
Resolution - Use paper logs and please contact your motor carrier immediately
Engine Synchronization
Cause - When the ELD has more than 30 minutes of engine sync time lost in a 24-hour period.
Resolution - Use paper logs and please contact your motor carrier immediately
Timing compliance
Cause - When there is time deviation and not synchronized with the server.
Resolution - This should be auto-resolved however if not, please contact your motor carrier immediately
Positioning compliance
Cause - Occurs when the vehicle is in any area without GPS / the GPS is disconnected or not properly fitted to the ELD.
Resolution - This should be auto-resolved however if not, please contact your motor carrier immediately
Automile, Inc. certifies that our model AUTOMILE BOX 2, used in conjunction with the Automile iOS or Android app on a smartphone conforms to the ELD specifications. |
2.22-17 or later |
AGD990 |
Download |
Download |
8444050254 |
info@avanguardeld.com |
http://avanguardeld.com |
8 The Green #7354, Dover, DE 19901 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The AVANGUARD ELD supports a telematics-based data transfer system, utilizing web services and email. The data is securely converted into the required format, encrypted, and transmitted through the driver app. The driver can begin the transfer process by selecting the Send button available in the Inspection Mode menu section. Besides, a unique Inspection Mode button is provided to the driver to present the logs report on their mobile device to a DOT officer. |
To maintain compliance with technical requirements, identify malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and record such events, the AVANGUARD ELD system is applied. All drivers using AVANGUARD ELD are informed of active malfunctions, and the Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records document all malfunctions that occurred during the relevant period. The codes for classifying compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events are as following: P for "Power compliance" malfunction, E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction, T for "Timing compliance" malfunction, L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction, R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction, S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction, O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions, 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event, 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event, 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event, 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event, 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event, and 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events. |
Following the standards set by the FMCSA, the AVANGUARD ELD has undergone comprehensive testing. It validates that the combination of hardware and mobile application meets the standards of a compliant electronic logging system, ensuring full compliance with all functional requirements outlined in 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B. |
ELD-A100 |
1.3.76 |
AVLT01 |
Download |
Download |
Gestion Econoplus Inc |
514-953-4864 |
Jean.b@avltrack.com |
www.avltrack.com |
1384 Avenue de la Gare , Mascouche J7K 2Z2 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Our supported transfer methods are the telematic type: wireless Web services and email. The user must press the DOT Inspection icon, chose the transfer method and press the send button. If requested by the inspector, a comment could be entered before pressing the send button. |
AVLTRACK ELD system supports and monitors following malfunction events: a) P - “Power compliance” malfunction b) E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction c) T - “Timing compliance” malfunction d) L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction e) R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction f) S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction g) O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction |
We certify that our ELD solution meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. We certify that our eld solution has been sufficiently tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures (Version 2.1). |
A23A |
2.98 and up |
AWA869 |
Download |
Download |
AWA247 ELD |
9739021802 |
info@awaeld.com |
http://AWAELD.COM |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
When conducting roadside inspections, the AWA ELD proves to be an invaluable asset for
drivers as it offers a thorough summary of their records. Retrieving this data is a breeze within
the application, and the ELD streamlines the transmission of telematics data through email or
web services. Commencing the transfer procedure is simple for drivers, who can easily navigate
to the DOT Mode menu and select the "Send" option. Furthermore, a designated DOT Mode
button guarantees that drivers can effortlessly display the log report on their mobile device
when presenting it to a DOT officer. |
The AWA ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records document all malfunctions that
occurred during the relevant time period and notify all ELD users about active malfunctions.
In order to ensure compliance, detect malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and document
such occurrences, the AWA ELD system utilizes specific codes to classify compliance
malfunctions and diagnostic events. These codes include:
"P" for "Power compliance" malfunction,
"E" for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
"T" for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
"L" for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
"R" for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
"S" for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
"O" for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
"1" for "Power data diagnostic" event,
"2" for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
"3" for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
"4" for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
"5" for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event,
"6" for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events. |
Extensive testing of the AWA ELD product has been conducted, and it has satisfactorily fulfilled
all the criteria specified in the FMCSA's Requirements Traceability Matrix. The effectiveness and
adherence to regulations have been validated through pilot testing in real-world usage
scenarios. The AWA ELD product confirms its compliance with the requirements of 49 CFR Part
395 Subpart B, guaranteeing accurate logging and transmission of hours of service data. |
AWA247 ELD |
2.4.9 and higher. |
ARS110 |
Download |
Download |
AWA247 |
7085163020 |
eldawa247@gmail.com |
http://awa247.com |
6600 S. Melvina Ave, Chicago IL 60638 |
Telematic (Web Service)
AWA247 ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer
methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services,
a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web
Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records
via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select
Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button.
AWA247 ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions
and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event
detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and
data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization
compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance”
malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance”
malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine
synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic”
event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic”
event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The AWA247 ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic
Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on AWA247 ELD during the time
period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may
use that ELD. |
AWA247 ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part
395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. AWA247 ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA
regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging
Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
AX900 |
2.93 and later |
AXS815 |
Download |
Download |
6306076121 |
info@axioseld.com |
http://axioseld.com/ |
106 W Calendar Ave, Unit 223, La Grange, IL 60525, 106 W Calendar Ave, Unit 223, La Grange, IL 60525 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
In the context of roadside inspections, the AXIOS ELD stands out as a valuable tool for drivers, delivering a comprehensive overview of their records. Accessing this information within the application is straightforward, and the ELD streamlines the transfer of telematics data through email or web services. Drivers initiate the transfer process by navigating to the DOT Mode menu and selecting the "Send" option. To ensure the smooth presentation of the log report on their mobile device when facing a DOT officer, drivers can utilize the DOT Mode button. |
To provide a thorough account of malfunctions within the specified timeframe, the AXIOS ELD
Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records transmit active malfunctions to all ELD users.
In its dedication to compliance, malfunction detection, and addressing data inconsistencies, the
AXIOS ELD system employs distinct codes for the classification of compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events. Notable examples are:
P for "Power compliance" malfunction,
E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
T for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
1 for "Power data diagnostic" event,
2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event,
6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events. |
Meeting FMCSA standards, AXIOS ELD has successfully undergone testing to ensure the
smooth integration of hardware and the mobile application. This confirmation affirms that the
system meets all functional requirements as specified in 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B for an
electronic logging system. |
Axis TMS Logbook |
1.0.1905.190614 |
AXIS01 |
Download |
Download |
Axis TMS Corp |
8553396599 |
hello@axistms.com |
https://www.axistms.com |
780 W. Maple Rd Ste A, Troy, MI 48084 |
The Axis TMS Logbook provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email, USB, and web service. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the Axis TMS Logbook to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
• Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
• Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The email is then automatically sent to the FMCSA email address specified in the ELD Provider Registration website: fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov
• Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password.
• Transfer via Web Service - this option enables the user to transfer files to FMCSA via Web Services. The Web Service data transfer follows the following standards: WSDL, SOAP, XML. |
The Axis TMS Logbook ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the Axis TMS Logbook ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android/iOS notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
- Power Malfunction
- Engine Synchronization Malfunction
- Timing Malfunction
- Position Malfunction
- Data Recording Malfunction
- Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event. |
The Axis TMS Logbook was certified by the Axis TMS Corp testing team through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The Axis TMS Logbook was installed on various types and sizes of Android & iOS phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the AX ONE engine connected device. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the HOS web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
2.5.4 or higher |
ARS105 |
Download |
Download |
3067373990 |
info@azelds.com |
http://azelds.com |
4110 Alton Cres, REGINA/Saskachewan/ S4w0h6 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
According to 49 CFR 395.4.9.1, drivers using the AZ ELD system can transfer log data through telematics. If an officer needs to review a driver's logs, the driver can produce a report on their mobile device or transfer log data through web services or email. |
The AZ ELD system has the capability to self-detect any malfunctions as per the guidelines given in Appendix A, section 4.6. Drivers using the system will be alerted with a visual signal in case of any malfunction or diagnostic event that includes data recording, data transfer, missing data elements, power failure, engine synchronization, timing, positioning and unidentified driving. |
The AZ ELD has been put through a thorough testing process as per the standards set by the FMCSA. The AZ ELD confirms that the combination of hardware and mobile application conforms to the standards of a compliant electronic logging system and all the functional requirements specified under 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B are fully satisfied. |
Azuga ELD |
iOS & Geometris |
2116.210920 |
HOS001 |
Download |
Download |
Azuga, Inc. |
630-596-5435 |
info@azuga.com |
https://www.azuga.com |
2570 N 1st Street, # 200, San Jose, California 95131 |
Telematic (Web Service)
The ELD provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email, and web service. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the ELD produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
• Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
• Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The email is then automatically sent to the FMCSA email address specified in the ELD Provider Registration website: fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov
• Transfer via Web Service - this option enables the user to transfer files to FMCSA via Web Services. The Web Service data transfer follows the following standards: WSDL, SOAP, XML. |
The ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android & iOS notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
• Power Malfunction
• Engine Synchronization Malfunction
• Timing Malfunction
• Position Malfunction
• Data Recording Malfunction
• Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event. |
The VisTracks Hours of Service (HOS) App was certified by the VisTracks testing team through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The HOS App was installed on various types and sizes of Android & iOS phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the Geometris engine connected device. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the VisTracks HOS web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
Azuga ELD |
Android & Geometris |
3.0.2116.210920 |
HOS001 |
Download |
Download |
Azuga, Inc. |
630-596-5435 |
info@azuga.com |
https://www.azuga.com |
2570 N 1st Street, # 200, San Jose, California 95131 |
Telematic (Web Service)
The ELD provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email, USB, and web service. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the ELD to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
• Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
• Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The email is then automatically sent to the FMCSA email address specified in the ELD Provider Registration website: fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov
• Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password.
• Transfer via Web Service - this option enables the user to transfer files to FMCSA via Web Services. The Web Service data transfer follows the following standards: WSDL, SOAP, XML. |
The ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android & iOS notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
• Power Malfunction
• Engine Synchronization Malfunction
• Timing Malfunction
• Position Malfunction
• Data Recording Malfunction
• Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event. |
The VisTracks Hours of Service (HOS) App was certified by the VisTracks testing team through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The HOS App was installed on various types and sizes of Android & iOS phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the Geometris engine connected device. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the VisTracks HOS web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
Azuga ELD |
iOS & Danlaw |
2227.230724.11 |
HOS001 |
Download |
Download |
Azuga, Inc. |
630-596-5435 |
info@azuga.com |
https://www.azuga.com |
2570 N 1st Street, # 200, San Jose, California 95131 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The ELD provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email, and web service. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the ELD produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
• Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The email is then automatically sent to the FMCSA email address specified in the ELD Provider Registration website: fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov
• Transfer via Web Service - this option enables the user to transfer files to FMCSA via Web Services. The Web Service data transfer follows the following standards: WSDL, SOAP, XML. |
The ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android & iOS notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
• Power Malfunction
• Engine Synchronization Malfunction
• Timing Malfunction
• Position Malfunction
• Data Recording Malfunction
• Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event. |
The Azuga Hours of Service (HOS) App was certified by the Azuga testing team through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The HOS App was installed on various types and sizes of Android & iOS phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the Danlaw engine connected device. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Azuga HOS web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
Azuga ELD |
Android & Danlaw |
3.0.2220.230627 |
HOS001 |
Download |
Download |
Azuga, Inc. |
630-596-5435 |
info@azuga.com |
https://www.azuga.com |
2570 N 1st Street, # 200, San Jose, California 95131 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The ELD provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email, and web service. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the ELD produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
• Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The email is then automatically sent to the FMCSA email address specified in the ELD Provider Registration website: fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov
• Transfer via Web Service - this option enables the user to transfer files to FMCSA via Web Services. The Web Service data transfer follows the following standards: WSDL, SOAP, XML. |
The ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android & iOS notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
• Power Malfunction
• Engine Synchronization Malfunction
• Timing Malfunction
• Position Malfunction
• Data Recording Malfunction
• Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event. |
The Azuga Hours of Service (HOS) App was certified by the Azuga testing team through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The HOS App was installed on various types and sizes of Android & iOS phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the Danlaw engine connected device. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Azuga HOS web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
Azuga E-Logs |
2.1.25 or higher |
Download |
Download |
Azuga |
4084305777 |
products@azuga.com |
https://www.azuga.com |
2570 N. First Street, #200 San Jose, CA, 95131, California |
We have chosen to use wireless web services and email as our choice for the ELD output file
- Driver or Official will use the Options button on the driver overview screen
- Driver or Official will use the Roadside Inspection button on the drop down
- This button will navigate the user to a Logs Grid page
- The Logs Grid page will contain a button labeled "Transmit ELD Data File”
- The Officer will tap on the button and be instructed to choose email or wireless web-services and enter the instructions or code to send the data file to the FMCSA |
Power - P
Device lost power during driving events for a total of 30 min or more over a 24-hour period
Engine synchronization - E
Device lost connection to the ECM (or other data source) for a total of more than 30 min during a 24-hour period
Timing - T
Device is not able to synchronize to UTC
Positioning - L
Device is not able to acquire a valid position measurement within 5 mi of vehicle movement for a total of more than 60 min over a 24 hour period.
Data recording - R
Device is no longer able to record or retain required event data or retrieve locally-stored recorded logs
Data transfer - S
Device continues to fail checks of the roadside transfer mechanism for three days following a Data Transfer Diagnostic Event
Other ELD detected - O
The eFleetSuite application has stopped working or is not responding as expected |
Azuga ELD certifies based on our completion of the testing procedures provided by the FMCSA in the Electronic Logging Device Test Plan and Procedures document version 2.0 dated 10/17/2016 that AZ-TAB-E-ELD complies with all Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) specifications as found in 49 CFR Part 395 for Electronic Logging Devices, Subpart B.Devices, Subpart B. |
Azuga E-Logs BYOD |
2.1.25 or higher |
Download |
Download |
Azuga |
4084305777 |
products@azuga.com |
https://www.azuga.com |
2570 N. First Street, #200 San Jose, CA, 95131, California |
We have chosen to use wireless web services and email as our choice for the ELD output file
- Driver or Official will use the Options button on the driver overview screen
- Driver or Official will use the Roadside Inspection button on the drop down
- This button will navigate the user to a Logs Grid page
- The Logs Grid page will contain a button labeled "Transmit ELD Data File”
- The Officer will tap on the button and be instructed to choose email or wireless web-services and enter the instructions or code to send the data file to the FMCSA |
Power - P
Device lost power during driving events for a total of 30 min or more over a 24-hour period
Engine synchronization - E
Device lost connection to the ECM (or other data source) for a total of more than 30 min during a 24-hour period
Timing - T
Device is not able to synchronize to UTC
Positioning - L
Device is not able to acquire a valid position measurement within 5 mi of vehicle movement for a total of more than 60 min over a 24 hour period.
Data recording - R
Device is no longer able to record or retain required event data or retrieve locally-stored recorded logs
Data transfer - S
Device continues to fail checks of the roadside transfer mechanism for three days following a Data Transfer Diagnostic Event
Other ELD detected - O
The eFleetSuite application has stopped working or is not responding as expected |
Azuga ELD certifies based on our completion of the testing procedures provided by the FMCSA in the Electronic Logging Device Test Plan and Procedures document version 2.0 dated 10/17/2016 that AZ-TAB-E-ELD complies with all Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) specifications as found in 49 CFR Part 395 for Electronic Logging Devices, Subpart B.Devices, Subpart B. |
Beacon ELD |
H2F7YB |
1.0.0 and up |
Q8N3WK |
Download |
Download |
Beacon ELD |
(414) 466-9775 |
helpdesk@beaconeld.com |
https://beaconeld.com |
3874 N 1st St, Milwaukee/Wisconsin/53212 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Beacon ELD allows for ELD record transfers through Web services or Email. Navigate to "DOT Inspection," select "Transfer Logs," pick Web Service or Email, and press "Transfer Data." |
The Beacon ELD system automatically checks for issues in areas like power, engine sync, timing, positioning, data recording, transfer, critical data, and unrecognized driving, adhering to regulatory standards. |
Under the FMCSA's ELD Compliance Test Plan, Beacon ELD underwent comprehensive testing, with test personnel ensuring that all results matched the predetermined expectations. |
2.7.13 or higher |
BRS114 |
Download |
Download |
Bellfam |
5853488192 |
bellfam@bellfamsp.com |
bellfamsp.com |
424 W. Bakerview Road Ste 105-2216 , Bellingham, WA 98226 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
According to 49 CFR 395.4.9.1, drivers using the BELLFAM ELD system can transfer log data through telematics. If an officer needs to review a driver's logs, the driver can produce a report on their mobile device or transfer log data through web services or email. |
The BELLFAM ELD system has the capability to self-detect any malfunctions as per the guidelines given in Appendix A, section 4.6. Drivers using the system will be alerted with a visual signal in case of any malfunction or diagnostic event that includes data recording, data transfer, missing data elements, power failure, engine synchronization, timing, positioning and unidentified driving. |
The BELLFAM ELD has been put through a thorough testing process as per the standards set by the FMCSA. The BELLFAM ELD confirms that the combination of hardware and mobile application conforms to the standards of a compliant electronic logging system and all the functional requirements specified under 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B are fully satisfied. |
Best ELD |
0.8 |
Download |
Download |
Best ELD |
2099002378 |
itsbesteld@gmail.com |
2311 N Tracy Blvd Suite A, Tracy/CA/95376 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
To send logs from the main menu in the BestELD Mobile app, select Send logs and press the button Send output file. There are two options: 1. Send email - transfer files through FMCSA email. The ELD output file transferred is encrypted with AES-256 (AES cipher with a 256-bit key length) 2. Send with web services - transfer files with FMCSA’s public web services. If the roadside official tells you to enter an output file comment, enter text into the Comment field. |
When a malfunction or data diagnostic event is detected or cleared by the ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunctions and data diagnostic events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the app/ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. The malfunction codes are: Malfunction/Diagnostic Code Malfunction Description: • P “Power compliance” malfunction - The ELD missed 30 minutes or more of driving time due to not being powered across all driver profiles, including the unidentified driver profile • E “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction - The ELD was unable to communicate with the vehicle for more than 30 minutes during a 24-hour period across all driver profiles, including the unidentified driver profile • T “Timing compliance” malfunction - The ELD detected that its clock was inaccurate by 10 minutes or more • L “Positioning compliance” malfunction - If ELD detects a problem acquiring a valid position measurement, a position malfunction is logged. The driver will also be prompted to make a manual location entry at the time of a duty status change if the ELD has not been able to acquire an accurate position measurement. The ELD will also log a position malfunction if the cumulative time between valid position measurements (within 5 miles) exceeds 60 minutes over a 24-hour period. • R “Data recording compliance” malfunction - The ELD ran out of available storage space for events. An ELD must monitor its storage capacity and integrity and must detect a data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events or retrieve recorded logs that are not otherwise cataloged remotely by the motor carrier. • S “Data transfer compliance” malfunction – If ELD detects an issue with the data transfer mechanism or is unable to verify functionality within seven days, it will attempt to verify functionality every 24 hours for 72 hours. If it is unable to successfully verify data transfer through web services and email, a data transfer malfunction is logged. • O “Other” ELD detected malfunction - If ELD detects some other malfunction such as a hardware/software error, malfunction, or crash, it will log the event as Other Malfunction Malfunction/Diagnostic Code Data Diagnostic Event • 1 “Power data diagnostic” event - The ELD was not fully powered in under one minute, in which case, the ELD must record a power data diagnostics event for the corresponding driver(s), or under the unidentified driver profile if no drivers were authenticated at the time of detection. • 2 “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event - Needed vehicle information was not able to be read within 5 seconds of needing the data from the vehicle’s data bus • 3 “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event - Required fields for an event were not entered. If a new ELD event must be recorded at an instance when the ELD had failed to acquire a valid position measurement within the most recent elapsed 5 miles of driving, but the ELD has not yet set a positioning compliance malfunction, the ELD must record the character “X” in both the latitude and longitude fields, unless location is entered manually by the driver, in which case it must log the character “M” instead. If the ELD event is due to a change in duty status for the driver, the ELD must prompt the driver to enter location manually. If the driver does not enter the location information and the vehicle is in motion, the ELD must record a missing required data element • 4 “Data transfer data diagnostic” event - Tests to ensure the ELD is able to transfer logs during roadside safety inspections failed. This can also be triggered if there is an error while sending data from the app to the website, such as an incomplete upload, validation check error, or similar issue. If the monitoring mechanism fails to confirm proper in-service operation of the data transfer mechanism(s), an ELD must record a data transfer data diagnostic event and enter an unconfirmed data transfer mode • 5 “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event - The vehicle has drive time that is not associated with a driver. If more than 30 minutes of driving in a 24-hour period show unidentified driver on the ELD, the ELD must detect and record an unidentified driving records data diagnostic event and the data diagnostic indicator must be turned on for all drivers logged in to that ELD for the current 24-hour period and the following 7 days. An unidentified driving records data diagnostic event can be cleared by the ELD when driving time logged under the unidentified driver profile for the current 24-hour period and the previous 7 consecutive days drops to 15 minutes or less. |
We declare that all FMCSA Regulation Testing Case were fulfilled and successfully passed. |
2.24.02 or higher |
BRS218 |
Download |
Download |
Best Source ELD |
(331) 261-4010 |
support@bestsourceeld.com |
http://BestSourceEld.com |
PO BOX 87133, CAROL STREAM, IL,60188-7133, Glendale Hts,IL 60139 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
BEST SOURCE ELD system enables telematics data transfer, which can be performed through either email or web services. The driver can initiate the transfer by clicking the "Send" button located in the DOT Inspection Mode menu section. Additionally, a separate DOT Inspection Mode button allows the driver to display the logs report on their mobile device to a DOT officer. |
To ensure compliance, detect malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and maintain records of such events, the BEST SOURCE ELD system uses specific codes to classify compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events, including:
P for "Power compliance" malfunction,
E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
T for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
1 for "Power data diagnostic" event,
2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event,
6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events.
The BEST SOURCE ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records document all malfunctions that occurred during the relevant time period and communicate active malfunctions to all drivers who may use the ELD.
BEST SOURCE ELD has undergone extensive testing in accordance with the FMCSA's testing procedures to ensure compliance as an electronic logging system. The system attests that it meets the requirements of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, including the proper logging and transmission of hours of service data. |
2.0 or higher |
BRS131 |
Download |
Download |
9088005555 |
admin@best-eld.xyz |
http://best-eld.xyz |
1301 Lamar, Dayton, OH 45404, Dayton, OH, 45069 |
BEST-ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer
methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services,
a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web
Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records
via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select
Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button.
BEST-ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and
data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection.
Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data
diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization
compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance”
malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance”
malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine
synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic”
event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic”
event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The BEST-ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic
Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on BEST-ELD during the time period
for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that
BEST-ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395
of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. BEST-ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA
regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging
Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
Big ELD |
PT40 |
2.0 and up |
BE0001 |
Download |
Download |
Big ELD |
302-549-0333 |
support@bigeld.com |
http://bigeld.com |
8 THE GREEN, DOVER, DE, 19901 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Webservice: Please click on the HOS tab -> Log button -> Certify and Submit button. By clicking on the Certify and Submit button, data is certified and sent to the server and FMCSA. If no errors arise, an appropriate status is shown.
Email: Please click on the HOS tab -> Export Log data button -> Certify and Submit button. Then, the HOS app will send a file to a specific email address. |
Big ELD ensures compliance with technical requirements, identifies malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and maintains records of such occurrences. Compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events are classified with specific codes, including P for "Power compliance" malfunction, E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction, T for "Timing compliance" malfunction, L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction, R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction, S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction, O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions, 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event, 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event, 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event, 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event, 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event, and 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events. Big ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records document all malfunctions that occurred during the relevant time period. Active malfunctions are communicated to all drivers who may use the ELD. |
Big ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. Big ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
2.23-07 and higher |
BIS383 |
Download |
Download |
Bison Elog |
877-387-3564 |
info@bisonelog.com |
http://bisonelog.com |
953 Highland rd w, madera,ca 93722 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Driver logs are transferred through the ELD system using an electronic data transfer method.
When needed, drivers can utilize the mobile app to send their logs via email or web services.
The transfer of logs (via email or web service) can be initiated by accessing the DOT Mode
menu section and clicking the Send button. A separate DOT Inspection Mode button allows for
the presentation of the logs report to a DOT officer on the driver's mobile device. |
The comprehensive BISON ELOG system effectively identifies and records all malfunctions and
diagnostic events in accordance with Section 4.6, guaranteeing adherence to technical
requirements and the detection of data inconsistencies. If any inconsistencies are detected, they
are logged as malfunction events, and the driver is visually alerted.To classify compliance
malfunctions and diagnostic events specific codes are used:
● P for "Power compliance" malfunction,
● E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
● T for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
● L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
● R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
● S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
● O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
● 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event,
● 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
● 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
● 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
● 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event
● 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events |
Extensive testing, following internal procedures and the FMCSA's Test Plan and Procedures,
validates the compliance of the ELD with the requirements for ELD solutions outlined in 49 CFR
part 395, subpart B, appendix A. |
BIT ELD Dashcam |
BIT18000 |
7.0.8 or higher |
Download |
Download |
Blue Ink Tech |
(304) 381-1512 |
support@blueinktech.com |
https://blueinktech.com |
1102 3rd Ave; Suite 401, Huntington, WV 25701 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Supported and certified data transfer mechanisms: Web Services per & Email per The web services data exchange has been tested with the FMCSA endpoint. Log in to the ELD with a valid username and password. Select the "Main Menu" at the top-left of the screen. The "Main Menu" icon looks like 3 horizontal lines stacked on top of each other. Select "Roadside Inspection" The ELD records will be presented on the screen. To transfer data, click the green gear at the bottom-right of the screen. Click "Email Records to DOT" to send the logs via email. Click "Send Records to DOT Web Server" to send the logs via Web Services. |
Power Compliance malfunction per
Engine Synchronization malfunction per
Timing Compliance malfunction per
Positioning Compliance malfunction per
Data Recording Compliance malfunction per
Data Transfer Compliance malfunction per |
Blue Ink Technology, Inc. certifies that this ELD device was tested and meets the requirements stated in the ELD Final Rule. |
BIT ELD for Android |
BIT17001 |
7.0.8 or higher |
Download |
Download |
Blue Ink Tech |
(304) 381-1512 |
support@blueinktech.com |
https://blueinktech.com |
1102 3rd Ave; Suite 401, Huntington, WV 25701 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Supported and certified data transfer mechanisms: Web Services per & Email per
The web services data exchange has been tested with the FMCSA endpoint.
Log in to the ELD with a valid username and password.
Select the "Main Menu" at the top-left of the screen. The "Main Menu" icon looks like 3 horizontal lines stacked on top of each other.
Select "Roadside Inspection"
The ELD records will be presented on the screen.
To transfer data, click the green gear at the bottom-right of the screen.
Click "Email Records to DOT" to send the logs via email.
Click "Send Records to DOT Web Server" to send the logs via Web Services.
Power Compliance malfunction per
Engine Synchronization malfunction per
Timing Compliance malfunction per
Positioning Compliance malfunction per
Data Recording Compliance malfunction per
Data Transfer Compliance malfunction per |
An all-hands meeting was held with all of the employees of our company in attendance. We went through the ELD Final Rule as a group. Each requirement was read aloud. We created a document that specifies how we satisfy each of the requirements and any interpretations we made. Our team was in unanimous agreement that our system complies with the ELD Final Rule. |
BIT ELD for Apple |
BIT17001 |
7.0.8 or higher |
Download |
Download |
Blue Ink Tech |
(304) 381-1512 |
support@blueinktech.com |
https://blueinktech.com |
1102 3rd Ave; Suite 401, Huntington, WV 25701 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Supported and certified data transfer mechanisms: Web Services per & Email per
The web services data exchange has been tested with the FMCSA endpoint.
Log in to the ELD with a valid username and password.
Select the "Main Menu" at the top-left of the screen. The "Main Menu" icon looks like 3 horizontal lines stacked on top of each other.
Select "Roadside Inspection"
The ELD records will be presented on the screen.
To transfer data, click the green gear at the bottom-right of the screen.
Click "Email Records to DOT" to send the logs via email.
Click "Send Records to DOT Web Server" to send the logs via Web Services.
Power Compliance malfunction per
Engine Synchronization malfunction per
Timing Compliance malfunction per
Positioning Compliance malfunction per
Data Recording Compliance malfunction per
Data Transfer Compliance malfunction per |
An all-hands meeting was held with all of the employees of our company in attendance. We went through the ELD Final Rule as a group. Each requirement was read aloud. We created a document that specifies how we satisfy each of the requirements and any interpretations we made. Our team was in unanimous agreement that our system complies with the ELD Final Rule. |
BIT ELD Gen2 |
BIT17003 |
7.0.8 or higher |
Download |
Download |
Blue Ink Tech |
(304) 381-1512 |
support@blueinktech.com |
https://blueinktech.com |
1102 3rd Ave; Suite 401, Huntington, WV 25701 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Supported and certified data transfer mechanisms: Web Services per & Email per
The web services data exchange has been tested with the FMCSA endpoint.
Log in to the ELD with a valid username and password.
Select the "Main Menu" at the top-left of the screen. The "Main Menu" icon looks like 3 horizontal lines stacked on top of each other.
Select "Roadside Inspection"
The ELD records will be presented on the screen.
To transfer data, click the green gear at the bottom-right of the screen.
Click "Email Records to DOT" to send the logs via email.
Click "Send Records to DOT Web Server" to send the logs via Web Services. |
Power Compliance malfunction per
Engine Synchronization malfunction per
Timing Compliance malfunction per
Positioning Compliance malfunction per
Data Recording Compliance malfunction per
Data Transfer Compliance malfunction per |
Blue Ink Technology, Inc. certifies that this ELD device was tested and meets the requirements stated in the ELD Final Rule. |
BIT OBD ELD for Android |
BIT17002 |
7.0.8 or higher |
Download |
Download |
Blue Ink Tech |
(304) 381-1512 |
support@blueinktech.com |
https://blueinktech.com |
1102 3rd Ave; Suite 401, Huntington, WV 25701 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Supported and certified data transfer mechanisms: Web Services per & Email per
The web services data exchange has been tested with the FMCSA endpoint.
Log in to the ELD with a valid username and password.
Select the "Main Menu" at the top-left of the screen. The "Main Menu" icon looks like 3 horizontal lines stacked on top of each other.
Select "Roadside Inspection"
The ELD records will be presented on the screen.
To transfer data, click the green gear at the bottom-right of the screen.
Click "Email Records to DOT" to send the logs via email.
Click "Send Records to DOT Web Server" to send the logs via Web Services.
Power Compliance malfunction per
Engine Synchronization malfunction per
Timing Compliance malfunction per
Positioning Compliance malfunction per
Data Recording Compliance malfunction per
Data Transfer Compliance malfunction per |
An all-hands meeting was held with all of the employees of our company in attendance. We went through the ELD Final Rule as a group. Each requirement was read aloud. We created a document that specifies how we satisfy each of the requirements and any interpretations we made. Our team was in unanimous agreement that our system complies with the ELD Final Rule.
Our OBD-II ELD was tested on multiple medium duty vehicles from Dodge, Ford, and Chevrolet, however it does not work in all medium duty vehicles because there is not a standard way of acquiring the odometer reading in ODB-II enabled vehicles. Our OBD-II ELD only works with certain vehicles that have a Controller Area Network (CAN) diagnostics port. Our ELD was not tested in all possible combinations for make, model, trim, year, ECU, and instrument cluster configurations so it is possible our OBD-II will not read the odometer from all Dodge, Ford, or Chevrolet vehicles. |
BIT OBD ELD for Apple |
BIT17002 |
7.0.8 or higher |
Download |
Download |
Blue Ink Tech |
(304) 381-1512 |
support@blueinktech.com |
https://blueinktech.com |
1102 3rd Ave; Suite 401, Huntington, WV 25701 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Supported and certified data transfer mechanisms: Web Services per & Email per
The web services data exchange has been tested with the FMCSA endpoint.
Log in to the ELD with a valid username and password.
Select the "Main Menu" at the top-left of the screen. The "Main Menu" icon looks like 3 horizontal lines stacked on top of each other.
Select "Roadside Inspection"
The ELD records will be presented on the screen.
To transfer data, click the green gear at the bottom-right of the screen.
Click "Email Records to DOT" to send the logs via email.
Click "Send Records to DOT Web Server" to send the logs via Web Services.
Power Compliance malfunction per
Engine Synchronization malfunction per
Timing Compliance malfunction per
Positioning Compliance malfunction per
Data Recording Compliance malfunction per
Data Transfer Compliance malfunction per |
An all-hands meeting was held with all of the employees of our company in attendance. We went through the ELD Final Rule as a group. Each requirement was read aloud. We created a document that specifies how we satisfy each of the requirements and any interpretations we made. Our team was in unanimous agreement that our system complies with the ELD Final Rule.
Our OBD-II ELD was tested on multiple medium duty vehicles from Dodge, Ford, and Chevrolet, however it does not work in all medium duty vehicles because there is not a standard way of acquiring the odometer reading in ODB-II enabled vehicles. Our OBD-II ELD only works with certain vehicles that have a Controller Area Network (CAN) diagnostics port. Our ELD was not tested in all possible combinations for make, model, trim, year, ECU, and instrument cluster configurations so it is possible our OBD-II will not read the odometer from all Dodge, Ford, or Chevrolet vehicles. |
BIT17004 |
7.0.8 or higher |
Download |
Download |
Blue Ink Tech |
(304) 381-1512 |
support@blueinktech.com |
https://blueinktech.com |
1102 3rd Ave; Suite 401, Huntington, WV 25701 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Supported and certified data transfer mechanisms: Web Services per & Email per
The web services data exchange has been tested with the FMCSA endpoint.
Log in to the ELD with a valid username and password.
Select the "Main Menu" at the top-left of the screen. The "Main Menu" icon looks like 3 horizontal lines stacked on top of each other.
Select "Roadside Inspection"
The ELD records will be presented on the screen.
To transfer data, click the green gear at the bottom-right of the screen.
Click "Email Records to DOT" to send the logs via email.
Click "Send Records to DOT Web Server" to send the logs via Web Services. |
Power Compliance malfunction per
Engine Synchronization malfunction per
Timing Compliance malfunction per
Positioning Compliance malfunction per
Data Recording Compliance malfunction per
Data Transfer Compliance malfunction per |
Blue Ink Technology, Inc. certifies that this ELD device was tested and meets the requirements stated in the ELD Final Rule.
Our OBD-II ELD was tested on multiple medium duty vehicles from Dodge, Ford, and Chevrolet, however it does not work in all medium duty vehicles because there is not a standard way of acquiring the odometer reading in ODB-II enabled vehicles. Our OBD-II ELD only works with certain vehicles that have a Controller Area Network (CAN) diagnostics port. Our ELD was not tested in all possible combinations for make, model, trim, year, ECU, and instrument cluster configurations so it is possible our OBD-II will not read the odometer from all Dodge, Ford, or Chevrolet vehicles. |
2.0 or higher |
BRS253 |
Download |
Download |
9735360165 |
info@eldbitec.com |
http://eldbitec.com |
200 Vesey Street, 24th Floor, New York/New York/10281 |
BITEC ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer
methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a
driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web
Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records via
Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select
Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. |
BITEC ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions
and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event
detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and
data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization
compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance”
malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance”
malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine
synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic”
event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic”
event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The BITEC ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic
Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on BITEC ELD during the time period
for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that
ELD. |
BITEC ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395
of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. BITEC ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA
regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging
Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
Black Bear ELD |
2.0 or Higher |
BRS254 |
Download |
Download |
Black Bear ELD |
1-800-394-8081 |
blackbeareld@gmail.com |
http://www.blackbeareld.com |
10614 Avenida Fresca Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93311 |
BLACK BEAR ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics
transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web
services, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD
records via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs”
button, select Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. |
BLACK BEAR ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects
malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic
event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction
and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine
synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning
compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer
compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic”
event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements
data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The BLACK BEAR ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on
BLACK BEAR ELD during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD. |
BLACK BEAR ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of
Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. BLACK BEAR ELD was tested to comply with
FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic
Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
2.4.13 or higher |
BRS135 |
Download |
Download |
Blog ELD |
8133255219 |
bllblogeld@gmail.com |
http://www.blogeld.com |
2319 W Aileen St, Tampa FL 33607 |
Local (Bluetooth)
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
BLOG ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer
methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services,
a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web
Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records
via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select
Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. |
BLOG ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and
data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection.
Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data
diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization
compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance”
malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance”
malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine
synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic”
event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic”
event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The BLOG ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic
Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on BLOG ELD during the time period
for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that
ELD. |
BLOG ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395
of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. BLOG ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA
regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging
Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
BluAgent ELD |
iOS & CALAMP 4230 |
1803.0226 |
BA0001 |
Download |
Download |
(619)-878-5852 |
david@bluagent.com |
http://bluagent.com/ |
9765 Marconi Drive Suite 200M, 9765 MARCONI DRIVE SUITE 200M, SAN DIEGO, CA 92154 |
The BluAgent Electronic Logbook provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email, USB, and web service. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the BluAgent Electronic Logbook to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
• Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
• Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The email is then automatically sent to the FMCSA email address specified in the ELD Provider Registration website: fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov
• Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password.
• Transfer via Web Service - this option enables the user to transfer files to FMCSA via Web Services. The Web Service data transfer follows the following standards: WSDL, SOAP, XML.
The BluAgent Electronic Logbook ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the BluAgent Electronic Logbook ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android & iOS notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
● Power Malfunction
● Engine Synchronization Malfunction
● Timing Malfunction
● Position Malfunction
● Data Recording Malfunction
● Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event.
The BluAgent Electronic Logbook ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The BluAgent Electronic Logbook ELD was installed on various types and sizes of Android & iOS phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the <VBUS Device Name (ex: Geometris, Digi WVA, CalAmp 4230, Pacific Track)> engine connected device. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
BluAgent ELD |
Pacifik Track PT30 |
3.0.2118.211028 |
BA0001 |
Download |
Download |
(619)-878-5852 |
david@bluagent.com |
http://bluagent.com/ |
9765 Marconi Drive Suite 200M, 9765 MARCONI DRIVE SUITE 200M, SAN DIEGO, CA 92154 |
The < BluAgent Electronic Logbook > provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email, USB, and web service. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the <BluAgent Electronic Logbook> to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
• Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
• Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The email is then automatically sent to the FMCSA email address specified in the ELD Provider Registration website: fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov
• Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password.
• Transfer via Web Service - this option enables the user to transfer files to FMCSA via Web Services. The Web Service data transfer follows the following standards: WSDL, SOAP, XML.
The <BluAgent Electronic Logbook> ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the < BluAgent Electronic Logbook > ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android/iOS notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
• Power Malfunction
• Engine Synchronization Malfunction
• Timing Malfunction
• Position Malfunction
• Data Recording Malfunction
• Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event.
The <BluAgent Electronic Logbook> was certified by the <Vistrack> testing team through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The <BluAgent Electronic Logbook> was installed on various types and sizes of Android & iOS phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the < Pacific Track)> engine connected device. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the HOS web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser |
BluAgent ELD |
Android & IOSix |
1.0.1805.14123 |
BA0001 |
Download |
Download |
(619)-878-5852 |
david@bluagent.com |
http://bluagent.com/ |
9765 Marconi Drive Suite 200M, 9765 MARCONI DRIVE SUITE 200M, SAN DIEGO, CA 92154 |
The BluAgent Electronic Logbook provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside
Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email, and web service. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the BluAgent Electronic Logbook to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
• Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
• Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The email is then automatically sent to the FMCSA email address specified in the ELD Provider Registration website: fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov
• Transfer via Web Service - this option enables the user to transfer files to FMCSA via Web Services. The Web Service data transfer follows the following standards: WSDL, SOAP, XML.
The BluAgent Electronic Logbook ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the BluAgent Electronic Logbook ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android & iOS notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
● Power Malfunction
● Engine Synchronization Malfunction
● Timing Malfunction
● Position Malfunction
● Data Recording Malfunction
● Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event.
