FAQ Get answers to ELD-related questions
FMCSA provides answers to frequently asked questions about ELDs. Consult these FAQs when you have an ELD-related question, as the answer may already be at your fingertips.
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- The driver must inform their carrier of the malfunction within 24 hours.
- The motor carrier has 8 days to repair, service, or replace the ELD. If the malfunction precludes the device from accurately recording hours of service (HOS) data and presenting that HOS data to a safety official, the driver must user paper logs or another system for recording their HOS during this time.
- Under 49 CFR 395.34, a motor carrier seeking to extend the time permitted for repair, replacement, or service of one or more ELDs may request an extension within 5 days after the driver notifies the motor carrier of the malfunction. ELD malfunction extension requests must be signed by the motor carrier and submitted to the FMCSA Division Administrator for the State of the motor carrier's principal place of business. For more information, see https://eld.fmcsa.dot.gov/support.
If an ELD malfunctions, a motor carrier must:
- Correct, repair, replace, or service the malfunctioning ELD within 8 days of discovering the condition or a driver's notification to the motor carrier, whichever occurs first; and
- Ensure its driver complies with 49 CFR 395.34(a)(2) and (3) by requiring its driver to maintain paper record of duty status (RODS), if the malfunction hinders the accurate recording of the driver's hours of service data, until the ELD is back in service.
Note: A motor carrier may submit an ELD malfunction extension request to the FMCSA Division Administrator for the State of the motor carrier's principal place of business. The request must be made within 5 days after the driver notifies the motor carrier of the malfunction, must be signed by the motor carrier, and must include the information required by 49 CFR 395.34(d)(2).
Yes. A motor carrier may submit an ELD malfunction extension request to the FMCSA Division Administrator for the State of the motor carrier's principal place of business within 5 days after the driver notifies the motor carrier of the malfunction. The extension request should include the legal name, principal place of business address, and USDOT Number of the motor carrier. It must be signed by the motor carrier and must include the following information:
- The name, address, and telephone number of the motor carrier representative who will file the request;
- The make, model, and serial number of each ELD;
- The date and location of each ELD malfunction as reported by the driver to the carrier; and
- A concise statement describing actions taken by the motor carrier to make a good faith effort to repair, replace, or service the ELD units, including why the carrier needs additional time beyond the 8 days provided by 49 CFR part 395.34(d)(1).
To request an extension from the FMCSA Division Administrator in the Field Office in your state, you must submit the request directly to the appropriate office. FMCSA Division Administrator contact information can be found at https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/mission/field-offices#Field-Offices.