Are you experiencing a malfunction of your Electronic Logging Device (ELD) as a result of the Microsoft application outage? Give your ELD provider a call and remember to use paper logs in accordance with regulations if your device is not functioning properly. Click here for additional guidance and helpful FAQs.
FMCSA - Federal Motor Carrier Safety Adminstration
 ELD News and Events  |  

Enforcement Partners

Reviewing HOS Data

Safety officials use the Electronic Record of Duty Status (eRODS) to review HOS data sent by ELDs. Desktop and web-based versions are available. Safety officials, be sure to log in to Web eRODs to access the enforcement view.

Use Web eRODs

About the ELD Rule

FMCSA has released regulatory guidance to provide clarity on the use of the rule to provide flexibility for the industry while maintaining safety.

Read Guidance

Access Field Resources

Log in below to access resources created specifically for FMCSA field staff and State Partners, including field trainings, policy guidance, and more.

Enforcement Resources

Access List of ELDs

View the list of ELDs that are registered with FMCSA and self-certified by ELD providers. You can also access the list of revoked devices.

View List of ELDs

ELDs and eRODS: Improving Safety Through Technology

ELDs offer a more cost-effective way to comply with critical hours-of-service regulations. eRODS is designed with the safety official in mind to improve the accuracy of HOS data and present it in a consistent, easy-to-read format.

Watch the ELD Data Transfer Video

FMCSA has created this video as resource for anyone who has been trained on the Web Services and USB data transfer methods and is looking for a quick refresher.

Access the ELD Field Resource Center

FMCSA is committed to providing safety officials with the information and resources needed to enforce the ELD rule. Log into the ELD Field Resource Center to:

  • Access training materials
  • Review policy document
  • Read the latest ELD updates from FMCSA Headquarters
  • Download factsheets, job aids, and more
Log In