The BluAgent Electronic Logbook ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The BluAgent Electronic Logbook ELD was installed on various types and sizes of Android & iOS phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the <VBUS Device Name (ex: Geometris, Digi WVA, CalAmp 4230, Pacific Track)> engine connected device. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
BluAgent ELD |
iOS & IOSix |
1.0.1805.14123 |
BA0001 |
Download |
Download |
(619)-878-5852 |
david@bluagent.com |
http://bluagent.com/ |
9765 Marconi Drive Suite 200M, 9765 MARCONI DRIVE SUITE 200M, SAN DIEGO, CA 92154 |
The BluAgent Electronic Logbook provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside
Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email, and web service. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the BluAgent Electronic Logbook to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
• Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
• Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The email is then automatically sent to the FMCSA email address specified in the ELD Provider Registration website: fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov
• Transfer via Web Service - this option enables the user to transfer files to FMCSA via Web Services. The Web Service data transfer follows the following standards: WSDL, SOAP, XML.
The BluAgent Electronic Logbook ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the BluAgent Electronic Logbook ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android & iOS notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
● Power Malfunction
● Engine Synchronization Malfunction
● Timing Malfunction
● Position Malfunction
● Data Recording Malfunction
● Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event.
The BluAgent Electronic Logbook ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The BluAgent Electronic Logbook ELD was installed on various types and sizes of Android & iOS phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the <VBUS Device Name (ex: Geometris, Digi WVA, CalAmp 4230, Pacific Track)> engine connected device. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
BluAgent ELD |
Android & CALAMP 4230 |
1.0 |
BA0001 |
Download |
Download |
(619)-878-5852 |
david@bluagent.com |
http://bluagent.com/ |
9765 Marconi Drive Suite 200M, 9765 MARCONI DRIVE SUITE 200M, SAN DIEGO, CA 92154 |
The BluAgent Electronic Logbook provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email, USB, and web service. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the BluAgent Electronic Logbook to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
• Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
• Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The email is then automatically sent to the FMCSA email address specified in the ELD Provider Registration website: fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov
• Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password.
• Transfer via Web Service - this option enables the user to transfer files to FMCSA via Web Services. The Web Service data transfer follows the following standards: WSDL, SOAP, XML.
The BluAgent Electronic Logbook ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the BluAgent Electronic Logbook ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android & iOS notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
● Power Malfunction
● Engine Synchronization Malfunction
● Timing Malfunction
● Position Malfunction
● Data Recording Malfunction
● Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event.
The BluAgent Electronic Logbook ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The BluAgent Electronic Logbook ELD was installed on various types and sizes of Android & iOS phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the <VBUS Device Name (ex: Geometris, Digi WVA, CalAmp 4230, Pacific Track)> engine connected device. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
BluAgent ELD |
Android & BAFX/ELM327 |
1.0 |
BA0001 |
Download |
Download |
(619)-878-5852 |
david@bluagent.com |
http://bluagent.com/ |
9765 Marconi Drive Suite 200M, 9765 MARCONI DRIVE SUITE 200M, SAN DIEGO, CA 92154 |
The BluAgent Electronic Logbook provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email, USB, and web service. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the BluAgent Electronic Logbook to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
• Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
• Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The email is then automatically sent to the FMCSA email address specified in the ELD Provider Registration website: fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov
• Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password.
• Transfer via Web Service - this option enables the user to transfer files to FMCSA via Web Services. The Web Service data transfer follows the following standards: WSDL, SOAP, XML.
The BluAgent Electronic Logbook ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the BluAgent Electronic Logbook ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android & iOS notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
● Power Malfunction
● Engine Synchronization Malfunction
● Timing Malfunction
● Position Malfunction
● Data Recording Malfunction
● Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event.
The BluAgent Electronic Logbook ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The BluAgent Electronic Logbook ELD was installed on various types and sizes of Android & iOS phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the <VBUS Device Name (ex: Geometris, Digi WVA, CalAmp 4230, Pacific Track)> engine connected device. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
Blue Link GPS |
BlueLink |
3.0.6 |
WLI001 |
Download |
Download |
Eddy Stevens |
9056699677 |
eddy@securitystores.com |
http://www.itrackgps.com |
201 Millway ave Unit 12, Concord/Ontario/L4K5K8 |
There is a one page document describing how the officer can enter “officer mode” by clicking on the icon on the top right “officer icon” present on all screens. Once in “officer mode” the Daily Header and Full Day ELD Record defined by the FMCSA are displayed. On the bottom of the page there is a button marked “send report.” Clicking this button brings up the window to email the report to any email address entered. It also features an option to submit the data to the FMCSA web services endpoint. This will utilize the SOAP protocol, per the FMCSA documentation, to transmit the ELD data file and the output file comment entered by the inspecting officer.
Each malfunction has been coded following the "Standard Coding for Required Compliance Malfunction and Data Diagnostic Event Detection" definitions regarding "Malfunction/Diagnostic Code", "Malfunction Description" and "Data Diagnostic Event." Power Compliance monitoring assures that the ELD will become fully functional within one minute of the engine on event and remain on as long as the vehicle's engine stays powered. Engine Synchronization monitoring determines our connection to the ECM. This alerts the driver if there is a loss of connectivity to the ECM. For Timing Compliance Monitoring, we periodically check UTC time via the internet. For Positioning Compliance the ELD records the location, and uses the last valid position measurement and includes the latitude and longitude coordinates and distance traveled in miles, since the last valid position measurement. We also measure the elapsed time during periods when the ELD does not require a valid position measurement within 5 miles. If the time exceeds 60 minutes in a 24 hour period, it is marked as a positioning compliance malfunction. An ELD monitors its storage capacity and integrity and detects data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events or retrieve recorded logs that are not otherwise catalogued remotely by the motor carrier. The ELD monitors the completeness of the ELD event record information in relation to the required data elements for each event type and records a missing data elements data diagnostics event for the driver if any required field is missing at the time of recording. We check to make sure that our data transfer mechanism works properly at least once every 7 days. All Data Diagnostic events are handled similarly according to the mandate. |
By using the Blue Link Wireless device we have stress tested it under strict conditions. From this unique type of testing we have noticed it is safe, fully functional, and reliable. At all times of operation it is able to communicate with the FMCSA servers and be compliant with the FMCSA policy. In addition, it meets and goes beyond the expectations of the FMCSA by being error-free and responsive to problems by giving signals when there is a malfunction within the system. Furthermore, after repeated testings we have come to the conclusion that it meets our standards and is safe, reliable, and successfully meets the criteria of the FMCSA regulation.
Blue Star ELD Solutions |
1.0.0 or higher |
Download |
Download |
(440) 672-5002 |
safety@tonysp1logisticsllc.com |
http://www.bluestareldsolutions.com/ |
2461 W 25 TH ST 305 CLEVELAND, OH 44113 , Cleveland/OH/44113 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Blue Star ELD Solutions is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a driver must press the “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press the “Transfer Logs” button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type, and press the “Transfer Logs” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press the “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press the “Transfer Logs” button, select Email as the Data Transfer Type, and press the “Transfer Data” button. |
Blue Star ELD Solutions monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects
malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The Blue Star ELD Solutions Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on Blue Star ELD Solutions during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD. |
Blue Star ELD Solutions meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. Blue Star ELD Solutions was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
Blue Tree ELD |
BT500 / BT504 |
4.38 and higher |
ELD001 |
Download |
Download |
1-800-ORBCOMM |
FMSupport@orbcomm.com |
https://www.orbcomm.com/ |
2700 N Military Trail, 22970 Indian Creek Drive, Suite 300, Sterling, VA 20166 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
As a telematics provider we support both email & web service transfer.
Instructions below & in user guide with images.
Transferring Logs
The Blue Tree Systems ELD allows transferring of your RODS to the DOT via email or web services.
Email Transfer
¿ Tap the 'Email Logs' button. The email screen displays the destination email address as specified by the FMCSA. The roadside officer can enter a different email address
¿ If provided, enter the roadside inspector's comment
¿ Tap the 'Send' button to send your logs via email.
Web Services Transfer
¿ Tap the 'Upload Logs' button
¿ If provided, enter the roadside inspector's comment
¿ Tap the 'Upload Logs' button to send your logs via webservices.
Code Malfunction Cause Resolution
P Power Compliance The ELD has accumulated more than 30 minutes of driving time lost in a 24-hour period.
There may be a fault in the ECM link or an issue with the ELD installation. Please contact your motor carrier.
You should revert to paper logs.
E Engine Synchronization The ELD has accumulated more than 30 minutes without ECM engine synchronization over a 24-hour period.
There may be a fault in the ECM link or an issue with the ELD installation. Please contact your motor carrier.
You should revert to paper logs.
T Timing Compliance The ELD's internal clock in the vehicle has not yet synchronized with the server that resulted in a time deviation of 10+ minutes.
This can occur when the vehicle the ELD is in has not been in service for a period of time? This should auto-resolve once the internal clock has synchronized with the Blue Tree server.
If this malfunction does not auto-resolve or persists, please contact your motor carrier.
L Positioning Compliance The ELD has accumulated more than 60 minutes without a GPS lock within a 24-hour period.
This can occur when the vehicle is in any area without GPS / the GPS is disconnected or not properly fitted to the ELD. This should auto-resolve once the ELD gets a valid GPS lock.
If this malfunction does not auto-resolve or persists, please contact your motor carrier.
R Data Recording The ELD does not have sufficient storage capacity to record ELD events. Please contact your motor carrier.
You should revert to paper logs.
S Data Transfer Compliance The ELD has failed to transfer the driver's logs to the DOT as requested during a roadside inspection. Occurs if a Data Transfer Data Diagnostic event has not auto-resolved after 3 days from the when it was detected. Verify the ELD has network connectivity. You may be operating in a location with poor cellular coverage.
If this malfunction does not auto-resolve within a 24-hour period, please contact your motor carrier.
Using the FMCSA provided test suite / document we added all cases to our manual test case repository and manually tested and logged results for each case. |
Bluehorseeld |
bhe-pt |
1.0 and above |
bh2024 |
Download |
Download |
Blue Horse ELD Inc |
16612083900 |
bluehorseeld@gmail.com |
https://bluehorseeld.com |
10607 Alondra Dr Bakersfild CA 93311, 10607 Alondra Dr Bakersfild CA 93311 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
We are supporting data transfer via Web Services and Email for current 24-hour period and the previous 7 consecutive days. To send data to FMCSA, add comment in comment box and click send button to transfer data to FMCSA. |
Power, Engine Synchronization, Timing, Position, Data Recording and Data Transfer
For Malfunctions detection "M" indicator is displayed
Clicking on "M", a pop up will be display with a list of all detected malfunctions. |
He have followed FMCSA Requirements and successful executed FMCSA ELD Test Plan.
E2E testing for IOS, Android and web application was completed successfully.
Our software complies with FMCDA requirements in 49 CFR Parts 385, 386, 390, and 395 by the FMCSA. |
2.90.07 |
BLT416 |
Download |
Download |
Bolt ELD LLC |
(307) 317-2827 |
contact@bolteld.com |
http://bolteld.com |
1309 Coffeen Avenue, Suite 15765, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
During roadside inspections, drivers find the BOLT eLOGS to be an indispensable tool, providing a comprehensive overview of their records. Accessing this information is effortless within the application, and the ELD simplifies the transmission of telematics data via email or web
services. Initiating the transfer process is straightforward for drivers, who can navigate to the DOT Mode menu and choose the "Send" option. Moreover, a specific DOT Mode button ensures
drivers can easily showcase the log report on their mobile device when presenting it to a DOT
officer. |
Compliance with technical requirements is closely monitored by the BOLT eLOGS, which actively
detects malfunctions and data inconsistencies, maintaining a record of such events. Standard
coding is employed to identify compliance malfunctions and data diagnostic events, assigning
codes like P for "Power compliance" malfunction, E for "Engine synchronization compliance"
malfunction, T for "Timing compliance" malfunction, L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction, R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction, S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction, O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions, 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event, 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event, 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event, 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event, 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event, and 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events. The Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records detail all ELD malfunctions occurring during the specified time period, ensuring that active malfunctions are promptly communicated to all ELD users. |
The BOLT eLOGS system leverages a granular test-driven approach to achieve conformance
with 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B. Through exhaustive mapping and verification against the FMCSA's Requirements Traceability Matrix , the system demonstrably fulfills all specified criteria, encompassing both functional and non-functional requirements. Subsequent pilot testing under operational conditions, including diverse vehicle types and duty cycles, further validates the system's efficacy and robustness in real-world environments. As a result, BOLT eLOGS confirms its ability to accurately log and securely transmit hours-of-service data with consistent performance and unwavering adherence to regulatory mandates. |
2.16.5 or higher |
BRS279 |
Download |
Download |
Control y Monitoreo Avanzado S de RL de CV |
+5216865678895 |
eld.admin@branix.com |
http://www.branix.com |
Calzada CETYS 2901 3C, Mexicali, Baja California, 21259 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
BRANIX ELD, or Electronic Logging Device, is a tool that offers a comprehensive overview of a driver's records during a roadside inspection. Not only does it provide this information within the app, but it also facilitates the transfer of telematics data through email or web services. The DOT Inspection mode allows the driver to choose the method that works best for them. To transfer ELD records through Web services, the driver needs to access the "DOT Inspection" menu and select the "Send Logs" option. Then, they should choose Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and click the "SEND" button. Similarly, to transfer ELD records via Email, the driver should follow the same steps but select Email as the Data Transfer Type before clicking the "SEND" button. |
The BRANIX ELD system ensures compliance with technical requirements, identifies malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and maintains records of such occurrences. Compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events are classified with specific codes, including P for "Power compliance" malfunction, E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction, T for "Timing compliance" malfunction, L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction, R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction, S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction, O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions, 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event, 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event, 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event, 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event, 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event, and 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events. The BRANIX ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records document all malfunctions that occurred during the relevant time period. Active malfunctions are communicated to all drivers who may use the ELD. |
BRANIX ELD has been thoroughly tested to ensure compliance with all the functional requirements outlined in Title 49, Part 395 of Section 4.9.1, Appendix A, Subpart B. BRANIX ELD can confidently certify that our ELD product adheres to all the necessary ELD regulations. |
2.22.19 and later |
BRS690 |
Download |
Download |
Brave Elogs Inc |
331-280-5550 |
info@braveelogs.com |
http://braveelogs.com |
1623 Alan Ct, Naperville, IL, 60564 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Driver logs are transferred through the ELD system using an electronic data transfer method.
When needed, drivers can utilize the mobile app to send their logs via email or web services.
The transfer of logs (via email or web service) can be initiated by accessing the DOT Mode
menu section and clicking the Send button. A separate DOT Inspection Mode button allows for
the presentation of the logs report to a DOT officer on the driver's mobile device. |
The comprehensive BRAVE ELOGS system effectively identifies and records all malfunctions
and diagnostic events as mandated in Appendix A, section 4.6, guaranteeing adherence to
technical requirements and the detection of data inconsistencies. If any inconsistencies are
detected, they are logged as malfunction events, and the driver is visually alerted.To classify
compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events specific codes are used:
● P for "Power compliance" malfunction,
● E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
● T for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
● L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
● R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
● S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
● O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
● 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event,
● 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
● 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
● 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
● 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event
● 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events |
Extensive testing, following internal procedures and the FMCSA's Test Plan and Procedures,
validates the compliance of the ELD with the requirements for ELD solutions outlined in 49 CFR
part 395, subpart B, appendix A. |
BreakerLog ELD |
BLELD-5 and higher |
5.0 and higher |
Download |
Download |
Carrus Mobile, Inc. |
+1 (855) 772-2778 |
sales@breakerlog.com |
http://www.breakerlog.com |
54 W 40 St, New York, NY 10018 |
According to ELD Final Rule requirement, BreakerLog ELD supports and certifies a data transfer mechanism based on Telematic option using Email and Web-Services.
In order for conduct a data transfer, the Driver must complete following steps:
Select menu item “DOT Reports”
Select “Create Data Transfer”
Select from following data transfer methods:
1. Email – if selected, driver must complete following actions:
1.1. Enter optional “Output File Comment” in menu field
1.2. Enter the address provided by the inquiring party in appropriate field in mailing application
1.3. Complete action by selecting “Send” – email containing an encrypted ELD output file will be sent to specified address
2. Web Service – if selected Driver must complete following actions
2.1. Enter optional “Output File Comment” in menu field
2.2. Select “Complete Transfer”, after which report will be uploaded into FMCSA specified web service endpoint. |
Breakerlog ELD system supports and monitors following malfunction events:
a) P - “Power compliance” malfunction
b) E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction
c) T - “Timing compliance” malfunction
d) L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction
e) R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction
f) S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction
g) O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction |
Carrus Mobile, Inc. certifies that BreakerLog ELD system for model BLELD-5 and higher and version 5.0 and higher has been sufficiently tested to meet the functional requirements included in the technical specifications in the Appendix to subpart B of part 395, title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations based on the Compliance Test Procedures provided on FMCSA website available at the following link https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/hours-service/elds/eld-test-procedures |
BridgeHaul ELD |
Bluelink |
3.7.0+ |
BRHL01 |
Download |
Download |
BridgeHaul Logistics Solutions LLC |
8007856438 |
support@bridgehaul.com |
https://bridgehaul.com |
1001 Industrial Pkwy, McDonough, GA 30253 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
BridgeHaul's ELD supports telemetatics webservices data transfer and email. To transfer data as a driver, the driver clicks on “Send eRODs” in the settings menu. A modal will pop up in the center of the screen with an optional input field for a comment. The driver will indicate the transfer method by checking the “webservices” box or the “email” box. Once the driver adds the optional comment, he/she clicks “SEND” which will initiate the file transfer to the FMCSA via webservices.
The ELD communicates to BridgeHaul’s internal servers via APIs over cellular service and BridgeHaul connects to an FMCSA SOAP service and submits a client certificate, the ELD data file with output file comment input by the driver.
For email file transfers, BridgeHaul uses the secure/multipurpose internet mail exchange (S/MIME) standard which is encrypted using AES-256 (AES cipher with a 256-bit key length). BridgeHaul attaches the FMCSA’s ELD public key and is signed using BridgeHaul’s ELD private key that corresponds with the ELD public key submitted to the FMCSA by BridgeHaul during the self-certifying process. |
Malfunctions and diagnostic events are flagged with a red icon on the ELD homescreen. Each malfunction or diagnostic event (the event) attributes a 1 digit code that further specifies the underlying malfunction or data diagnostic event as defined in Table 4 of the technical appendix to the ELD Final Rule. Attached to this event are additional required fields such as date, time, CMV, vehicle miles, and engine hours and driver profile.
The ELD is has the ability to record all malfunction and data diagnostic events as defined in Table 4 of the technical appendix to the ELD Final Rule including power compliance, engine synchronization compliance, timing compliance, positioning compliance, data recording compliance, data transfer compliance, and other various malfunctions.
For data diagnostic events, the ELD can detect and record power data diagnostic, engine synchronization diagnostic, missing required data element diagnostic , data transfer diagnostic, and unidentified driving record diagnostic events.
Once the required elapsed time or value drops below the malfunction or diagnostic threshold the ELD records when the malfunction/diagnostic is cleared.
In addition to the displayed icon, the ELD will flag and prompt a driver to accept or reject unidentified driving events that have not been claimed upon connecting to the device if any are present. |
BridgeHaul Inc certifies that this ELD model and version has been sufficiently tested to meet the functional requirements included in the technical specifications in the Appendix to subpart B of part 395, title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, under the conditions in which the ELD would be used. |
Bright Technologies |
B1 |
1 or higher |
BRT001 |
Download |
Download |
Bright Technologies |
2147519645 |
brighttechnologies95@gmail.com |
http://brighttec.net |
215 Wooded Meadow L, Red Oak, TX 75154 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
We support the telematics transfer methods specified by the FMCSA: (1) wireless web services and (2) email. We also support an in-app visual display for cases where the driver does not have an internet connection. The visual display includes a record of the current 24-hour period and the previous 7 consecutive days of the driver’s logs, as required in section 4.10. We await the FMCSA supplied information on the final PKI details for wireless web services and email data transfer. For a driver to transfer their log information to a DOT officer, they will tap the “DOT inspection mode” option from the mobile app’s left menu, and tap “Begin Inspection” for a visual inspection or “Send Logs” in order to transfer log information via email or web services.
ELD system self-monitors for all appropriate malfunctions as specified in Appendix A section 4.6. Also as required in section 4.6, when a malfunction is detected, it is reported in ELD data file(s) and visually indicated on the ELD system as required by Our software continuously monitors our ELD system for compliance with the data requirements. It supports detection of all malfunctions and diagnostic events specified by the FMCSA regulations including: Power Compliance, Engine Synchronization compliance, Timing compliance, Positioning compliance, Data Recording compliance, Data Transfer compliance, Required Data Elements, and Unidentified driving, as required in section 4.6 of the mandate.
The Bright Technologies has undergone comprehensive testing in accordance with the FMCSA's testing procedures to ensure compliance as an electronic logging system. The system asserts that it complies with the requirements of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, which includes the appropriate logging and transmission of hours of service data. |
2.0 or higher |
brs125 |
Download |
Download |
Lhb Trucking inc |
7738758268 |
info@lhbtrucking.net |
http://lhbtrucking.net |
8821 W 84Th St, Justice, IL 60458 |
BST ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records
via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button |
BST ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The BST ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on BST ELD during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD. |
BST ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. BST ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
Budget ELD 1 |
BGELD300 |
2.0+ |
Download |
Download |
Budget ELD LLC |
7154512522 |
budgeteld24@gmail.com |
https://budgeteld.com |
885 Tahoe Blvd, Incline Village, NV 89451 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Budget ELD supports data transfer as a Webservice and/or Email.
Drivers can access these options from "More" --> "DOT Inspection" from their ELD application. There are step-by-step prompts for the driver for Webservice or an Email option to transfer data. The driver needs to add a comment before the data transfer is sent. |
If ELD detects a Malfunction, there will be a RED alert icon on the driver application. Driver can click on that to learn more about the malfunction and take corrective action.
Malfunctions are logged per article 395.34 of the ELD mandate rule described under section 4.6, table 4. Power, engine synchronization, timing, positioning, data recording, data transfer, and their required data elements are logged when there is any issue as per the guidelines.
Please refer to the user manual for detail |
We are using a 3rd party system that has been FMCSA-compliant for the last 7 years. We tested the system internally to verify it is FMCSA compliant and passed ELD tests as per ELD specifications mentioned in subpart B of part 395 |
Budget Trucker |
G3000 |
1824.190131.1 |
HOS001 |
Download |
Download |
Budget Trucker |
855-368-7233 |
info@budgettrucker.com |
http://budgettrucker.com |
6101 Long Prairie Road, Ste. 744-281, Flower Mound, TX |
Data Transfer Description – Apple iOS Registrations
Budget Trucker provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email, USB, and web service. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables Budget Trucker to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver. • Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth. • Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The email is then automatically sent to the FMCSA email address specified in the ELD Provider Registration website: fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov • Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password. • Transfer via Web Service - this option enables the user to transfer files to FMCSA via Web Services. The Web Service data transfer follows the following standards: WSDL, SOAP, XML. Data Transfer Description – iOS Registrations Budget Trucker provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email, and web service. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables Budget Trucker to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver. • Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth. • Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The email is then automatically sent to the FMCSA email address specified in the ELD Provider Registration website: fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov • Transfer via Web Service - this option enables the user to transfer files to FMCSA via Web Services. The Web Service data transfer follows the following standards: WSDL, SOAP, XML. |
Summary of Malfunctions Budget Trucker ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by Budget Trucker ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android & iOS notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions: Power Malfunction Engine Synchronization Malfunction Timing Malfunction Position Malfunction Data Recording Malfunction Data Transfer Malfunction Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event. |
Certifying Statement of FMCSA Regulation Testing Budget Trucker was certified by the Budget Trucker testing team through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. Budget Trucker was installed on various types and sizes of Android & iOS phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the Geometris engine connected device. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the HOS web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
Budget Trucker |
G3000 |
1.0.1625.6584 |
HOS001 |
Download |
Download |
Budget Trucker |
855-368-7233 |
info@budgettrucker.com |
http://budgettrucker.com |
6101 Long Prairie Road, Ste. 744-281, Flower Mound, TX |
Data Transfer Description – Android Registrations
Budget Trucker provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email, USB, and web service. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables Budget Trucker to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
• Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
• Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The email is then automatically sent to the FMCSA email address specified in the ELD Provider Registration website: fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov
• Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password.
• Transfer via Web Service - this option enables the user to transfer files to FMCSA via Web Services. The Web Service data transfer follows the following standards: WSDL, SOAP, XML.
Data Transfer Description – iOS Registrations
Budget Trucker provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside
Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email, and web service. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables Budget Trucker to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
• Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
• Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The email is then automatically sent to the FMCSA email address specified in the ELD Provider Registration website: fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov
• Transfer via Web Service - this option enables the user to transfer files to FMCSA via Web Services. The Web Service data transfer follows the following standards: WSDL, SOAP, XML.
Summary of Malfunctions
Budget Trucker ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by Budget Trucker ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android & iOS notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
Power Malfunction
Engine Synchronization Malfunction
Timing Malfunction
Position Malfunction
Data Recording Malfunction
Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event. |
Certifying Statement of FMCSA Regulation Testing
Budget Trucker was certified by the Budget Trucker testing team through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. Budget Trucker was installed on various types and sizes of Android & iOS phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the Geometris engine connected device. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the HOS web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser.
Canada & US by Gorilla Safety |
1.0 and Above |
CAUS02 |
Download |
Download |
Gorilla Fleet Safety, LLC |
844-636-1360 |
info@gorillasafety.com |
http://www.gorillasafety.com |
22327 Gosling Rd, Spring, TX 77379 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
This ELD uses the web services and email method of transmission. Driver, from the "Dashboard" page of their ELD, will tap on "Roadside Inspection," then "Send Logs." Once they tap send logs, any annotation or note requested by the inspecting officer can be entered by the driver prior to sending. |
The malfunctions supported are: Power Compliance Malfunction Engine Synchronization Malfunction Timing Compliance Malfunction Positioning Compliance Malfunction Data Recording Malfunction Data Transfer Malfunction Each of these malfunctions appears prominently for the user to understand the issue. When the user is presented with this, he is able to rectify the situation, contact the manufacturer or use paper logs, as provided as part of the instruction guide, to remain compliant. The malfunctions and malfunction codes can be found in the instruction guide with the required details in order for the driver to understand what he needs to do next. |
The product has been thoroughly tested by both internal and external, third party, testers. Each requirement of the ELD has been either met or exceeded. The process of review and testing included the full review of the ruling, testing procedures and debugging of any blocker found in the software package. It further included the retesting by additional quality assurance professionals. Ultimately, the programing and hardware operate as intended and are in compliance. |
Canada & US by Gorilla Safety |
5.0 and above |
CAUS01 |
Download |
Download |
Gorilla Fleet Safety, LLC |
844-636-1360 |
info@gorillasafety.com |
http://www.gorillasafety.com |
22327 Gosling Rd, Spring, TX 77379 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
This ELD uses the web services and email method of transmission. Driver, from the "Dashboard" page of their ELD, will tap on "Roadside Inspection," then "Send Logs." Once they tap send logs, any annotation or note requested by the inspecting officer can be entered by the driver prior to sending. |
The malfunctions supported are: Power Compliance Malfunction Engine Synchronization Malfunction Timing Compliance Malfunction Positioning Compliance Malfunction Data Recording Malfunction Data Transfer Malfunction Each of these malfunctions appears prominently for the user to understand the issue. When the user is presented with this, he is able to rectify the situation, contact the manufacturer or use paper logs, as provided as part of the instruction guide, to remain compliant. The malfunctions and malfunction codes can be found in the instruction guide with the required details in order for the driver to understand what he needs to do next. |
The product has been thoroughly tested by both internal and external, third party, testers. Each requirement of the ELD has been either met or exceeded. The process of review and testing included the full review of the ruling, testing procedures and debugging of any blocker found in the software package. It further included the retesting by additional quality assurance professionals. Ultimately, the programing and hardware operate as intended and are in compliance. |
2.24-17 or above |
CPI682 |
Download |
Download |
(779) 999-4004 |
info@captaineld.com |
http://captaineld.com |
10011 NE 120th St. Kirkland, WA, 98034, Seatle / Washington / 98034 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Through the CAPTAIN ELD system, telematics data transfer is facilitated using either email or web services. The driver can perform the transfer by accessing the DOT Inspection Mode menu and clicking the "Send" button. Furthermore, a separate DOT Inspection Mode button is available for the driver to display the logs report to a DOT officer on their mobile device. |
With the goal of maintaining compliance, detecting malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and documenting such occurrences, the CAPTAIN ELD system employs specific codes to classify compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events, such as:
■ P for "Power compliance" malfunction,
■ E "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
■ T for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
■ L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
■ R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
■ S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
■ O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
■ 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event,
■ 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
■ 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
■ 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
■ 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event,
■ 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events.
The CAPTAIN ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records record all malfunctions that
occurred during the relevant time period and relay active malfunctions to all ELD users.
The FMCSA´s testing procedures require thorough testing of CAPTAIN ELD to verify
compliance as an electronic logging system, which has been completed. The system is able to confirm that it meets the requirements of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, including the accurate logging and transmission of hours of service data. |
CarJack ELD |
Blue Link |
3.0.6 |
WLI001 |
Download |
Download |
CarJack GPS |
+5216643855155 |
oficina@carjackgps.com |
http://www.carjackgps.com |
Calle Mision San Javier 10661-A Zona Rio Tijuana BC Mexico, Tijuana Baja California Mexico 22010 |
When entering an inspection scenario, the driver follows the instructions provided on his printed one page manual which instructs the driver to press the "Officer Button" located on the top right of the DriverLog apps' home screen display. This will launch the Officer View.
The officer view features a "Send" button and an Add comment button, which allows the officer to enter his identifier and send out the ELD data file through web services or email (both options are available).
Following the guidance of the ELD section of the Federal Register...section "4.10.1. Data Transfer Mechanisms," we allow the officer to use both e-mail or Web Services to transfer the driver's data to the official FMCSA ELD e-mail address or the the FMCSA's Web Service repository. Currently the e-mail is formatted exactly to section " Wireless Data Transfer Through Email" specifications stated in the Federal Register. Web Services will utilize the SOAP protocol, per the FMCSA documentation, to transmit the ELD data file and the output file comment entered by the inspecting officer. |
Each malfunction has been coded following the "Standard Coding for Required Compliance Malfunction and Data Diagnostic Event Detection" definitions regarding "Malfunction/Diagnostic Code", "Malfunction Description" and "Data Diagnostic Event."
Power Compliance monitoring assures that the ELD will become fully functional within one minute of the engine on event and remain on as long as the vehicle's engine stays powered.
Engine Synchronization monitoring determines our connection to the ECM. This alerts the driver if there is a loss of connectivity to the ECM.
For Timing Compliance Monitoring, we periodically check UTC time via the internet.
For Positioning Compliance the ELD records the location, and uses the last valid position measurement and includes the latitude and longitude coordinates and distance traveled in miles, since the last valid position measurement. We also measure the elapsed time during periods when the ELD does not require a valid position measurement within 5 miles. If the time exceeds 60 minutes in a 24 hour period, it is marked as a positioning compliance malfunction.
An ELD monitors its storage capacity and integrity and detects data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events or retrieve recorded logs that are not otherwise catalogued remotely by the motor carrier. The ELD monitors the completeness of the ELD event record information in relation to the required data elements for each event type and records a missing data elements data diagnostics event for the driver if any required field is missing at the time of recording.
We check to make sure that our data transfer mechanism works properly at least once every 7 days.
All Data Diagnostic events are handled similarly according to the mandate.
We certify that our ELD application and related hardware have been tested to meet the FMCSA's test procedures. |
CDA1 |
Android v1.3 |
CDEL13 |
Download |
Download |
3526230993 |
support@cdeld.com |
https://cdeld.com/ |
2121 Biscayne Blvd #1777, Miami, FL 33137 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
CD ELD Supports telematic data transfer options including webservice and Email. Both options can be accessed from application's main screen by clicking "inspection" button. |
CD ELD Have full capability to monitor and record malfunctions as described in ELD rule. Malfunctions including Power compliance, engine synchronization, timing, positioning, data recording, data transfer, unidentified hours and others will be recorded and displayed in ELD files with matching malfunction/Diagnostics code. ELD Hardware malfunctions – ELD Hardware have visual and colored indicators which indicate power, connectivity with vehicles computer and Bluetooth connectivity, in case of hardware malfunctions drivers have to follow steps described in CD ELD manual or contact CD ELD customer support for assistance. |
This is a certifying statement that upon completing extensive testing CD ELD meets all of the ELD software requirements as described in ELD technical specifications. |
2.0 or higher |
CRS216 |
Download |
Download |
833-235-5433 |
cjeffers@cdl4life.com |
http://cdl4life.com |
15502 Enid Dr, Austin, TX 78734 |
CDL4LIFE ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer
methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a
driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web
Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select
Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. |
CDL4LIFE ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions
and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event
detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and
data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization
compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance”
malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance”
malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine
synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic”
event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic”
event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The CDL4LIFE ELD Malfunction and
Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on CDL4LIFE ELD during
the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who
may use that ELD. |
CDL4LIFE ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part
395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. CDL4LIFE ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA
regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging
Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0.
3. Let us know when the ELD Device Certification registration is submitted.
4. Provide us with “ELD Registration ID” when the ELD Device Certification registration is approved (may
take several weeks) and we will add it to your ELD app. (To find the ELD Registration ID, go to your
FMCSA account, click on “Manage Your Devices” and click on your registered ELD. |
CellutrakELD |
GEO81 |
1.0.1625.6584 |
Download |
Download |
Cellutrak Inc. |
888-901-8725 x 353 |
eldsupport@cellutrak.ca |
www.cellutrak.ca |
55 Louvain St. Suite 402, Montreal Quebec H2N 1A4 |
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EkA7-ARsFoNl7oDSRIzyq5ScttyWRYm4P0ZNgAm8u6g |
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ia0SFytgn22xOT0Agypes843JaRpM1aG1kNAk6XJ97Y |
https://drive.google.com/open?id=10dKDN7MbJE_ccwNMdgPvHebBHh9f7X-knAmVyp0MRHQ |
Century ELD |
2.19.10 and above |
CNR680 |
Download |
Download |
Century ELD INC |
3313021212 |
info@centuryeld.com |
http:// |
125 S Wilke RD, STE 200A, Arlington Heights,IL 60005, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The Century ELD system allows for telematics data transfer, which can be accomplished via
email or web services. To transfer logs, the driver can navigate to the DOT Inspection Mode
menu section and select the "Send" button. Furthermore, a dedicated DOT Inspection Mode
button enables the driver to display the logs report on their mobile device for a DOT officer. |
By ensuring technical requirements are met, identifying malfunctions and data inconsistencies,
and maintaining records of such events, the Century ELD system establishes compliance.
Compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events are designated with specific codes such as:
○ P for "Power compliance" malfunction,
○ E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
○ T for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
○ L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
○ R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
○ S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
○ O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
○ 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event,
○ 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
○ 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
○ 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
○ 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event,
○ 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events.
The Century ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records keep a record of all malfunctions
that occurred during the relevant time frame, and all drivers who use the ELD are notified of any
active malfunctions. |
The Century ELD has undergone comprehensive testing in accordance with the FMCSA's
testing procedures to ensure compliance as an electronic logging system. The system asserts
that it complies with the requirements of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, which includes the
appropriate logging and transmission of hours of service data. |
Chamelogs |
G01 |
1.0.95+ |
CELD01 |
Download |
Download |
Chameleon Innovation Technology |
18558888353 |
support@chamelogs.com |
http://chamelogs.com |
900 Turnbull Canyon Road Suite 102, City of Industry/CA/91745 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Step 1:
Driver sign in to the ELD device.
Step 2:
Select Data transfer in the Menu.
Step 3:
Select method of transfer(could be Web Services or Email) in the drop down input box.
Step 4:
Enter Comment in the text box.
Step 5:
Press Transfer RODS button.
Data Transfer Completed. |
We followed the requirement that listing on section 4.6 ELD_Test_Plan_and_Procedures_All_Chapters_11_2_2016.pdf. Therefore we include the following error detection function in our product:
“Power compliance” malfunction
“Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction
“Timing compliance” malfunction
“Positioning compliance” malfunction
“Data recording compliance” malfunction
“Data transfer compliance” malfunction
“Other” ELD detected malfunction
“Power data diagnostic” event
“Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event
“Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event
“Data transfer data diagnostic” event
“Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event
“Other” ELD identified diagnostic event |
Chameleon Innovation Technology go thru all the test procedure listed in ELD_Test_Plan_and_Procedures_All_Chapters_11_2_2016.pdf.
and passing all of them. |
0.1 |
0.0.62 |
eldcld |
Download |
Download |
Consolidated Bulk Carriers Corp |
631.232.7171 |
info@consolidatedbulk.com |
https://www.consolidatedbulk.com |
43 Windsor Place, Central Islip, New York 11722 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Our ELD system is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. Below are the steps for the both methods.
Step 1: Click on "Data Transfer" button in the top bar (when you are on Dashboard page)
Step 2: You are on "Data Transfer" page now. Authorized safety official may fill a key phrase or code in "Comment" input field during an inspection as specified in accordance with the section " Driver's Entry of an Output File Comment".
Step 3: a) Click on "Send Email" button to initiate ELD data records output file generation and sending to a specific FMCSA email address. ELD data records output file generation for the current 24-hour period and the previous 7 consecutive days will take place on the supporting server. After generation this file will be automatically sent to the FMCSA email address.
b) Or click on "Send Via Web Service" button to initiate ELD data records output file generation and sending to FMCSA via Web Services. ELD data records output file generation for the current 24-hour period and the previous 7 consecutive days will take place on the supporting server. After generation this file will be automatically sent to the FMCSA via Web Services.
Step 4: After clicking any of the above mentioned buttons you will see a message indicating successful process initiation: "ELD Data Records output file generating has been initiated. It will be sent soon."
At Each instance when an ELD malfunction or data diagnostic event is detected or cleared by the ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunctions and data diagnostic events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the app/ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. These instances are indicated in the application header with 2 icon indicators (Diagnostic and Malfunction). If an Diagnostic or Malfunction Event occurred appropriate indicator will become red and Record will be created and saved in ELD. To know more info about the event occured, click on the red indicator and it will show popup with the event message. If event has been cleared by the ELD indicator it will then go back to a normal state.
Here is the list of messages and codes for Diagnostic and Malfunction Events:
Malfunction Events (Code - Description)
P - “Power compliance” malfunction
E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction
T - “Timing compliance” malfunction
L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction
R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction
S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction
O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction
Diagnostiс Events (Code - Description)
1 - “Power data diagnostic” event
2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event
3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event
4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event
5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event
6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event
Malfunctions during our first round of testing included the automation of Driving and On Duty status not working. We also experienced a few issues where drivers were not presented with on screen notifications. These malfunctions were fixed during our testing and certification process.
CloudELD |
Tab7 |
9.0.03 |
Download |
Download |
LiRCTek Inc |
(916) 945-2894 |
support@cloudeld.com |
http://www.cloudeld.com |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Our product supports wireless transfer through web services and email. Instructions: 1. Click on top left menu. 2. Tap on DOT Inspection mode 3. Click on Data Transfer icon on top right corner 4. Click on Email or Web services tab. 5. Enter the comment 6. Click on Send button. |
The ELD System support to monitor all the compliance of FMCSA for various detectable malfunctions and data diagnostic events.
Power (P) - Device lost power during driving events for a total of 30 min or more, over a 24-hour period.
Engine Synchronization (E) - Device lost connection to the ECM for a total of more than 30 min during a 24-hour period.
Timing (T) - Device is not able to synchronize to UTC.
Positioning (L) - Device is not able to acquire a valid position measurement within 5 miles of vehicle movement for a total of more than 60 min over a 24 hour period.
Data recording (R) - Device is no longer able to record or retain required event data or retrieve locally-stored recorded logs.
Data transfer (S) - Device continues to fail checks of the roadside transfer mechanism for three days following a Data Transfer Diagnostic Event.
Other ELD detected (O) - If application has stopped working or is not responding as expected.
On Home Screen top right corner if any malfunction occurs in the device icon with circle M appears and similar way if any data diagnostic events occurs icon with circle D appears. |
LiRCTek certifies that tested all the Test Plans and Procedures provided by FMCSA and compliant with FMCSA safety regulations 49 CFR part 395, subpart B, appendix A. We have done testing our devices in-house and also on few fleets on the road. |
CloudELD |
BLE1 |
1.4 |
Download |
Download |
LiRCTek Inc |
(916) 945-2894 |
support@cloudeld.com |
http://www.cloudeld.com |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Our product supports wireless transfer through web services and email. Instructions: 1. Click on top left menu. 2. Tap on DOT Inspection mode 3. Click on Data Transfer icon on top right corner 4. Click on Email or Web services tab. 5. Enter the comment 6. Click on Send button. |
The ELD System support to monitor all the compliance of FMCSA for various detectable malfunctions and data diagnostic events.
Power (P) - Device lost power during driving events for a total of 30 min or more, over a 24-hour period.
Engine Synchronization (E) - Device lost connection to the ECM for a total of more than 30 min during a 24-hour period.
Timing (T) - Device is not able to synchronize to UTC.
Positioning (L) - Device is not able to acquire a valid position measurement within 5 miles of vehicle movement for a total of more than 60 min over a 24 hour period.
Data recording (R) - Device is no longer able to record or retain required event data or retrieve locally-stored recorded logs.
Data transfer (S) - Device continues to fail checks of the roadside transfer mechanism for three days following a Data Transfer Diagnostic Event.
Other ELD detected (O) - If application has stopped working or is not responding as expected.
On Home Screen top right corner if any malfunction occurs in the device icon with circle M appears and similar way if any data diagnostic events occurs icon with circle D appears. |
LiRCTek certifies that tested all the Test Plans and Procedures provided by FMCSA and compliant with FMCSA safety regulations 49 CFR part 395, subpart B, appendix A. We have done testing our devices in-house and also on few fleets on the road. |
CloudHawk ELD |
CELD01 |
And4.05.008/iOS4.05 |
CELD01 |
Download |
Download |
Spark Technology Labs Inc. |
1-844-344-9955 |
info@cloudhawk.com |
https://www.cloudhawk.com |
680-D Davenport Rd., Waterloo, ON N2V 2C3 |
Local (USB, Bluetooth)
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
To submit the Output File to an authorized safety official, the driver selects the “Export ELD
Data File” from the Logbook screen. The driver, then, will select one of the following methods:
- Email Transfer: An email will be preformatted with the .AES file attached to it. The
destination email address will be the one provided during this registration process.
- USB Transfer: The ELD will wait for the driver or safety official to connect the external
storage device and automatically enter Mass Storage mode. After the external storage device is
detected, the driver will be prompted to re-authenticate before the transfer of the output data
file is started.
- Bluetooth Transfer: After selecting this option, the authorized safety official will pair and
verify the PIN with the driver. Once the Bluetooth devices are paired, the safety official’s
technology equipment will transfer the output file to the FMCSA website using Web services. |
Low battery, network disconnection, low internal memory space, ECM data transfer failure,
location sensor failure.
- Power data diagnostic (diagnostic - 1)
- Engine synchronization data diagnostic (diagnostic - 2)
- Missing required data elements (diagnostic - 3)
- Data transfer (diagnostic - 4)
- Unidentified driving records data diagnostic (diagnostic - 5)
- Other ELD diagnostics (diagnostic - 6
- Power compliance (malfunction - P)
- Engine synchronization compliance (malfunction - E)
- Timing compliance (malfunction - T)
- Positioning compliance (malfunction - L)
- Data recording compliance (malfunction - R)
- Data transfer compliance (malfunction - S)
- Other ELD malfunctions (malfunction - O) |
The CloudHawk ELD was tested on a diverse range of CMVs from different manufacturers and
models, as well as drivers with different experiences and backgrounds. Tests were also
performed on different environments (indoor, outdoor, inside and outside CMVs). Procedures
and areas of examinations were followed according to the “ELD Test Plan and Procedures”
version 1.0 document released by FMCSA on April 25th 2016. The Requirement Traceability
Matrix (RTM) was used and verified to ensure ELD compliance. Corrective actions and
regression tests were performed on all failed test results. |
2.87 and Up |
CLV914 |
Download |
Download |
Clover ELD LLC |
4154835233 |
contact@clovereld.com |
http://clovereld.com |
P.O. BOX 67 , San Lorenzo/CA/94580 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
In the context of roadside inspections, the CLOVER ELD stands out as a valuable tool for drivers,
delivering a comprehensive overview of their records. Accessing this information within the
application is straightforward, and the ELD streamlines the transfer of telematics data through
email or web services. Drivers initiate the transfer process by navigating to the DOT Mode menu
and selecting the "Send" option. To ensure the smooth presentation of the log report on their
mobile device when facing a DOT officer, drivers can utilize the DOT Mode button. |
To provide a thorough account of malfunctions within the specified timeframe, the CLOVER ELD
Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records transmit active malfunctions to all ELD users.
In its dedication to compliance, malfunction detection, and addressing data inconsistencies, the
CLOVER ELD system employs distinct codes for the classification of compliance malfunctions
and diagnostic events. Notable examples are:
P for "Power compliance" malfunction,
E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
T for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
1 for "Power data diagnostic" event,
2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event,
6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events. |
Meeting FMCSA standards, CLOVER ELD has successfully undergone testing to ensure the
smooth integration of hardware and the mobile application. This confirmation affirms that the
system meets all functional requirements as specified in 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B for an
electronic logging system. |
Club ELD / Android |
PT30 |
1.0.01 |
01CLUB |
Download |
Download |
Club ELD |
16159005551 |
clubeldprovider@gmail.com |
http://clubeld.com |
5331 Mount View Rd #2021, Antioch, TN 37013-2308 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
When you need to transfer your ELD records to authorized Safety Officials, you need to open an additional menu (Click on the button with three horizontal lines in the left top corner of the app's screen) and choose the "DOT Inspect" menu.
The DOT Inspection menu provides summaries of all the collected data
regarding a driver, truck, and trip. You may also use this menu to transfer
the data to FMCSA during the DOT inspection, certify your logs, or view
unidentified records.
Tap the Start Inspection button and check if your logs are ready to be
transferred to the safety officials. If everything is OK, tap the Transfer Data
to the Roadside Inspector button and choose the method of sending your
send it to the Web Services (FMCSA);
send it to the FMCSA email;
send it to the personal email (provided by the inspector).
If you select “personal email”, you need to enter the recipient's address
and add a comment. If you select “Web Services (FMCSA)” or “Email to
FMCSA” you need to add a comment. The reporting period will vary
depending on the rules of the country in which you operate. |
If there are any malfunctions or data diagnostic issues detected, the M/D
icon at the top of the app screen will change its color from green to red.
The red M letter will signal a malfunction, and the red D letter will indicate
a data inconsistency.
Malfunctions and Data Diagnostic can also be displayed in the Logs menu as Malfunction event or Data Diagnostic event.
As for the Malfunctions you can notice such types of issues:
Engine Synchronization
Positioning compliance
Data recording compliance
Unregistered odometer change
Timing compliance
Power compliance
As for the Data Diagnostics problem you can notice such types of issues:
Engine synchronization
Missing data elements
Unidentified driving records
Data transfer
Power data diagnostic
To learn more about the problem you are facing, tap the M/D icon at the top of the app screen and check the details. |
The Club ELD Android Application was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The application was installed on various models of Android mobile devices. The testing was performed using a simulator as well as actual motor vehicles. |
Club ELD / iOS |
PT30 |
1.01.01 |
01CLUB |
Download |
Download |
Club ELD |
16159005551 |
clubeldprovider@gmail.com |
http://clubeld.com |
5331 Mount View Rd #2021, Antioch, TN 37013-2308 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
When you need to transfer your ELD records to authorized Safety Officials, you need to open an additional menu (Click on the button with three horizontal lines in the left top corner of the app's screen) and choose the "DOT Inspect" menu.
The DOT Inspection menu provides summaries of all the collected data
regarding a driver, truck, and trip. You may also use this menu to transfer
the data to FMCSA during the DOT inspection, certify your logs, or view
unidentified records.
Tap the Start Inspection button and check if your logs are ready to be
transferred to the safety officials. If everything is OK, tap the Transfer Data
to the Roadside Inspector button and choose the method of sending your
send it to the Web Services (FMCSA);
send it to the FMCSA email;
send it to the personal email (provided by the inspector).
If you select “personal email”, you need to enter the recipient's address
and add a comment. If you select “Web Services (FMCSA)” or “Email to
FMCSA” you need to add a comment. The reporting period will vary
depending on the rules of the country in which you operate. |
If there are any malfunctions or data diagnostic issues detected, the M/D
icon at the top of the app screen will change its color from green to red.
The red M letter will signal a malfunction, and the red D letter will indicate
a data inconsistency.
Malfunctions and Data Diagnostic can also be displayed in the Logs menu as Malfunction event or Data Diagnostic event.
As for the Malfunctions you can notice such types of issues:
Engine Synchronization
Positioning compliance
Data recording compliance
Unregistered odometer change
Timing compliance
Power compliance
As for the Data Diagnostics problem you can notice such types of issues:
Engine synchronization
Missing data elements
Unidentified driving records
Data transfer
Power data diagnostic
To learn more about the problem you are facing, tap the M/D icon at the top of the app screen and check the details. |
The Club ELD iOS Application was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The application was installed on various models of iOS-operated mobile devices. The testing was performed using a simulator as well as actual motor vehicles. |
ClutchELD |
Android and ioSIX |
1.0 and Above |
CELD03 |
Download |
Download |
ClutchELD |
800-402-58824 |
info@clutcheld.com |
http://clutcheld.com |
22325 Gosling RD, Spring/TX/77373 |
To send logs at roadside a driver must: 1. Start on the main dashboard. 2. Select "Roadside Inspection" from about the middle of the screen. 3. Select "Send Logs to DOT." 4. Type in the notation requested by the inspecting officer. 5. Select "Send."
This will send logs using both Wireless Web Services and Email (option 1 as stated in the ELD mandate regarding roadside data transfer). |
The malfunctions supported are:
Power Compliance Malfunction
Engine Synchronization Malfunction
Timing Compliance Malfunction
Positioning Compliance Malfunction
Data Recording Malfunction
Data Transfer Malfunction
Each of these malfunctions appears prominently for the user to understand the issue. When the user is presented with this, he is able to rectify the situation, contact the manufacturer or use paper logs, as provided as part of the instruction guide, to remain compliant.
The malfunctions and malfunction codes can be found in the instruction guide with the required details in order for the driver to understand what he needs to do next. |
The product has been thoroughly tested by both internal and external, third party, testers. Each requirement of the ELD has been either met or exceeded. The process of review and testing included the full review of the ruling, testing procedures and debugging of any blocker found in the software package. It further included the retesting by additional quality assurance professionals. Ultimately, the programing and hardware operate as intended and are in compliance. |
ClutchELD |
iOS and ioSIX |
1.0 and Above |
CELD04 |
Download |
Download |
ClutchELD |
800-402-58824 |
info@clutcheld.com |
http://clutcheld.com |
22325 Gosling RD, Spring/TX/77373 |
To send logs at roadside a driver must: 1. Start on the main dashboard. 2. Select "Roadside Inspection" from about the middle of the screen. 3. Select "Send Logs to DOT." 4. Type in the notation requested by the inspecting officer. 5. Select "Send."
This will send logs using both Wireless Web Services and Email (option 1 as stated in the ELD mandate regarding roadside data transfer). |
The malfunctions supported are:
Power Compliance Malfunction
Engine Synchronization Malfunction
Timing Compliance Malfunction
Positioning Compliance Malfunction
Data Recording Malfunction
Data Transfer Malfunction
Each of these malfunctions appears prominently for the user to understand the issue. When the user is presented with this, he is able to rectify the situation, contact the manufacturer or use paper logs, as provided as part of the instruction guide, to remain compliant.
The malfunctions and malfunction codes can be found in the instruction guide with the required details in order for the driver to understand what he needs to do next. |
The product has been thoroughly tested by both internal and external, third party, testers. Each requirement of the ELD has been either met or exceeded. The process of review and testing included the full review of the ruling, testing procedures and debugging of any blocker found in the software package. It further included the retesting by additional quality assurance professionals. Ultimately, the programing and hardware operate as intended and are in compliance. |
ClutchELD |
iOS and Pacific Track |
1.0 and Above |
CELD02 |
Download |
Download |
ClutchELD |
800-402-58824 |
info@clutcheld.com |
http://clutcheld.com |
22325 Gosling RD, Spring/TX/77373 |
To send logs at roadside a driver must: 1. Start on the main dashboard. 2. Select "Roadside Inspection" from about the middle of the screen. 3. Select "Send Logs to DOT." 4. Type in the notation requested by the inspecting officer. 5. Select "Send."
This will send logs using both Wireless Web Services and Email (option 1 as stated in the ELD mandate regarding roadside data transfer). |
The malfunctions supported are:
Power Compliance Malfunction
Engine Synchronization Malfunction
Timing Compliance Malfunction
Positioning Compliance Malfunction
Data Recording Malfunction
Data Transfer Malfunction
Each of these malfunctions appears prominently for the user to understand the issue. When the user is presented with this, he is able to rectify the situation, contact the manufacturer or use paper logs, as provided as part of the instruction guide, to remain compliant.
The malfunctions and malfunction codes can be found in the instruction guide with the required details in order for the driver to understand what he needs to do next. |
The product has been thoroughly tested by both internal and external, third party, testers. Each requirement of the ELD has been either met or exceeded. The process of review and testing included the full review of the ruling, testing procedures and debugging of any blocker found in the software package. It further included the retesting by additional quality assurance professionals. Ultimately, the programing and hardware operate as intended and are in compliance. |
ClutchELD |
Android and Pacific Track |
1.0 and Above |
CELD01 |
Download |
Download |
ClutchELD |
800-402-58824 |
info@clutcheld.com |
http://clutcheld.com |
22325 Gosling RD, Spring/TX/77373 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
To send logs at roadside a driver must: 1. Start on the main dashboard. 2. Select "Roadside Inspection" from about the middle of the screen. 3. Select "Send Logs to DOT." 4. Type in the notation requested by the inspecting officer. 5. Select "Send."
This will send logs using both Wireless Web Services and Email (option 1 as stated in the ELD mandate regarding roadside data transfer). |
The malfunctions supported are:
Power Compliance Malfunction
Engine Synchronization Malfunction
Timing Compliance Malfunction
Positioning Compliance Malfunction
Data Recording Malfunction
Data Transfer Malfunction
Each of these malfunctions appears prominently for the user to understand the issue. When the user is presented with this, he is able to rectify the situation, contact the manufacturer or use paper logs, as provided as part of the instruction guide, to remain compliant.
The malfunctions and malfunction codes can be found in the instruction guide with the required details in order for the driver to understand what he needs to do next. |
The product has been thoroughly tested by both internal and external, third party, testers. Each requirement of the ELD has been either met or exceeded. The process of review and testing included the full review of the ruling, testing procedures and debugging of any blocker found in the software package. It further included the retesting by additional quality assurance professionals. Ultimately, the programing and hardware operate as intended and are in compliance. |
2.0 or higher |
CRS204 |
Download |
Download |
Cargo Management Group Inc |
916-666-7647 |
eldcmg@gmail.com |
http://cmgeld.com |
2007 Opportunity Dr STE 6, Roseville, CA 95678, Roseville, CA 95678 |
CMG ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. |
CMG ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The CMG ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on CMG ELD during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD. |
CMG ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. CMG ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
2.20.05 or above |
COB980 |
Download |
Download |
Cobra Connect LLC |
313-752-0892 |
management@cobraeld.com |
http://www.cobraeld.com |
12740 Warren Ave Suite #200, Dearborn, Michigan, 48126 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The COBRA ELD system allows for telematics data transfer, which can be accomplished via
email or web services. To transfer logs, the driver can navigate to the DOT Inspection Mode
menu section and select the "Send" button. Furthermore, a dedicated DOT Inspection Mode
button enables the driver to display the logs report on their mobile device for a DOT officer.
By ensuring technical requirements are met, identifying malfunctions and data inconsistencies,
and maintaining records of such events, the COBRA ELD system establishes compliance.
Compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events are designated with specific codes such as:
○ P for "Power compliance" malfunction,
○ E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
○ T for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
○ L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
○ R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
○ S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
○ O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
○ 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event,
○ 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
○ 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
○ 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
○ 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event,
○ 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events.
The COBRA ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records keep a record of all malfunctions
that occurred during the relevant time frame, and all drivers who use the ELD are notified of any
active malfunctions.
The COBRA ELD has undergone comprehensive testing in accordance with the FMCSA's
testing procedures to ensure compliance as an electronic logging system. The system asserts
that it complies with the requirements of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, which includes the
appropriate logging and transmission of hours of service data. |
Cogo ELD |
COGO01 |
4.4.6 |
CGA001 |
Download |
Download |
Cogo Insurance Inc |
9374041040 |
eld@cogoinsurance.com |
http://www.cogoinsurance.com |
1819 Troy St, Dayton/OH/45404 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
There is a section in the uploaded manual that describes and highlights the data transfer mechanism with colors and visual cues. 1. Tap the hamburger menu icon on the top left corner, or swipe from the left side of your device to the right side and select “Inspection Module” 2. Tap “Begin Inspection” and hand your device to the officer or tap “Send Output File” to send the report via email or web services |
There is a section in the uploaded manual that describes and showcases Malfunctions with colors and visual cues.
How does the driver know if Cogo ELD is malfunctioning?
The Cogo ELD device has LED lights to simply indicate its status to the driver.
Device Not Plugged into the truck's diagnostic port.
The application is Connected and the Adapter is Receiving ECM data.
The Adapter is waiting for the application to connect.
The application is connected but the Adapter is waiting for the ECMs. Most likely this is because the key is off.
The application is Connected and the Adapter is Recording ELD data. The LEDs will flash Magenta each time record is recorded.
The application is not connected and the Adapter is recording ELD data. The LEDs will flash Magenta each time a record is recorded.
The application is not connected and the Adapter is recording ELD data but waiting for ECM data. Most likely the key is off.
1. Contact Cogo ELD support immediately after discovering a malfunction at 888-228-4460 or support@help24.us to troubleshoot the issue.
2. Provide written notice to your fleet management within 24 hours of malfunction discovery.
3. Keep a paper log for that day and until ELD is repaired or replaced.
1. A motor carrier must take action to correct the malfunction of the ELD within 8 days of discovery of the malfunction or a driver’s notification to the motor carrier, whichever occurs first.
2. Upon notification by fleet manager, Cogo ELD Tech will send a new device.
3. If a motor carrier needs a time extension, they must notify the FMCSA Division Administrator for the State of the motor carrier’s principal place of business within five days after a driver notifies the motor carrier according to the guidelines set forth in § 395.34 (2).
Cogo ELD will monitor and report malfunction data based on section 4.6 ELD’s Self-Monitoring of Required Functions table 4:
P - “Power compliance” malfunction
E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction
T - “Timing compliance” malfunction
L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction
R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction
S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction
O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction
We have used the suggested Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures document, version 2.0 dated 10/17/2016 provided by FMCSA to conduct testing of Cogo ELD. Upon completion of the necessary tests outlined in the above-named document, we certify that Cogo ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. Tests under the following categories have been conducted and passed (P): Accounts Inputs Vehicle Interface Processing Monitoring Recording Outputs Data Transfer |
2.22.06 and later |
CLB892 |
Download |
Download |
331-255-1894 |
info@colibrield.com |
http://colibrield.com |
3030 WARRENVILLE ROAD, STE 450-10, Lisle, IL 60532 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
COLIBRI ELD system allows drivers to transfer log data through telematics methods in compliance with the regulations outlined in Title 49, Part 395, Section 4.9.1, Appendix A, Subpart
B of the CFR. Drivers can also produce a report on their mobile display or transfer log data through web services or email if requested by an officer. To transfer ELD records through Web services, the driver needs to access the "DOT Inspection" menu and select the "Send Logs" option. Then, they should choose Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and click the "SEND" button. Similarly, to transfer ELD records via Email, the driver should follow the same steps but select Email as the Data Transfer Type before clicking the "SEND" button. |
As per the regulations outlined in Appendix A, section 4.6, the COLIBRI ELD system continuously monitors itself for malfunctions. If a malfunction or diagnostic event occurs, such as issues with data recording, data transfer, or power, COLIBRI ELD system will display a visual alert to the driver. This includes alerts for any issues with engine synchronization, timing, positioning, or unidentified driving. Compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events are classified with specific codes, including P for "Power compliance" malfunction, E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction, T for "Timing compliance" malfunction, L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction, R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction, S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction, O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions, 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event, 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event, 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event, 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event, 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event, and 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events. |
As per the FMCSA's testing procedures, COLIBRI ELD has undergone thorough testing to ensure compliance as an electronic logging system. COLIBRI ELD can confirm that the system meets the requirements of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, including the correct logging and transmission of hours of service data. |
2.0 or higher |
CRS144 |
Download |
Download |
Comfort ELD |
7737629892 |
comforteld2020@gmail.com |
http://www.comforteld.online |
6400 W Berteaue ave , Chicago IL 60634 |
COMFORT ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. |
COMFORT ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The COMFORT ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on COMFORT ELD during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD. |
COMFORT ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. COMFORT ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
Command Alkon Powered by Gorilla Safety |
2.0 and above |
Download |
Download |
Gorilla Fleet Safety, LLC |
844-636-1360 |
info@gorillasafety.com |
http://www.gorillasafety.com |
22327 Gosling Rd, Spring, TX 77379 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
This ELD uses the web services and email method of transmission.
Driver, from the "Dashboard" page of their ELD, will tap on "Roadside Inspection," then "Send Logs." Once they tap send logs, any annotation or note requested by the inspecting officer can be entered by the driver prior to sending. |
The malfunctions supported are:
Power Compliance Malfunction
Engine Synchronization Malfunction
Timing Compliance Malfunction
Positioning Compliance Malfunction
Data Recording Malfunction
Data Transfer Malfunction
Each of these malfunctions appears prominently for the user to understand the issue. When the user is presented with this, he is able to rectify the situation, contact the manufacturer or use paper logs, as provided as part of the instruction guide, to remain compliant.
The malfunctions and malfunction codes can be found in the instruction guide with the required details in order for the driver to understand what he needs to do next. |
The product has been thoroughly tested by both internal and external, third party, testers. Each requirement of the ELD has been either met or exceeded. The process of review and testing included the full review of the ruling, testing procedures and debugging of any blocker found in the software package. It further included the retesting by additional quality assurance professionals. Ultimately, the programing and hardware operate as intended and are in compliance. |
Command Alkon TFleet TFVG850 |
TFVG850 |
v6.0.1A |
TFM001 |
Download |
Download |
Command Alkon Inc. |
205-879-3282 |
5csalesteamall@commandalkon.com |
http://www.commandalkon.com/ |
1800 international Park Drive, Suite 400, Birmingham, AL 35243 |
The system will transfer the data using either email or web services, the officer may select either option.
Detailed Steps:
• The Driver or Official will select the Options dropdown button on the driver overview screen and select the Roadside Inspection option from that drop down. • This will navigate the user to a Logs Grid page that contains a button labeled Transmit ELD Data File.
• The Officer taps on the Transmit Data File button.
• A dialog will appear allowing the officer to choose between Wireless Web Service or Email and a space will be made available for the officer’s code.
• The system will use the pre-defined email or webservice address to send the file to the FMCSA site.
P (Power) - Device lost power during driving events for a total of 30 min or more over a 24-hour period.
E (Engine synchronization) - Device lost connection to the ECM (or other data source) for a total of more than 30 min during a 24-hour period.
T (Timing) - Device is not able to synchronize to UTC.
L (Positioning) - Device is not able to acquire a valid position measurement within 5 mi of vehicle movement for a total of more than 60 min over a 24-hour period.
R (Data recording) - Device is no longer able to record or retain required event data or retrieve locally stored recorded logs.
S (Data transfer) - Device continues to fail checks of the roadside transfer mechanism for three days following a Data Transfer Diagnostic Event.
O (Other ELD detected) - The Command Alkon Incorporated’s TFleet HoS application has stopped working or is not responding as expected.
Command Alkon Incorporated certifies, based on our completion of the testing procedures provided by the FMCSA in the Electronic Logging Device Test Plan and Procedures document version 2.0 dated 10/17/2016, that Command Alkon Incorporated’s TFleet HoS complies with all Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) specifications as found in 49 CFR Part 395 for Electronic Logging Devices, Subpart B.Devices, Subpart B. |
Command Alkon TFleet TFVG950 |
TFVG950 |
v6.0.1A |
TFM002 |
Download |
Download |
Command Alkon Inc. |
205-879-3282 |
5csalesteamall@commandalkon.com |
http://www.commandalkon.com/ |
1800 international Park Drive, Suite 400, Birmingham, AL 35243 |
The system will transfer the data using either email or web services, the officer may select either option.
Detailed Steps:
• The Driver or Official will select the Options dropdown button on the driver overview screen and select the Roadside Inspection option from that drop down. • This will navigate the user to a Logs Grid page that contains a button labeled Transmit ELD Data File.
• The Officer taps on the Transmit Data File button.
• A dialog will appear allowing the officer to choose between Wireless Web Service or Email and a space will be made available for the officer’s code.
• The system will use the pre-defined email or webservice address to send the file to the FMCSA site.
P (Power) - Device lost power during driving events for a total of 30 min or more over a 24-hour period.
E (Engine synchronization) - Device lost connection to the ECM (or other data source) for a total of more than 30 min during a 24-hour period.
T (Timing) - Device is not able to synchronize to UTC.
L (Positioning) - Device is not able to acquire a valid position measurement within 5 mi of vehicle movement for a total of more than 60 min over a 24-hour period.
R (Data recording) - Device is no longer able to record or retain required event data or retrieve locally stored recorded logs.
S (Data transfer) - Device continues to fail checks of the roadside transfer mechanism for three days following a Data Transfer Diagnostic Event.
O (Other ELD detected) - The Command Alkon Incorporated’s TFleet HoS application has stopped working or is not responding as expected.
Command Alkon Incorporated certifies, based on our completion of the testing procedures provided by the FMCSA in the Electronic Logging Device Test Plan and Procedures document version 2.0 dated 10/17/2016, that Command Alkon Incorporated’s TFleet HoS complies with all Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) specifications as found in 49 CFR Part 395 for Electronic Logging Devices, Subpart B.Devices, Subpart B. |
Companion |
TD4230 |
1.1 |
TD0001 |
Download |
Download |
Trip Data & Safety Management Inc. |
506-853-7522 |
sales@tdsm.com |
http://www.tdsm.com/aspx_docs/electronic_logs.aspx |
383 Baig Blvd, Moncton |
Screen View - Our devices are detachable and can be passed out of the truck.
eMail - Transfer data via email to officials. The user will be prompted to enter officials email address. 4.9.1 (1)(ii)
USB - Transfer data via USB device. 4.9.1 (2)(i)
Bluetooth – Transfer data via Bluetooth to officials. The user will be prompted to enter a code given to them by the officer. 4.9.1 (2)(ii) |
Engine synchronization
Timing compliance
Positioning compliance
Data recording compliance
Data transfer compliance
Cellular Radio validation
GPS Radio validation |
4 testers processing chapters 1-3 of FMCSA testing documents. All test elements in a chapter must pass before moving onto the next chapter.
There are currently 2 failures within the test documents, but we are working with FMCSA to resolve these issues.
1. We can not test our exports. The FMCSA test for exported data currently crashes.
2. In the test documents for exempt drivers
a. Section states that data should not be saved for exempt drivers.
b. Section states that data should be saved for exempt drivers.
2.23.15 and later |
CMS890 |
Download |
Download |
Compass Elog USA LLC |
347-547-9992 |
info@compasselogusa.com |
https://www.compasselogusa.com |
7900 Algon ave Apt# A6 Philadelphia PA 19111, Philadelphia PA 19111 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The COMPASS ELOG supports a telematics-based data transfer system, utilizing web services
and email. The data is securely converted into the required format, encrypted, and transmitted
through the driver app. The driver can begin the transfer process by selecting the Send button
available in the Inspection Mode menu section. Besides, a unique Inspection Mode button is
provided to the driver to present the logs report on their mobile device to a DOT officer. |
To maintain compliance with technical requirements, identify malfunctions and data
inconsistencies, and record such events, the COMPASS ELOG system is applied. All drivers
using COMPASS ELOG are informed of active malfunctions, and the Malfunction and
Diagnostic Event Records document all malfunctions that occurred during the relevant period.
The codes for classifying compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events are as following: P for
"Power compliance" malfunction, E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction, T for
"Timing compliance" malfunction, L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction, R for "Data
recording compliance" malfunction, S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction, O for "Other"
ELD-detected malfunctions, 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event, 2 for "Engine synchronization
data diagnostic" event, 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event, 4 for "Data
transfer data diagnostic" event, 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event, and 6
for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events. |
Following the standards set by the FMCSA, the COMPASS ELOG has undergone
comprehensive testing. It validates that the combination of hardware and mobile application
meets the standards of a compliant electronic logging system, ensuring full compliance with all
functional requirements outlined in 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B. |
Compliance Now |
Android & Geometris |
1.0.1905.190710 |
GEO001 |
Download |
Download |
Geosavi ELD |
1-800-261-4361 |
support@geosavi.com |
https://geosavi.com |
333 N Wilmot Rd Suite 340, Tucson, AZ 85711 |
Data Transfer
The Compliance Now provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. Selecting the Data Transfer button from the Main HOS Main Screen will display the list of supported data transfer options which are via Bluetooth, Email and USB. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the Compliance Now to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
* Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
* Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file transferred is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The device's default email application will then be opened before sending the email to which the data will be transferred.
* Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password.
The Compliance Now ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the Compliance Now ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
? Power Malfunction
? Engine Synchronization Malfunction
? Timing Malfunction
? Position Malfunction
? Data Recording Malfunction
? Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event.
Certifying Statement of FMCSA Regulation Testing
The Compliance Now ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The Compliance Now ELD was installed on various types and sizes of Android phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the VBUS with Geometris & Calamp4230 connected devices. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser.
Compliance Now |
Android & Pacific Tracks |
1.0.1905.190710 |
GEO001 |
Download |
Download |
Geosavi ELD |
1-800-261-4361 |
support@geosavi.com |
https://geosavi.com |
333 N Wilmot Rd Suite 340, Tucson, AZ 85711 |
Data Transfer
The Compliance Now provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. Selecting the Data Transfer button from the Main HOS Main Screen will display the list of supported data transfer options which are via Bluetooth, Email and USB. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the Compliance Now to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
* Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
* Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file transferred is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The device's default email application will then be opened before sending the email to which the data will be transferred.
* Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password.
The Compliance Now ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the Compliance Now ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
¿ Power Malfunction
¿ Engine Synchronization Malfunction
¿ Timing Malfunction
¿ Position Malfunction
¿ Data Recording Malfunction
¿ Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event.
Certifying Statement of FMCSA Regulation Testing
The Compliance Now ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The Compliance Now ELD was installed on various types and sizes of Android phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the VBUS with Geometris , Calamp4230 & Pacific Tracks connected devices. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser.
Compliance Now |
iOS & Pacific Tracks |
1905.190710 |
GEO001 |
Download |
Download |
Geosavi ELD |
1-800-261-4361 |
support@geosavi.com |
https://geosavi.com |
333 N Wilmot Rd Suite 340, Tucson, AZ 85711 |
Data Transfer
The Compliance Now provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. Selecting the Data Transfer button from the Main HOS Main Screen will display the list of supported data transfer options which are via Bluetooth, Email and USB. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the Compliance Now to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
* Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
* Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file transferred is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The device's default email application will then be opened before sending the email to which the data will be transferred.
* Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password. |
The Compliance Now ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the Compliance Now ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
¿ Power Malfunction
¿ Engine Synchronization Malfunction
¿ Timing Malfunction
¿ Position Malfunction
¿ Data Recording Malfunction
¿ Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event. |
Certifying Statement of FMCSA Regulation Testing
The Compliance Now ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The Compliance Now ELD was installed on various types and sizes of Android phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the VBUS with Geometris , Calamp4230, Calamp Veosphere & Pacific Tracks connected devices. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
Compliance Now |
Android & CalAmp Veosphere |
1.0.1905.190710 |
GEO001 |
Download |
Download |
Geosavi ELD |
1-800-261-4361 |
support@geosavi.com |
https://geosavi.com |
333 N Wilmot Rd Suite 340, Tucson, AZ 85711 |
Data Transfer
The Compliance Now provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. Selecting the Data Transfer button from the Main HOS Main Screen will display the list of supported data transfer options which are via Bluetooth, Email and USB. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the Compliance Now to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
* Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
* Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file transferred is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The device's default email application will then be opened before sending the email to which the data will be transferred.
* Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password. |
The Compliance Now ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the Compliance Now ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
? Power Malfunction
? Engine Synchronization Malfunction
? Timing Malfunction
? Position Malfunction
? Data Recording Malfunction
? Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event.
Certifying Statement of FMCSA Regulation Testing
The Compliance Now ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The Compliance Now ELD was installed on various types and sizes of Android phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the VBUS with Geometris, Calamp4230, CAlAmp Veosphere & Pacific Tracks connected devices. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
2.0 or higher |
CRS129 |
Download |
Download |
Connected to the road |
4694004780 |
Eldfh3@connectedtotheroad.com |
http://www.connectedtotheroad.com |
16416 s ave B, Somerton AZ 85350 |
CONNECTED TO THE ROAD ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via
telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records
via Web services, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs”
button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send
the ELD records via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send
Logs” button, select Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. |
CONNECTED TO THE ROAD ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and
detects malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data
diagnostic event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance
malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine
synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning
compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer
compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic”
event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements
data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records
data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The CONNECTED TO THE
ROAD ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have
occurred on CONNECTED TO THE ROAD ELD during the time period for which this file is
generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD. |
CONNECTED TO THE ROAD ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to
Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations.CONNECTED TO THE ROAD ELD
was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures
described in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
Conti-GO Plug & Play ELD |
4.3.3 |
CTAI01 |
Download |
Download |
Conti-GO Transportation Technologies, LLC |
2103485716 |
info@conti-gotech.com |
http://www.conti-gotech.com |
9703 N I-35, San Antonio/TX/78233 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
There is a section in the uploaded manual that describes and highlights the data transfer mechanism with colors and visual cues.
1. Tap the hamburger menu icon on the top left corner, or swipe from the left side of your device to the right side and select “Inspection Module”
2. Tap “Begin Inspection” and hand your device to the officer or tap “Send Output File” to send the report via email or web services.
There is a section in uploaded manual that describes and showcases Malfunctions with colors and visual cues.
How does the driver know if Conti-GO ELD is malfunctioning?
The Conti-GO ELD device has LED lights to simply indicate its status to the driver.
Device Not Plugged into the truck's diagnostic port.
The application is Connected and the Adapter is Receiving ECM data.
The Adapter is waiting for the application to connect.
The application is connected but the Adapter is waiting for the ECMs. Most likely this is because the key is off.
The application is Connected and the Adapter is Recording ELD data. The LEDs will flash Magenta each time record is recorded.
The application is not connected and the Adapter is recording ELD data. The LEDs will flash Magenta each time a record is recorded.
The application is not connected and the Adapter is recording ELD data but waiting for ECM data. Most likely the key is off.
1. Contact Conti-GO ELD support immediately after discovering a malfunction at 888-228-4460 or support@help24.us to troubleshoot the issue.
2. Provide written notice to your fleet management within 24 hours of malfunction discovery.
3. Keep a paper log for that day and until ELD is repaired or replaced.
1. A motor carrier must take action to correct the malfunction of the ELD within 8 days of discovery of the malfunction or a driver’s notification to the motor carrier, whichever occurs first.
2. Upon notification by fleet manager, Conti-GO Tech will send a new device.
3. If a motor carrier needs a time extension, they must notify the FMCSA Division Administrator for the State of the motor carrier’s principal place of business within five days after a driver notifies the motor carrier according to the guidelines set forth in § 395.34 (2).
Conti-GO ELD will monitor and report malfunction data based on section 4.6 ELD’s Self-Monitoring of Required Functions table 4:
P - “Power compliance” malfunction
E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction
T - “Timing compliance” malfunction
L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction
R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction
S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction
O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction
We have used the suggested Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures document, version 2.0 dated 10/17/2016 provided by FMCSA to conduct testing of Conti-GO ELD. Upon completion of necessary tests outlined in the above named document we certify that Conti-GO ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. Tests under the following categories have been conducted and passed (P): Accounts Inputs Vehicle Interface Processing Monitoring Recording Outputs Data Transfer
Contractors E Logs - 3030 |
LMU-3030 |
4.3.13 |
LMU030 |
Download |
Download |
EquipmentShare |
(573) 310-7902 |
t3support@equipmentshare.com |
https://www.equipmentshare.com/t3 |
5710 Bull Run Dr, Columbia, MO 65201 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The certified method of transferring data is via email and wireless web services. A driver will select “Inspection Mode” from the menu. There will be a button that says “Send Logs”. Select “Send Logs” and enter the email that the data will be transferred to. A driver may also send data directly to the FMCSA by tapping the button that reads "Send ELD Output File". If an internet connection cannot be established the driver can select “Begin Inspection” and pass the tablet to the safety official who can then view the current and last 7 days logs.
Supported Data Transfer Methods: Email and Web Service
1. POWER: There is a power issue with the hardware. Its possible the device is not connected.
2. ENGINE SYNCHRONIZATION: The mobile device has lost connectivity to the 3030 vehicle device for over 30 minutes.
3. TIMING: There is a discrepancy in timing between the devices and the vehicle.
4. POSITIONING: The GPS connection has been lost for 60 minutes or more.
5. DATA RECORDING: The device can no longer record or retain required events or retrieve recorded logs that are not kept remotely by the motor carrier.
6. DATA TRANSFER: The operation of the data transfer mechanism(s) is not confirmed. The device has remained in an unconfirmed data transfer mode for three consecutive monitoring checks.
I, William J Schlacks , hereby certify on behalf of EquipmentShare that ELD model LMU-3030 and version 4.3.13 has been sufficiently tested to meet the functional requirements included in the technical specifications in the Appendix to subpart B of part 395, title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, under the conditions in which the ELD would be used. |
Contractors E Logs - MC3 |
MC3 |
4.3.13 |
Download |
Download |
EquipmentShare |
(573) 310-7902 |
t3support@equipmentshare.com |
https://www.equipmentshare.com/t3 |
5710 Bull Run Dr, Columbia, MO 65201 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The certified method of transferring data is via email and wireless web services. A driver will select “Inspection Mode” from the menu. There will be a button that says “Send Logs”. Select “Send Logs” and enter the email that the data will be transferred to. A driver may also send data directly to the FMCSA by tapping the button that reads "Send ELD Output File". If an internet connection cannot be established the driver can select “Begin Inspection” and pass the tablet to the safety official who can then view the current and last 7 days logs.
Supported Data Transfer Methods: Email and Web Service
1. POWER: There is a power issue with the hardware. Its possible the device is not connected.
2. ENGINE SYNCHRONIZATION: The mobile device has lost connectivity to the MC4 vehicle device for over 30 minutes.
3. TIMING: There is a discrepancy in timing between the devices and the vehicle.
4. POSITIONING: The GPS connection has been lost for 60 minutes or more.
5. DATA RECORDING: The device cannot retrieve recorded logs
I, William J Schlacks , hereby certify on behalf of EquipmentShare that ELD model MC3 and version 4.3.13 has been sufficiently tested to meet the functional requirements included in the technical specifications in the Appendix to subpart B of part 395, title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, under the conditions in which the ELD would be used. |
Contractors E Logs - MC4 |
MC-4 |
4.3.13 |
Download |
Download |
EquipmentShare |
(573) 310-7902 |
t3support@equipmentshare.com |
https://www.equipmentshare.com/t3 |
5710 Bull Run Dr, Columbia, MO 65201 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The certified method of transferring data is via email and wireless web services. A driver will select “Inspection Mode” from the menu. There will be a button that says “Send Logs”. Select “Send Logs” and enter the email that the data will be transferred to. A driver may also send data directly to the FMCSA by tapping the button that reads "Send ELD Output File". If an internet connection cannot be established the driver can select “Begin Inspection” and pass the tablet to the safety official who can then view the current and last 7 days logs.
Supported Data Transfer Methods: Email and Web Service
1. POWER: There is a power issue with the hardware. Its possible the device is not connected.
2. ENGINE SYNCHRONIZATION: The mobile device has lost connectivity to the 3030 vehicle device for over 30 minutes.
3. TIMING: There is a discrepancy in timing between the devices and the vehicle.
4. POSITIONING: The GPS connection has been lost for 60 minutes or more.
5. DATA RECORDING: The device can no longer record or retain required events or retrieve recorded logs that are not kept remotely by the motor carrier.
6. DATA TRANSFER: The operation of the data transfer mechanism(s) is not confirmed. The device has remained in an unconfirmed data transfer mode for three consecutive monitoring checks.
I, William J Schlacks , hereby certify on behalf of EquipmentShare that ELD model MC-4 and version 4.3.13 has been sufficiently tested to meet the functional requirements included in the technical specifications in the Appendix to subpart B of part 395, title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, under the conditions in which the ELD would be used. |
Contractors E Logs - MC4+ |
MC-4+ |
4.3.13 |
Download |
Download |
EquipmentShare |
(573) 310-7902 |
t3support@equipmentshare.com |
https://www.equipmentshare.com/t3 |
5710 Bull Run Dr, Columbia, MO 65201 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The certified method of transferring data is via email and wireless web services. A driver will select “Inspection Mode” from the menu. There will be a button that says “Send Logs”. Select “Send Logs” and enter the email that the data will be transferred to. A driver may also send data directly to the FMCSA by tapping the button that reads "Send ELD Output File". If an internet connection cannot be established the driver can select “Begin Inspection” and pass the tablet to the safety official who can then view the current and last 7 days logs.
Supported Data Transfer Methods: Email and Web Service
1. POWER: There is a power issue with the hardware. Its possible the device is not connected.
2. ENGINE SYNCHRONIZATION: The mobile device has lost connectivity to the MC4PEL vehicle device for over 30 minutes.
3. TIMING: There is a discrepancy in timing between the devices and the vehicle.
4. POSITIONING: The GPS connection has been lost for 60 minutes or more.
5. DATA RECORDING: The device can no longer record or retain required events or retrieve recorded logs that are not kept remotely by the motor carrier.
6. DATA TRANSFER: The operation of the data transfer mechanism(s) is not confirmed. The device has remained in an unconfirmed data transfer mode for three consecutive monitoring checks.
I, William J Schlacks , hereby certify on behalf of EquipmentShare that ELD model MC-4+ and version 4.3.13 has been sufficiently tested to meet the functional requirements included in the technical specifications in the Appendix to subpart B of part 395, title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, under the conditions in which the ELD would be used. |
Contractors E Logs - MCX101 |
MCX101-A |
4.3.13 |
MCX101 |
Download |
Download |
EquipmentShare |
(573) 310-7902 |
t3support@equipmentshare.com |
https://www.equipmentshare.com/t3 |
5710 Bull Run Dr, Columbia, MO 65201 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The certified method of transferring data is via email and wireless web services. A driver will select “Inspection Mode” from the menu. There will be a button that says “Send Logs”. Select “Send Logs” and enter the email that the data will be transferred to. A driver may also send data directly to the FMCSA by tapping the button that reads "Send ELD Output File". If an internet connection cannot be established the driver can select “Begin Inspection” and pass the tablet to the safety official who can then view the current and last 7 days logs.
Supported Data Transfer Methods: Email and Web Service |
1. POWER: There is a power issue with the hardware. It is possible the device is not connected.
2. ENGINE SYNCHRONIZATION: The mobile device has lost connectivity to the MCX101 vehicle device for over 30 minutes.
3. TIMING: There is a discrepancy in timing between the devices and the vehicle.
4. POSITIONING: The GPS connection has been lost for 60 minutes or more.
5. DATA RECORDING: The device can no longer record or retain required events or retrieve recorded logs that are not kept remotely by the motor carrier.
6. DATA TRANSFER: The operation of the data transfer mechanism(s) is not confirmed. The device has remained in an unconfirmed data transfer mode for three consecutive monitoring checks. |
I, William J Schlacks , hereby certify on behalf of EquipmentShare that ELD model MCX101 and version 4.3.13 has been sufficiently tested to meet the functional requirements included in the technical specifications in the Appendix to subpart B of part 395, title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, under the conditions in which the ELD would be used. |
Core ELD |
T229LA |
4.2.7 or higher |
Download |
Download |
(509) 579-3104 |
main@corelines.us |
http://www.corelines.us |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Core ELD by Core Lines LLC supports the two primary methods of data transfer specified by the FMCSA: wireless web services and email. In addition, an in-app visual display is available for drivers to view logs for the current 24-hour period and the previous 7 consecutive days.
For roadside inspections, the process is outlined as follows:
The driver navigates to the menu and selects DOT Inspection.
The officer can review logs via the mobile display or transfer logs via web services or email, as desired.
From the DOT Inspection screen, the driver taps "Begin Inspection," which displays the Inspection Logs screen. This screen includes scroll buttons to navigate through the previous 8 days of logs.
Send Logs: When prompted by the inspector to send logs, the driver clicks "Send Logs." The driver is presented with options to select either Web Service or Email as the data transfer method. The driver selects the appropriate transfer method, fills in the Comment section with the code/note provided by the officer, and taps "Send".
This process ensures compliance with FMCSA regulations and facilitates seamless data transfer during roadside inspections.
As per Appendix A, section 4.6, Core ELD electronic logging device is programmed to self-monitor and detect malfunctions.
Core ELD Solution provides continuous monitoring for compliance with the data requirements mandated by FMCSA.
Core ELD Solution monitors various aspects of the ELD system, including power, engine synchronization, timing, positioning, data recording, data transfer, required data elements, and unidentified driving. This ensures that the ELD remains compliant with FMCSA regulations at all times.
With the objective of ensuring adherence to regulations, identifying malfunctions, and capturing instances of data inconsistencies, the Core ELD system utilizes specific codes for the classification of compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events, including:
P for "Power compliance" malfunction,
E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
T for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
1 for "Power data diagnostic" event,
2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event,
6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events.
The solution is capable of detecting all malfunctions and diagnostic events specified by the ELD mandate. This includes any issues related to hardware or software that may impact the proper functioning of the ELD system.
The system maintains records of all ELD malfunctions that have occurred. These records provide detailed information about each malfunction, helping fleet managers and drivers to understand the nature of the issue and take appropriate action.
Active malfunctions are clearly indicated to all drivers who may use the ELD. This ensures that drivers are aware of any issues affecting the ELD system and can take the necessary steps to address them, such as reporting the malfunction to fleet managers or performing troubleshooting procedures.
"Core ELD" by Core Lines LLC meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. Core ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.1.
CoreHub |
1.11.6 and above |
Download |
Download |
Coretex an EROAD Company |
888-887-0935 |
sales@eroad.com |
www.eroad.com |
One Bridge Plaza, Suite 100, Fort Lee, NJ 07024 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Coretex has designed a 'vizor card' for carriage within each vehicle. It shows graphically and with words what the driver, law enforcement officer is required to do to perform a roadside inspection. As there is no option to paste images into this registration request, the words alone have been extracted from this document. Coretex is happy to provide a copy of this document if requested to. Coretex has implemented the following data transfer mechanisms: Web Services Email Roadside Inspection If an FMCSA agent asks you to present your driver logs, be prepared to allow the inspector to examine and, or transfer the logs to the FMCSA. The inspector is required only to see log data as displayed via the Roadside Inspection screen. Logs cannot be edited during this process. This Quick Guide will show you how to access the Roadside Inspection from Coretex Drive. 1. Access your driver logs - In normal operation, tap the Home key to return to the dashboard. - Tap MENU to present the dashboard menu - Tap View Logs to present your driver Logs screen. 2 From the Driver Logs screen A graph of your status through the current day is presented by status, hour on the default graph. Log data is available for today’s date and the prior seven days. 3. Proceed to Roadside Inspection Tap ROADSIDE INSPECTION to present your Roadside Inspection screen. Hand the tablet to the inspector. The inspector can examine all the required statistics for the current driver and their available logs covering today’s date and the previous seven days. The inspector can navigate to the log date/s they want to inspect using the Previous Day or Next Day buttons. 4. Unidentified driving events Tap UNIDENTIFIED to view the Unidentified Driving Events screen, proceed to step 5. 5. Option to Data Transfer From the Roadside Inspection screen the inspector has the option to have all available driver logs sent to FMCSA. Tap DATA TRANSFER to present the EXPORT DATA FILE dialog Here you can easily transfer a copy of the driver logs, and have them sent directly to FMCSA. To export and transfer the data Tap either Web Service or Email as the preferred delivery protocol. The inspector can enter an optional comment to be lodged with the entry. Tap SEND to export and transfer the file. The export and transfer is completed and you are returned to the Roadside Inspection screen.
Coretex has designed a quick guide that explains the function of data diagnostics
and malfunctions. It shows graphically and with words what each of them are
and an explanation as to what to take note of and any actions required.
As there is no option to paste images into this
registration request, the words alone have been extracted from this document.
Coretex is happy to provide a copy of this document if requested to.
Data Diagnostics and Malfunctions
Dealing with Data Diagnostic, Malfunction events
ELD functionality in Coretex DRIVE caters for a number of error conditions that are flagged as data diagnostic or malfunction events. These are detailed here describing the codes, their descriptions, likely causes and response or resolution.
Data Diagnostic events
These events are when your ELD detects a data inconsistency such that you are triggered to follow the recommendations of the ELD provider to resolve the inconsistency.
Note: Refer to Section 49 CFR 395.34c of the FMCSA regulations.
In this section:
1 Power data diagnostic
2 Engine synchronization data diagnostic
3 Missing required data elements data diagnostic
4 Data transfer data diagnostic
5 Unidentified driving records data diagnostic
Data Diagnostic codes
Note: Refer to the ELD mandate on what you must do when there is a diagnostic event.
Code Event Description
1 Power data diagnostic
An ELD must monitor the data it receives, from the engine ECM or alternative sources, and data record history, or record a power data diagnostic event, to identify instances when it may not.
driver can resolve
ELD not full functional within one minute of turning the engine on
wiring or power source fault
Code Event Description
2 Engine synchronization data diagnostic
An ELD is required to establish a link to the engine ECM, and must record an engine synchronization diagnostic event, when it loses that link for more than five seconds.
driver can resolve
wiring or power source fault
Code Event Description
3 Missing required data elements data diagnostic
An ELD must monitor the completeness of the ELD event record information in relation to the required data elements for each event type. It must record a missing required data element data diagnostic event for you, if any required fields are missing at the time of recording.
driver can resolve
temporary or permanent loss of GPS signal
intermittent or disconnected link to the vehicle ECM
Code Event Description
4 Data transfer data diagnostic
The ELD will automatically test the data transfer mechanism every seven days. A Data transfer data diagnostic event is triggered when the automatic test fail.
might auto resolve
the scheduled automatic data transfer failed
connectivity with the ELD host service is required for a successful test.
Code Event Description
5 Unidentified driving records data diagnostic
If more than 30 mins. of driving in a 24 hour period shows as ‘unidentified driver’ on the ELD, it must detect and record an unidentified driving record data diagnostic event.
The data diagnostic indicator must be turned on for all drivers logged into that ELD for the current 24 hour period and the following seven days.
driver can resolve
more than 30 mins combined vehicle use without a logged-in user
Resolving Data Diagnostic events
You must attend to data diagnostic events from your Coretex DRIVE dashboard.
Codes Description
1 tap on the information card as an acknowledgement that you have been alerted to it
2 the card will clear when the condition ends
3 information cards appear on your dashboard with the title Data Diagnostics, and then the title of the particular data diagnostic tap on each in turn
from the Driver Log View screen the log entry with a data diagnostic will highlight in a different color tap on the entry to edit the log to resolve the issue
4 tap on the information card as an acknowledgement that you have been alerted to it
5 tap the information card for the Unidentified Driver Records data diagnostic that appears on your dashboard
the Unidentified Driving Records screen appears with entries in a list
tap each in turn and assign to your log if these events belong to you
Malfunction events
Malfunction events are when the ELD detects technical compliance issues.
You must:
notify the motor carrier within 24 hours
reconstruct the record of duty status for the current 24 hours and the last seven days on graph paper logs
keep paper logs until the ELD is serviced and brought back into compliance
Note: Refer to Section 49 CFR 395.34c of the FMCSA regulations.
In this section:
P Power compliance
E Engine synchronization compliance
T Timing compliance
L Positioning compliance
R Data recording compliance
S Data transfer compliance
Malfunction codes
Code Event Description
P Power compliance
An ELD must monitor the data it receives from the engine ECM and set a power compliance malfunction event to identify instances when it may not have complied with the power requirements
driver can resolve
more than 30 mins of driving time lost in a 24 hour period
Code Event Description
E Engine synchronization compliance
An ELD must set an engine synchronization compliance malfunction, if connectivity to any of the required data sources is lost for more than 30 mins during a 24 hour period, aggregated across all driver profiles.
driver can resolve
more than 30 mins without ECM engine synchronization over a 24 hour period
Code Event Description
T Timing compliance
The ELD must periodically cross-check its time with an external UTC source, and must record a timing compliance malfunction when it can no longer meet the underlying timing requirement of less than 10 mins of time deviation.
driver can resolve
vehicle has been out of service for sufficient time that the internal clock is no longer accurate, and the ELD has not yet synchronized its time
you are recommended to ensure that the tablet’s Settings is set to using automatic time synchronization
Code Event Description
L Positioning compliance
An ELD must monitor elapsed time during periods when the ELD fails to acquire a valid position measurement within five miles of the vehicle’s movement, when such elapsed time exceeds a cumulative 60 mins over a 24 hour period, the ELD must set and record a Positioning compliance malfunction.
might auto resolve
more than 60 mins without a valid GPS reading in a 24 hour period
Code Event Description
R Data recording compliance
An ELD must monitor its storage capacity and integrity, and must detect a data recording compliance malfunction, if it can no longer:
record or retain required events
retrieve recorded logs that are not otherwise cataloged remotely by the motor carrier
driver can not resolve
hardware fault
Code Event Description
S Data transfer compliance
After an ELD records a data transfer data diagnostic event, the ELD must increase the frequency of the monitoring function to check at least once every 24 hour period. If the ELD stays in the unconfirmed data transfer mode following the next three consecutive monitoring checks, the ELD must detect and record a data transfer compliance malfunction. This fault auto-resolves when the device begins to communicate successfully.
might auto resolve
failure to communicate for three days following a data transfer data diagnostic event |
Certifying Statement of FMCSA Regulation Testing Coretex has tested and compared its ELD functionality in full against the Electronic Logging Device Test Plan and Procedures, dated 7.18.2017, Version 2.1 as published by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Coretex appointed two independent persons, separated operationally and from outside the Coretex company to impartially test Coretex's compliance with the above mentioned Test Plan and Procedures. Three hundred and thirty seven individuals tests, from the documentation, have been tested and checked against the requirements. All tests have passed and are compliant. Coretex also understands that the process is self-certification and if any discrepancies are found then Coretex is required to resolve any issues within the time required by the ELD Mandate. Coretex’s ELD solution exceeds the functionality requirements of the Test Plan and Procedures and these items have been tested in unison with the mandated requirements. External tests have also been completed against the recently released web services from the FMCSA for checking the Roadside Inspection File output format. Coretex also understands that future releases of its ELD solution will require to be compliant against the Test Plan and Procedures from the FMCSA as and when either changes. Rav Brar, Product Manager, Coretex Auckland, New Zealand |
Coretex DRIVE |
ELD01 |
1.11.6 and above |
Download |
Download |
Coretex an EROAD Company |
888-887-0935 |
sales@eroad.com |
www.eroad.com |
One Bridge Plaza, Suite 100, Fort Lee, NJ 07024 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Coretex has designed a 'vizor card' for carriage within each vehicle. It shows graphically
and with words what the driver,law enforcement officer is required
to do to perform a roadside inspection. As there is no option to paste images into this
registration request, the words alone have been extracted from this document. Coretex is
happy to provide a copy of this document if requested to.
Coretex has implemented the following data transfer mechanisms:
Web Services
Roadside Inspection
If an FMCSA agent asks you
to present your driver logs, be
prepared to allow the inspector to
examine and,or transfer the logs to the
The inspector is required only to see log data as
displayed via the Roadside Inspecton screen.
Logs cannot be edited during this process.
This Quick Guide will show you how to access
the Roadside Inspecton from Coretex Drive.
1. Access your driver logs
- In normal operaton, tap the Home key to
return to the dashboard.
- Tap MENU to present the dashboard menu
- Tap View Logs to present your driver
Logs screen.
2 From the Driver Logs screen
A graph of your status through the current
day is presented by status, hour on the
default graph.
Log data is available for today’s date and the
prior seven days.
3. Proceed to Roadside Inspection
your Roadside Inspecton screen.
Hand the tablet to the inspector.
The inspector can examine all the required
statistics for the current driver and their
available logs covering today’s date and the
previous seven days.
The inspector can navigate to the log
date/s they want to inspect using the
Previous Day or Next Day butons.
4. Unidentifed driving events
Tap UNIDENTIFIED to view the Unidentifed Driving Events
screen, proceed to step 5.
5. Option to Data Transfer
From the Roadside Inspection screen the
inspector has the opton to have all available
driver logs sent to FMCSA.
Tap DATA TRANSFER to present the
Here you can easily transfer a copy of the
driver logs, and have them sent directly to
To export and transfer the data
Tap either Web Service or Email as the
preferred delivery protocol.
The inspector can enter an optional
comment to be lodged with the entry.
Tap SEND to export and transfer the file.
The export and transfer is completed and
you are returned to the Roadside Inspection
Coretex has designed a quick guide that explains the function of data diagnostics
and malfunctions. It shows graphically and with words what each of them are
and an explanation as to what to take note of and any actions required.
As there is no option to paste images into this
registration request, the words alone have been extracted from this document.
Coretex is happy to provide a copy of this document if requested to.
Data Diagnostics and Malfunctions
Dealing with Data Diagnostic, Malfunction events
ELD functionality in Coretex DRIVE caters for a number of error conditions that are flagged as data diagnostic or malfunction events. These are detailed here describing the codes, their descriptions, likely causes and response or resolution.
Data Diagnostic events
These events are when your ELD detects a data inconsistency such that you are triggered to follow the recommendations of the ELD provider to resolve the inconsistency.
Note: Refer to Section 49 CFR 395.34c of the FMCSA regulations.
In this section:
1 Power data diagnostic
2 Engine synchronization data diagnostic
3 Missing required data elements data diagnostic
4 Data transfer data diagnostic
5 Unidentified driving records data diagnostic
Data Diagnostic codes
Note: Refer to the ELD mandate on what you must do when there is a diagnostic event.
Code Event Description
1 Power data diagnostic
An ELD must monitor the data it receives, from the engine ECM or alternative sources, and data record history, or record a power data diagnostic event, to identify instances when it may not.
driver can resolve
ELD not full functional within one minute of turning the engine on
wiring or power source fault
Code Event Description
2 Engine synchronization data diagnostic
An ELD is required to establish a link to the engine ECM, and must record an engine synchronization diagnostic event, when it loses that link for more than five seconds.
driver can resolve
wiring or power source fault
Code Event Description
3 Missing required data elements data diagnostic
An ELD must monitor the completeness of the ELD event record information in relation to the required data elements for each event type. It must record a missing required data element data diagnostic event for you, if any required fields are missing at the time of recording.
driver can resolve
temporary or permanent loss of GPS signal
intermittent or disconnected link to the vehicle ECM
Code Event Description
4 Data transfer data diagnostic
The ELD will automatically test the data transfer mechanism every seven days. A Data transfer data diagnostic event is triggered when the automatic test fail.
might auto resolve
the scheduled automatic data transfer failed
connectivity with the ELD host service is required for a successful test.
Code Event Description
5 Unidentified driving records data diagnostic
If more than 30 mins. of driving in a 24 hour period shows as ‘unidentified driver’ on the ELD, it must detect and record an unidentified driving record data diagnostic event.
The data diagnostic indicator must be turned on for all drivers logged into that ELD for the current 24 hour period and the following seven days.
driver can resolve
more than 30 mins combined vehicle use without a logged-in user
Resolving Data Diagnostic events
You must attend to data diagnostic events from your Coretex DRIVE dashboard.
Codes Description
1 tap on the information card as an acknowledgement that you have been alerted to it
2 the card will clear when the condition ends
3 information cards appear on your dashboard with the title Data Diagnostics, and then the title of the particular data diagnostic tap on each in turn
from the Driver Log View screen the log entry with a data diagnostic will highlight in a different color tap on the entry to edit the log to resolve the issue
4 tap on the information card as an acknowledgement that you have been alerted to it
5 tap the information card for the Unidentified Driver Records data diagnostic that appears on your dashboard
the Unidentified Driving Records screen appears with entries in a list
tap each in turn and assign to your log if these events belong to you
Malfunction events
Malfunction events are when the ELD detects technical compliance issues.
You must:
notify the motor carrier within 24 hours
reconstruct the record of duty status for the current 24 hours and the last seven days on graph paper logs
keep paper logs until the ELD is serviced and brought back into compliance
Note: Refer to Section 49 CFR 395.34c of the FMCSA regulations.
In this section:
P Power compliance
E Engine synchronization compliance
T Timing compliance
L Positioning compliance
R Data recording compliance
S Data transfer compliance
Malfunction codes
Code Event Description
P Power compliance
An ELD must monitor the data it receives from the engine ECM and set a power compliance malfunction event to identify instances when it may not have complied with the power requirements
driver can resolve
more than 30 mins of driving time lost in a 24 hour period
Code Event Description
E Engine synchronization compliance
An ELD must set an engine synchronization compliance malfunction, if connectivity to any of the required data sources is lost for more than 30 mins during a 24 hour period, aggregated across all driver profiles.
driver can resolve
more than 30 mins without ECM engine synchronization over a 24 hour period
Code Event Description
T Timing compliance
The ELD must periodically cross-check its time with an external UTC source, and must record a timing compliance malfunction when it can no longer meet the underlying timing requirement of less than 10 mins of time deviation.
driver can resolve
vehicle has been out of service for sufficient time that the internal clock is no longer accurate, and the ELD has not yet synchronized its time
you are recommended to ensure that the tablet’s Settings is set to using automatic time synchronization
Code Event Description
L Positioning compliance
An ELD must monitor elapsed time during periods when the ELD fails to acquire a valid position measurement within five miles of the vehicle’s movement, when such elapsed time exceeds a cumulative 60 mins over a 24 hour period, the ELD must set and record a Positioning compliance malfunction.
might auto resolve
more than 60 mins without a valid GPS reading in a 24 hour period
Code Event Description
R Data recording compliance
An ELD must monitor its storage capacity and integrity, and must detect a data recording compliance malfunction, if it can no longer:
record or retain required events
retrieve recorded logs that are not otherwise cataloged remotely by the motor carrier
driver can not resolve
hardware fault
Code Event Description
S Data transfer compliance
After an ELD records a data transfer data diagnostic event, the ELD must increase the frequency of the monitoring function to check at least once every 24 hour period. If the ELD stays in the unconfirmed data transfer mode following the next three consecutive monitoring checks, the ELD must detect and record a data transfer compliance malfunction. This fault auto-resolves when the device begins to communicate successfully.
might auto resolve
failure to communicate for three days following a data transfer data diagnostic event
Certifying Statement of FMCSA Regulation Testing
Coretex has tested and compared its ELD functionality in full against the Electronic Logging Device Test Plan and Procedures, dated 10.17.2016, Version 2.0 as published by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
Coretex appointed two independent persons, separated operationally and from outside the Coretex company to impartially test Coretex's compliance with the above mentioned Test Plan and Procedures. Three hundred and fifteen individuals tests, from the documentation, have been tested and checked against the requirements. All tests have passed and are compliant. Coretex also understands that the process is self-certification and if any discrepancies are found then Coretex is required to resolve any issues within sixty days.
Coretex's ELD solution exceeds the functionality requirements of the Test Plan and Procedures and these items have been tested in unison with the mandated requirements.
External tests have also been completed against the recently released web services from the FMCSA for checking the Roadside Inspection File output format.
Coretex also understands that future releases of its ELD solution will require to be compliant against the Test Plan and Procedures from the FMCSA as and when either changes.
Ben Martel
Chief Science Officer
Auckland, New Zealand |
Coretex DRIVE |
ELD02 |
1.11.6 and above |
Download |
Download |
Coretex an EROAD Company |
888-887-0935 |
sales@eroad.com |
www.eroad.com |
One Bridge Plaza, Suite 100, Fort Lee, NJ 07024 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Coretex has designed a 'vizor card' for carriage within each vehicle. It shows graphically and with words what the driver,law enforcement officer is required to do to perform a roadside inspection. As there is no option to paste images into this registration request, the words alone have been extracted from this document. Coretex is happy to provide a copy of this document if requested to.
Coretex has implemented the following data transfer mechanisms:
Web Services
Roadside Inspection
If an FMCSA agent asks you to present your driver logs, be prepared to allow the inspector to
examine and,or transfer the logs to the FMCSA.
The inspector is required only to see log data as displayed via the Roadside Inspecton screen.
Logs cannot be edited during this process. This Quick Guide will show you how to access
the Roadside Inspecton from Coretex Drive.
1. Access your driver logs
- In normal operaton, tap the Home key to return to the dashboard.
- Tap MENU to present the dashboard menu
- Tap View Logs to present your driver Logs screen.
2 From the Driver Logs screen a graph of your status through the current day is presented by status, hour on the default graph. Log data is available for today’s date and the prior seven days.
3. Proceed to Roadside Inspection
Tap ROADSIDE INSPECTION to present your Roadside Inspecton screen. Hand the tablet to the inspector. The inspector can examine all the required statistics for the current driver and their available logs covering today’s date and the previous seven days. The inspector can navigate to the log date/s they want to inspect using the Previous Day or Next Day butons.
4. Unidentifed driving events
Tap UNIDENTIFIED to view the Unidentifed Driving Events screen, proceed to step 5.
5. Option to Data Transfer
From the Roadside Inspection screen the inspector has the opton to have all available
driver logs sent to FMCSA. Tap DATA TRANSFER to present the EXPORT DATA FILE dialog
Here you can easily transfer a copy of the driver logs, and have them sent directly to
To export and transfer the data
Tap either Web Service or Email as the preferred delivery protocol. The inspector can enter an optional comment to be lodged with the entry. Tap SEND to export and transfer the file.
The export and transfer is completed and you are returned to the Roadside Inspection
Description of the supported and certified data transfer mechanisms and step-by-step instructions for a driver to produce and transfer the ELD records to an authorized safety official |
Coretex has designed a quick guide that explains the function of data diagnostics
and malfunctions. It shows graphically and with words what each of them are
and an explanation as to what to take note of and any actions required.
As there is no option to paste images into this
registration request, the words alone have been extracted from this document.
Coretex is happy to provide a copy of this document if requested to.
Data Diagnostics and Malfunctions
Dealing with Data Diagnostic, Malfunction events
ELD functionality in Coretex DRIVE caters for a number of error conditions that are flagged as data diagnostic or malfunction events. These are detailed here describing the codes, their descriptions, likely causes and response or resolution.
Data Diagnostic events
These events are when your ELD detects a data inconsistency such that you are triggered to follow the recommendations of the ELD provider to resolve the inconsistency.
Note: Refer to Section 49 CFR 395.34c of the FMCSA regulations.
In this section:
1 Power data diagnostic
2 Engine synchronization data diagnostic
3 Missing required data elements data diagnostic
4 Data transfer data diagnostic
5 Unidentified driving records data diagnostic
Data Diagnostic codes
Note: Refer to the ELD mandate on what you must do when there is a diagnostic event.
Code Event Description
1 Power data diagnostic
An ELD must monitor the data it receives, from the engine ECM or alternative sources, and data record history, or record a power data diagnostic event, to identify instances when it may not.
driver can resolve
ELD not full functional within one minute of turning the engine on
wiring or power source fault
Code Event Description
2 Engine synchronization data diagnostic
An ELD is required to establish a link to the engine ECM, and must record an engine synchronization diagnostic event, when it loses that link for more than five seconds.
driver can resolve
wiring or power source fault
Code Event Description
3 Missing required data elements data diagnostic
An ELD must monitor the completeness of the ELD event record information in relation to the required data elements for each event type. It must record a missing required data element data diagnostic event for you, if any required fields are missing at the time of recording.
driver can resolve
temporary or permanent loss of GPS signal
intermittent or disconnected link to the vehicle ECM
Code Event Description
4 Data transfer data diagnostic
The ELD will automatically test the data transfer mechanism every seven days. A Data transfer data diagnostic event is triggered when the automatic test fail.
might auto resolve
the scheduled automatic data transfer failed
connectivity with the ELD host service is required for a successful test.
Code Event Description
5 Unidentified driving records data diagnostic
If more than 30 mins. of driving in a 24 hour period shows as ‘unidentified driver’ on the ELD, it must detect and record an unidentified driving record data diagnostic event.
The data diagnostic indicator must be turned on for all drivers logged into that ELD for the current 24 hour period and the following seven days.
driver can resolve
more than 30 mins combined vehicle use without a logged-in user
Resolving Data Diagnostic events
You must attend to data diagnostic events from your Coretex DRIVE dashboard.
Codes Description
1 tap on the information card as an acknowledgement that you have been alerted to it
2 the card will clear when the condition ends
3 information cards appear on your dashboard with the title Data Diagnostics, and then the title of the particular data diagnostic tap on each in turn
from the Driver Log View screen the log entry with a data diagnostic will highlight in a different color tap on the entry to edit the log to resolve the issue
4 tap on the information card as an acknowledgement that you have been alerted to it
5 tap the information card for the Unidentified Driver Records data diagnostic that appears on your dashboard
the Unidentified Driving Records screen appears with entries in a list
tap each in turn and assign to your log if these events belong to you
Malfunction events
Malfunction events are when the ELD detects technical compliance issues.
You must:
notify the motor carrier within 24 hours
reconstruct the record of duty status for the current 24 hours and the last seven days on graph paper logs
keep paper logs until the ELD is serviced and brought back into compliance
Note: Refer to Section 49 CFR 395.34c of the FMCSA regulations.
In this section:
P Power compliance
E Engine synchronization compliance
T Timing compliance
L Positioning compliance
R Data recording compliance
S Data transfer compliance
Malfunction codes
Code Event Description
P Power compliance
An ELD must monitor the data it receives from the engine ECM and set a power compliance malfunction event to identify instances when it may not have complied with the power requirements
driver can resolve
more than 30 mins of driving time lost in a 24 hour period
Code Event Description
E Engine synchronization compliance
An ELD must set an engine synchronization compliance malfunction, if connectivity to any of the required data sources is lost for more than 30 mins during a 24 hour period, aggregated across all driver profiles.
driver can resolve
more than 30 mins without ECM engine synchronization over a 24 hour period
Code Event Description
T Timing compliance
The ELD must periodically cross-check its time with an external UTC source, and must record a timing compliance malfunction when it can no longer meet the underlying timing requirement of less than 10 mins of time deviation.
driver can resolve
vehicle has been out of service for sufficient time that the internal clock is no longer accurate, and the ELD has not yet synchronized its time
you are recommended to ensure that the tablet’s Settings is set to using automatic time synchronization
Code Event Description
L Positioning compliance
An ELD must monitor elapsed time during periods when the ELD fails to acquire a valid position measurement within five miles of the vehicle’s movement, when such elapsed time exceeds a cumulative 60 mins over a 24 hour period, the ELD must set and record a Positioning compliance malfunction.
might auto resolve
more than 60 mins without a valid GPS reading in a 24 hour period
Code Event Description
R Data recording compliance
An ELD must monitor its storage capacity and integrity, and must detect a data recording compliance malfunction, if it can no longer:
record or retain required events
retrieve recorded logs that are not otherwise cataloged remotely by the motor carrier
driver can not resolve
hardware fault
Code Event Description
S Data transfer compliance
After an ELD records a data transfer data diagnostic event, the ELD must increase the frequency of the monitoring function to check at least once every 24 hour period. If the ELD stays in the unconfirmed data transfer mode following the next three consecutive monitoring checks, the ELD must detect and record a data transfer compliance malfunction. This fault auto-resolves when the device begins to communicate successfully.
might auto resolve
failure to communicate for three days following a data transfer data diagnostic event |
Certifying Statement of FMCSA Regulation Testing Coretex has tested and compared its ELD functionality in full against the Electronic Logging Device Test Plan and Procedures, dated 10.17.2016, Version 2.0 as published by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Coretex appointed two independent persons, separated operationally and from outside the Coretex company to impartially test Coretex's compliance with the above mentioned Test Plan and Procedures. Three hundred and fifteen individuals tests, from the documentation, have been tested and checked against the requirements. All tests have passed and are compliant. Coretex also understands that the process is self-certification and if any discrepancies are found then Coretex is required to resolve any issues within sixty days. Coretex's ELD solution exceeds the functionality requirements of the Test Plan and Procedures and these items have been tested in unison with the mandated requirements. External tests have also been completed against the recently released web services from the FMCSA for checking the Roadside Inspection File output format. Coretex also understands that future releases of its ELD solution will require to be compliant against the Test Plan and Procedures from the FMCSA as and when either changes. Ben Martel Chief Science Officer Coretex Auckland, New Zealand |
Counting Trucks ELD |
1.0 |
1.0 |
Download |
Download |
Counting Trucks |
(650) 250-3873 |
support@countingtrucks.com |
https://countingtrucks.com |
8239 Snapdragon Way, Dallas, Texas, 75252 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Counting trucks supports Telematics as the primary data transfer method. The driver should navigate to the Inspection page of the Driver Application ELD component by expanding the sidebar and selecting the 'Inspection' option. The driver should click the "Send Logs" button which will open the next page that will prompt for the Comment, this page will have the final confirmation button that if pressed will transmit the logs to FMCSA over a web service with the comment included. |
When a malfunction/diagnostic is recorded a visual indicator is shown on the Status page of the Driver Application. The following malfunctions are tracked, recorded and transmitted during inspections:
Power compliance malfunction - When the total engine hour difference between recorded events that contain this value is greater than 30min in a single day.
Power data diagnostic event - When engine hour difference between the last recorded event that had engine hours defined and the vehicles last known engine hours from this day are 0.1 or greater.
Timing compliance malfunction - If Driver Application Device time is not matching the time of the device that has originated the event by more than 10min when an event is received by the Driver Application Device.
Positioning compliance malfunction - When we're driving and no location information is received by the Driver Application within 5 seconds of the 1h mark.
Data recording compliance malfunction - When a write to the local database stored on the Driver Application Device fails for any reason.
Missing required data elements data diagnostic event - When an automatic event is being received by the Driver Application if required fields are missing.
Unidentified driving records data diagnostic event - When more than 30 minutes of unidentified driving time for the vehicle has been recorded over the last 24 hours. |
Counting Trucks ELD has been thoroughly tested and evaluated, it is in compliance with 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B and meets the FMCSA regulation criteria. We have performed extensive testing as outlined by the FMCSA (Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0) to confirm that the Counting Trucks ELD device is fully compliant with the FMCSA regulations, additional field/drive testing was also performed. |
CTAndroidELD |
CTAndroidAppELD |
1.6.11 or higher |
CTAA19 |
Download |
Download |
Data System Services LLC |
586-939-7000 ext 3606 opt 2 |
tac@datasystemservicesllc.com |
http://datasystemservicesllc.com |
34200 Mound Rd, Sterling Heights MI 48310 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Generate the ELD Compliance Report when requested for ELD records sent to an “authorized safety official” utilizing Telematics using Web services and Email. Simply going to the Options portion in the HOS Application. Driver will click “Generate”, enter in number of days the officer wants, any comments the Officer would like to add to Email, then click “Generate Report”.If all info is correct, report will be sent. If all data is not automatically captured, driver will be given a manual field to enter in correct Odometer reading. Once Odometer is entered, the ELD will send report. |
Positioning Compliance Malfunction
Power Compliance Malfunction
Engine Synchronization Malfunction
Timing Compliance Malfunction
Low battery
Data Transfer Malfunction
Other malfunction
Data Recording Compliance Malfunction |
Data System services LLC has tested and certify that the ELD device complies with FMCSA regulations (ELD Rule). |
CTWinmobileELD |
3.46 or higher |
CT9500 |
Download |
Download |
Data System Services LLC |
586-939-7000 ext 3606 opt 2 |
tac@datasystemservicesllc.com |
http://datasystemservicesllc.com |
34200 Mound Rd, Sterling Heights MI 48310 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Generate the ELD Compliance Report when requested for ELD records sent to an “authorized safety official” utilizing Telematics using Web services and Email. Simply going to the Options portion in the HOS Application. Driver will click “Generate”, enter in number of days the officer wants, any comments the Officer would like to add to Email, then click “Generate Report”.If all info is correct, report will be sent. If all data is not automatically captured, driver will be given a manual field to enter in correct Odometer reading. Once Odometer is entered, the ELD will send report. |
Positioning Compliance Malfunction
Power Compliance Malfunction
Engine Synchronization Malfunction
Timing Compliance Malfunction
Low battery
Data Transfer Malfunction
Other malfunction
Data Recording Compliance Malfunction |
Data System services LLC has tested and certify that the ELD device complies with FMCSA regulations (ELD Rule). |
CyntrX ELD Plus |
iOS and Geometris |
1.0 |
Download |
Download |
CyntrX |
9203380479 |
prosupportna@radius.com |
https://eldplus.cyntrx.com |
1325 South Broadway, De Pere, WI, 54115 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
To send logs at roadside a driver must: 1. Start on the main dashboard. 2. Select "Roadside Inspection" from about the middle of the screen. 3. Select "Send Logs to DOT." 4. Type in the notation requested by the inspecting officer. 5. Select "Send."
This will send logs using both Wireless Web Services and Email (option 1 as stated in the ELD mandate regarding roadside data transfer).
The malfunctions supported are:
Power Compliance Malfunction
Engine Synchronization Malfunction
Timing Compliance Malfunction
Positioning Compliance Malfunction
Data Recording Malfunction
Data Transfer Malfunction
Each of these malfunctions appears prominently for the user to understand the issue. When the user is presented with this, he is able to rectify the situation, contact the manufacturer or use paper logs, as provided as part of the instruction guide, to remain compliant.
The malfunctions and malfunction codes can be found in the instruction guide with the required details in order for the driver to understand what he needs to do next.
The product has been thoroughly tested by both internal and external, third party, testers. Each requirement of the ELD has been either met or exceeded. The process of review and testing included the full review of the ruling, testing procedures and debugging of any blocker found in the software package. It further included the retesting by additional quality assurance professionals. Ultimately, the programing and hardware operate as intended and are in compliance.
CyntrX ELD Plus |
Android and Geometris |
1.0 |
Download |
Download |
CyntrX |
9203380479 |
prosupportna@radius.com |
https://eldplus.cyntrx.com |
1325 South Broadway, De Pere, WI, 54115 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
To send logs at roadside a driver must: 1. Start on the main dashboard. 2. Select "Roadside Inspection" from about the middle of the screen. 3. Select "Send Logs to DOT." 4. Type in the notation requested by the inspecting officer. 5. Select "Send."
This will send logs using both Wireless Web Services and Email (option 1 as stated in the ELD mandate regarding roadside data transfer).
The malfunctions supported are:
Power Compliance Malfunction
Engine Synchronization Malfunction
Timing Compliance Malfunction
Positioning Compliance Malfunction
Data Recording Malfunction
Data Transfer Malfunction
Each of these malfunctions appears prominently for the user to understand the issue. When the user is presented with this, he is able to rectify the situation, contact the manufacturer or use paper logs, as provided as part of the instruction guide, to remain compliant.
The malfunctions and malfunction codes can be found in the instruction guide with the required details in order for the driver to understand what he needs to do next.
The product has been thoroughly tested by both internal and external, third party, testers. Each requirement of the ELD has been either met or exceeded. The process of review and testing included the full review of the ruling, testing procedures and debugging of any blocker found in the software package. It further included the retesting by additional quality assurance professionals. Ultimately, the programing and hardware operate as intended and are in compliance.
2.22.22 or up |
DRS231 |
Download |
Download |
2248288476 |
info@dailyeld.com |
www.daily-eld.com |
Telematic (Web Service)
DAILY ELD system allows drivers to transfer log data through telematics methods in compliance with the regulations outlined in Title 49, Part 395, Section 4.9.1, Appendix A, Subpart B of the CFR. Drivers can also produce a report on their mobile display or transfer log data through web services or email if requested by an officer. |
As per the regulations outlined in Appendix A, section 4.6, the DAILY ELD system continuously monitors itself for malfunctions. If a malfunction or diagnostic event occurs, such as issues with data recording, data transfer, or power, DAILY ELD system will display a visual alert to the driver. This includes alerts for any issues with engine synchronization, timing, positioning, or unidentified driving. |
As per the FMCSA's testing procedures, DAILY ELD has undergone thorough testing to ensure compliance as an electronic logging system. DAILY ELD can confirm that the system meets the requirements of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, including the correct logging and transmission of hours of service data. |
PT30 |
1.0.0 or higher |
DPE999 |
Download |
Download |
+16305669942 |
info@dailyeldplus.com |
https://daily-eld.com/ |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
DAILY ELD PLUS system allows electronic logging device (ELD) records to be sent via telematics transfer methods, including Wireless Web Services and Email. To transfer records using Web Services, the driver should navigate to the "DOT Inspection" menu, select the "Transfer Logs" option, choose "Web Service" as the Data Transfer Type, and then confirm by pressing "Transfer Logs." For Email transfers, the driver needs to access the "DOT Inspection" menu, select "Transfer Logs," choose "Email" as the Data Transfer Type, and finalize by pressing "Transfer Data." |
DAILY ELD PLUS tracks its compliance with technical requirements, identifies malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and maintains records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detections. The following standardized codes are used for compliance malfunctions and data diagnostic events: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD-detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD-identified diagnostic event. The DAILY ELD PLUS Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records include all ELD malfunctions that occurred on DAILY ELD PLUS during the time frame for which this file is created. Active malfunctions are displayed to all drivers who use the device. |
DAILY ELD PLUS complies with the technical requirements outlined in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395, Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Compliance with FMCSA regulations was verified by conducting the steps and testing procedures specified in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
2.96.16 or higher |
DSH596 |
Download |
Download |
+1 929 214 18 19 |
info@dashboardeld.com |
http://dashboardeld.com |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Supporting a data transfer system based on telematics, the DASHBOARD ELD utilizes web
services and email. The data is securely converted into the required format, encrypted, and
subsequently transmitted through the driver app. To initiate the transfer process, the driver can select the "Send" button within the Inspection Mode menu section. To present the logs report on their mobile device to a DOT officer, the drivers are to use an Inspection Mode button. |
The DASHBOARD ELD incorporates an advanced self-monitoring system that actively detects
malfunctions and diagnostic events, adhering to the guidelines outlined in section 4.6 of the ELD mandate. Issues related to unidentified driving, data transfer, required data elements, data recording, power, engine synchronization, timing, or positioning are swiftly identified, logged, and visually presented to the driver to ensure timely notification. Compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events are designated specific codes, like P for "Power compliance" malfunction, E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction, T for "Timing compliance" malfunction, L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction, R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction, S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction, O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions, 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event, 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event, 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event, 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event, 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event, and 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events. |
Testing has been completed by DASHBOARD ELD, confirming flawless integration of its
hardware and mobile application. This certification attests to the system meeting all required
functions as specified in 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B for electronic logging devices. |
Datasmart ELD |
DSTTG-1710 |
3.0.2116.210920 |
DSE001 |
Download |
Download |
Datasmart ELD |
(951) 331-4522 |
general@datasmart4trucks.com |
http://datasmart4trucks.co/ |
31915 rancho california road suite 200-336, temecula, CA 92591 |
Data Transfer
The datasmart ELD HOS provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. Selecting the Data Transfer button from the Main HOS Main Screen will display the list of supported data transfer options which are via Bluetooth, Email and USB. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the datasmart ELD HOS to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file transferred is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The device's default email application will then be opened before sending the email to which the data will be transferred.
Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password. |
The datasmart ELD HOS is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the datasmart ELD HOS, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
Power Malfunction
Engine Synchronization Malfunction
Timing Malfunction
Position Malfunction
Data Recording Malfunction
Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event. |
Certifying Statement of FMCSA Regulation Testing
The datasmart ELD HOS was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The datasmart ELD HOS was installed on various types and sizes of Android phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the datasmart ELD EBM engine connected devices. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
2.21.28 or above |
DRS258 |
Download |
Download |
Delta Solutions Inc. |
9703559339 |
info@deltasolutionseld.com |
http://www.deltasolutionseld.com |
4837 S Picadilly Ct, Aurora/CO/80015 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Through the DELTA SOLUTIONS ELD system, telematics data transfer is facilitated using either email or web services. The driver can perform the transfer by accessing the DOT Inspection Mode menu and clicking the "Send" button. Furthermore, a separate DOT Inspection Mode button is available for the driver to display the logs report to a DOT officer on their mobile device.
With the goal of maintaining compliance, detecting malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and documenting such occurrences, the DELTA SOLUTIONS ELD system employs specific codes to classify compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events, such as:
■ P for "Power compliance" malfunction,
■ E "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
■ T for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
■ L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
■ R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
■ S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
■ O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
■ 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event,
■ 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
■ 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
■ 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
■ 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event,
■ 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events.
The DELTA SOLUTIONS ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records record all malfunctions that occurred during the relevant time period and relay active malfunctions to all ELD users.
The FMCSA´s testing procedures require thorough testing of DELTA SOLUTIONS ELD to verify compliance as an electronic logging system, which has been completed. The system is able to confirm that it meets the requirements of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, including the accurate logging and transmission of hours of service data.
2.0 or higher |
DRS240 |
Download |
Download |
800-613-3570 |
admin@dfleld.com |
www.dfleld.com |
197 JOHNSON ST , TULARE CA 93274 |
DFL ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer
methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a
driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web
Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records via
Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select
Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. |
DFL ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and
data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection.
Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data
diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization
compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance”
malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance”
malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine
synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic”
event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic”
event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The DFL ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic
Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on DFL ELD during the time period for
which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD. |
DFL ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of
title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. DFL ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by
completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test
Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
DELD01 |
DELDA1.0 |
DWLA01 |
Download |
Download |
Trucksoft Solutions |
847-773-5560 |
info@dialogeld.com |
http://dialogeld.com |
2600 S 25th Ave, Suite J, Broadview, IL, 60155, Broadview, IL, 60155 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
DIALOG ELD provides an easy way for a driver to produce and transfer the ELD records to an authorized safety official.
1. Tap “Send Logs” from “Inspection Module” screen.
2. Select the checkbox next to each log you want to send.
3. Choose the transfer method by clicking on Email tab.
4. Enter the email address of the authorized safety official.
5. Tap “Send” to email your logs.
1. Tap “Send Output File” from “Inspection Module” screen.
2. Enter the Investigation Code of the authorized safety official.
3. Tap “Send” to transfer your logs.
*Federal Motor Carrier Safety regulation 49 CFR § 395.15 does not require a driver to provide a hard copy printout of their logs for an authorized safety official. However, you can email your logs from the ELD ONE App if you choose to provide the authorized safety official a copy. ELD ONE is made to transfer data wirelessly via Web Services and follows the below standards put forward by FMCSA in article (a) Transfer of ELD data to FMCSA via Web Services must follow the following standards: (1)Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1 (2)Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.2 (incorporated by reference, see § 395.38) (3)Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 5th Edition (b) If an ELD provider plans to use Web Services, upon ELD provider registration as described in section 5.1 of this appendix, (1) FMCSA will provide formatting files necessary to convert the ELD file into an XML format and upload the data to the FMCSA servers. These files include FMCSA’s Rules of Behavior, XML Schema, WSDL file, Interface Control Document (ICD), and the ELD Web Services Development Handbook, and (2)ELD Providers must obtain a Public/Private Key pair compliant with the NIST SP 800-32, Introduction to Public Key Technology and the Federal PKI Infrastructure, (incorporated by reference, see § 395.38), and submit the public key with their registration. (3)ELD Providers will be required to complete a test procedure to ensure their data is properly formatted before they can begin submitting driver’s ELD data to the FMCSA server. (c)ELD data transmission must be accomplished in a way that protects the privacy of the driver(s). (d)At roadside, if both the vehicle operator and law enforcement have an available data connection, the vehicle operator will initiate the transfer of ELD data to an authorized safety official. In some cases, an ELD may be capable of converting the ELD file to an XML format using an FMCSA-provided schema and upload it using information provided in the WSDL file using SOAP via RFC 7230, RFC 7231, and RFC 5246, Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2 (incorporated by reference, see § 395.38). Wireless Data Transfer tests will be conducted and detailed instructions will be provided upon FMCSA publishing specific test cases
DIALOG ELD will monitor and report malfunction data based on section 4.6 ELD’s Self-Monitoring of Required Functions table 4:
P - “Power compliance” malfunction
E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction
T - “Timing compliance” malfunction
L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction
R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction
S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction
O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction
1. Provide written notice to fleet management within 24 hours of malfunction discovery. 2. Keep paper logs for that day and until ELD is repaired or replaced.
WHAT DOES THE FLEET NEED TO DO IF THE ELD IS MALFUNCTIONING? 1. A motor carrier must take action to correct the malfunction of the ELD within 8 days of discovery of the malfunction or a driver’s notification to the motor carrier, whichever occurs first. 2. Upon notification by fleet manager, DIALOG ELD will send a new device. 3. If a motor carrier needs a time extension, they must notify the FMCSA Division Administrator for the State of the motor carrier’s principal place of business within five days after a driver notifies the motor carrier according to the guidelines set forth in § 395.34 (2).
We have used the suggested Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures document, version 2.0 dated 10/17/2016 provided by FMCSA to conduct testing of DIALOG ELD. Upon completion of necessary tests outlined in the above named document we certify that DIALOG ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. Tests under the following categories have been conducted and passed (P): Accounts, Inputs, Vehicle, Interface, Processing, Monitoring, Recording, Outputs, Data Transfer. |
Digilog |
DGLG111 |
215 or Higher |
DGLG23 |
Download |
Download |
8484335225 |
digilogllc@gmail.com |
https://digilogllc.com/ |
Local (USB, Bluetooth)
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
To submit the Output File to an authorized safety official, the driver selects the “Export ELD Data File” from the Logbook screen. The driver, then, will select one of the following methods:
- FMCSA web service: This option securely communicates to FMCSA's end-point ad obtains submission ID.
- ELD Email Interface: This option transfer an encrypted email to FMCSA email address
Low battery, network disconnection, low internal memory space, ECM data transfer failure, location sensor failure. In addition, the following malfunctions are detected (and appropriate records created) by the DGLG23:
- Power data diagnostic (diagnostic - 1)
- Engine synchronization data diagnostic (diagnostic - 2)
- Missing required data elements (diagnostic - 3)
- Data transfer (diagnostic - 4)
- Unidentified driving records data diagnostic (diagnostic - 5)
- Other ELD diagnostics (diagnostic - 6
- Power compliance (malfunction - P)
- Engine synchronization compliance (malfunction - E)
- Timing compliance (malfunction - T)
- Positioning compliance (malfunction - L)
- Data recording compliance (malfunction - R)
- Data transfer compliance (malfunction - S)
- Other ELD malfunctions (malfunction - O)
The Digilog (DGLG23) was tested on a diverse range of CMVs from different manufacturers and models as well drivers with different experience and backgrounds. Tests were also performed on different environments (indoor, outdoor, inside and outside CMVs). Procedures and areas of examinations were followed according to the “ELD Test Plan and Procedures” version 1.0 document released by FMCSA on April 25th 2016. The Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) was used and fully verified to ensure ELD compliance. Corrective actions and regression tests were made on all Failed test results. |
2.94.44 or higher |
DEL331 |
Download |
Download |
8484335225 |
digilogllc@gmail.com |
https://digilogllc.com/ |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
During roadside inspections, drivers find the DIGILOG ELITE to be an indispensable tool,
providing a comprehensive overview of their records. Accessing this information is effortless
within the application, and the ELD simplifies the transmission of telematics data via email or
web services. Initiating the transfer process is straightforward for drivers, who can navigate to
the DOT Mode menu and choose the "Send" option. Moreover, a specific DOT Mode button
ensures drivers can easily showcase the log report on their mobile device when presenting it to
a DOT officer. |
Compliance with technical requirements is closely monitored by the DIGILOG ELITE, which
actively detects malfunctions and data inconsistencies, maintaining a record of such events.
Standard coding is employed to identify compliance malfunctions and data diagnostic events,
assigning codes like P for "Power compliance" malfunction, E for "Engine synchronization
compliance" malfunction, T for "Timing compliance" malfunction, L for "Positioning compliance"
malfunction, R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction, S for "Data transfer compliance"
malfunction, O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions, 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event, 2 for
"Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event, 3 for "Missing required data elements data
diagnostic" event, 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event, 5 for "Unidentified driving records
data diagnostic" event, and 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events. The Malfunction and
Diagnostic Event Records detail all ELD malfunctions occurring during the specified time period,
ensuring that active malfunctions are promptly communicated to all ELD users. |
The DIGILOG ELITE system leverages a granular test-driven approach to achieve conformance
with 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B. Through exhaustive mapping and verification against the
FMCSA's Requirements Traceability Matrix, the system demonstrably fulfills all specified criteria,
encompassing both functional and non-functional requirements. Subsequent pilot testing under
operational conditions, including diverse vehicle types and duty cycles, further validates the
system's efficacy and robustness in real-world environments. As a result, DIGILOG ELITE
confirms its ability to accurately log and securely transmit hours-of-service data with consistent
performance and unwavering adherence to regulatory mandates. |
2.13.17 |
DTL792 |
Download |
Download |
Digital ELD LLC |
5594160153 |
contact@digitaleld.com |
http://www.DigitalELD.com |
3356 Rivermont Street , West Sacramento, CA, 95691 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
DIGITAL ELD, or Electronic Logging Device, is a tool that offers a comprehensive overview of a driver's records during a roadside inspection. Not only does it provide this information within the app, but it also facilitates the transfer of telematics data through email or web services. The DOT Inspection mode allows the driver to choose the method that works best for them. To transfer ELD records through Web services, the driver needs to access the "DOT Inspection" menu and select the "Send Logs" option. Then, they should choose Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and click the "SEND" button. Similarly, to transfer ELD records via Email, the driver should follow the same steps but select Email as the Data Transfer Type before clicking the "SEND" button. |
The DIGITAL ELD system ensures compliance with technical requirements, identifies malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and maintains records of such occurrences. Compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events are classified with specific codes, including P for "Power compliance" malfunction, E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction, T for "Timing compliance" malfunction, L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction, R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction, S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction, O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions, 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event, 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event, 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event, 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event, 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event, and 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events. The DIGITAL ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records document all malfunctions that occurred during the relevant time period. Active malfunctions are communicated to all drivers who may use the ELD. |
DIGITAL ELD has been thoroughly tested to ensure compliance with all the functional requirements outlined in Title 49, Part 395 of Section 4.9.1, Appendix A, Subpart B. DIGITAL ELD can confidently certify that our ELD product adheres to all the necessary ELD regulations. |
Digital Fleet |
8.5.0 and newer |
DIGI05 |
Download |
Download |
Digital Fleet, LLC |
(630) 518-4606 |
info@digitalfleet.com |
https://www.digitalfleet.com/ |
350 N Orleans St #9000N, Chicago, IL 60654 |
Our ELD supports data transfer by email or web services.
Step 1: Select the "Transfer ELD Records" button in the ELD Screen to initiate a data transfer.
Step 2: Under the "Transfer Records to the FMCSA" section, enter the Output File Comment as required.
Step 3: Select desired data transfer mechanism.
Step 4: Select "Transfer Records" to collect and transmit records. |
Power compliance malfunction - Triggered if power compliance incidents result in a driving time understatement of 30 minutes or more on the ELD over a 24 hour period across all driver profiles.
Engine synchronization compliance malfunction - Triggered when we are unable to receive required engine data for a combined total of 30 or more minutes over a 24 hour period.
Timing compliance malfunction - Triggered when it is determined that the system time is more than 10 minutes off from UTC time.
Positioning compliance malfunction - Triggered when we are unable to receive valid GPS data for a combined total of 60 or more minutes over a 24 hour period.
Data recording compliance malfunction - Triggered when the ELD system is unable to record new data.
Data transfer compliance malfunction - Triggered when the ELD system is unable to perform a data transfer to the FMCSA for more than 7 consecutive days. |
Digital Fleet has tested the Electronic Logging Device functionality pursuant to FMCSA Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plans and Procedures version 2.1 and verified the product meets the requirements outlined in FMCSA Section 49 CFR 395.8 Subpart B. In accordance with section 1.5.1 Record Retention of the Test Plans and Procedures document, records of testing will be maintained for a period of two (2) years. |
Digital Fleet |
5.3.0 and newer |
DIGI05 |
Download |
Download |
Digital Fleet, LLC |
(630) 518-4606 |
info@digitalfleet.com |
https://www.digitalfleet.com/ |
350 N Orleans St #9000N, Chicago, IL 60654 |
Our ELD supports data transfer by email or web services.
Step 1: Select the "Transfer ELD Records" button in the ELD Screen to initiate a data transfer.
Step 2: Enter Output File Comment as required.
Step 3: Select desired data transfer mechanism.
Step 4: Select "Transfer Records to FMCSA" to collect and transmit records. |
Power compliance malfunction - Triggered if power compliance incidents result in a driving time understatement of 30 minutes or more on the ELD over a 24 hour period across all driver profiles.
Engine synchronization compliance malfunction - Triggered when we are unable to receive required engine data for a combined total of 30 or more minutes over a 24 hour period.
Timing compliance malfunction - Triggered when it is determined that the system time is more than 10 minutes off from UTC time.
Positioning compliance malfunction - Triggered when we are unable to receive valid GPS data for a combined total of 60 or more minutes over a 24 hour period.
Data recording compliance malfunction - Triggered when the ELD system is unable to record new data.
Data transfer compliance malfunction - Triggered when the ELD system is unable to perform a data transfer to the FMCSA for more than 7 consecutive days. |
Digital Fleet has tested the Electronic Logging Device functionality pursuant to FMCSA Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plans and Procedures version 2.1 and verified the product meets the requirements outlined in FMCSA Section 49 CFR 395.8 Subpart B. In accordance with section 1.5.1 Record Retention of the Test Plans and Procedures document, records of testing will be maintained for a period of two (2) years. |
Direct Logs |
2.21 and up |
DET972 |
Download |
Download |
Direct Logs Inc |
513 305 3639 |
info@directlogs.org |
http://directlogs.com |
6377 Ashdale ct, Liberty Township OH 45044 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
DIRECT LOGS is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer
methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a
driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web
Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records via
Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select
Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. |
DIRECT LOGS monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions
and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event
detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and
data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization
compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance”
malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance”
malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine
synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic”
event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic”
event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The DIRECT LOGS Malfunction and
Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on DIRECT LOGS during
the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who
may use that ELD |
DIRECT LOGS meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part
395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. DIRECT LOGS was tested to comply with FMCSA
regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging
Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
DispatchCrude.com |
DCT-317 | |
DCT317 |
Download |
Download |
Capital Technology Solutions |
8123034357 |
Support@dccloud.net |
http://dispatchcrude.com/ |
1112 South Villa Drive, Evansville/IN/47714 |
Using Web Services and/or Email, DC submits CSV file data to FMCSA as required in the mandate.
This has already been tested working with the FMCSA ELD Team. |
Code Description
1 "Power data diagnostic" event
2 "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event
3 "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event
4 "Data transfer data diagnostic" event
5 "Unidentified driving record data diagnostic" event
6 "Other" ELD identified diagnostic event
P "Power compliance" malfunction
E "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction
T "Timing compliance" malfunction
L "Positioning compliance" malfunction
R "Data recording compliance" malfunction
S "Data transfer compliance" malfunction
O "Other" ELD detected malfunction
We have worked through the details of the mandate throughout the year 2017, and along with final testing and certification with the FMCSA, are happy to offer our fully integrated ELD solution. DC Enterprise integrates compliance documentation, HOS, ELD, driver scheduling, and order hueristics, for a totally integrated and intelligent solution. |
DL800 |
2.95.23 |
DLG814 |
Download |
Download |
8186469500 |
dlogeldsolution@gmail.com |
www.dlogeld.com |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Through the utilization of an electronic data transfer method, the DLOG ELD system ensures
the efficient transfer of driver logs. If necessary, drivers have the option to utilize the mobile app
for sending logs via email or web services. Initiating the transfer process involves navigating to
the DOT Mode menu section and clicking the "Send" button. Additionally, a designated DOT
Mode button is at their disposal for conveniently showcasing the logs report on their mobile
device when presenting it to a DOT officer. |
ELD Malfunctions
The DLOG ELD integrates an advanced self-monitoring system, aligning with section 4.6 of the
ELD mandate, to proactively identify malfunctions and diagnostic events. Issues encompassing
power, engine synchronization, timing, positioning, data recording, data transfer, and others are
promptly detected and visually conveyed to the driver. The system utilizes specific codes like P
for "Power compliance" malfunction, E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction, T
for "Timing compliance" malfunction, L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction, R for "Data
recording compliance" malfunction, S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction, O for "Other"
ELD-detected malfunctions, 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event, 2 for "Engine synchronization
data diagnostic" event, 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event, 4 for "Data
transfer data diagnostic" event, 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event, and 6
for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events to precisely categorize compliance malfunctions
and diagnostic events |
Certifying Statement
DLOG ELD prioritizes data integrity and regulatory compliance through a thorough testing
methodology. The system undergoes exhaustive testing against the FMCSA's RTM,
guaranteeing meticulous fulfillment of all specified requirements. Intensive testing confirms the
system's effectiveness in operational settings. Consequently, DLOG ELD meets the demands of
49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, ensuring accurate and secure hours-of-service data logging and
transmission. |
DocuDrive Logbook |
DOC-5 |
2.94.45 or above |
DDL996 |
Download |
Download |
DocuDrive LLC |
9289852207 |
info@docudriveeld.com |
http://docudriveeld.com |
3532 Kauai ct, Lake Havasu AZ 86406 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Supporting a data transfer system based on telematics, the DocuDrive Logbook utilizes web
services and email. The data is securely converted into the required format, encrypted, and
subsequently transmitted through the driver app. To initiate the transfer process, the driver can select the "Send" button within the Inspection Mode menu section. To present the logs report on their mobile device to a DOT officer, the drivers are to use an Inspection Mode button. |
The DocuDrive Logbook incorporates an advanced self-monitoring system that actively detects
malfunctions and diagnostic events, adhering to the guidelines outlined in section 4.6 of the ELD mandate. Issues related to unidentied driving, data transfer, required data elements, data
recording, power, engine synchronization, timing, or positioning are swiftly identied, logged, and visually presented to the driver to ensure timely notication. Compliance malfunctions and
diagnostic events are designated specic codes, like P for "Power compliance" malfunction, E
for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction, T for "Timing compliance" malfunction, L
for "Positioning compliance" malfunction, R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction, S for
"Data transfer compliance" malfunction, O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions, 1 for "Power
data diagnostic" event, 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event, 3 for "Missing
required data elements data diagnostic" event, 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event, 5 for "Unidentied driving records data diagnostic" event, and 6 for "Other" ELD-identied diagnostic events. |
Testing has been completed by DocuDrive Logbook, confirming flawless integration of its
hardware and mobile application. This certification attests to the system meeting all required
functions as specified in 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B for electronic logging devices. |
2.13.15 and later |
DRA782 |
Download |
Download |
Dragon ELD |
(708) 778-3616 |
office@dragoneld.com |
http://dragoneld.com |
P.O. Box 1422, Elgin, IL 60120 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
DRAGON ELD system uses electronic data transfer to send driver logs. Drivers can also use the mobile app to send logs via email or web services as needed. In order to send the logs to DOT, the driver must go to “DOT Inspection Mode”, click “Send”, choose the appropriate transfer method (Email or Web Service), enter the personal officer code and click “Send Logs”. |
DRAGON ELD (Electronic Logging Device) system is designed to ensure compliance with regulations and improve safety on the road. It continuously monitors for malfunctions and records any detected issues. As per the guidelines outlined in Appendix A, section 4.6, it also has the capability to self-diagnose and troubleshoot. The driver will be alerted visually in case of any malfunctions detected. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. |
DRAGON ELD system complies with the technical specifications outlined in the Appendix to
Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. It has undergone extensive testing to ensure compliance with FMCSA regulations, following the steps and testing procedures outlined in the Electronic Logging Device Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
2.24.9 |
DRS126 |
Download |
Download |
(800) 782-9079 |
support@dreameld.com |
http://dreameld.com |
371 E Street Road, Feasterville PA 19053 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
DREAM ELD system allows for wireless web services and email as ways to transfer telematics data, by pressing "Send" button in the dedicated DOT Inspection Mode. If a driver doesn't have internet, they can view logs on the mobile app. As per section 4.10 of the ELD mandate, the DOT Inspection Mode shows RODS for the current 24 hours and the driver's logs for the past 7 days. |
As per Appendix A, section 4.6, DREAM ELD electronic logging device is programmed to self-monitor and detect malfunctions. An example of this would be the ELD system displaying visual alerts to the driver for issues with engine synchronization, timing, positioning, or unidentified driving. |
DREAM ELD has undergone rigorous testing in accordance with the FMCSA's Test Plan and Procedures. DREAM ELD certifies that the test results confirm that the ELD conforms to the Functional Specifications for the ELD product. |
IOS2050 |
1.1.1 |
DREM30 |
Download |
Download |
(800) 782-9079 |
support@dreameld.com |
http://dreameld.com |
371 E Street Road, Feasterville PA 19053 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
DREAM ELD PRO is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer
methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services,
a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web
Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select
Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. |
DREAM ELD PRO monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions
and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event
detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and
data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization
compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance”
malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance”
malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The DREAM ELD PRO Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on DREAM ELD PRO during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD. |
DREAM ELD PRO meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. DREAM ELD PRO was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
Drive ELD |
driveeld_2017_1.0 |
4.5+ |
100DE1 |
Download |
Download |
Drive ELD LLC |
866-623-7483 |
contact@drive-eld.com |
https://www.drive-eld.com/ |
201 East Washington Street, Suite 1302, Iowa City, Iowa, 42240 |
To transfer data using the DriveELD application. A user must log into the smartphone app on their phone or mobile device. Immediately upon logging in, a user can access the menu by pressing the button in the upper left corner. The menu icon is labeled, “menu” and is represented by a standard hamburger menu icon (i.e. three horizontal lines).
A drawer will open, DOT Inspection is one of the options available in the menu. The user clicks DOT Inspection. The user has two options “View Logs on Phone” or “Transfer to FMCSA”. The user should select “Transfer to FMCSA” and click the “confirm” button in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
On the next screen, the user selects either web services or email as their certified transfer method. Below these options is a text box where users can type in comments from the enforcement official, this is the Output File Comment. The user then selects “Send”. The user’s device communicates with the DriveELD server and the server sends the output file using the mechanism selected on the mobile device.
| (P / power compliance malfunction): An ELD must set a power compliance malfunction if the power data diagnostics event described in paragraph of this appendix indicates an aggregated in-motion driving time understatement of 30 minutes or more on the ELD over a 24-hour period across all driver profiles, including the unidentified driver profile. (E / Engine Synchronization Compliance Malfunction): An ELD must set an engine synchronization compliance malfunction if connectivity to any of the required data sources specified in section 4.3.1 of this appendix is lost for more than 30 minutes during a 24-hour period aggregated across all driver profiles, including the unidentified driver profile. (T / Timing Compliance Malfunction): The ELD must periodically cross-check its compliance with the requirement specified in section of this appendix with respect to an accurate external UTC source and must record a timing compliance malfunction when it can no longer meet the underlying compliance requirement. (L / Position Compliance Malfunction): ELD records requiring location information must use the last valid position measurement and include the latitude/longitude coordinates and distance traveled, in miles, since the last valid position measurement. An ELD must monitor elapsed time during periods when the ELD fails to acquire a valid position measurement within 5 miles of the CMV’s movement. When such elapsed time exceeds a cumulative 60 minutes over a 24 hour period, the ELD must set and record a positioning compliance malfunction. (R / Data Recording Compliance Malfunction): An ELD must monitor its storage capacity and integrity and must detect a data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events or retrieve recorded logs that are not otherwise catalogued remotely by the motor carrier. (S / Data Transfer Compliance Malfunction): (a) An ELD must implement in-service monitoring functions to verify that the data transfer mechanism(s) described in section 4.9.1 of this appendix are continuing to function properly. An ELD must verify this functionality at least once every 7 days. These monitoring functions may be automatic or may involve manual steps for a driver. (b) If the monitoring mechanism fails to confirm proper in-service operation of the data transfer mechanism(s), an ELD must record a data transfer data diagnostic event and enter an unconfirmed data transfer mode. (c) After an ELD records a data transfer data diagnostic event, the ELD must increase the frequency of the monitoring function to check at least once every 24- hour period. If the ELD stays in the unconfirmed data transfer mode following the next three consecutive monitoring checks, the ELD must detect a data transfer compliance malfunction
The product was tested using the FMCSA’s eldtestplanandprocedures07-18-201721-all-chapters.pdf as a template. Tests were performed using the app, Pacific Track hardware, a CMV simulator, and vehicles with OBDII and j1939 protocols.
Driver•i |
D430 |
3.5.21.rc.7 and up |
DRI430 |
Download |
Download |
Netradyne |
1-833-476-9663 |
driveri@netradyne.com |
https://netradyne.com |
9171 Towne Centre Drive, Suite 110, San Diego, CA 92122 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Geotab Drive supports the telematics (electronic) data transfer method via wireless Web services and email. To enable this during a roadside inspection, the following steps will apply: 1) Upon launching the Geotab Drive, select HOS from the Dashboard. 2) From the top bar, select the Options tab and scroll to the bottom of the page. 3) Select the Transfer button next to Transfer logs, then choose between email or Web services. 4) Drivers may need to enter an output file comment provided by the inspector into the textbox when prompted. This is also outlined in this document: https://goo.gl/8x2PgF
ELD Malfunctions Malfunction Code P: Power data malfunction: An ELD must monitor the data it receives from the engine ECM or alternative sources, and data record history to identify instances when it might not have complied with the power requirements. Driver’s actions for when a power data malfunction occurs: This may be caused by an intermittent or disconnected connection to the vehicle ECM. This is likely due to an install issue.Contact your carrier to get the install inspected if you’re unable to check yourself. Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code E: Engine synchronization compliance malfunction: An ELD must set an engine synchronization compliance malfunction, if connectivity to any of the required data sources is lost for more than 30 minutes during a 24-hour period aggregated across all driver profiles. Driver’s actions for when a engine synchronization compliance malfunction occurs: This may be caused by an intermittent or disconnected connection to the vehicle ECM. This is likely due to an install issue. Contact your carrier to get the install inspected if you’re unable to check yourself. Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code T: Timing compliance malfunction: The ELD must periodically cross-check its time with an external UTC source, and must record a timing compliance malfunction when it can no longer meet the underlying timing requirement of less than 10 minutes’ time deviation. Driver’s actions for when a timing compliance malfunction occurs: Check your mobile device’s phone time. Ensure it is set to acquire time automatically. Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code L: Positioning Compliance malfunction: An ELD must monitor elapsed time during periods when the ELD fails to acquire a valid position measurement within five miles of the CMV’s movement. When such elapsed time exceeds a cumulative 60 minutes over a 24-hour period, the ELD must set and record a positioning compliance malfunction. Driver’s actions for when a positioning Compliance malfunction occurs: This can be caused by temporary or permanent loss of GPS by the Driver•i device. Contact your carrier to get the install inspected. If problem still persists, replace the Driver•i device.Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code R: Data recording compliance malfunction: An ELD must monitor its storage capacity and integrity and must detect a data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events, or retrieve recorded logs that are not otherwise cataloged remotely by the motor carrier. Driver’s actions for when a data recording compliance malfunction occurs: Contact your carrier to get in touch with Support as soon as possible.Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code S: Data transfer compliance malfunction: After an ELD records a data transfer data diagnostic event, the ELD must increase the frequency of the monitoring function to check at least once every 24-hour period. If the ELD stays in the unconfirmed data transfer mode following the next three consecutive monitoring checks, the ELD must detect a data transfer compliance malfunction. Driver’s actions for when a data transfer compliance malfunction occurs: Check your internet connection. If problem persists, contact your carrier. Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code O: “Other” ELD identified malfunction: The other ELD identified malfunction is not supported. Diagnostic Code: 1 Power data diagnostic: An ELD must monitor the data it receives from the engine ECM and data record history to identify instances when it may not have complied with the power requirements. Driver’s actions for when a power data diagnostic occurs: This may be caused by an intermittent or disconnected connection to the vehicle ECM. This is likely due to an install issue. Once investigated and the problem is resolved, the system will auto clear the event. Diagnostic Code: 2 Engine synchronization diagnostic: An ELD is required to establish a link to the engine ECM,and must record an engine synchronization data diagnostics event, when it no longer can acquire values for the ELD parameters required for records within five seconds. Driver’s actions for when a engine synchronization diagnostic occurs: This may be caused by an intermittent or disconnected connection to the vehicle ECM. This is likely due to an install issue. This may also be caused if the ELD is unable to pick up the required engine data from the vehicle ECM.Contact your carrier if the problem persists. Once investigated, and the problem is resolved, the system will auto clear the event. Diagnostic Code: 3 Missing required data elements data diagnostic: An ELD must monitor the completeness of the ELD event record information in relation to the required data elements for each event type, and must record a missing data element and data diagnostics event for the driver, if any required field is missing at the time of recording. Driver’s actions for when a missing required data elements data diagnostic occurs:This can be caused by the creation of a manual log by the driver when there is temporary loss of GPS by the Driver•i device. If the driver does not enter an address manually when prompted by the “Where was this?” message, this diagnostic will be created. It can be resolved by selecting the “Where was this?” associated with the record and manually entering the missing data. Once investigated, and the problem is resolved, the system will auto clear the event. Diagnostic Code: 4 Data transfer data diagnostic: An ELD must implement in-service monitoring functions to verify that the data transfer mechanism(s) are continuing to function properly. An ELD must verify this functionality at least once every seven days. Driver’s actions for when a data transfer data diagnostic occurs: Check your internet connection. If problem persists, contact your carrier. Once investigated, and the problem is resolved, the system will auto clear the event. Diagnostic Code: 5 Unidentified driving records data diagnostic: If more than 30 minutes of driving in a 24-hour period shows unidentified driver on the ELD, the ELD must detect and record an unidentified driving record data diagnostic event, and the data diagnostic indicator must be turned on for all drivers logged in to that ELD for the current 24-hour period and the following seven days. Driver’s actions for when an unidentified driving records data occurs: Review all unassigned logs when logging in or logging out of the vehicle and ensure you have claimed any logs that may be applicable to yourself. If the unassigned logs are not yours, you can ignore this diagnostic event.Please note this event will automatically clear itself as logs get claimed. Diagnostic Code: 6 “Other” ELD identified diagnostic: The other ELD identified is not supported. Driver’s actions for when an “other” ELD identified diagnostic occurs: The other ELD identified is not supported. This is also outlined in this document: https://goo.gl/b7Jyof
The product was tested using the FMCSA’s recommended testing procedures, supplemented by Netradyne and Geotab internal testing procedures.
Driver•i |
D210 |
2.5.18 and up |
DRI210 |
Download |
Download |
Netradyne |
1-833-476-9663 |
driveri@netradyne.com |
https://netradyne.com |
9171 Towne Centre Drive, Suite 110, San Diego, CA 92122 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Geotab Drive supports the telematics (electronic) data transfer method via wireless Web services and email. To enable this during a roadside inspection, the following steps will apply: 1) Upon launching the Geotab Drive, select HOS from the Dashboard. 2) From the top bar, select the Options tab and scroll to the bottom of the page. 3) Select the Transfer button next to Transfer logs, then choose between email or Web services. 4) Drivers may need to enter an output file comment provided by the inspector into the textbox when prompted. This is also outlined in this document: https://goo.gl/8x2PgF |
ELD Malfunctions Malfunction Code P: Power data malfunction: An ELD must monitor the data it receives from the engine ECM or alternative sources, and data record history to identify instances when it might not have complied with the power requirements. Driver’s actions for when a power data malfunction occurs: This may be caused by an intermittent or disconnected connection to the vehicle ECM. This is likely due to an install issue.Contact your carrier to get the install inspected if you’re unable to check yourself. Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code E: Engine synchronization compliance malfunction: An ELD must set an engine synchronization compliance malfunction, if connectivity to any of the required data sources is lost for more than 30 minutes during a 24-hour period aggregated across all driver profiles. Driver’s actions for when a engine synchronization compliance malfunction occurs: This may be caused by an intermittent or disconnected connection to the vehicle ECM. This is likely due to an install issue. Contact your carrier to get the install inspected if you’re unable to check yourself. Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code T: Timing compliance malfunction: The ELD must periodically cross-check its time with an external UTC source, and must record a timing compliance malfunction when it can no longer meet the underlying timing requirement of less than 10 minutes’ time deviation. Driver’s actions for when a timing compliance malfunction occurs: Check your mobile device’s phone time. Ensure it is set to acquire time automatically. Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code L: Positioning Compliance malfunction: An ELD must monitor elapsed time during periods when the ELD fails to acquire a valid position measurement within five miles of the CMV’s movement. When such elapsed time exceeds a cumulative 60 minutes over a 24-hour period, the ELD must set and record a positioning compliance malfunction. Driver’s actions for when a positioning Compliance malfunction occurs: This can be caused by temporary or permanent loss of GPS by the Driver•i device. Contact your carrier to get the install inspected. If problem still persists, replace the Driver•i device.Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code R: Data recording compliance malfunction: An ELD must monitor its storage capacity and integrity and must detect a data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events, or retrieve recorded logs that are not otherwise cataloged remotely by the motor carrier. Driver’s actions for when a data recording compliance malfunction occurs: Contact your carrier to get in touch with Support as soon as possible.Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code S: Data transfer compliance malfunction: After an ELD records a data transfer data diagnostic event, the ELD must increase the frequency of the monitoring function to check at least once every 24-hour period. If the ELD stays in the unconfirmed data transfer mode following the next three consecutive monitoring checks, the ELD must detect a data transfer compliance malfunction. Driver’s actions for when a data transfer compliance malfunction occurs: Check your internet connection. If problem persists, contact your carrier. Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code O: “Other” ELD identified malfunction: The other ELD identified malfunction is not supported. Diagnostic Code: 1 Power data diagnostic: An ELD must monitor the data it receives from the engine ECM and data record history to identify instances when it may not have complied with the power requirements. Driver’s actions for when a power data diagnostic occurs: This may be caused by an intermittent or disconnected connection to the vehicle ECM. This is likely due to an install issue. Once investigated and the problem is resolved, the system will auto clear the event. Diagnostic Code: 2 Engine synchronization diagnostic: An ELD is required to establish a link to the engine ECM,and must record an engine synchronization data diagnostics event, when it no longer can acquire values for the ELD parameters required for records within five seconds. Driver’s actions for when a engine synchronization diagnostic occurs: This may be caused by an intermittent or disconnected connection to the vehicle ECM. This is likely due to an install issue. This may also be caused if the ELD is unable to pick up the required engine data from the vehicle ECM.Contact your carrier if the problem persists. Once investigated, and the problem is resolved, the system will auto clear the event. Diagnostic Code: 3 Missing required data elements data diagnostic: An ELD must monitor the completeness of the ELD event record information in relation to the required data elements for each event type, and must record a missing data element and data diagnostics event for the driver, if any required field is missing at the time of recording. Driver’s actions for when a missing required data elements data diagnostic occurs:This can be caused by the creation of a manual log by the driver when there is temporary loss of GPS by the Driver•i device. If the driver does not enter an address manually when prompted by the “Where was this?” message, this diagnostic will be created. It can be resolved by selecting the “Where was this?” associated with the record and manually entering the missing data. Once investigated, and the problem is resolved, the system will auto clear the event. Diagnostic Code: 4 Data transfer data diagnostic: An ELD must implement in-service monitoring functions to verify that the data transfer mechanism(s) are continuing to function properly. An ELD must verify this functionality at least once every seven days. Driver’s actions for when a data transfer data diagnostic occurs: Check your internet connection. If problem persists, contact your carrier. Once investigated, and the problem is resolved, the system will auto clear the event. Diagnostic Code: 5 Unidentified driving records data diagnostic: If more than 30 minutes of driving in a 24-hour period shows unidentified driver on the ELD, the ELD must detect and record an unidentified driving record data diagnostic event, and the data diagnostic indicator must be turned on for all drivers logged in to that ELD for the current 24-hour period and the following seven days. Driver’s actions for when an unidentified driving records data occurs: Review all unassigned logs when logging in or logging out of the vehicle and ensure you have claimed any logs that may be applicable to yourself. If the unassigned logs are not yours, you can ignore this diagnostic event.Please note this event will automatically clear itself as logs get claimed. Diagnostic Code: 6 “Other” ELD identified diagnostic: The other ELD identified is not supported. Driver’s actions for when an “other” ELD identified diagnostic occurs: The other ELD identified is not supported. This is also outlined in this document: https://goo.gl/b7Jyof
The product was tested using the FMCSA’s recommended testing procedures, supplemented by Netradyne and Geotab internal testing procedures. |
Driver•i |
D215 |
4.5.19.rc.5 and up |
DRI215 |
Download |
Download |
Netradyne |
1-833-476-9663 |
driveri@netradyne.com |
https://netradyne.com |
9171 Towne Centre Drive, Suite 110, San Diego, CA 92122 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Geotab Drive supports the telematics (electronic) data transfer method via wireless Web services and email. To enable this during a roadside inspection, the following steps will apply: 1) Upon launching the Geotab Drive, select HOS from the Dashboard. 2) From the top bar, select the Options tab and scroll to the bottom of the page. 3) Select the Transfer button next to Transfer logs, then choose between email or Web services. 4) Drivers may need to enter an output file comment provided by the inspector into the textbox when prompted. This is also outlined in this document: https://goo.gl/8x2PgF |
ELD Malfunctions Malfunction Code P: Power data malfunction: An ELD must monitor the data it receives from the engine ECM or alternative sources, and data record history to identify instances when it might not have complied with the power requirements. Driver’s actions for when a power data malfunction occurs: This may be caused by an intermittent or disconnected connection to the vehicle ECM. This is likely due to an install issue.Contact your carrier to get the install inspected if you’re unable to check yourself. Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code E: Engine synchronization compliance malfunction: An ELD must set an engine synchronization compliance malfunction, if connectivity to any of the required data sources is lost for more than 30 minutes during a 24-hour period aggregated across all driver profiles. Driver’s actions for when a engine synchronization compliance malfunction occurs: This may be caused by an intermittent or disconnected connection to the vehicle ECM. This is likely due to an install issue. Contact your carrier to get the install inspected if you’re unable to check yourself. Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code T: Timing compliance malfunction: The ELD must periodically cross-check its time with an external UTC source, and must record a timing compliance malfunction when it can no longer meet the underlying timing requirement of less than 10 minutes’ time deviation. Driver’s actions for when a timing compliance malfunction occurs: Check your mobile device’s phone time. Ensure it is set to acquire time automatically. Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code L: Positioning Compliance malfunction: An ELD must monitor elapsed time during periods when the ELD fails to acquire a valid position measurement within five miles of the CMV’s movement. When such elapsed time exceeds a cumulative 60 minutes over a 24-hour period, the ELD must set and record a positioning compliance malfunction. Driver’s actions for when a positioning Compliance malfunction occurs: This can be caused by temporary or permanent loss of GPS by the Driver•i device. Contact your carrier to get the install inspected. If problem still persists, replace the Driver•i device.Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code R: Data recording compliance malfunction: An ELD must monitor its storage capacity and integrity and must detect a data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events, or retrieve recorded logs that are not otherwise cataloged remotely by the motor carrier. Driver’s actions for when a data recording compliance malfunction occurs: Contact your carrier to get in touch with Support as soon as possible.Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code S: Data transfer compliance malfunction: After an ELD records a data transfer data diagnostic event, the ELD must increase the frequency of the monitoring function to check at least once every 24-hour period. If the ELD stays in the unconfirmed data transfer mode following the next three consecutive monitoring checks, the ELD must detect a data transfer compliance malfunction. Driver’s actions for when a data transfer compliance malfunction occurs: Check your internet connection. If problem persists, contact your carrier. Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code O: “Other” ELD identified malfunction: The other ELD identified malfunction is not supported. Diagnostic Code: 1 Power data diagnostic: An ELD must monitor the data it receives from the engine ECM and data record history to identify instances when it may not have complied with the power requirements. Driver’s actions for when a power data diagnostic occurs: This may be caused by an intermittent or disconnected connection to the vehicle ECM. This is likely due to an install issue. Once investigated and the problem is resolved, the system will auto clear the event. Diagnostic Code: 2 Engine synchronization diagnostic: An ELD is required to establish a link to the engine ECM,and must record an engine synchronization data diagnostics event, when it no longer can acquire values for the ELD parameters required for records within five seconds. Driver’s actions for when a engine synchronization diagnostic occurs: This may be caused by an intermittent or disconnected connection to the vehicle ECM. This is likely due to an install issue. This may also be caused if the ELD is unable to pick up the required engine data from the vehicle ECM.Contact your carrier if the problem persists. Once investigated, and the problem is resolved, the system will auto clear the event. Diagnostic Code: 3 Missing required data elements data diagnostic: An ELD must monitor the completeness of the ELD event record information in relation to the required data elements for each event type, and must record a missing data element and data diagnostics event for the driver, if any required field is missing at the time of recording. Driver’s actions for when a missing required data elements data diagnostic occurs:This can be caused by the creation of a manual log by the driver when there is temporary loss of GPS by the Driver•i device. If the driver does not enter an address manually when prompted by the “Where was this?” message, this diagnostic will be created. It can be resolved by selecting the “Where was this?” associated with the record and manually entering the missing data. Once investigated, and the problem is resolved, the system will auto clear the event. Diagnostic Code: 4 Data transfer data diagnostic: An ELD must implement in-service monitoring functions to verify that the data transfer mechanism(s) are continuing to function properly. An ELD must verify this functionality at least once every seven days. Driver’s actions for when a data transfer data diagnostic occurs: Check your internet connection. If problem persists, contact your carrier. Once investigated, and the problem is resolved, the system will auto clear the event. Diagnostic Code: 5 Unidentified driving records data diagnostic: If more than 30 minutes of driving in a 24-hour period shows unidentified driver on the ELD, the ELD must detect and record an unidentified driving record data diagnostic event, and the data diagnostic indicator must be turned on for all drivers logged in to that ELD for the current 24-hour period and the following seven days. Driver’s actions for when an unidentified driving records data occurs: Review all unassigned logs when logging in or logging out of the vehicle and ensure you have claimed any logs that may be applicable to yourself. If the unassigned logs are not yours, you can ignore this diagnostic event.Please note this event will automatically clear itself as logs get claimed. Diagnostic Code: 6 “Other” ELD identified diagnostic: The other ELD identified is not supported. Driver’s actions for when an “other” ELD identified diagnostic occurs: The other ELD identified is not supported. This is also outlined in this document: https://goo.gl/b7Jyof |
The product was tested using the FMCSA’s recommended testing procedures, supplemented by Netradyne and Geotab internal testing procedures. |
Driver•i |
D450 |
5.6 and up |
DRI450 |
Download |
Download |
Netradyne |
1-833-476-9663 |
driveri@netradyne.com |
https://netradyne.com |
9171 Towne Centre Drive, Suite 110, San Diego, CA 92122 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Geotab Drive supports the telematics (electronic) data transfer method via wireless Web services and email. To enable this during a roadside inspection, the following steps will apply: 1) Upon launching the Geotab Drive, select HOS from the Dashboard. 2) From the top bar, select the Options tab and scroll to the bottom of the page. 3) Select the Transfer button next to Transfer logs, then choose between email or Web services. 4) Drivers may need to enter an output file comment provided by the inspector into the textbox when prompted. This is also outlined in this document: https://goo.gl/8x2PgF |
ELD Malfunctions Malfunction Code P: Power data malfunction: An ELD must monitor the data it receives from the engine ECM or alternative sources, and data record history to identify instances when it might not have complied with the power requirements. Driver’s actions for when a power data malfunction occurs: This may be caused by an intermittent or disconnected connection to the vehicle ECM. This is likely due to an install issue.Contact your carrier to get the install inspected if you’re unable to check yourself. Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code E: Engine synchronization compliance malfunction: An ELD must set an engine synchronization compliance malfunction, if connectivity to any of the required data sources is lost for more than 30 minutes during a 24-hour period aggregated across all driver profiles. Driver’s actions for when a engine synchronization compliance malfunction occurs: This may be caused by an intermittent or disconnected connection to the vehicle ECM. This is likely due to an install issue. Contact your carrier to get the install inspected if you’re unable to check yourself. Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code T: Timing compliance malfunction: The ELD must periodically cross-check its time with an external UTC source, and must record a timing compliance malfunction when it can no longer meet the underlying timing requirement of less than 10 minutes’ time deviation. Driver’s actions for when a timing compliance malfunction occurs: Check your mobile device’s phone time. Ensure it is set to acquire time automatically. Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code L: Positioning Compliance malfunction: An ELD must monitor elapsed time during periods when the ELD fails to acquire a valid position measurement within five miles of the CMV’s movement. When such elapsed time exceeds a cumulative 60 minutes over a 24-hour period, the ELD must set and record a positioning compliance malfunction. Driver’s actions for when a positioning Compliance malfunction occurs: This can be caused by temporary or permanent loss of GPS by the Driver•i device. Contact your carrier to get the install inspected. If problem still persists, replace the Driver•i device.Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code R: Data recording compliance malfunction: An ELD must monitor its storage capacity and integrity and must detect a data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events, or retrieve recorded logs that are not otherwise cataloged remotely by the motor carrier. Driver’s actions for when a data recording compliance malfunction occurs: Contact your carrier to get in touch with Support as soon as possible.Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code S: Data transfer compliance malfunction: After an ELD records a data transfer data diagnostic event, the ELD must increase the frequency of the monitoring function to check at least once every 24-hour period. If the ELD stays in the unconfirmed data transfer mode following the next three consecutive monitoring checks, the ELD must detect a data transfer compliance malfunction. Driver’s actions for when a data transfer compliance malfunction occurs: Check your internet connection. If problem persists, contact your carrier. Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code O: “Other” ELD identified malfunction: The other ELD identified malfunction is not supported. Diagnostic Code: 1 Power data diagnostic: An ELD must monitor the data it receives from the engine ECM and data record history to identify instances when it may not have complied with the power requirements. Driver’s actions for when a power data diagnostic occurs: This may be caused by an intermittent or disconnected connection to the vehicle ECM. This is likely due to an install issue. Once investigated and the problem is resolved, the system will auto clear the event. Diagnostic Code: 2 Engine synchronization diagnostic: An ELD is required to establish a link to the engine ECM,and must record an engine synchronization data diagnostics event, when it no longer can acquire values for the ELD parameters required for records within five seconds. Driver’s actions for when a engine synchronization diagnostic occurs: This may be caused by an intermittent or disconnected connection to the vehicle ECM. This is likely due to an install issue. This may also be caused if the ELD is unable to pick up the required engine data from the vehicle ECM.Contact your carrier if the problem persists. Once investigated, and the problem is resolved, the system will auto clear the event. Diagnostic Code: 3 Missing required data elements data diagnostic: An ELD must monitor the completeness of the ELD event record information in relation to the required data elements for each event type, and must record a missing data element and data diagnostics event for the driver, if any required field is missing at the time of recording. Driver’s actions for when a missing required data elements data diagnostic occurs:This can be caused by the creation of a manual log by the driver when there is temporary loss of GPS by the Driver•i device. If the driver does not enter an address manually when prompted by the “Where was this?” message, this diagnostic will be created. It can be resolved by selecting the “Where was this?” associated with the record and manually entering the missing data. Once investigated, and the problem is resolved, the system will auto clear the event. Diagnostic Code: 4 Data transfer data diagnostic: An ELD must implement in-service monitoring functions to verify that the data transfer mechanism(s) are continuing to function properly. An ELD must verify this functionality at least once every seven days. Driver’s actions for when a data transfer data diagnostic occurs: Check your internet connection. If problem persists, contact your carrier. Once investigated, and the problem is resolved, the system will auto clear the event. Diagnostic Code: 5 Unidentified driving records data diagnostic: If more than 30 minutes of driving in a 24-hour period shows unidentified driver on the ELD, the ELD must detect and record an unidentified driving record data diagnostic event, and the data diagnostic indicator must be turned on for all drivers logged in to that ELD for the current 24-hour period and the following seven days. Driver’s actions for when an unidentified driving records data occurs: Review all unassigned logs when logging in or logging out of the vehicle and ensure you have claimed any logs that may be applicable to yourself. If the unassigned logs are not yours, you can ignore this diagnostic event.Please note this event will automatically clear itself as logs get claimed. Diagnostic Code: 6 “Other” ELD identified diagnostic: The other ELD identified is not supported. Driver’s actions for when an “other” ELD identified diagnostic occurs: The other ELD identified is not supported. This is also outlined in this document: https://goo.gl/b7Jyof |
The product was tested using the FMCSA’s recommended testing procedures, supplemented by Netradyne and Geotab internal testing procedures. |
DriverBook ELD / Android |
PT30 |
1.01.01 |
DRBK07 |
Download |
Download |
DriverBook ELD |
+14132969988 |
driverbookeld@gmail.com |
http://driverbookeld.com/ |
386 Commonwealth Avenue, Springfield / MA / 01108 |
To transfer your ELD records to authorized safety officials, use the DOT Inspect menu at the bottom of the app’s screen. The DOT Inspect menu allows drivers to manage all the collected data regarding a truck and a trip, certify records, and view uncertified records.
Choose the date from a calendar to see all the truck and trip data recorded for this date. Tap the Start Inspection button to launch an inspection. If you need to send the records to an authorized safety official, tap the Transfer Data to Roadside Inspector button. After that you will see three options to choose from:
1. send the records to the FMCSA using wireless web services
2. send the records to the FMCSA email
3. send the records to the Roadside Inspector’s personal email
Choosing the FMCSA email or server, you can add a comment and press Send. If you select a personal email, you’ll have an option to select the file format (PDF or CSV). The next step is to choose your county ruleset (USA or Canada), then enter your recipient's mailbox. Finally, you'll be asked to generate a report for today or generate a report for the last 8/15 days (depending on the country which ruleset you follow). Add a comment if needed and press Send. |
Using the application you may notice how the M/D icon in the top left corner turns red. It happens when the system detects any malfunctions (the M red letter becomes red) or data diagnostics failures (the D letter becomes red). Malfunctions may also appear in the Logs menu as a malfunctioning event.
As of the malfunctions you may face such types of issues:
Engine synchronization
Positioning compliance
Data recording compliance
Unregistered odometer change
Timing compliance
As of the data diagnostics problems you may face such types of issues:
Engine synchronization
Missing data elements
Unidentified driving records
Data transfer
To see what an exact problem occurred, the driver should tap the M/D icon and check the details. |
We confirm that the application was thoroughly tested by the team of QA engineers and proven to perform in compliance with FMCSA requirements. |
DriverBook ELD / iOS |
PT30 |
1.01.01 |
DRBK07 |
Download |
Download |
DriverBook ELD |
+14132969988 |
driverbookeld@gmail.com |
http://driverbookeld.com/ |
386 Commonwealth Avenue, Springfield / MA / 01108 |
To transfer your ELD records to authorized safety officials, use the DOT Inspect menu at the bottom of the app’s screen. The DOT Inspect menu allows drivers to manage all the collected data regarding a truck and a trip, certify records, and view uncertified records.
Choose the date from a calendar to see all the truck and trip data recorded for this date. Tap the Start Inspection button to launch an inspection. If you need to send the records to an authorized safety official, tap the Transfer Data to Roadside Inspector button. After that you will see three options to choose from:
1. send the records to the FMCSA using wireless web services
2. send the records to the FMCSA email
3. send the records to the Roadside Inspector’s personal email
Choosing the FMCSA email or server, you can add a comment and press Send. If you select a personal email, you’ll have an option to select the file format (PDF or CSV). The next step is to choose your county ruleset (USA or Canada), then enter your recipient's mailbox. Finally, you'll be asked to generate a report for today or generate a report for the last 8/15 days (depending on the country which ruleset you follow). Add a comment if needed and press Send. |
Using the application you may notice how the M/D icon in the top left corner turns red. It happens when the system detects any malfunctions (the M red letter becomes red) or data diagnostics failures (the D letter becomes red). Malfunctions may also appear in the Logs menu as a malfunctioning event.
As of the malfunctions you may face such types of issues:
Engine synchronization
Positioning compliance
Data recording compliance
Unregistered odometer change
Timing compliance
As of the data diagnostics problems you may face such types of issues:
Engine synchronization
Missing data elements
Unidentified driving records
Data transfer
To see what an exact problem occurred, the driver should tap the M/D icon and check the details. |
We confirm that the iOS application was thoroughly tested by the team of QA engineers and proven to perform in compliance with FMCSA requirements. |
DriverConnect |
DC 200 Fleet |
Android6.4;iOS2.3 |
RMDC00 |
Download |
Download |
Rand McNally |
1-800-789-6277 |
fleetsales@randmcnally.com |
http://www.randmcnally.com/category/e-logs |
1100 West Idaho Suite 330, Boise, ID 83702 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The supported data transfer mechanism is Telematics using both the Email and Web Services options. A detailed description for drivers is provided in the attached user guide. |
Compliance malfunctions supported:
Engine synchronization
Data recording
Data transfer
Data Diagnostic Events supported:
Engine synchronization
Missing required data elements
Data transfer
Unidentified driving records
Rand McNally has tested this product using the Version 2.0 of the ELD test specification published at https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/sites/fmcsa.dot.gov/files/docs/ELD_Test_Plan_and_Procedures_All_Chapters_11_2_2016.pdf using the Telematics option with Email and Web Services and validation of ELD output file mechanism at https://csa.fmcsa.dot.gov/ELD/Tools/Validator. |
DriverConnect |
DC 200 Retail |
Android6.4;iOS2.3 |
RMDC00 |
Download |
Download |
Rand McNally |
1-800-789-6277 |
fleetsales@randmcnally.com |
http://www.randmcnally.com/category/e-logs |
1100 West Idaho Suite 330, Boise, ID 83702 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The supported data transfer mechanism is Telematics using both the Email and Web Services options. A detailed description for drivers is provided in the attached user guide. |
Compliance malfunctions supported:
Engine synchronization
Data recording
Data transfer
Data Diagnostic Events supported:
Engine synchronization
Missing required data elements
Data transfer
Unidentified driving records
Rand McNally has tested this product using the Version 2.0 of the ELD test specification published at https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/sites/fmcsa.dot.gov/files/docs/ELD_Test_Plan_and_Procedures_All_Chapters_11_2_2016.pdf using the Telematics option with Email and Web Services and validation of ELD output file mechanism at https://csa.fmcsa.dot.gov/ELD/Tools/Validator.
DriverConnect |
VG 21 |
Android6.6.1 |
RMDC00 |
Download |
Download |
Rand McNally |
1-800-789-6277 |
fleetsales@randmcnally.com |
http://www.randmcnally.com/category/e-logs |
1100 West Idaho Suite 330, Boise, ID 83702 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The supported data transfer mechanism is Telematics using both the Email and Web Services options. A detailed description for drivers is provided in the attached user guide. |
Compliance malfunctions supported:
Engine synchronization
Data recording
Data transfer
Data Diagnostic Events supported:
Engine synchronization
Missing required data elements
Data transfer
Unidentified driving records
Rand McNally has tested this product using the Version 2.0 of the ELD test specification published at https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/sites/fmcsa.dot.gov/files/docs/ELD_Test_Plan_and_Procedures_All_Chapters_11_2_2016.pdf using the Telematics option with Email and Web Services and validation of ELD output file mechanism at https://csa.fmcsa.dot.gov/ELD/Tools/Validator. |
DriverConnect |
DC 200S |
Android6.3 |
RMDC00 |
Download |
Download |
Rand McNally |
1-800-789-6277 |
fleetsales@randmcnally.com |
http://www.randmcnally.com/category/e-logs |
1100 West Idaho Suite 330, Boise, ID 83702 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The supported data transfer mechanism is Telematics using both the Email and Web Services options. A detailed description for drivers is provided in the attached user guide. |
Compliance malfunctions supported:
Engine synchronization
Data recording
Data transfer
Data Diagnostic Events supported:
Engine synchronization
Missing required data elements
Data transfer
Unidentified driving records
Other |
Rand McNally has tested this product using the Version 2.0 of the ELD test specification published at https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/sites/fmcsa.dot.gov/files/docs/ELD_Test_Plan_and_Procedures_All_Chapters_11_2_2016.pdf using the Telematics option with Email and Web Services and validation of ELD output file mechanism at https://csa.fmcsa.dot.gov/ELD/Tools/Validator. |
DriverConnect |
ELD 50 6 pin |
Android6.4;iOS2.3 |
RMDC00 |
Download |
Download |
Rand McNally |
1-800-789-6277 |
fleetsales@randmcnally.com |
http://www.randmcnally.com/category/e-logs |
1100 West Idaho Suite 330, Boise, ID 83702 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The supported data transfer mechanism is Telematics using both the Email and Web Services options. A detailed description for drivers is provided in the attached user guide. |
Compliance malfunctions supported:
Engine synchronization
Data recording
Data transfer
Data Diagnostic Events supported:
Engine synchronization
Missing required data elements
Data transfer
Unidentified driving records
Rand McNally has tested this product using the Version 2.0 of the ELD test specification published at https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/sites/fmcsa.dot.gov/files/docs/ELD_Test_Plan_and_Procedures_All_Chapters_11_2_2016.pdf using the Telematics option with Email and Web Services and validation of ELD output file mechanism at https://csa.fmcsa.dot.gov/ELD/Tools/Validator. |
DriverConnect |
ELD 50 9 pin |
Android6.6.1;iOS2.6 |
RMDC00 |
Download |
Download |
Rand McNally |
1-800-789-6277 |
fleetsales@randmcnally.com |
http://www.randmcnally.com/category/e-logs |
1100 West Idaho Suite 330, Boise, ID 83702 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The supported data transfer mechanism is Telematics using both the Email and Web Services options. A detailed description for drivers is provided in the attached user guide. |
Compliance malfunctions supported:
Engine synchronization
Data recording
Data transfer
Data Diagnostic Events supported:
Engine synchronization
Missing required data elements
Data transfer
Unidentified driving records
Rand McNally has tested this product using the Version 2.0 of the ELD test specification published at https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/sites/fmcsa.dot.gov/files/docs/ELD_Test_Plan_and_Procedures_All_Chapters_11_2_2016.pdf using the Telematics option with Email and Web Services and validation of ELD output file mechanism at https://csa.fmcsa.dot.gov/ELD/Tools/Validator. |
drivereldbook eld |
2.0 or higher |
DRS137 |
Download |
Download |
drivereldbook |
2678809255 |
drivereldbook@gmail.com |
www.drivereldbook.com |
9908 bustleton ave unit A11, Philadelphia PA 19115 |
DRIVERELDBOOK ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics
transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web
services, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select
Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD
records via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs”
button, select Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. |
DRIVERELDBOOK ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects
malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic
event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction
and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine
synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning
compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer
compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic”
event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements
data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records
data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The DRIVERELDBOOK ELD
Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on
DRIVERELDBOOK ELD during the time period for which this file is generated. Active
malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD. |
DRIVERELDBOOK ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B
of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. DRIVERELDBOOK ELD was tested to
comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the
Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
DriverLog |
Piccolo BLE/USB |
3.0.7 and up |
WLI001 |
Download |
Download |
Wireless Links |
201 531 5906 |
support@wlius.com |
www.wlius.com |
1050 Wall St suite 340, Lyndhurst NJ 07071 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
There is a one page document describing how the officer can enter “officer mode” by clicking on the icon on the top right “officer icon” present on all screens. Once in “officer mode” the Daily Header and Full Day ELD Record defined by the FMCSA are displayed. On the bottom of the page there is a button marked “send report.” Clicking this button brings up the window to email the report to any email address entered. It also features an option to submit the data to the FMCSA web services endpoint. This will utilize the SOAP protocol, per the FMCSA documentation, to transmit the ELD data file and the output file comment entered by the inspecting officer. |
Each malfunction has been coded following the "Standard Coding for Required Compliance Malfunction and Data Diagnostic Event Detection" definitions regarding "Malfunction/Diagnostic Code", "Malfunction Description" and "Data Diagnostic Event."
Power Compliance monitoring assures that the ELD will become fully functional within one minute of the engine on event and remain on as long as the vehicle's engine stays powered.
Engine Synchronization monitoring determines our connection to the ECM. This alerts the driver if there is a loss of connectivity to the ECM.
For Timing Compliance Monitoring, we periodically check UTC time via the internet.
For Positioning Compliance the ELD records the location, and uses the last valid position measurement and includes the latitude and longitude coordinates and distance traveled in miles, since the last valid position measurement. We also measure the elapsed time during periods when the ELD does not require a valid position measurement within 5 miles. If the time exceeds 60 minutes in a 24 hour period, it is marked as a positioning compliance malfunction.
An ELD monitors its storage capacity and integrity and detects data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events or retrieve recorded logs that are not otherwise catalogued remotely by the motor carrier. The ELD monitors the completeness of the ELD event record information in relation to the required data elements for each event type and records a missing data elements data diagnostics event for the driver if any required field is missing at the time of recording.
We check to make sure that our data transfer mechanism works properly at least once every 7 days.
All Data Diagnostic events are handled similarly according to the mandate.
We certify that the our ELD application and related hardware have been tested to meet the FMCSA's test procedures except areas concerning the ELD Authentication Value, and the Registration ID and ELD Identifier that we can not acquire until we submit this form. |
DriverLog |
Piccolo Plus |
2.1.0 and up |
WLI001 |
Download |
Download |
Wireless Links |
201 531 5906 |
support@wlius.com |
www.wlius.com |
1050 Wall St suite 340, Lyndhurst NJ 07071 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The Driver or Officer presses the "Officer Icon" on the top right of the home screen. This brings up the "Officer View." Next click Send Report on the bottom of the screen. Enter the destination email and click "Send." |
We developed DriverLog following the specifications of the final ruling. Every malfunction code and every diagnostic event has been tested with an ECM (Jbus) simulator at our lab and then we tested it driving in an SUV with the Piccolo Plus and BlueLink respectively connected to the ECM sending the data to the ELD .
Every malfunction and/or diagnostic event is being registered with the respective code on the Officer screen and separately with full detailed explanation on the Driver Screen. Whenever a Diagnostic Event or Malfunction code occurs there is an alert and the officer icon changes from green to yellow or red depending on whether or not we are in or out of compliance.
We certify that our ELD applicatin and related hardware have been tested to meet the FMCSA's test procefures except areas concerning the ELD Authentication Value, the Registration ID, and the ELD Identifier that we can not acquire until this form is accepted and the Registration ID assigned. |
DriverLog |
BlueLink |
2.1.0 and up |
WLI001 |
Download |
Download |
Wireless Links |
201 531 5906 |
support@wlius.com |
www.wlius.com |
1050 Wall St suite 340, Lyndhurst NJ 07071 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
When entering an inspection scenario, the driver follows the instructions provided on his printed one page manual which instructs the driver to press the "Officer Button" located on the top right of the DriverLog apps' home screen display. This will launch the Officer View.
Following the guidance of the ELD section of the Federal Register...section "4.10.1. Data Transfer Mechanisms," we allow the officer to use both e-mail or Web Services to transfer the driver's data to an e-mail address or the the FMCSA's Web Service repository. Currently the e-mail is formatted exactly to section " Wireless Data Transfer Through Email" specifications stated in the Federal Register. Web Services are as fleshed out as possible and we are awaiting further instructions from the FMCSA to make this aspect fully functional. |
Malfunction detection is robustly executed to contain all malfunction scenarios listed in "Table 4" of the Driver Log final rule. These malfunctions include, Power Compliance which monitors the Unidentified Driver activity. Engine Synchronization verifies that we are connected to the vehicle's ECM. Timing which validates successful synchronization with UTC time. Positioning continuously monitors the accuracy of our GPS data. Data Recording monitors available storage capacity on our device. Data Transfer checks at least once a week for connectivity to an online server. In addition to the FMCSA's required malfunction reports, our proprietary error checking, logs the wellness of the device and reports this data back to our support team for instant feedback. |
We certify that the our ELD application and related hardware have been tested to meet the FMCSA's test procedures except areas concerning the ELD Authentication Value, and the Registration ID and ELD Identifier that we can not acquire until we submit this form. |
driveTIME |
Android & Geometris |
1.0.1905.190430 |
DT0001 |
Download |
Download |
Cartasite |
303-223-0240 |
sales@cartasite.com |
www.cartasite.com |
1123 Auraria Pkwy, Suite 200, Denver, CO 80204 |
driveTIME provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. Selecting the Data Transfer button from the Main HOS Main Screen will display the list of supported data transfer options which are via Bluetooth, Email and USB. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables driveTIME to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file transferred is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The device's default email application will then be opened before sending the email to which the data will be transferred.
Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password. |
The driveTIME ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the driveTIME ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
Power Malfunction
Engine Synchronization Malfunction
Timing Malfunction
Position Malfunction
Data Recording Malfunction
Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event.
The driveTIME ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The driveTIME ELD was installed on various types and sizes of Android phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the Geometris engine connected devices. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
driveTIME ELD |
iOS & Geometris |
1905.190415.1 |
DT0001 |
Download |
Download |
Cartasite |
303-223-0240 |
sales@cartasite.com |
www.cartasite.com |
1123 Auraria Pkwy, Suite 200, Denver, CO 80204 |
driveTIME provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. Selecting the Data Transfer button from the Main HOS Main Screen will display the list of supported data transfer options which are via Bluetooth, Email and USB. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables driveTIME to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file transferred is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The device's default email application will then be opened before sending the email to which the data will be transferred.
Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password. |
The driveTIME ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the driveTIME ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the iOS notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
Power Malfunction
Engine Synchronization Malfunction
Timing Malfunction
Position Malfunction
Data Recording Malfunction
Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event. |
The driveTIME ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The driveTIME ELD was installed on various types and sizes of iOS phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the Geometris engine connected devices. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be access through a web browser. |
DriveTime ELD |
Ingenious BT-1 |
4.07.001 |
INT001 |
Download |
Download |
Intangles USA Inc. |
7472292727 |
support@us.intangles.com |
http://intangles.ai |
800 North State Street, Dover/DE/19901 |
Local (USB, Bluetooth)
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
To submit the Output File to an authorized safety official, the driver selects the “Export ELD
Data File” from the Logbook screen. The driver, then, will select one of the following methods:
- Email Transfer: An email will be preformatted with the .AES file attached to it. The
destination email address will be the one provided during this registration process.
- USB Transfer: The ELD will wait for the driver or safety official to connect the external
storage device and automatically enter Mass Storage mode. After the external storage device is
detected, the driver will be prompted to re-authenticate before the transfer of the output data
file is started.
- Bluetooth Transfer: After selecting this option, the authorized safety official will pair and
verify the PIN with the driver. Once the Bluetooth devices are paired, the safety official’s
technology equipment will transfer the output file to the FMCSA website using Web services. |
Low battery, network disconnection, low internal memory space, ECM data transfer failure,
location sensor failure.
- Power data diagnostic (diagnostic - 1)
- Engine synchronization data diagnostic (diagnostic - 2)
- Missing required data elements (diagnostic - 3)
- Data transfer (diagnostic - 4)
- Unidentified driving records data diagnostic (diagnostic - 5)
- Other ELD diagnostics (diagnostic - 6
- Power compliance (malfunction - P)
- Engine synchronization compliance (malfunction - E)
- Timing compliance (malfunction - T)
- Positioning compliance (malfunction - L)
- Data recording compliance (malfunction - R)
- Data transfer compliance (malfunction - S)
- Other ELD malfunctions (malfunction - O) |
The DriveTime ELD was tested on a diverse range of CMVs from different manufacturers and
models, as well as drivers with different experiences and backgrounds. Tests were also
performed on different environments (indoor, outdoor, inside and outside CMVs). Procedures
and areas of examinations were followed according to the “ELD Test Plan and Procedures”
version 1.0 document released by FMCSA on April 25th 2016. The Requirement Traceability
Matrix (RTM) was used and verified to ensure ELD compliance. Corrective actions and
regression tests were performed on all failed test results. |
2.14.02 or above |
DSL380 |
Download |
Download |
3217325454 |
info@dsgelogs.com |
http://dsgelogs.com |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Using the DSG ELOGS system, telematics data transfer is possible through email or web
services. The driver can transfer logs by accessing the DOT Inspection Mode menu and clicking
the "Send" button. Additionally, the driver can present the logs report to a DOT officer on their mobile device by utilizing a specific DOT Inspection Mode button. |
The DSG ELOGS system ensures that technical requirements are met, recognizes malfunctions
and data discrepancies, and documents such events. Compliance malfunctions and diagnostic
events are coded using specific labels as following::
➤ P for "Power compliance" malfunction,
➤ E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
➤ T for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
➤ L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
➤ R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
➤ S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
➤ O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
➤ 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event,
➤ 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
➤ 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
➤ 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
➤ 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event,
➤ 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events.
The DSG ELOGS Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records track all malfunctions that
occurred during the applicable time frame, and active malfunctions are communicated to all ELD
users. |
According to FMCSA's testing procedures, DSG ELOGS underwent extensive testing to ensure
compliance as an electronic logging system, which has been successfully completed. The
system verifies that it adheres to the requirements of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, which
involves precise logging and transmission of hours of service data. |
1.0.0 or higher |
Download |
Download |
3217325454 |
info@dsgelogs.com |
http://dsgelogs.com |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
DSGELOGS is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics
transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via
Web services, a driver must press the “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press the
“Transfer Logs” button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type, and press the
“Transfer Logs” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press the
“DOT Inspection” menu item, then press the “Transfer Logs” button, select Email as the
Data Transfer Type, and press the “Transfer Data” button. |
DSGELOGS monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects
malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data
diagnostic event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required
compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance”
malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing
compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording
compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD
detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data
diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data
transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6
- “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The DSGELOGS Malfunction and Diagnostic
Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on DSGELOGS during the
time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers
who may use that ELD. |
DSGELOGS meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of
Part 395 of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. DSGELOGS was tested to comply
with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the
Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
DSi eLogs |
DSi eLogs-001 or higher |
v4.6.0 or higher |
Download |
Download |
Wynne Systems |
949-224-6300 |
Marketing@wynnesystems.com |
https://wynnesystems.com/products/logistics-solution/ |
2601 Main St, #270, Irvine, CA 92614 |
Our product supports wireless transfer through web services, wireless services via email and USB2
1. DOT officer selects Export Logs from Inspection Mode screen
2. Transfer screen inputs:
a. DOT officer selects Transfer method (email or USB)
b. DOT officer selects PDF or CSV file
c. DOT officer enters Output File Comment
d. DOT officer selects OK
3. File is transfered
Power Compliance – Create a Power Compliance data diagnostic event if ELD does not meet Engine Power, Vehicle Motion, Vehicle Miles or Vehicle Engine Hours requirements. Create a Power Compliance malfunction when the aggregated in-motion driving time is understated by 30 minutes or more during a 24-hour period across all driver profiles, including the unidentified driver profile
Engine Sync – Create an Engine Sync data diagnostic event when the ELD loses connection to the vehicle’s ECM. Create an Engine Sync malfunction when the connection to the ECM is lost for more than 30 minutes during a 24-hour period
Timing Compliance – Create a Timing Compliance malfunction event when UTC time cannot be obtained
Positioning Compliance – Monitors the elapsed time and distance between the last valid measurement point. Monitor the duration when a valid position measurement is not acquired within the most recent 5 miles of driving. Create a Positioning Compliance malfunction event when the elapsed time exceeds a cumulative 60 minutes over a 24-period since the last valid position measurement.
Data Recording Compliance – Create a Data Recording Compliance malfunction when our app can no longer record or retain required events or retrieve recorded logs that do not reside on the motor carrier’s server. A Missing Required Data Elements data diagnostic event will be created when required data elements are missing from an ELD event.
Unidentified Driver Profile – If unidentified driver mile records exist on an ELD, a new driver logging into the device will be prompted with a warning indicating the existence of new unidentified driver records. Create an Unidentified Driving Records data diagnostic event if more than 30 minutes of unidentified driving within a 24-hour period has occurred. Clear the Unidentified Driving Records data diagnostic event when the cumulative unidentified drive time drops below 15 minutes for the current 24 hour period + previous 7 days.
Data Transfer Compliance – Monitor our data transfer mechanism. Create a Data Transfer Compliance data diagnostic event when data transfer mechanism does not function properly. Increase monitoring frequency to once every 24 hours. If the next 3 consecutive monitoring checks stay in unconfirmed data transfer mode then create a Data Transfer Compliance malfunction
Other Technology – Visual indicators are used to inform the driver if the ELD is connected to the ECM and whether a malfunction or data diagnostic event has occurred.
We certify that we have tested this product and fulfilled the requirements as outlined in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures which is published on the FMCSA website - FMCSA.dot.gov |
DT1000 |
REV 8 |
6.08+ |
DT1R08 |
Download |
Download |
DriverTech LLC |
855-451-4621 |
DTELD@DriverTech.com |
https://www.drivertech.com/ |
1960 South Milestone Dr. #B, Salt Lake City, Utah 84104 |
Telematics-type ELD supporting Web Services and Email.
Reference the OPTIONS tab when you are inspected and need to share your logs with enforcement.
1. Tap ENFORCEMENT VIEW before showing your device to law enforcement. You must certify all logs except for the current day’s log to enter ROADSIDE AUDIT mode
2. Tap YES when prompted to Require driver portal password to exit ‘Enforcement View Enter your password
3. Tap SEND LOGS TO ENFORCEMENT to send logs to law enforcement.
a. Enter the file comment provided by the enforcement official, then tap SUBMIT
b. Once the inspection is finished, tap BACK, then enter your DRIVER PORTAL PASSWORD to exit ENFORCEMENT VIEW |
Malfunction/Diagnostic Code Malfunction Description
P) Power compliance malfunction
E) Engine synchronization compliance malfunction
T) Timing compliance malfunction
L) Positioning compliance malfunction
R) Data recording compliance malfunction
S) Data transfer compliance malfunction |
DriverTech referenced Electronic Logging Device ELD Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0 to ensure compliance with FMCSA regulations. |
DT4000 |
REV 6 |
6.08.00 and Higher |
DT4R06 |
Download |
Download |
DriverTech LLC |
855-451-4621 |
DTELD@DriverTech.com |
https://www.drivertech.com/ |
1960 South Milestone Dr. #B, Salt Lake City, Utah 84104 |
Telematics-type ELD supporting Web Services and Email.
Reference the OPTIONS tab when you are inspected and need to share your logs with enforcement.
1. Tap ENFORCEMENT VIEW before showing your device to law enforcement. You must certify all logs except for the current day’s log to enter ROADSIDE AUDIT mode
2. Tap YES when prompted to Require driver portal password to exit ‘Enforcement View Enter your password
3. Tap SEND LOGS TO ENFORCEMENT to send logs to law enforcement.
a. Enter the file comment provided by the enforcement official, then tap SUBMIT
b. Once the inspection is finished, tap BACK, then enter your DRIVER PORTAL PASSWORD to exit ENFORCEMENT VIEW |
Malfunction/Diagnostic Code Malfunction Description
P Power compliance malfunction
E Engine synchronization compliance malfunction
T Timing compliance malfunction
L Positioning compliance malfunction
R Data recording compliance malfunction
S Data transfer compliance malfunction |
DriverTech referenced Electronic Logging Device ELD Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0 to ensure compliance with FMCSA regulations.
DT4000 |
REV 7 |
6.08.00 and Higher |
DT4R07 |
Download |
Download |
DriverTech LLC |
855-451-4621 |
DTELD@DriverTech.com |
https://www.drivertech.com/ |
1960 South Milestone Dr. #B, Salt Lake City, Utah 84104 |
Telematics-type ELD supporting Web Services and Email.
Reference the OPTIONS tab when you are inspected and need to share your logs with enforcement.
1. Tap ENFORCEMENT VIEW before showing your device to law enforcement. You must certify all logs except for the current day’s log to enter ROADSIDE AUDIT mode
2. Tap YES when prompted to Require driver portal password to exit ‘Enforcement View Enter your password
3. Tap SEND LOGS TO ENFORCEMENT to send logs to law enforcement.
a. Enter the file comment provided by the enforcement official, then tap SUBMIT
b. Once the inspection is finished, tap BACK, then enter your DRIVER PORTAL PASSWORD to exit ENFORCEMENT VIEW |
Malfunction/Diagnostic Code Malfunction Description
P Power compliance malfunction
E Engine synchronization compliance malfunction
T Timing compliance malfunction
L Positioning compliance malfunction
R Data recording compliance malfunction
S Data transfer compliance malfunction |
DriverTech referenced Electronic Logging Device ELD Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0 to ensure compliance with FMCSA regulations.
DT4000 |
REV 5 |
6.08.00 and Higher |
DT4R05 |
Download |
Download |
DriverTech LLC |
855-451-4621 |
DTELD@DriverTech.com |
https://www.drivertech.com/ |
1960 South Milestone Dr. #B, Salt Lake City, Utah 84104 |
Telematics-type ELD supporting Web Services and Email.
Reference the OPTIONS tab when you are inspected and need to share your logs with enforcement.
1. Tap ENFORCEMENT VIEW before showing your device to law enforcement. You must certify all logs except for the current day’s log to enter ROADSIDE AUDIT mode
2. Tap YES when prompted to Require driver portal password to exit ‘Enforcement View Enter your password
3. Tap SEND LOGS TO ENFORCEMENT to send logs to law enforcement.
a. Enter the file comment provided by the enforcement official, then tap SUBMIT
b. Once the inspection is finished, tap BACK, then enter your DRIVER PORTAL PASSWORD to exit ENFORCEMENT VIEW |
Malfunction/Diagnostic Code Malfunction Description
P Power compliance malfunction
E Engine synchronization compliance malfunction
T Timing compliance malfunction
L Positioning compliance malfunction
R Data recording compliance malfunction
S Data transfer compliance malfunction |
DriverTech referenced Electronic Logging Device ELD Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0 to ensure compliance with FMCSA regulations.
DT4000 |
REV 8 |
6.08+ |
DT4R08 |
Download |
Download |
DriverTech LLC |
855-451-4621 |
DTELD@DriverTech.com |
https://www.drivertech.com/ |
1960 South Milestone Dr. #B, Salt Lake City, Utah 84104 |
Telematics-type ELD supporting Web Services and Email.
Reference the OPTIONS tab when you are inspected and need to share your logs with enforcement.
1. Tap ENFORCEMENT VIEW before showing your device to law enforcement. You must certify all logs except for the current day’s log to enter ROADSIDE AUDIT mode
2. Tap YES when prompted to Require driver portal password to exit ‘Enforcement View Enter your password
3. Tap SEND LOGS TO ENFORCEMENT to send logs to law enforcement.
a. Enter the file comment provided by the enforcement official, then tap SUBMIT
b. Once the inspection is finished, tap BACK, then enter your DRIVER PORTAL PASSWORD to exit ENFORCEMENT VIEW |
Malfunction/Diagnostic Code Malfunction Description
P Power compliance malfunction
E Engine synchronization compliance malfunction
T Timing compliance malfunction
L Positioning compliance malfunction
R Data recording compliance malfunction
S Data transfer compliance malfunction |
DriverTech referenced Electronic Logging Device ELD Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0 to ensure compliance with FMCSA regulations.
Dumax ELD |
AT3646 |
1.1 |
AT-000 |
Download |
Download |
5129240447 |
info@dumaxst.com |
http://dumaxst.com |
In order for the application to transfer data through Email Services the mobile User must click the Option "Send by Email" identified as a green button in the Binnacle tab of the main screen. After doing so, the device will creaft an email with the data in the XML format containing all the driver's information as well as other required information, such as Unidentified Drivers' records, Positioning of the vehicle during the time of duty of the User during the last number of days (according to the organizational number of days which may very from 7 to 8 in total) and the vehicle's information.
If the user would like to retrieve the information through Web Services, the User may click the same button, but instead, select the tab "Send Through Web Services", the user will be prompted with a text box in which he must type the official's routing code. If the user has Internet connection, the data transfer will be made through the mobile phone to the FMCSA portal. |
Malfunctiosn are recorded according to the Standard Coding Required for Compliance. They include Power Compliance Malfunction, Engine Syncrhonization Compliance Malfunctions and Timing Compliance Malfunctions; as well as Positioning Compliance Malfunction, Data Recording Malfunctions and Data Transfer Malfunctions. All of these, according to the rules regarding the vehicles' drivers responding or not to the ELD, the ELD having detected movement without proper management of the application and depending on the rules the driver is allowed to keep doing his or her duty.
Data Recording compliance is checked through continous revision of data checksum of values.
The data transfer malfunctions is registered when there are problems syncrhonizing data with the application and the required transfering.
In the same manner, diagnostic events are registered prior to a malfunction code and the ELD registers a malfunction when they trespass the limits according to the rule.
Unidentified driving records are registered whenever the device detects vehicle's movements for more than the specified amount of miles or minutes. These are registered and, whenever a driver is logged in to the application, is requested to review them until a driver claims them.
Missing data elements diagnostics are registered when the device could not retrieve, transfer or calculate all the information required for all it's required functions. |
I certify and declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Subscribed at Austin, State of Texas on behalf of DUMAX GPS that the model and version has been sufficiently tested to meet the functional requirements included in the technical specifications in the Appendix to subpart B of part 395, title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. |
Dumax ELD |
PT30 |
1.0 |
PT30-0 |
Download |
Download |
5129240447 |
info@dumaxst.com |
http://dumaxst.com |
In order for the application to transfer data through Email Services the mobile User must click the Option "Send by Email" identified as a green button in the Binnacle tab of the main screen. After doing so, the device will creaft an email with the data in the XML format containing all the driver's information as well as other required information, such as Unidentified Drivers' records, Positioning of the vehicle during the time of duty of the User during the last number of days (according to the organizational number of days which may very from 7 to 8 in total) and the vehicle's information.
If the user would like to retrieve the information through Web Services, the User may click the same button, but instead, select the tab "Send Through Web Services", the user will be prompted with a text box in which he must type the official's routing code. If the user has Internet connection, the data transfer will be made through the mobile phone to the FMCSA portal. |
Malfunctiosn are recorded according to the Standard Coding Required for Compliance. They include Power Compliance Malfunction, Engine Syncrhonization Compliance Malfunctions and Timing Compliance Malfunctions; as well as Positioning Compliance Malfunction, Data Recording Malfunctions and Data Transfer Malfunctions. All of these, according to the rules regarding the vehicles' drivers responding or not to the ELD, the ELD having detected movement without proper management of the application and depending on the rules the driver is allowed to keep doing his or her duty.
Data Recording compliance is checked through continous revision of data checksum of values.
The data transfer malfunctions is registered when there are problems syncrhonizing data with the application and the required transfering.
In the same manner, diagnostic events are registered prior to a malfunction code and the ELD registers a malfunction when they trespass the limits according to the rule.
Unidentified driving records are registered whenever the device detects vehicle's movements for more than the specified amount of miles or minutes. These are registered and, whenever a driver is logged in to the application, is requested to review them until a driver claims them.
Missing data elements diagnostics are registered when the device could not retrieve, transfer or calculate all the information required for all it's required functions. |
We certify the ELD Application is fully functional and provides reliable and accurate information; with proper mechanisms to avoid data tampering, modification or alteration in accordance to the FMCSA Electronic Logging Devices Rule. Thus providing a solid and proved solution to Log and Record Driver's Activities and Hour Violations as stipulated in the FMCSA rule.
Under penalties of perjury, I, MARIA FERNANDA VILLARREAL AGUILAR, hereby certify on behalf of DUMAX GPS that ELD model FMB001 and version 1.0 has been sufficiently tested to meet the functional requirements included in the technical specifications in the Appendix to subpart B of part 395, title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, under the conditions in which the ELD would be used. |
Dumax ELD |
FMB001 |
1.0 |
FMB01A |
Download |
Download |
5129240447 |
info@dumaxst.com |
http://dumaxst.com |
In order for the application to transfer data through Email Services the mobile User must click the Option "Send by Email" identified as a green button in the Binnacle tab of the main screen. After doing so, the device will creaft an email with the data in the XML format containing all the driver's information as well as other required information, such as Unidentified Drivers' records, Positioning of the vehicle during the time of duty of the User during the last number of days (according to the organizational number of days which may very from 7 to 8 in total) and the vehicle's information.
If the user would like to retrieve the information through Web Services, the User may click the same button, but instead, select the tab "Send Through Web Services", the user will be prompted with a text box in which he must type the official's routing code. If the user has Internet connection, the data transfer will be made through the mobile phone to the FMCSA portal. |
Malfunctiosn are recorded according to the Standard Coding Required for Compliance. They include Power Compliance Malfunction, Engine Syncrhonization Compliance Malfunctions and Timing Compliance Malfunctions; as well as Positioning Compliance Malfunction, Data Recording Malfunctions and Data Transfer Malfunctions. All of these, according to the rules regarding the vehicles' drivers responding or not to the ELD, the ELD having detected movement without proper management of the application and depending on the rules the driver is allowed to keep doing his or her duty.
Data Recording compliance is checked through continous revision of data checksum of values.
The data transfer malfunctions is registered when there are problems syncrhonizing data with the application and the required transfering.
In the same manner, diagnostic events are registered prior to a malfunction code and the ELD registers a malfunction when they trespass the limits according to the rule.
Unidentified driving records are registered whenever the device detects vehicle's movements for more than the specified amount of miles or minutes. These are registered and, whenever a driver is logged in to the application, is requested to review them until a driver claims them.
Missing data elements diagnostics are registered when the device could not retrieve, transfer or calculate all the information required for all it's required functions. |
I certify and declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Subscribed at Austin, State of Texas on behalf of DUMAX GPS that the model and version has been sufficiently tested to meet the functional requirements included in the technical specifications in the Appendix to subpart B of part 395, title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. |
2.0 or higher |
DRS267 |
Download |
Download |
2676252414 |
dy.eld.department@gmail.com |
www.dyeld.com |
5201 SWEET BAY ST APT 202, MASON, OH 45040 |
DY ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. |
DY ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The DY ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on DY ELD during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD.
DY ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. DY ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0.
PT30 |
1.0.0 or higher |
DYE123 |
Download |
Download |
2676252414 |
dy.eld.department@gmail.com |
www.dyeld.com |
5201 SWEET BAY ST APT 202, MASON, OH 45040 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The DY+ ELD system supports generating and transmitting ELD records through telematics using Wireless Web Services and Email. To transfer records via Web Services, the driver must select the “DOT Inspection” menu, tap “Transfer Logs,” choose Web Service as the Data Transfer Type, and then press “Transfer Logs.” For Email transfers, the driver follows the same initial steps but selects Email as the Data Transfer Type and presses “Transfer Data” to complete the process. |
The DY+ ELD ensures compliance with technical requirements by detecting malfunctions and data inconsistencies, while maintaining records of these events. Standardized codes are used to identify malfunctions and data diagnostic events. Malfunctions include power compliance (P), engine synchronization compliance (E), timing compliance (T), positioning compliance (L), data recording compliance (R), data transfer compliance (S), and other ELD-detected malfunctions (O). Data diagnostic events include power data diagnostic (1), engine synchronization data diagnostic (2), missing required data elements diagnostic (3), data transfer diagnostic (4), unidentified driving records diagnostic (5), and other ELD-identified diagnostics (6).
The DY+ ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all malfunctions detected during the specified period. Active malfunctions are clearly communicated to all drivers using the device. |
The DY+ ELD complies with the technical specifications outlined in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395, Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Its compliance with FMCSA regulations was verified through the completion of steps and testing procedures specified in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
2.25-6 or above |
DRS242 |
Download |
Download |
Midwestern Logistics LLC |
636-204-5424 |
info@dynamiceld.us |
www.dynamiceld.us |
1311 Prospect Village Ln apt C, Manchester, MO 63021 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Through the DYNAMIC ELD system, telematics data transfer is facilitated using either email or web services. The driver can perform the transfer by accessing the DOT Inspection Mode menu and clicking the "Send" button. Furthermore, a separate DOT Inspection Mode button is available for the driver to display the logs report to a DOT officer on their mobile device. |
With the goal of maintaining compliance, detecting malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and documenting such occurrences, the DYNAMIC ELD system employs specific codes to classify compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events, such as:
■ P for "Power compliance" malfunction,
■ E "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
■ T for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
■ L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
■ R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
■ S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
■ O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
■ 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event,
■ 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
■ 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
■ 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
■ 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event,
■ 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events.
The DYNAMIC ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records record all malfunctions that occurred during the relevant time period and relay active malfunctions to all ELD users.
The FMCSA´s testing procedures require thorough testing of DYNAMIC ELD to verify compliance as an electronic logging system, which has been completed. The system is able to confirm that it meets the requirements of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, including the accurate logging and transmission of hours of service data. |
E7LGV2 |
1.90 and higher |
E7LG21 |
Download |
Download |
5174994883 |
info@e7logs.com |
http://e7logs.com |
50593 SILVER TON DR, CANTON MI 48187 |
ALL methods defined on the ELD Mandate specifications are supported:
- Web services
- Email
- Bluetooth
To submit the Output File to an authorized safety official, the driver selects the “Export ELD Data File” from the Logbook screen. The driver, then, will select one of the following methods:
- Agent External Storage: The ELD will first verify the external storage device is compatible with FMCSA specifications by validating the contents of file "ELDUSBTX.TXT". After positive validation the ELD will save the data file on the FMCSA-provided external storage device.
- Bluetooth Transfer: After selecting this option, the authorized safety official will pair and verify PIN with the driver. Once the Bluetooth devices are paired, the safety official’s technology equipment will transfer the output file to the FMCSA website using Web services.
- FMCSA web service: This option securely communicates to FMCSA's end-point ad obtains submission ID.
Low battery, network disconnection, low internal memory space, ECM data transfer failure, location sensor failure. In addition the following malfunctions are detected (and appropriate records created) by the StreetEagle ELD:
- Power data diagnostic (diagnostic - 1)
- Engine synchronization data diagnostic (diagnostic - 2)
- Missing required data elements (diagnostic - 3)
- Data transfer (diagnostic - 4)
- Unidentified driving records data diagnostic (diagnostic - 5)
- Other ELD diagnostics (diagnostic - 6
- Power compliance (malfunction - P)
- Engine synchronization compliance (malfunction - E)
- Timing compliance (malfunction - T)
- Positioning compliance (malfunction - L)
- Data recording compliance (malfunction - R)
- Data transfer compliance (malfunction - S)
- Other ELD malfunctions (malfunction - O) |
The E7 LOGS ELD was tested on a diverse range of CMVs from different manufacturers and models as well drivers with different experience and backgrounds. Tests were also performed on different environments (indoor, outdoor, inside and outside CMVs). Procedures and areas of examinations were followed according to the “ELD Test Plan and Procedures” version 1.0 document released by FMCSA on April 25th 2016. The Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) was used and fully verified to ensure ELD compliance. Corrective actions and regression tests were made on all Failed test results. |
EasyELD |
24.13+ |
MiXNG1 |
Download |
Download |
MiX Telematics |
561-404-2934 |
useld-admin@mixtelematics.com |
http://www.mixtelematics.com/ |
750 Park of Commerce Blvd, Suite 100, Boca Raton/FL/33487 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Supports telematics data transfer i.e. email and web services. Data transfer procedure is: 1) Login to ELD 2) Enter Roadside module 3) Select Send Report 4) Select transfer mode, either Email or Web Services 4) Select the "Send" Button |
Supports the following required malfunctions: 1) Power Compliance (P) 2) Engine Synchronization Compliance (E) 3) Timing Compliance (T) 4) Positioning Compliance (L) 5) Data Recovery Compliance (R) 6) Data Transfer Compliance (S) |
MiX Telematics hereby certifies, based on completion of the testing procedures provided by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) in the Electronic Logging Device Test Plan and Procedures, that the EasyELD product complies with all FMCSA specifications outlined in 49 CFR Part 395 for Electronic Logging Devices. |
2.17 or higher |
ERS252 |
Download |
Download |
Blue Sun Solutions LLC |
18885069811 |
info@ebluesun.com |
https://eld.ebluesun.com |
893 S Azusa Ave, City of Industry/CA/91748 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
eBLUE SUN LOGS, or Electronic Logging Device, is a tool that offers a comprehensive overview of a driver's records during a roadside inspection. Not only does it provide this information within the app, but it also facilitates the transfer of telematics data through email or web services. The DOT Inspection mode allows the driver to choose the method that works best for them. To transfer ELD records through Web services, the driver needs to access the "DOT Inspection" menu and select the "Send Logs" option. Then, they should choose Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and click the "SEND" button. Similarly, to transfer ELD records via Email, the driver should follow the same steps but select Email as the Data Transfer Type before clicking the "SEND" button. |
The eBLUE SUN LOGS system ensures compliance with technical requirements, identifies malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and maintains records of such occurrences. Compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events are classified with specific codes, including P for "Power compliance" malfunction, E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction, T for "Timing compliance" malfunction, L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction, R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction, S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction, O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions, 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event, 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event, 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event, 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event, 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event, and 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events. The eBLUE SUN LOGS Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records document all malfunctions that occurred during the relevant time period. Active malfunctions are communicated to all drivers who may use the ELD. |
eBLUE SUN LOGS has been thoroughly tested to ensure compliance with all the functional requirements outlined in Title 49, Part 395 of Section 4.9.1, Appendix A, Subpart B. eBLUE SUN LOGS can confidently certify that our ELD product adheres to all the necessary ELD regulations. |
2.0 or higher |
ERS109 |
Download |
Download |
7077777770 |
EDO ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer
methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services,
a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web
Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records
via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select
Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. |
EDO ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and
data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection.
Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data
diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization
compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance”
malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance”
malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine
synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic”
event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic”
event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The EDO ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic
Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on EDO ELD during the time period
for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that
ELD. |
EDO ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of
title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. EDO ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by
completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test
Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
1.0.0 or higher |
Download |
Download |
Egreen ELD |
8046251512 |
egreeneldllc@gmail.com |
www.egreeneld.com |
10998 Leadbetter Rd, Ste 4, Ashland VA 23005 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
EGREEN ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a driver must press the “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press the “Transfer Logs” button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type, and press the “Transfer Logs” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press the “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press the “Transfer Logs” button, select Email as the Data Transfer Type, and press the “Transfer Data” button. |
EGREEN ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The EGREEN ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on EGREEN ELD during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD. |
EGREEN ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. EGREEN ELD was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
2.24.01 or up |
ERS170 |
Download |
Download |
Egreen ELD |
8046251512 |
egreeneldllc@gmail.com |
www.egreeneld.com |
10998 Leadbetter Rd, Ste 4, Ashland VA 23005 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
EGREEN ELD system allows drivers to transfer log data through telematics methods in compliance with the regulations outlined in Title 49, Part 395, Section 4.9.1, Appendix A, Subpart B of the CFR. Drivers can also produce a report on their mobile display or transfer log data through web services or email if requested by an officer. |
As per the regulations outlined in Appendix A, section 4.6, the EGREEN ELD system continuously monitors itself for malfunctions. If a malfunction or diagnostic event occurs, such as issues with data recording, data transfer, or power, EGREEN ELD system will display a visual alert to the driver. This includes alerts for any issues with engine synchronization, timing, positioning, or unidentified driving. |
As per the FMCSA's testing procedures, EGREEN ELD has undergone thorough testing to ensure compliance as an electronic logging system. EGREEN ELD can confirm that the system meets the requirements of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, including the correct logging and transmission of hours of service data. |
ELD Chrome Cab-Mate Connect by Pedigree Technologies |
Cab-Mate Connect |
4.55 |
CMCN01 |
Download |
Download |
Pedigree Technologies, LLC |
855-838-6941 |
eld@pedigreetechnologies.com |
http://www.eldcertified.com |
4776 28th Ave S, Fargo, ND 58104 |
The CabMate ELD product will support the FMCSA Data Transfer via Wireless Web Services and Email once the FMCSA Web Services portal is operational. In the mean time, a driver is able to show the ELD screen to an authorized safety official by clicking on the 3 dot menu in the upper right corner of the ELD application and selecting Enforcement View. As an alternative, the logs can be emailed along with the ELD data file to any email address by clicking on the 3 dot menu in the upper right corner of the ELD application and selecting "Email Logs" and entering the email address for logs delivery. |
ELD Malfunction lights
Note: CabMate Open uses a circular malfunction light; CabMate One, Cab-Mate Connect, Cab-Mate Elite and Cab-Mate Flex use a light built into the cradle dock.
Flashing Red: Tablet not in dock (CabMate One, Cab-Mate Connect, Cab-Mate Elite and Cab-Mate Flex Only)
Flashing Green: Not connected or not logged into ELD
Solid Red: ELD Malfunction Active
Solid Green: ELD Data Diagnostic Active
Malfunction and Data Diagnostic Events Definitions
Power Data Diagnostic: The ELD was not able to power up within one minute of engine power up. Check the device connections are not loose. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Power Compliance Malfunction: The ELD was not functional for more than 30 minutes over the last 24 hours. Check the device connections are not loose. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Engine Synchronization Data Diagnostic: The ELD is not receiving data from the engine. Check that the Bluetooth is connected (or if using CabMate One, Cab-Mate Connect, Cab-Mate Elite or Cab-Mate Flex check that the tablet is in its cradle) and the diagnostic cable is connected to the vehicle. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Engine Synchronization Compliance Malfunction: The ELD did not receive data from the engine for more than 30 minutes over the last 24 hours. Check that the Bluetooth is connected (or if using CabMate One, Cab-Mate Connect, Cab-Mate Elite and Cab-Mate Flex check that the tablet is in its cradle) and that the diagnostic cable is connected to the vehicle. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Other Data Diagnostic (for Positioning Compliance): The ELD is not receiving GPS location. Check that the GPS is ON in this device, the vehicle antenna is not damaged and connections are tight. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Positioning Compliance Malfunction: The ELD did not receive GPS location for more than 60 minutes over the last 24 hours. Check that the GPS is ON in this device, the vehicle antenna is not damaged and connections are tight. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Timing Compliance Malfunction: The ELD time is off by more than 10 minutes. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Missing Required Data Elements Data Diagnostic: The ELD is missing required data for creating ELD records. Check Engine Synchronization and Positioning Compliance. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Data Recording Compliance Malfunction: The ELD has reached its storage capacity and can no longer record ELD records. Reduce the data stored on the ELD or replace the ELD. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Unidentified Driving Records Data Diagnostic: The ELD has recorded more than 30 minutes worth of unidentified driving records in the last 24 hours. Ensure that drivers are logged into the ELD while the vehicle is in motion and accept any unidentified records that may belong to you. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Data Transfer Compliance Malfunction: The ELD test of data transfer to the FMCSA via web services and email has failed for an extended period of time. Ensure that the ELD data connection is working. If this issue persists, contact your administrator. Will be enabled once the FMCSA Web Services portal is operational for Wireless Web Services and Email data transfer.
Data Transfer Data Diagnostic: The ELD test of data transfer to the FMCSA via web services and email has failed. Ensure that the ELD data connection is working. If this issue persists, contact your administrator. Will be enabled once the FMCSA Web Services portal is operational for Wireless Web Services and Email data transfer.
The CabMate ELD product was tested, passed and certified in accordance with the FMCSA regulation 49 CFR 385, 390, and 395 regarding Electronic Logging Devices. |
ELD Chrome Cab-Mate Elite by Pedigree Technologies |
Cab-Mate Elite |
5.1 |
CMET01 |
Download |
Download |
Pedigree Technologies, LLC |
855-838-6941 |
eld@pedigreetechnologies.com |
http://www.eldcertified.com |
4776 28th Ave S, Fargo, ND 58104 |
The CabMate ELD product will support the FMCSA Data Transfer via Wireless Web Services and Email once the FMCSA Web Services portal is operational. In the mean time, a driver is able to show the ELD screen to an authorized safety official by clicking on the 3 dot menu in the upper right corner of the ELD application and selecting Enforcement View. As an alternative, the logs can be emailed along with the ELD data file to any email address by clicking on the 3 dot menu in the upper right corner of the ELD application and selecting "Email Logs" and entering the email address for logs delivery. |
ELD Malfunction lights
Note: CabMate Open uses a circular malfunction light; CabMate One, Cab-Mate Connect, Cab-Mate Elite and Cab-Mate Flex use a light built into the cradle dock.
Flashing Red: Tablet not in dock (CabMate One, Cab-Mate Connect, Cab-Mate Elite and Cab-Mate Flex Only)
Flashing Green: Not connected or not logged into ELD
Solid Red: ELD Malfunction Active
Solid Green: ELD Data Diagnostic Active
Malfunction and Data Diagnostic Events Definitions
Power Data Diagnostic: The ELD was not able to power up within one minute of engine power up. Check the device connections are not loose. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Power Compliance Malfunction: The ELD was not functional for more than 30 minutes over the last 24 hours. Check the device connections are not loose. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Engine Synchronization Data Diagnostic: The ELD is not receiving data from the engine. Check that the Bluetooth is connected (or if using CabMate One, Cab-Mate Connect, Cab-Mate Elite or Cab-Mate Flex check that the tablet is in its cradle) and the diagnostic cable is connected to the vehicle. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Engine Synchronization Compliance Malfunction: The ELD did not receive data from the engine for more than 30 minutes over the last 24 hours. Check that the Bluetooth is connected (or if using CabMate One, Cab-Mate Connect, Cab-Mate Elite and Cab-Mate Flex check that the tablet is in its cradle) and that the diagnostic cable is connected to the vehicle. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Other Data Diagnostic (for Positioning Compliance): The ELD is not receiving GPS location. Check that the GPS is ON in this device, the vehicle antenna is not damaged and connections are tight. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Positioning Compliance Malfunction: The ELD did not receive GPS location for more than 60 minutes over the last 24 hours. Check that the GPS is ON in this device, the vehicle antenna is not damaged and connections are tight. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Timing Compliance Malfunction: The ELD time is off by more than 10 minutes. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Missing Required Data Elements Data Diagnostic: The ELD is missing required data for creating ELD records. Check Engine Synchronization and Positioning Compliance. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Data Recording Compliance Malfunction: The ELD has reached its storage capacity and can no longer record ELD records. Reduce the data stored on the ELD or replace the ELD. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Unidentified Driving Records Data Diagnostic: The ELD has recorded more than 30 minutes worth of unidentified driving records in the last 24 hours. Ensure that drivers are logged into the ELD while the vehicle is in motion and accept any unidentified records that may belong to you. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Data Transfer Compliance Malfunction: The ELD test of data transfer to the FMCSA via web services and email has failed for an extended period of time. Ensure that the ELD data connection is working. If this issue persists, contact your administrator. Will be enabled once the FMCSA Web Services portal is operational for Wireless Web Services and Email data transfer.
Data Transfer Data Diagnostic: The ELD test of data transfer to the FMCSA via web services and email has failed. Ensure that the ELD data connection is working. If this issue persists, contact your administrator. Will be enabled once the FMCSA Web Services portal is operational for Wireless Web Services and Email data transfer.
The CabMate ELD product was tested, passed and certified in accordance with the FMCSA regulation 49 CFR 385, 390, and 395 regarding Electronic Logging Devices. |
ELD Chrome Cab-Mate Flex by Pedigree Technologies |
Cab-Mate Flex |
4.55 |
CMFL01 |
Download |
Download |
Pedigree Technologies, LLC |
855-838-6941 |
eld@pedigreetechnologies.com |
http://www.eldcertified.com |
4776 28th Ave S, Fargo, ND 58104 |
The CabMate ELD product will support the FMCSA Data Transfer via Wireless Web Services and Email once the FMCSA Web Services portal is operational. In the mean time, a driver is able to show the ELD screen to an authorized safety official by clicking on the 3 dot menu in the upper right corner of the ELD application and selecting Enforcement View. As an alternative, the logs can be emailed along with the ELD data file to any email address by clicking on the 3 dot menu in the upper right corner of the ELD application and selecting "Email Logs" and entering the email address for logs delivery. |
ELD Malfunction lights
Note: CabMate Open uses a circular malfunction light; CabMate One, Cab-Mate Connect, Cab-Mate Elite and Cab-Mate Flex use a light built into the cradle dock.
Flashing Red: Tablet not in dock (CabMate One, Cab-Mate Connect, Cab-Mate Elite and Cab-Mate Flex Only)
Flashing Green: Not connected or not logged into ELD
Solid Red: ELD Malfunction Active
Solid Green: ELD Data Diagnostic Active
Malfunction and Data Diagnostic Events Definitions
Power Data Diagnostic: The ELD was not able to power up within one minute of engine power up. Check the device connections are not loose. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Power Compliance Malfunction: The ELD was not functional for more than 30 minutes over the last 24 hours. Check the device connections are not loose. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Engine Synchronization Data Diagnostic: The ELD is not receiving data from the engine. Check that the Bluetooth is connected (or if using CabMate One, Cab-Mate Connect, Cab-Mate Elite or Cab-Mate Flex check that the tablet is in its cradle) and the diagnostic cable is connected to the vehicle. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Engine Synchronization Compliance Malfunction: The ELD did not receive data from the engine for more than 30 minutes over the last 24 hours. Check that the Bluetooth is connected (or if using CabMate One, Cab-Mate Connect, Cab-Mate Elite and Cab-Mate Flex check that the tablet is in its cradle) and that the diagnostic cable is connected to the vehicle. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Other Data Diagnostic (for Positioning Compliance): The ELD is not receiving GPS location. Check that the GPS is ON in this device, the vehicle antenna is not damaged and connections are tight. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Positioning Compliance Malfunction: The ELD did not receive GPS location for more than 60 minutes over the last 24 hours. Check that the GPS is ON in this device, the vehicle antenna is not damaged and connections are tight. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Timing Compliance Malfunction: The ELD time is off by more than 10 minutes. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Missing Required Data Elements Data Diagnostic: The ELD is missing required data for creating ELD records. Check Engine Synchronization and Positioning Compliance. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Data Recording Compliance Malfunction: The ELD has reached its storage capacity and can no longer record ELD records. Reduce the data stored on the ELD or replace the ELD. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Unidentified Driving Records Data Diagnostic: The ELD has recorded more than 30 minutes worth of unidentified driving records in the last 24 hours. Ensure that drivers are logged into the ELD while the vehicle is in motion and accept any unidentified records that may belong to you. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Data Transfer Compliance Malfunction: The ELD test of data transfer to the FMCSA via web services and email has failed for an extended period of time. Ensure that the ELD data connection is working. If this issue persists, contact your administrator. Will be enabled once the FMCSA Web Services portal is operational for Wireless Web Services and Email data transfer.
Data Transfer Data Diagnostic: The ELD test of data transfer to the FMCSA via web services and email has failed. Ensure that the ELD data connection is working. If this issue persists, contact your administrator. Will be enabled once the FMCSA Web Services portal is operational for Wireless Web Services and Email data transfer.
The CabMate ELD product was tested, passed and certified in accordance with the FMCSA regulation 49 CFR 385, 390, and 395 regarding Electronic Logging Devices. |
ELD Chrome Cab-Mate One by Pedigree Technologies |
Cab-Mate One |
4.55 |
CM0101 |
Download |
Download |
Pedigree Technologies, LLC |
855-838-6941 |
eld@pedigreetechnologies.com |
http://www.eldcertified.com |
4776 28th Ave S, Fargo, ND 58104 |
The CabMate ELD product will support the FMCSA Data Transfer via Wireless Web Services and Email once the FMCSA Web Services portal is operational. In the mean time, a driver is able to show the ELD screen to an authorized safety official by clicking on the 3 dot menu in the upper right corner of the ELD application and selecting Enforcement View. As an alternative, the logs can be emailed along with the ELD data file to any email address by clicking on the 3 dot menu in the upper right corner of the ELD application and selecting "Email Logs" and entering the email address for logs delivery. |
ELD Malfunction lights
Note: CabMate Open uses a circular malfunction light; CabMate One, Cab-Mate Connect, Cab-Mate Elite and Cab-Mate Flex use a light built into the cradle dock.
Flashing Red: Tablet not in dock (CabMate One, Cab-Mate Connect, Cab-Mate Elite and Cab-Mate Flex Only)
Flashing Green: Not connected or not logged into ELD
Solid Red: ELD Malfunction Active
Solid Green: ELD Data Diagnostic Active
Malfunction and Data Diagnostic Events Definitions
Power Data Diagnostic: The ELD was not able to power up within one minute of engine power up. Check the device connections are not loose. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Power Compliance Malfunction: The ELD was not functional for more than 30 minutes over the last 24 hours. Check the device connections are not loose. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Engine Synchronization Data Diagnostic: The ELD is not receiving data from the engine. Check that the Bluetooth is connected (or if using CabMate One, Cab-Mate Connect, Cab-Mate Elite or Cab-Mate Flex check that the tablet is in its cradle) and the diagnostic cable is connected to the vehicle. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Engine Synchronization Compliance Malfunction: The ELD did not receive data from the engine for more than 30 minutes over the last 24 hours. Check that the Bluetooth is connected (or if using CabMate One, Cab-Mate Connect, Cab-Mate Elite and Cab-Mate Flex check that the tablet is in its cradle) and that the diagnostic cable is connected to the vehicle. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Other Data Diagnostic (for Positioning Compliance): The ELD is not receiving GPS location. Check that the GPS is ON in this device, the vehicle antenna is not damaged and connections are tight. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Positioning Compliance Malfunction: The ELD did not receive GPS location for more than 60 minutes over the last 24 hours. Check that the GPS is ON in this device, the vehicle antenna is not damaged and connections are tight. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Timing Compliance Malfunction: The ELD time is off by more than 10 minutes. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Missing Required Data Elements Data Diagnostic: The ELD is missing required data for creating ELD records. Check Engine Synchronization and Positioning Compliance. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Data Recording Compliance Malfunction: The ELD has reached its storage capacity and can no longer record ELD records. Reduce the data stored on the ELD or replace the ELD. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Unidentified Driving Records Data Diagnostic: The ELD has recorded more than 30 minutes worth of unidentified driving records in the last 24 hours. Ensure that drivers are logged into the ELD while the vehicle is in motion and accept any unidentified records that may belong to you. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Data Transfer Compliance Malfunction: The ELD test of data transfer to the FMCSA via web services and email has failed for an extended period of time. Ensure that the ELD data connection is working. If this issue persists, contact your administrator. Will be enabled once the FMCSA Web Services portal is operational for Wireless Web Services and Email data transfer.
Data Transfer Data Diagnostic: The ELD test of data transfer to the FMCSA via web services and email has failed. Ensure that the ELD data connection is working. If this issue persists, contact your administrator. Will be enabled once the FMCSA Web Services portal is operational for Wireless Web Services and Email data transfer.
The CabMate ELD product was tested, passed and certified in accordance with the FMCSA regulation 49 CFR 385, 390, and 395 regarding Electronic Logging Devices. |
ELD Chrome Cab-Mate Open by Pedigree Technologies |
Cab-Mate Open |
4.55 |
CMOP01 |
Download |
Download |
Pedigree Technologies, LLC |
855-838-6941 |
eld@pedigreetechnologies.com |
http://www.eldcertified.com |
4776 28th Ave S, Fargo, ND 58104 |
The CabMate ELD product will support the FMCSA Data Transfer via Wireless Web Services and Email once the FMCSA Web Services portal is operational. In the mean time, a driver is able to show the ELD screen to an authorized safety official by clicking on the 3 dot menu in the upper right corner of the ELD application and selecting Enforcement View. As an alternative, the logs can be emailed along with the ELD data file to any email address by clicking on the 3 dot menu in the upper right corner of the ELD application and selecting "Email Logs" and entering the email address for logs delivery. |
ELD Malfunction lights
Note: CabMate Open uses a circular malfunction light; CabMate One, Cab-Mate Connect, Cab-Mate Elite and Cab-Mate Flex use a light built into the cradle dock.
Flashing Red: Tablet not in dock (CabMate One, Cab-Mate Connect, Cab-Mate Elite and Cab-Mate Flex Only)
Flashing Green: Not connected or not logged into ELD
Solid Red: ELD Malfunction Active
Solid Green: ELD Data Diagnostic Active
Malfunction and Data Diagnostic Events Definitions
Power Data Diagnostic: The ELD was not able to power up within one minute of engine power up. Check the device connections are not loose. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Power Compliance Malfunction: The ELD was not functional for more than 30 minutes over the last 24 hours. Check the device connections are not loose. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Engine Synchronization Data Diagnostic: The ELD is not receiving data from the engine. Check that the Bluetooth is connected (or if using CabMate One, Cab-Mate Connect, Cab-Mate Elite or Cab-Mate Flex check that the tablet is in its cradle) and the diagnostic cable is connected to the vehicle. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Engine Synchronization Compliance Malfunction: The ELD did not receive data from the engine for more than 30 minutes over the last 24 hours. Check that the Bluetooth is connected (or if using CabMate One, Cab-Mate Connect, Cab-Mate Elite and Cab-Mate Flex check that the tablet is in its cradle) and that the diagnostic cable is connected to the vehicle. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Other Data Diagnostic (for Positioning Compliance): The ELD is not receiving GPS location. Check that the GPS is ON in this device, the vehicle antenna is not damaged and connections are tight. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Positioning Compliance Malfunction: The ELD did not receive GPS location for more than 60 minutes over the last 24 hours. Check that the GPS is ON in this device, the vehicle antenna is not damaged and connections are tight. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Timing Compliance Malfunction: The ELD time is off by more than 10 minutes. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Missing Required Data Elements Data Diagnostic: The ELD is missing required data for creating ELD records. Check Engine Synchronization and Positioning Compliance. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Data Recording Compliance Malfunction: The ELD has reached its storage capacity and can no longer record ELD records. Reduce the data stored on the ELD or replace the ELD. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Unidentified Driving Records Data Diagnostic: The ELD has recorded more than 30 minutes worth of unidentified driving records in the last 24 hours. Ensure that drivers are logged into the ELD while the vehicle is in motion and accept any unidentified records that may belong to you. If this issue persists, contact your administrator.
Data Transfer Compliance Malfunction: The ELD test of data transfer to the FMCSA via web services and email has failed for an extended period of time. Ensure that the ELD data connection is working. If this issue persists, contact your administrator. Will be enabled once the FMCSA Web Services portal is operational for Wireless Web Services and Email data transfer.
Data Transfer Data Diagnostic: The ELD test of data transfer to the FMCSA via web services and email has failed. Ensure that the ELD data connection is working. If this issue persists, contact your administrator. Will be enabled once the FMCSA Web Services portal is operational for Wireless Web Services and Email data transfer.
The CabMate ELD product was tested, passed and certified in accordance with the FMCSA regulation 49 CFR 385, 390, and 395 regarding Electronic Logging Devices. |
ELD Complete (Android & IOS) |
ELD-2000 |
207 or higher |
GPSI03 |
Download |
Download |
GPS Insight |
480-240-4414 |
HOS@gpsinsight.com |
http://gpsinsight.com |
7201 E. Henkel Way, Suite 400, Scottsdale, AZ 85255 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
To submit the Output File to an authorized safety official, the driver selects the “Export ELD Data File” from the Logbook screen. The driver, then, will select one of the following methods:
- FMCSA web service: This option securely communicates to FMCSA's end-point ad obtains submission ID.
- ELD Email Interface: This option transfer an encrypted email to FMCSA email address |
Low battery, network disconnection, low internal memory space, ECM data transfer failure, location sensor failure. In addition, the following malfunctions are detected (and appropriate records created) by the P3TS ELD:
- Power data diagnostic (diagnostic - 1)
- Engine synchronization data diagnostic (diagnostic - 2)
- Missing required data elements (diagnostic - 3)
- Data transfer (diagnostic - 4)
- Unidentified driving records data diagnostic (diagnostic - 5)
- Other ELD diagnostics (diagnostic - 6
- Power compliance (malfunction - P)
- Engine synchronization compliance (malfunction - E)
- Timing compliance (malfunction - T)
- Positioning compliance (malfunction - L)
- Data recording compliance (malfunction - R)
- Data transfer compliance (malfunction - S)
- Other ELD malfunctions (malfunction - O) |
The GPS Insight ELD Complete (GPSI-2000) was tested on a diverse range of CMVs from different manufacturers and models as well drivers with different experience and backgrounds. Tests were also performed on different environments (indoor, outdoor, inside and outside CMVs). Procedures and areas of examinations were followed according to the “ELD Test Plan and Procedures” version 1.0 document released by FMCSA on April 25th 2016. The Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) was used and fully verified to ensure ELD compliance. Corrective actions and regression tests were made on all Failed test results. |
CNT101 |
2.21.01 and later |
ERS124 |
Download |
Download |
8885890682 |
info@eldconnect.com |
http://eldconnect.com |
3708 Park Ridge Drive, Evansville, IN 47715 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
When conducting roadside inspections, the ELD CONNECT proves to be an invaluable asset for drivers as it offers a thorough summary of their records. Retrieving this data is a breeze within the application, and the ELD streamlines the transmission of telematics data through email or web services. Commencing the transfer procedure is simple for drivers, who can easily navigate to the DOT Mode menu and select the "Send" option. Furthermore, a designated DOT Mode button guarantees that drivers can effortlessly display the log report on their mobile device when presenting it to a DOT officer. |
The ELD CONNECT Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records document all malfunctions that occurred during the relevant time period and notify all ELD users about active malfunctions.
In order to ensure compliance, detect malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and document such occurrences, the ELD CONNECT system utilizes specific codes to classify compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events. These codes include:
"P" for "Power compliance" malfunction,
"E" for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
"T" for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
"L" for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
"R" for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
"S" for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
"O" for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
"1" for "Power data diagnostic" event,
"2" for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
"3" for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
"4" for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
"5" for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event,
"6" for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events. |
Extensive testing of the ELD CONNECT product has been conducted, and it has satisfactorily fulfilled all the criteria specified in the FMCSA's Requirements Traceability Matrix. The effectiveness and adherence to regulations have been validated through pilot testing in real-world usage scenarios. The ELD CONNECT product confirms its compliance with the requirements of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, guaranteeing accurate logging and transmission of hours of service data. |
XS500 |
2.96.03 and later |
XSS286 |
Download |
Download |
3317074064 |
support@eldcross.com |
http://eldcross.com |
716 Sienna Dr, 716 SIENNA DR SCHAUMBURG IL 60193 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Through the utilization of an electronic data transfer method, the ELD CROSS system ensures the efficient transfer of driver logs. If necessary, drivers have the option to utilize the mobile app for sending logs via email or web services. Initiating the transfer process involves navigating to
the DOT Mode menu section and clicking the "Send" button. Additionally, a designated DOT Mode button is at their disposal for conveniently showcasing the logs report on their mobile device when presenting it to a DOT officer.
The ELD CROSS integrates an advanced self-monitoring system, aligning with section 4.6 of the ELD mandate, to proactively identify malfunctions and diagnostic events. Issues encompassing power, engine synchronization, timing, positioning, data recording, data transfer, and others are promptly detected and visually conveyed to the driver. The system utilizes specific codes like P for "Power compliance" malfunction, E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction, T for "Timing compliance" malfunction, L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction, R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction, S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction, O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions, 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event, 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event, 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event, 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event, 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event, and 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events to precisely categorize compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events. |
ELD CROSS prioritizes data integrity and regulatory compliance through a thorough testing methodology. The system undergoes exhaustive testing against the FMCSA's RTM, guaranteeing meticulous fulfillment of all specified requirements. Intensive testing confirms the system's effectiveness in operational settings. Consequently, ELD CROSS meets the demands of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, ensuring accurate and secure hours-of-service data logging and transmission. |
2.87.04 and above |
DRD431 |
Download |
Download |
eld desired |
6615250421 |
elddesired@elddesired.com |
elddesired.com |
9802 pocohontas lane, bakersfield ,california ,93311 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Through the utilization of an electronic data transfer method, the ELD DESIRED systemensures the efficient transfer of driver logs. If necessary, drivers have the option to utilize themobile app for sending logs via email or web services. Initiating the transfer process involvesnavigating to the DOT Mode menu section and clicking the "Send" button. Additionally, adesignated DOT Mode button is at their disposal for conveniently showcasing the logs report ontheir mobile device when presenting it to a DOT officer |
The ELD DESIRED integrates an advanced self-monitoring system, aligning with section 4.6 ofthe ELD mandate, to proactively identify malfunctions and diagnostic events. Issuesencompassing power, engine synchronization, timing, positioning, data recording, data transfer,and others are promptly detected and visually conveyed to the driver. The system utilizesspecific codes like P for "Power compliance" malfunction, E for "Engine synchronizationcompliance" malfunction, T for "Timing compliance" malfunction, L for "Positioning compliance"malfunction, R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction, S for "Data transfer compliance"malfunction, O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions, 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event, 2 for"Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event, 3 for "Missing required data elements datadiagnostic" event, 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event, 5 for "Unidentified driving recordsdata diagnostic" event, and 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events to preciselycategorize compliance malfunctions and diagnostic event |
ELD DESIRED prioritizes data integrity and regulatory compliance through a thorough testingmethodology. The system undergoes exhaustive testing against the FMCSA's RTM,guaranteeing meticulous fulfillment of all specified requirements. Intensive testing confirms thesystem's effectiveness in operational settings. Consequently, ELD DESIRED meets thedemands of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, ensuring accurate and secure hours-of-service datalogging and transmission. |
ELD Fleet |
R3002 |
1.0.2011.200727 |
RAV002 |
Download |
Download |
Raven |
+1 (716) 636-1092 |
eld@buffautomation.com |
https://www.trucks.buffautomation.com/ |
10236 Transit Rd, East Amherst, NY 14051, Amherst, NY - 14228 |
Data Transfer Description – Android Registrations
The Raven provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email, USB, and web service. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the Raven to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
• Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
• Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The email is then automatically sent to the FMCSA email address specified in the ELD Provider Registration website: fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov
• Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password.
• Transfer via Web Service - this option enables the user to transfer files to FMCSA via Web Services. The Web Service data transfer follows the following standards: WSDL, SOAP, XML.
Data Transfer Description – iOS Registrations
The Raven provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside
Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email, and web service. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the Raven to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
• Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
• Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The email is then automatically sent to the FMCSA email address specified in the ELD Provider Registration website: fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov
• Transfer via Web Service - this option enables the user to transfer files to FMCSA via Web Services. The Web Service data transfer follows the following standards: WSDL, SOAP, XML.
The Raven ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the Raven ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android & iOS notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
• Power Malfunction
• Engine Synchronization Malfunction
• Timing Malfunction
• Position Malfunction
• Data Recording Malfunction
• Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event. |
Certifying Statement of FMCSA Regulation Testing
The Raven ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The Raven ELD was installed on various types and sizes of Android & iOS phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the Geometris engine connected device. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser.
ELD Fleet |
R3001 |
1.0.2011.200727 |
RAV001 |
Download |
Download |
Raven |
+1 (716) 636-1092 |
eld@buffautomation.com |
https://www.trucks.buffautomation.com/ |
10236 Transit Rd, East Amherst, NY 14051, Amherst, NY - 14228 |
Data Transfer Description – Android Registrations
The Raven provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email, USB, and web service. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the Raven to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
• Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
• Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The email is then automatically sent to the FMCSA email address specified in the ELD Provider Registration website: fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov
• Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password.
• Transfer via Web Service - this option enables the user to transfer files to FMCSA via Web Services. The Web Service data transfer follows the following standards: WSDL, SOAP, XML.
Data Transfer Description – iOS Registrations
The Raven provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside
Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email, and web service. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the Raven to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
• Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
• Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The email is then automatically sent to the FMCSA email address specified in the ELD Provider Registration website: fmcsaeldsub@dot.gov
• Transfer via Web Service - this option enables the user to transfer files to FMCSA via Web Services. The Web Service data transfer follows the following standards: WSDL, SOAP, XML.
The Raven ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the Raven ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android & iOS notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
• Power Malfunction
• Engine Synchronization Malfunction
• Timing Malfunction
• Position Malfunction
• Data Recording Malfunction
• Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event.
Certifying Statement of FMCSA Regulation Testing
The Raven ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The Raven ELD was installed on various types and sizes of Android & iOS phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the Pacific Track engine connected device. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser.
2.0 or higher |
ERS146 |
Download |
Download |
8152978084 |
eldforyou76@gmail.com |
ELD FOR YOU is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records
via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button.
ELD FOR YOU monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The ELD FOR YOU Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on ELD FOR YOU during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD.
ELD FOR YOU meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. ELD FOR YOU was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0.
Android 1.0.3 |
Download |
Download |
772-577-7770 |
sales@eldgo.com |
http://www.eldgo.com |
6 Ironwood Ct, Streamwood, IL 60107 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
ELD GO Supports Telematic Data transfer method including Webservice and email. ELD GO Makes it easy to transfer ELD data to authorized safety officials. To transfer the ELD Data from mobile device including phones, tablets etc. driver or authorized safety official have to follow these steps:
1. On main application screen navigate to Inspection section
On the following screen choose a desired transfer method either Webservice or Email
After choosing webservice option following screen will appear where driver or safety official will be able to input transfer code
After choosing Email option following screen will appear where driver or safety official will be able to input desired email address
After information is filled click “Submit” and ELD file will be transferred
Depending on location and mobile data coverage at the area it may take up to 60 seconds for file to be transferred. |
LD GO Have full capability to monitor and record malfunctions as described in ELD rule.
Malfunctions including Power compliance, engine synchronization, timing, positioning, data recording, data transfer, unidentified hours and other will be recorded and displayed in ELD files with matching malfunction/Diagnostics code.
ELD Hardware malfunctions – ELD Hardware have visual and colored indicators which indicate power, connectivity with vehicles computer and Bluetooth connectivity, in case of hardware malfunctions drivers have to follow steps described in ELD GO manual or contact ELD GO customer support for assistance. |
This is a certifying statement that upon completing extensive testing ELD GO meets all of the ELD software requirements as described in ELD technical specifications. |
2.93.19 or above |
INS530 |
Download |
Download |
(380) 210-5588 |
info@inspireeld.com |
http://inspireeld.com |
8180 Meeting St APT 103, West Chester, OH 45069 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Through the utilization of an electronic data transfer method, the ELD INSPIRE system ensures
the efficient transfer of driver logs. If necessary, drivers have the option to utilize the mobile app
for sending logs via email or web services. Initiating the transfer process involves navigating to
the DOT Mode menu section and clicking the "Send" button. Additionally, a designated DOT
Mode button is at their disposal for conveniently showcasing the logs report on their mobile
device when presenting it to a DOT officer.
The ELD INSPIRE integrates an advanced self-monitoring system, aligning with section 4.6 of
the ELD mandate, to proactively identify malfunctions and diagnostic events. Issues
encompassing power, engine synchronization, timing, positioning, data recording, data transfer,
and others are promptly detected and visually conveyed to the driver. The system utilizes
specific codes like P for "Power compliance" malfunction, E for "Engine synchronization
compliance" malfunction, T for "Timing compliance" malfunction, L for "Positioning compliance"
malfunction, R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction, S for "Data transfer compliance"
malfunction, O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions, 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event, 2 for
"Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event, 3 for "Missing required data elements data
diagnostic" event, 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event, 5 for "Unidentified driving records
data diagnostic" event, and 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events to precisely
categorize compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events. |
ELD INSPIRE prioritizes data integrity and regulatory compliance through a thorough testing
methodology. The system undergoes exhaustive testing against the FMCSA's RTM,
guaranteeing meticulous fulfillment of all specified requirements. Intensive testing confirms the
system's effectiveness in operational settings. Consequently, ELD INSPIRE meets the demands
of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, ensuring accurate and secure hours-of-service data logging and
transmission. |
2.24.04 and later. |
ERS173 |
Download |
Download |
(312) 500-0350 |
admin@eldlink.us |
www.eldlink.us |
3380 Lacrosse Ln, Suite 114, Naperville, IL 60564 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The ELD LINK system allows for telematics data transfer, which can be accomplished via email or web services. To transfer logs, the driver can navigate to the DOT Inspection Mode menu section and select the "Send" button. Furthermore, a dedicated DOT Inspection Mode button enables the driver to display the logs report on their mobile device for a DOT officer. |
By ensuring technical requirements are met, identifying malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and maintaining records of such events, the ELD LINK system establishes compliance. Compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events are designated with specific codes such as:
P for "Power compliance" malfunction,
E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
T for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
1 for "Power data diagnostic" event,
2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event,
6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events.
The ELD LINK Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records keep a record of all malfunctions that occurred during the relevant time frame, and all drivers who use the ELD are notified of any active malfunctions. |
ELD LINK has undergone comprehensive testing in accordance with the FMCSA's testing procedures to ensure compliance as an electronic logging system. The system asserts that it complies with the requirements of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, which includes the appropriate logging and transmission of hours of service data. |
2.5 or above |
ERS145 |
Download |
Download |
7735739725 |
eldlogrods@gmail.com |
http://www.eldlog.org |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
Through the ELD LOG RODs App system, telematics data transfer is facilitated using either email or web services. The driver can perform the transfer by accessing the DOT Inspection Mode menu and clicking the "Send" button. Furthermore, a separate DOT Inspection Mode button is available for the driver to display the logs report to a DOT officer on their mobile device. |
With the goal of maintaining compliance, detecting malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and documenting such occurrences, the ELD LOG RODs App system employs specific codes to classify compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events, such as:
■ P for "Power compliance" malfunction,
■ E "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction,
■ T for "Timing compliance" malfunction,
■ L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction,
■ R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction,
■ S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction,
■ O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions,
■ 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event,
■ 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event,
■ 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event,
■ 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event,
■ 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event,
■ 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events.
The ELD LOG RODs App Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records record all malfunctions that occurred during the relevant time period and relay active malfunctions to all ELD users. |
The FMCSA´s testing procedures require thorough testing of ELD LOG RODs App to verify compliance as an electronic logging system, which has been completed. The system is able to confirm that it meets the requirements of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B, including the accurate logging and transmission of hours of service data. |
ELD logbook ISPP |
3.0.2116.210920 |
Download |
Download |
I.S.P.P. 9675868 Canada Inc. |
1-888 256-2464 |
info@ispp.ca |
www.ispp.ca |
2249 rue Saint-Jacques Suite 500, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3J1H6 |
The ELD Logbook ISPP provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email and USB. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the ELD Logbook ISPP to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
•Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
•Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file transferred is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The device's default email application will then be opened before sending the email to which the data will be transferred.
Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password. |
The ELD Logbook ISPP, ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the ELD Logbook ISPP, ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
•Power Malfunction
•Engine Synchronization Malfunction
•Timing Malfunction
•Position Malfunction
•Data Recording Malfunction
•Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event. |
Certifying Statement of FMCSA Regulation Testing The ELD Logbook ISPP, ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The ELD Logbook ISPP, ELD was installed on various types and sizes of Android phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the VBUS Geometris, engine connected devices. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser. |
ELD logbook ISPP |
3.0.2116.210920 |
Download |
Download |
I.S.P.P. 9675868 Canada Inc. |
1-888 256-2464 |
info@ispp.ca |
www.ispp.ca |
2249 rue Saint-Jacques Suite 500, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3J1H6 |
The ELD Logbook ISPP provides a standardized single-step compilation for the driver’s ELD records and initiation of the data transfer to authorized safety officials when requested during a roadside inspection. This can be done by selecting the Roadside Inspection button from the main HOS dashboard and selecting the option for Data Transfer. A list of supported data transfer options is then displayed which include Bluetooth, Email and USB. A Select Vehicle option is also available for selecting a vehicle upon performing the data transfer, this option enables the ELD Logbook ISPP to produce a data file or a series of data files of ELD records for a subset of its vehicles used by the driver.
•Transfer via Bluetooth - this option enables the user to transfer files through Bluetooth. The ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). After the input, if Bluetooth is not yet turned on, a prompt will appear asking you to turn it on. You will then be asked to select the device name to which the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth.
•Transfer via Email - this option enables the user to transfer files through email. The ELD output file transferred is encrypted using AES-256 in FIPS Publication 197. Before sending, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may enter (optional). The device's default email application will then be opened before sending the email to which the data will be transferred.
Transfer via USB - this option enables the user to transfer files through USB (external devices). However, prior to saving the driver’s ELD file to an external storage/device, the ELD re-authenticates the driver account by asking for its password.
The ELD Logbook ISPP, ELD is capable of monitoring its compliance for various detectable malfunctions. At each instance when an ELD malfunction event is detected or cleared by the ELD Logbook ISPP, ELD, the ELD records the event. The recorded malfunction events are inconsistencies found while monitoring the ELD against FMCSA compliance requirements. Malfunction occurrences are indicated in the application header and in the Android notification toolbar with the letter ‘M’, respectively. The following shows the list of detectable malfunctions:
•Power Malfunction
•Engine Synchronization Malfunction
•Timing Malfunction
•Position Malfunction
•Data Recording Malfunction
•Data Transfer Malfunction
Once the Malfunctions indicator ‘M’ is tapped, a dialog will be displayed with a list of the detected malfunction events alongside a ‘Clear’ button for each event. Tapping the Clear button will clear out the detected malfunction event.
Certifying Statement of FMCSA Regulation Testing
The ELD Logbook ISPP, ELD was certified through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures. The ELD Logbook ISPP, ELD was installed on various types and sizes of Android phones and tablets. Testing was performed through the use of a J1939 simulator and actual vehicles while having been connected to the VBUS Geometris, engine connected devices. A few of the test procedures, which are relevant to Motor Carriers, were verified through the use of the Hours of Service web application (portal) that can be accessed through a web browser.
EMV1 |
1.17 and above |
ELDM01 |
Download |
Download |
312-882-5279 |
support@eldmanager.com |
https://eldmanager.com |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
ELD MANAGER offers support for telematic data transfer, including Webservice and email. To transfer ELD data from a mobile device, such as phones or tablets, drivers or authorized safety officials need to follow these steps: 1. Navigate to the "Inspection" option on the main application screen. 2. On the following screen, select the preferred transfer method, either Webservice or Email. 3. If Webservice is chosen, a subsequent screen will appear, allowing the driver or safety official to input the transfer code. 4. If Email is selected, another screen will appear, allowing the driver or safety official to input the desired email address. 5. Once all the required information is filled in, click the "Submit" button, and the ELD file will be successfully transferred.
ELD MANAGER monitors and records malfunctions as specified in the ELD rule. These malfunctions include power compliance, engine synchronization, timing, positioning, data recording, data transfer, unidentified hours, and more. They are documented and presented in ELD files along with corresponding malfunction/diagnostics codes. In the event of hardware malfunctions, visual and color-coded indicators are in place to signify power status, connectivity with the vehicle's computer, and Bluetooth connectivity. Should hardware issues arise, drivers are required to follow the steps outlined in the ELD MANAGER Manual or reach out to ELD MANAGER customer support for prompt assistance. |
ELD MANAGER meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. ELD MANAGER was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0.
ELD Mandate Prime |
Version 7 |
EMPR63 |
Download |
Download |
ELD Mandate |
800-968-1869 |
ratan@eldmandate.biz |
http://eldmandate.biz |
3158 Redhill Ave, Suite 100, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 |
Local (USB, Bluetooth)
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
To submit the Output File to an authorized safety official, the driver selects the “Export ELD Data File” from the Logbook screen. The driver, then, will select one of the following methods:
- FMCSA web service: This option securely communicates to FMCSA's end-point ad obtains submission ID.
- ELD Email Interface: This option transfer an encrypted email to FMCSA email address
Low battery, network disconnection, low internal memory space, ECM data transfer failure, location sensor failure. In addition, the following malfunctions are detected (and appropriate records created) by the ELD Identifier:
- Power data diagnostic (diagnostic - 1)
- Engine synchronization data diagnostic (diagnostic - 2)
- Missing required data elements (diagnostic - 3)
- Data transfer (diagnostic - 4)
- Unidentified driving records data diagnostic (diagnostic - 5)
- Other ELD diagnostics (diagnostic - 6
- Power compliance (malfunction - P)
- Engine synchronization compliance (malfunction - E)
- Timing compliance (malfunction - T)
- Positioning compliance (malfunction - L)
- Data recording compliance (malfunction - R)
- Data transfer compliance (malfunction - S)
- Other ELD malfunctions (malfunction - O)
The Product Name (ELD Identifier) was tested on a diverse range of CMVs from different manufacturers and models as well drivers with different experience and backgrounds. Tests were also performed on different environments (indoor, outdoor, inside and outside CMVs). Procedures and areas of examinations were followed according to the “ELD Test Plan and Procedures” version 1.0 document released by FMCSA on April 25th 2016. The Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) was used and fully verified to ensure ELD compliance. Corrective actions and regression tests were made on all Failed test results. |
ELD Mandate Pro |
1.0 and above |
Download |
Download |
ELD Mandate |
800-968-1869 |
ratan@eldmandate.biz |
http://eldmandate.biz |
3158 Redhill Ave, Suite 100, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
This ELD uses the web services and email transmission method. |
The malfunctions supported are:
Power Compliance Malfunction
Engine Synchronization Malfunction
Timing Compliance Malfunction
Positioning Compliance Malfunction
Data Recording Malfunction
Data Transfer Malfunction
Each of these malfunctions appears prominently for the user to understand the issue. When the user is presented with this, he is able to rectify the situation, contact the manufacturer or use paper logs, as provided as part of the instruction guide, to remain compliant.
The malfunctions and malfunction codes can be found in the instruction guide with the required details in order for the driver to understand what he needs to do next. |
The product has been thoroughly tested by both internal and external, third party, testers.
Each requirement of the ELD has been either met or exceeded.
The process of review and testing included the full review of the ruling, testing procedures and debugging of any blocker found in the software package. It further included the retesting by additional quality assurance professionals. Ultimately, the programing and hardware operate as intended and are in compliance. Bizringer certifies that ELD Mandate Pro complies with FMCSA regulations. |
1.0.0 and higher |
ORNT77 |
Download |
Download |
818-966-7350 |
support@orienteld.com |
www.orienteld.com |
8428 SAN FERNANDO RD Unit B, Sun Valley CA 91352 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
The ORIENT ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. The ORIENT ELD supports data transfer through telematics, enabling RODS to be transmitted via wireless web services or email during roadside inspections through the "REPORTS" Mode feature of the mobile app. In order to transfer the ELD records via Web services, a user must press “REPORTS” from menu bar and then press “Send Logs” button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press “REPORTS” menu bar and then press “Send Logs” button, select Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. |
The ORIENT ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The ORIENT ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on the ORIENT ELD during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD. |
The ORIENT ELD meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. The device has been thoroughly tested to ensure compliance with FMCSA regulations. |
ELD Plug-In |
3.15 and higher |
MW3764 |
Download |
Download |
Mobile Warrior LLC |
888-474-9284 |
customercare@mobilewarrior.com |
http://www.mobilewarrior.com/corporate/ |
226 Marmalade Trail, Dawsonville, GA 30534 |
From the Report Tab choose the ELD DOT Telemetry Report option and then choose to either send the Data Transfer File via the Wireless Web directly to the FMCSA Web Service account or to transfer the the file into an Email. Once the Email is displayed with the attached file, input the send to email required by the DOT and send it. |
Power compliance P : If recorded event sequence find a possibility of in motion time then this ELD record will have a P set. A period of time of more then 30 minutes in the last 24 hours when a power on might have occurred. Field is set true.
Time compliance T : If the data incoming from box indicates that the time is not consistent with the mobile device adjusted to the time zone of the driver. This field is set true if these are out of sync by 10 minutes.
Engine sync compliance E : monitoring the data set of the last 24 hour of a period of time of more then 30 when the ELD was active and no j bus data is provided. This field is set true
Position Location compliance L : must record a failure to track the current location for 60 minutes within 5 miles of the last known location. This will show last know location and time of recording it.
Data Recording compliance R :This field is set true if the application is currently unable to create records or sync those records to the server.
Monitoring record of unidentified drivers: If the vehicle has a 30 minute period in the last 7 days with unidentified driver time. This alert can be cleared if that time drops to 15 minutes. This field is true. |
We modeled our testing using the FMCSA testing requirements along with our own internal testing and quality control procedures. |
ELD Plug-In |
3.15 and higher |
MW3792 |
Download |
Download |
Mobile Warrior LLC |
888-474-9284 |
customercare@mobilewarrior.com |
http://www.mobilewarrior.com/corporate/ |
226 Marmalade Trail, Dawsonville, GA 30534 |
From the Report Tab choose the ELD DOT Telemetry Report option and then choose to either send the Data Transfer File via the Wireless Web directly to the FMCSA Web Service account or to transfer the the file into an Email. Once the Email is displayed with the attached file, input the send to email required by the DOT and send it. |
Power compliance P : If recorded event sequence find a possibility of in motion time then this ELD record will have a P set. A period of time of more then 30 minutes in the last 24 hours when a power on might have occurred. Field is set true.
Time compliance T : If the data incoming from box indicates that the time is not consistent with the mobile device adjusted to the time zone of the driver. This field is set true if these are out of sync by 10 minutes.
Engine sync compliance E : monitoring the data set of the last 24 hour of a period of time of more then 30 when the ELD was active and no j bus data is provided. This field is set true
Position Location compliance L : must record a failure to track the current location for 60 minutes within 5 miles of the last known location. This will show last know location and time of recording it.
Data Recording compliance R :This field is set true if the application is currently unable to create records or sync those records to the server.
Monitoring record of unidentified drivers: If the vehicle has a 30 minute period in the last 7 days with unidentified driver time. This alert can be cleared if that time drops to 15 minutes. This field is true. |
We modeled our testing using the FMCSA testing requirements along with our own internal testing and quality control procedures. |
ELD Plug-In |
3.15 and higher |
MW3846 |
Download |
Download |
Mobile Warrior LLC |
888-474-9284 |
customercare@mobilewarrior.com |
http://www.mobilewarrior.com/corporate/ |
226 Marmalade Trail, Dawsonville, GA 30534 |
From the Report Tab choose the ELD DOT Telemetry Report option and then choose to either send the Data Transfer File via the Wireless Web directly to the FMCSA Web Service account or to transfer the the file into an Email. Once the Email is displayed with the attached file, input the send to email required by the DOT and send it. |
Power compliance P : If recorded event sequence find a possibility of in motion time then this ELD record will have a P set. A period of time of more then 30 minutes in the last 24 hours when a power on might have occurred. Field is set true.
Time compliance T : If the data incoming from box indicates that the time is not consistent with the mobile device adjusted to the time zone of the driver. This field is set true if these are out of sync by 10 minutes.
Engine sync compliance E : monitoring the data set of the last 24 hour of a period of time of more then 30 when the ELD was active and no j bus data is provided. This field is set true
Position Location compliance L : must record a failure to track the current location for 60 minutes within 5 miles of the last known location. This will show last know location and time of recording it.
Data Recording compliance R :This field is set true if the application is currently unable to create records or sync those records to the server.
Monitoring record of unidentified drivers: If the vehicle has a 30 minute period in the last 7 days with unidentified driver time. This alert can be cleared if that time drops to 15 minutes. This field is true. |
We modeled our testing using the FMCSA testing requirements along with our own internal testing and quality control procedures. |
ELD Plug-In |
3.15 and higher |
MW3914 |
Download |
Download |
Mobile Warrior LLC |
888-474-9284 |
customercare@mobilewarrior.com |
http://www.mobilewarrior.com/corporate/ |
226 Marmalade Trail, Dawsonville, GA 30534 |
From the Report Tab choose the ELD DOT Telemetry Report option and then choose to either send the Data Transfer File via the Wireless Web directly to the FMCSA Web Service account or to transfer the the file into an Email. Once the Email is displayed with the attached file, input the send to email required by the DOT and send it. |
Power compliance P : If recorded event sequence find a possibility of in motion time then this ELD record will have a P set. A period of time of more then 30 minutes in the last 24 hours when a power on might have occurred. Field is set true.
Time compliance T : If the data incoming from box indicates that the time is not consistent with the mobile device adjusted to the time zone of the driver. This field is set true if these are out of sync by 10 minutes.
Engine sync compliance E : monitoring the data set of the last 24 hour of a period of time of more then 30 when the ELD was active and no j bus data is provided. This field is set true
Position Location compliance L : must record a failure to track the current location for 60 minutes within 5 miles of the last known location. This will show last know location and time of recording it.
Data Recording compliance R :This field is set true if the application is currently unable to create records or sync those records to the server.
Monitoring record of unidentified drivers: If the vehicle has a 30 minute period in the last 7 days with unidentified driver time. This alert can be cleared if that time drops to 15 minutes. This field is true. |
We modeled our testing using the FMCSA testing requirements along with our own internal testing and quality control procedures. |
2.0 or higher |
ERS154 |
Download |
Download |
ELD Pro corp |
3313000132 |
eldprocorp@gmail.com |
http://eldprocorp.com |
697 Executive dr., Willowbrook, IL |
ELD PRO CORP is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button.
ELD PRO CORP monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The ELD PRO CORP Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on ELD PRO CORP during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD.
ELD PRO CORP meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. ELD PRO CORP was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0.
ELD PRO Solution (Android) |
PT30 |
1.0.01 |
PRO001 |
Download |
Download |
818-412-7770 |
frontdesk.eldprosolution@gmail.com |
https://eldprosolution.com/ |
7270 Franklin Ave, apt. 108, Los Angeles, CA 90046 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
To transfer your ELD records to authorized Safety Officials, you need to open the "DOT Inspect" menu (Click on the "DOT Inspect" icon at the bottom bar of the ELD PRO Solution Application on your device).
The DOT Inspection menu provides summaries of all the collected data about the driver, truck, and trip. You may also use this menu to transfer the data to FMCSA during the DOT inspection, certify your logs, or view unidentified records.
Tap the “Start Inspection” button and check if your logs are ready to be transferred to the Safety Officials. If everything is OK, click the “Transfer Data” to Roadside Inspector button and choose the method of sending your logs:
- Send it to the Personal Email (provided by the inspector);
- Send it to the FMCSA Email;
- Send it to Web Services (FMCSA).
If you select “Personal Email”, you need to enter the recipient's address and add a comment. If you select “Web Services (FMCSA)” or “Email to FMCSA” you need to add a comment. The reporting period will vary depending on the rules of the country in which you operate. |
Detected malfunctions or data diagnostic issues will be indicated accordingly by an M or D letter in red on the MD icon at the top of the screen.
As for the Malfunctions, you can notice such types of issues:
- Engine Synchronization Compliance: When the Engine Control Module (ECM) is not connected.
- Timing Compliance: When ELD provides an incorrect timeframe for the events.
- Positioning Compliance: When there is no valid GPS signal.
- Data Recording Compliance: When the device's storage is full.
- Unregistered Odometer Change: When the odometer readings changed when the vehicle was not moving.
- Power Compliance: When an ELD is not powered for an aggregated in-motion driving time of 30 minutes or more over 24 hours across all driver profiles.
As for the Data Diagnostics problem, you can notice such types of issues:
- Engine Synchronization Data Diagnostic: When ECM to ELD connection is lost. Contact the motor carrier and arrange for the ECM link to be restored.
- Missing Required Data Elements: When there is a temporary or permanent loss of the GPS/Internet connection or the ECM disconnection.
- Data Transfer Data Diagnostic: When driving data cannot be transferred to the FMCSA server.
- Unidentified Driving Records: When unidentified driving lasts more than 30 minutes.
- Power Data Diagnostic: When the engine was started while the device was off, and the ELD took more than 60 seconds to power up after turning the engine on.
After tapping on the MD icon, the details about each malfunction and data diagnostic event will be provided. |
Our team has successfully completed and verified the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures for the application. ELD PRO Solution Android Application meets the technical requirements of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Appendix B. This was accomplished by installing the application on different models of iOS-operated mobile devices and testing it on both simulators and actual vehicles. |
ELD PRO Solution (iOS) |
PT30 |
1.01.01 |
PRO001 |
Download |
Download |
818-412-7770 |
frontdesk.eldprosolution@gmail.com |
https://eldprosolution.com/ |
7270 Franklin Ave, apt. 108, Los Angeles, CA 90046 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
To transfer your ELD records to authorized Safety Officials, you need to open the "DOT Inspect" menu (Click on the "DOT Inspect" icon at the bottom bar of the ELD PRO Solution Application on your device).
The DOT Inspection menu provides summaries of all the collected data about the driver, truck, and trip. You may also use this menu to transfer the data to FMCSA during the DOT inspection, certify your logs, or view unidentified records.
Tap the “Start Inspection” button and check if your logs are ready to be transferred to the Safety Officials. If everything is OK, click the “Transfer Data” to Roadside Inspector button and choose the method of sending your logs:
- Send it to the Personal Email (provided by the inspector);
- Send it to the FMCSA Email;
- Send it to Web Services (FMCSA).
If you select “Personal Email”, you need to enter the recipient's address and add a comment. If you select “Web Services (FMCSA)” or “Email to FMCSA” you need to add a comment. The reporting period will vary depending on the rules of the country in which you operate. |
Detected malfunctions or data diagnostic issues will be indicated accordingly by an M or D letter in red on the MD icon at the top of the screen.
As for the Malfunctions, you can notice such types of issues:
- Engine Synchronization Compliance: When the Engine Control Module (ECM) is not connected.
- Timing Compliance: When ELD provides an incorrect timeframe for the events.
- Positioning Compliance: When there is no valid GPS signal.
- Data Recording Compliance: When the device's storage is full.
- Unregistered Odometer Change: When the odometer readings changed when the vehicle was not moving.
- Power Compliance: When an ELD is not powered for an aggregated in-motion driving time of 30 minutes or more over 24 hours across all driver profiles.
As for the Data Diagnostics problem, you can notice such types of issues:
- Engine Synchronization Data Diagnostic: When ECM to ELD connection is lost. Contact the motor carrier and arrange for the ECM link to be restored.
- Missing Required Data Elements: When there is a temporary or permanent loss of the GPS/Internet connection or the ECM disconnection.
- Data Transfer Data Diagnostic: When driving data cannot be transferred to the FMCSA server.
- Unidentified Driving Records: When unidentified driving lasts more than 30 minutes.
- Power Data Diagnostic: When the engine was started while the device was off, and the ELD took more than 60 seconds to power up after turning the engine on.
After tapping on the MD icon, the details about each malfunction and data diagnostic event will be provided. |
Our team has successfully completed and verified the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures for the application. ELD PRO Solution iOS Application meets the technical requirements of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Appendix B. This was accomplished by installing the application on different models of iOS-operated mobile devices and testing it on both simulators and actual vehicles. |
ELD Rider |
3.12.0 and higher |
L86ELD |
Download |
Download |
Darex Solutions |
(708)221-9922 |
info@eldrider.us |
https://eldrider.us |
9550 Sergo Dr, Unit 104, Mc Cook, IL 60525, Mc Cook/IL/60525 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
ELD Rider can transfer the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: wireless web services and email. For cases where the driver does not have an internet connection, ELD Rider supports an integrated display solution. To let a DOT Officer visually inspect daily logs, a driver must open the "DOT Inspection" tab from the app's left menu and tap "Begin Inspection". To send the Output File to a DOT Officer, a driver must tap "Transfer Data" from the same tab and insert Output File Comment if supplied by a DOT Officer. |
ELD Rider software self-monitors for all malfunctions as required in section 4.6 of the ELD Mandate. It can detect all malfunctions and diagnostic events, including power, engine synchronization, timing, positioning, data recording, data transfer, required data elements, and unidentified driving. |
ELD Rider certifies that it complies with the technical specification outlined in the 49 CFR Part 395 for Electronic Logging Devices, Subpart B. ELD Rider was tested according to the ELD Mandate as well as the ELD Compliance Test document in-house and also on a few fleets on the road and our test engineering team verified that the ELD Rider meets all the requirements from the ELD rule. |
ELD Rider Lite |
3.5.0 and higher |
L86ELD |
Download |
Download |
Darex Solutions |
(708)221-9922 |
info@eldrider.us |
https://eldrider.us |
9550 Sergo Dr, Unit 104, Mc Cook, IL 60525, Mc Cook/IL/60525 |
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
ELD Rider Lite can transfer the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: wireless web services and email. For cases where the driver does not have an internet connection, ELD Rider Lite supports an integrated display solution. To let a DOT Officer visually inspect daily logs, a driver must open the “DOT Inspection” tab from the app’s left menu and tap “Begin Inspection”. To send the Output File to a DOT Officer, a driver must tap "Transfer Data" from the same tab and insert Output File Comment if supplied by a DOT Officer. |
ELD Rider Lite software self-monitors for all malfunctions as required in section 4.6 of the ELD Mandate. It can detect all malfunctions and diagnostic events, including power, engine synchronization, timing, positioning, data recording, data transfer, required data elements, and unidentified driving. |
ELD Rider Lite certifies that it complies with the technical specifications outlined in the 49 CFR Part 395 for Electronic Logging Devices, Subpart B. ELD Rider Lite was tested according to the ELD Mandate as well as the ELD Compliance Test document in-house and also on a few fleets on the road and our test engineering team verified that the ELD Rider Lite meets all the requirements from the ELD rule. |
2.0 or higher |
ERS257 |
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937-509-9829 |
info@eldrunner.us |
http://www.eldrunner.us |
ELD RUNNER is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button.
ELD RUNNER monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The ELD RUNNER Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on ELD RUNNER during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD.
ELD RUNNER meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. ELD RUNNER was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0.
2.0 or higher |
ERS244 |
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630 566 0099 |
go@eld7.com |
http://eld7.com |
2446 W Arthington St, Oak Park, IL 60301 |
ELD SEVEN is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. |
ELD SEVEN monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The ELD SEVEN Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on ELD SEVEN during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD.
ELD SEVEN meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations.ELD SEVEN was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0. |
2.18.2 and above |
ERS155 |
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ELD Solution LLC |
(864) 256-1427 |
dannykobziev@gmail.com |
portal.eldsol.com |
672 windward ln, Duncan SC 29334 |
Local (Bluetooth)
Telematic (Web Service, Email)
In compliance with Title 49, Part 395 of Section 4.9.1, Appendix A, Subpart B CFR, drivers using ELD SOLUTION ELD system can transfer log data through telematics transfer methods. If an officer requires to review a driver's logs, the driver can produce a report on their mobile display or transfer logs data via web services or email. |
The ELD SOLUTION ELD system self-monitors to identify malfunctions, as requested by Appendix A, section 4.6. A visual alert will indicate drivers of any malfunction or diagnostic event, including data recording, data transfer, required data elements, power, engine synchronization, timing, positioning, and unidentified driving. |
The product has been tested as stated in the FMCSA's testing procedures. We certify that the hardware unit and mobile application combine into a compliant electronic logging system. Testing demonstrates that hours of service data is logged and transmitted correctly and that the functional requirements of 49 CFR Part 395 Subpart B are met. |
2.0 or higher |
ERS161 |
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ELD Tab |
7738707426 |
eldtab2020@gmail.com |
www.eldtab.site |
228 W Tanglewood Dr, Arlington Heights/Illinois/60004 |
ELD TAB is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button.
ELD TAB monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. The ELD TAB Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on ELD TAB during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD.
ELD TAB meets the technical specifications set forth in the Appendix to Subpart B of Part 395 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations. ELD TAB was tested to comply with FMCSA regulations by completing steps and testing procedures described in the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Test Plan and Procedures Version 2.0.
ELD Target |
TEST000010 |
1.1 |
ELD001 |
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Alexis Meyer |
+55 21 96707-4127 |
alexis.meyer@targetamericas.com |
http://www.targetamericas.com/ |
alexis.meyer@targetamericas.com, Mitre 1319 Florida Oeste, Buenos Aires, 1603 |
The supported data transfer for ELD records are Web Service and Mail
Insytructions to send the record Logs:
1.Log in to the Application
2.Navigate to inspection section
3.Tap on "Send Logs" and chose the method “Web Service” or “Mail” |
EnablELD monitors the compliance for detectable malfunctions. When a malfunction is
detected it appears on the bottom bar a "Malfunction icon" then when you touch it you see the error description:
No Power (P)
Engine Connection Malfunction (E)
Timing malfunction (T)
Position Malfunction (L)
ELD Disconnection from App (R)
Data Transfer Problem (S) |
We certified the TargetELD through successful execution and verification of the FMCSA ELD Test Procedures.
The TargetELD was certified installed on various types of Android and Apple phones, tested by few of the test procedures |
Iosix, Geometris &Pacific Track |
v4.05.012, v4.05.017 |
TREX02 |
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Download |
8144194343 |
info@eldtrex.com |
https://eldtrex.com/ |
4554 Admiral Peary Hwy #408 Ebensburg/ Pennsylvania/15931, Ebensburg/ Pennsylvania /15931 |
Local (USB, Bluetooth)
Telematic (Web Service)
To submit the Output File to an authorized safety official, the driver selects the “Export ELD
Data File” from the Logbook screen. The driver, then, will select one of the following methods:
- Webservice: After selecting this option, the driver should tap on the 'FMCSA' labeled image, add a comment, and tap on the 'Export' button. The FMCSA web services will return a message with the Submission ID number, Status, and Message about the transfer.
- USB Transfer: The ELD will wait for the driver or safety official to connect the external
storage device and automatically enter Mass Storage mode. After the external storage device is detected, the driver will be prompted to re-authenticate before the transfer of the output data file is started.
- Bluetooth Transfer: After selecting this option, the authorized safety official will pair and
verify the PIN with the driver. Once the Bluetooth devices are paired, the safety official’s
technology equipment will transfer the output file to the FMCSA website using Web services. |
Low battery, network disconnection, low internal memory space, ECM data transfer failure,
location sensor failure.
- Power data diagnostic (diagnostic - 1)
- Engine synchronization data diagnostic (diagnostic - 2)
- Missing required data elements (diagnostic - 3)
- Data transfer (diagnostic - 4)
- Unidentified driving records data diagnostic (diagnostic - 5)
- Other ELD diagnostics (diagnostic - 6
- Power compliance (malfunction - P)
- Engine synchronization compliance (malfunction - E)
- Timing compliance (malfunction - T)
- Positioning compliance (malfunction - L)
- Data recording compliance (malfunction - R)
- Data transfer compliance (malfunction - S)
- Other ELD malfunctions (malfunction - O)
The ELD TREX was tested on a diverse range of CMVs from different manufacturers and
models, as well as drivers with different experiences and backgrounds. Tests were also
performed on different environments (indoor, outdoor, inside and outside CMVs). Procedures
and areas of examinations were followed according to the “ELD Test Plan and Procedures”
version 1.0 document released by FMCSA on April 25th 2016. The Requirement Traceability
Matrix (RTM) was used and verified to ensure ELD compliance. Corrective actions and
regression tests were performed on all failed test results. |
ELD Trucks 360 |
2.0 or higher |
ERS162 |
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Download |
ELD Truck 360 |
2098147802 |
info@eldtrucks360.com |
http://eldtrucks360.com |